public UITestControl getControl(string tabName, string buttonText)
            UITestControl returnControl   = new UITestControl();
            WpfTabList    uIRibbonTabList = this.UIBusinessDesignStudioWindow.UIRibbonTabList;

            //int tabCount = uIRibbonTabList.Tabs.Count;
            foreach (WpfTabPage buttonList in uIRibbonTabList.Tabs)
                if (buttonList.FriendlyName == tabName)
                    UITestControlCollection buttonListChildren = buttonList.GetChildren();
                    foreach (UITestControl buttonGroup in buttonListChildren)
                        foreach (var potentialButton in buttonGroup.GetChildren())
                            if (potentialButton.GetChildren().Count > 0)
                                UITestControlCollection buttonProperties = potentialButton.GetChildren();
                                string friendlyName = buttonProperties[0].FriendlyName;
                                if (friendlyName == buttonText)
        /// <summary>
        /// CreateTestCatalog - Use 'CreateTestCatalogParams' to pass parameters into this method.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateTestCatalog()
            #region Variable Declarations
            WpfTabList  uIMainRegionTabList1 = this.UIWpfWindow.UIMainRegionTabList1;
            WpfEdit     uIItemEdit           = this.UIWpfWindow.UIVirtoCommerceManagemPane.UICatalogidText.UIItemEdit;
            WpfEdit     uIItemEdit1          = this.UIWpfWindow.UIVirtoCommerceManagemPane.UICatalognameText.UIItemEdit;
            WpfComboBox uIItemComboBox       = this.UIWpfWindow.UIVirtoCommerceManagemPane.UIDefaultlanguageText.UIItemComboBox;
            WpfButton   uIFinishButton       = this.UIWpfWindow.UIFinishButton;

            // Click 'MainRegion' tab list
            Mouse.Click(uIMainRegionTabList1, new Point(1768, 152));

            // Type 'TestCatalog' in first text box next to '* Catalog id:' label
            uIItemEdit.Text = this.CreateTestCatalogParams.UIItemEditText;

            // Type 'Test catalog' in first text box next to '* Catalog name:' label
            uIItemEdit1.Text = this.CreateTestCatalogParams.UIItemEditText1;

            // Last action on list item was not recorded because the control does not have any good identification property.

            // Last action on list item was not recorded because the control does not have any good identification property.

            // Click first combo box next to '* Default language:' label
            Mouse.Click(uIItemComboBox, new Point(384, 14));

            // Last action on list item was not recorded because the control does not have any good identification property.

            // Click 'Finish' button
            Mouse.Click(uIFinishButton, new Point(50, 15));
 public static WpfTabList GetMainTabControlTabList()
     if (_mainTabControlTabList == null)
         _mainTabControlTabList = new WpfTabList(DesktopAppControls.GetShareConnectWindow());
         _mainTabControlTabList.SearchProperties[WpfTabList.PropertyNames.AutomationId] = "MainTabControl";
        private UITestControlCollection getRibbonItemListFromMenuName(string menuName)
            UITestControlCollection theCollection = new UITestControlCollection();
            WpfTabList uIRibbonTabList            = this.UIBusinessDesignStudioWindow.UIRibbonTabList;

            for (int j = 0; j < uIRibbonTabList.Tabs.Count; j++)
                if (uIRibbonTabList.Tabs[j].FriendlyName == menuName)
                    theCollection = uIRibbonTabList.Tabs[j].GetChildren();
Example #5
        public void ClickRibbonMenu(string menuAutomationId)
            // This needs some explaining :)
            // Due to the way the WpfRibbon works, unless it has been used, the default tab will not be properly initialised.
            // This will cause problems if you need to use it (Automation wise)
            // To combat this, we check if the tab we have got is actually a valid tab (Check its bounding)
            // If it's not a valid tab, we click an alternate tab - This validates our original tab.
            // We then recusrsively call the method again with the now validated tab, and it works as itended.
            // Note: This recursive call will only happen the first time the ribbon is used, as it will subsequently be initialised correctly.

            if (uIRibbonTabList == null)
                uIRibbonTabList = UIBusinessDesignStudioWindow.UIRibbonTabList;

            UITestControlCollection tabList = uIRibbonTabList.Tabs;
            UITestControl           theControl;

            foreach (WpfTabPage tabPage in tabList)
                if (tabPage.Name == menuAutomationId)
                    theControl = tabPage;
                    Point p;
                    p = new Point(theControl.GetChildren()[0].BoundingRectangle.X + 20, theControl.GetChildren()[0].BoundingRectangle.Y + 10);
                    theControl = tabPage;
                    Point p = new Point(theControl.BoundingRectangle.X + 5, theControl.BoundingRectangle.Y + 5);
                    if (p.X > 5)

            // Somethign has gone wrong - Retry!

            loopCount++; // This was added due to the infinite loop happening if the ribbon was totally unclickable due to a crash
            if (loopCount < 10)
        public void ClickRibbonMenu(string menuAutomationId)
            // This needs some explaining :)
            // Due to the way the WpfRibbon works, unless it has been used, the default tab will not be properly initialised.
            // This will cause problems if you need to use it (Automation wise)
            // To combat this, we check if the tab we have got is actually a valid tab (Check its bounding)
            // If it's not a valid tab, we click an alternate tab - This validates our original tab.
            // We then recusrsively call the method again with the now validated tab, and it works as itended.
            // Note: This recursive call will only happen the first time the ribbon is used, as it will subsequently be initialised correctly.

            if(uIRibbonTabList == null)
                uIRibbonTabList = UIBusinessDesignStudioWindow.UIRibbonTabList;

            UITestControlCollection tabList = uIRibbonTabList.Tabs;
            UITestControl theControl;
            foreach(WpfTabPage tabPage in tabList)
                if(tabPage.Name == menuAutomationId)
                    theControl = tabPage;
                    Point p;
                    p = new Point(theControl.GetChildren()[0].BoundingRectangle.X + 20, theControl.GetChildren()[0].BoundingRectangle.Y + 10);
                    theControl = tabPage;
                    Point p = new Point(theControl.BoundingRectangle.X + 5, theControl.BoundingRectangle.Y + 5);
                    if(p.X > 5)

            // Somethign has gone wrong - Retry!

            loopCount++; // This was added due to the infinite loop happening if the ribbon was totally unclickable due to a crash
            if(loopCount < 10)
            public UITestControl GetTab(string childAutomationID)
                WpfTabList theList = (WpfTabList)this;
                UITestControlCollection tabList = theList.Tabs; // This lags for some reason

                foreach (WpfTabPage currentTapPage in tabList)
                    UITestControlCollection tabChildren = currentTapPage.GetChildren();
                    foreach (var tabChild in tabChildren)
                        if (tabChild.FriendlyName.Contains(childAutomationID))
        /// <summary>
        /// OpenAdmin - Use 'OpenAdminParams' to pass parameters into this method.
        /// </summary>
        public void OpenAdmin()
            #region Variable Declarations
            WpfTabList uIMainRegionTabList = this.UIWpfWindow.UIMainRegionTabList;
            WpfEdit    uIItemEdit          = this.UIWpfWindow.UIMainRegionTabList.UIVirtoCommerceManagemTabPage.UIAdminText.UIItemEdit;

            // Launch 'C:\Virto\VCF\src\CommerceFoundation.Presentation\Admin\Presentation.Application\bin\Debug\VirtoCommerce.exe'
            ApplicationUnderTest uIWpfWindow = ApplicationUnderTest.Launch(this.OpenAdminParams.UIWpfWindowExePath, this.OpenAdminParams.UIWpfWindowAlternateExePath);

            // Click 'MainRegion' tab list
            Mouse.Click(uIMainRegionTabList, new Point(121, 338));

            // Type 'http://localhost/store' in text box numbered 3 next to 'admin' label
            uIItemEdit.Text = this.OpenAdminParams.UIItemEditText;

            // Click 'MainRegion' tab list
            Mouse.Click(uIMainRegionTabList, new Point(631, 394));
 public WpfTabListControlPageModelWrapper(WpfTabList control, TNextModel nextModel)
     : base(control, nextModel, StandardFunctionProvider.StringReturnSelf, StandardFunctionProvider.StringReturnSelf)