Example #1
         * Adds a cell to this row, growing the array of cells as required
         * @param cv the cell to add
        public void addCell(CellValue cv)
            int col = cv.getColumn();

            if (col >= maxColumns)
                //logger.warn("Could not add cell at " +
                //            CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(cv.getRow(),
                //                                                 cv.getColumn()) +
                //            " because it exceeds the maximum column limit");

            // Grow the array if needs be
            if (col >= cells.Length)
                CellValue[] oldCells = cells;
                cells = new CellValue[System.Math.Max(oldCells.Length + growSize, col + 1)];
                System.Array.Copy(oldCells, 0, cells, 0, oldCells.Length);
                oldCells = null;

            // Remove any cell features from the cell being replaced
            if (cells[col] != null)
                WritableCellFeatures wcf = cells[col].getWritableCellFeatures();
                if (wcf != null)

                    // if the cell is part of a shared data validation,then don't remove
                    // the validation
                    if (wcf.getDVParser() != null &&

            cells[col] = cv;

            numColumns = System.Math.Max(col + 1, numColumns);