Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the enum of the area
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position"></param>
 /// <returns>the name of the area</returns>
 public static EWorldArea GetArea(this Vector3 position)
        static Player FindPlayerWithOptions(WorldZone options)
            switch (options)
                case WorldZone.ZoneCorrupt:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneCorrupt).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneCrimson:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneCrimson).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneDesert:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneDesert).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneDungeon:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneDungeon).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneGlowshroom:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneGlowshroom).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneHoly:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneHoly).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneJungle:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneJungle).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneMeteor:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneMeteor).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZonePeaceCandle:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZonePeaceCandle).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneSnow:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneSnow).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneTowerNebula:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneTowerNebula).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneTowerSolar:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneTowerSolar).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneTowerStardust:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneTowerStardust).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneTowerVortex:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneTowerVortex).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneUndergroundDesert:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneUndergroundDesert).Random();
                case WorldZone.ZoneWaterCandle:
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active && x.ZoneWaterCandle).Random();
                    return Main.player.Where(x => x.active).Random();

            return null;
        static Player FindPlayerWithOptions(WorldZone options)
            if (Main.rand == null) Main.rand = new Random((new Random()).Next());
            Player[] ply;

            switch (options)
                //case WorldZone.Blood:
                //    ply = (from x in Main.player where x.zoneBlood select x).ToArray();
                //    if (ply.Length > 0)
                //        return ply[Main.rand.Next(0, ply.Length - 1)];
                //    break;
                //case WorldZone.Candle:
                //    ply = (from x in Main.player where x.zoneCandle select x).ToArray();
                //    if (ply.Length > 0)
                //        return ply[Main.rand.Next(0, ply.Length - 1)];
                //    break;
                //case WorldZone.Dungeon:
                //    ply = (from x in Main.player where x.zoneDungeon select x).ToArray();
                //    if (ply.Length > 0)
                //        return ply[Main.rand.Next(0, ply.Length - 1)];
                //    break;
                //case WorldZone.Holy:
                //    ply = (from x in Main.player where x.zoneHoly select x).ToArray();
                //    if (ply.Length > 0)
                //        return ply[Main.rand.Next(0, ply.Length - 1)];
                //    break;
                //case WorldZone.Meteor:
                //    ply = (from x in Main.player where x.zoneMeteor select x).ToArray();
                //    if (ply.Length > 0)
                //        return ply[Main.rand.Next(0, ply.Length - 1)];
                //    break;
                //case WorldZone.Snow:
                //    ply = (from x in Main.player where x.zoneSnow select x).ToArray();
                //    if (ply.Length > 0)
                //        return ply[Main.rand.Next(0, ply.Length - 1)];
                //    break;
                //case WorldZone.Jungle:
                //    ply = (from x in Main.player where x.zoneJungle select x).ToArray();
                //    if (ply.Length > 0)
                //        return ply[Main.rand.Next(0, ply.Length - 1)];
                //    break;
                //case WorldZone.Hell:
                //    ply = (from x in Main.player where x.zoneHoly select x).ToArray();
                //    if (ply.Length > 0)
                //        return ply[Main.rand.Next(0, ply.Length - 1)];
                //    break;
                //case WorldZone.Any:
                    if (Main.player.Length > 0)
                        return Main.player[Main.rand.Next(0, Main.player.Length - 1)];

            return null;
Example #4
 public static bool IsZoneMainCity(WorldZone zone)
     return(zone == WorldZone.Stormwind_City || zone == WorldZone.Darnassus || zone == WorldZone.Ironforge ||
            zone == WorldZone.Orgrimmar || zone == WorldZone.Undercity || zone == WorldZone.Thunder_Bluff);
Example #5
 public static bool IsZoneBattleground(WorldZone zone)
     return(zone == WorldZone.Warsong_Gulch || zone == WorldZone.Arathi_Basin || zone == WorldZone.Alterac_Valley);
        public override bool OnBeforeCalloutDisplayed()
            float f = 200f;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

                spawnPointOnStreet = World.GetNextPositionOnStreet(Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Position.AroundPosition(f + 150f)).GetSafeCoordinatesForPed();

                if (spawnPointOnStreet != Vector3.Zero)
            if (spawnPointOnStreet == Vector3.Zero)
                spawnPointOnStreet = World.GetNextPositionOnStreet(Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Position.AroundPosition(500f));

            if (Vector3.Distance(Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Position, spawnPointOnStreet) < 25.0f)

            EWorldArea spawnZone = WorldZone.GetArea(spawnPointOnStreet);

            if (spawnZone == EWorldArea.Los_Santos)

            attackedPed = new Ped(spawnPointOnStreet);
            if (!attackedPed.Exists())

            Vector3 animalSpawnPos = spawnPointOnStreet.AroundPosition(25.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (Vector3.Distance(animalSpawnPos, attackedPed.Position) > 8.75f)
                animalSpawnPos = spawnPointOnStreet.AroundPosition(25.0f + i);
            animal = new Ped(animalModel, animalSpawnPos.ToGround(), 0.0f);
            if (!animal.Exists())

            attackedPed.RelationshipGroup = new RelationshipGroup("PED");
            animal.RelationshipGroup      = "COUGAR";

            this.ShowCalloutAreaBlipBeforeAccepting(spawnPointOnStreet, 35f);
            this.AddMinimumDistanceCheck(20.0f, attackedPed.Position);

            this.CalloutMessage  = "Animal attack";
            this.CalloutPosition = spawnPointOnStreet;

            int audioRnd = Globals.Random.Next(0, 2);

            if (audioRnd == 0)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("CITIZENS_REPORT CRIME_VICIOUS_ANIMAL_ON_THE_LOOSE IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_03", spawnPointOnStreet);
            if (audioRnd == 1)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("CITIZENS_REPORT CRIME_VICIOUS_ANIMAL_ON_THE_LOOSE IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_99", spawnPointOnStreet);

        /// <summary>
        /// OnBeforeCalloutDisplayed is where we create a blip for the user to see where the pursuit is happening, we initiliaize any variables above and set
        /// the callout message and position for the API to display
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool OnBeforeCalloutDisplayed()
            //Set our spawn point to be on a street around 300f (distance) away from the player.
            spawnPoint = World.GetNextPositionOnStreet(Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Position.AroundPosition(400f));

            EWorldArea spawnZone = WorldZone.GetArea(spawnPoint);

            if (spawnZone == EWorldArea.Los_Santos)

            if (Vector3.Distance(Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Position, spawnPoint) < 30.0f)

            int a = Globals.Random.Next(12, 30);

            for (int i = 1; i < a; i++)
                Vector3 spawnPos  = spawnPoint.AroundPosition(8.5f);
                Vector3 spawnPos2 = spawnPos + new Vector3(MathHelper.GetRandomSingle(0.0f, 8.0f), MathHelper.GetRandomSingle(0.0f, 8.0f), 325.0f);

                Rage.Object rock = new Rage.Object(rockModel.GetRandomElement(), spawnPos2.ToGroundUsingRaycasting(Game.LocalPlayer.Character));
                //Game.LogTrivial("1 : ~b~" + rock.Position.Z.ToString());
                rock.Heading = MathHelper.GetRandomSingle(0.0f, 360.0f);
                //rock.SetPositionZ(funct.GetGroundZForVector3(rock.Position) + 0.125f);
                NativeFunction.Natives.SET_ACTIVATE_OBJECT_PHYSICS_AS_SOON_AS_IT_IS_UNFROZEN(rock, true);
            foreach (Rage.Object rocks in rocksList)
                if (rocks.Exists())
                    float z = rocks.Position.GetGroundZ();
                    //Game.LogTrivial("2 : ~r~" + rocks.Position.Z.ToString());
                    if (rocks.Exists())
            foreach (Rage.Object rocks in rocksList)
                if (!rocks.Exists())
                if (rocks.Exists() && rocks.Position.Z < 1.25f)
            //Now we have spawned them, check they actually exist and if not return false (preventing the callout from being accepted and aborting it)
            //if (!rock.Exists()) return false;

            // Show the user where the pursuit is about to happen and block very close peds.
            this.ShowCalloutAreaBlipBeforeAccepting(spawnPoint, 35f);
            this.AddMinimumDistanceCheck(20f, spawnPoint);

            // Set up our callout message and location
            this.CalloutMessage  = "Rocks blocking the road";
            this.CalloutPosition = spawnPoint;

            LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE ROAD_BLOCKED IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_02", spawnPoint);

Example #8
    // We found two WorldChunkZone who match !
    // Remove the WorldZone related to this and merge into sideWorldZone
    void RemoveAndMergeIntoSideZone(WorldChunkComputed.WorldChunkZone chunkZone, Direction direction, WorldChunk sideChunk, WorldChunkComputed.WorldChunkZone sideChunkZone, List <int> matchingCoords, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        Direction inverseDirection = Coord.GetDirectionInverse(direction);
        // Get ref everytime !
        // (If A is merged to B, and try after to be merged with C, take ref to {AmergedB} instead of {deletedA})
        WorldZone zone     = chunkZone.worldZoneRef;
        WorldZone sideZone = sideChunkZone.worldZoneRef;

         * if (zone.state > sideZone.state) {
         *      sideZone.state = zone.state;
         * }*/
        if (zone.requireZoneState > sideZone.requireZoneState)
            sideZone.requireZoneState = zone.requireZoneState;

        // Loop all chunk who are on the zone to be remove
        for (int chunk_idx = zone.chunks.Count - 1; chunk_idx >= 0; chunk_idx--)
            Coord zoneCoord = zone.chunks [chunk_idx];

            // This chunk didn't exist on sideZone
            if (!sideZone.chunks.Contains(zoneCoord))
                sideZone.chunkZones.Add(zoneCoord, new List <WorldChunkComputed.WorldChunkZone> ());

            // Remove missing chunk on both zone:
            //	sideChunkZone.missingChunks.Remove(this.coord);

            // Update matching coords
            chunkZone.directionChunkBorderCoords[direction] = matchingCoords;
            //	sideChunkZone.directionChunkBorderCoords[inverseDirection] = matchingCoords;

            if (zone.chunkZones.ContainsKey(zoneCoord))
                for (int zoneChunkZone_idx = zone.chunkZones [zoneCoord].Count - 1; zoneChunkZone_idx >= 0; zoneChunkZone_idx--)
                    WorldChunkComputed.WorldChunkZone zoneChunkZone = zone.chunkZones [zoneCoord] [zoneChunkZone_idx];
                    // In case of corners, the diagonal chunk will be merge to both sides (who are shared by diagonals) and a loop is created
                    // Check it's not the same
                    if (zoneChunkZone.worldZoneRef != sideChunkZone.worldZoneRef)
                        sideZone.chunkZones [zoneCoord].Add(zoneChunkZone);
                        zoneChunkZone.worldZoneRef = sideChunkZone.worldZoneRef;

            // Update all refs (to the new zone) on every chunk who contain this removed zone
            for (int chunkCoord_idx = zone.chunks.Count - 1; chunkCoord_idx >= 0; chunkCoord_idx--)
                MapEndless.instance.worldChunks [zone.chunks [chunkCoord_idx]].worldZonesRefs.Remove(zone);
                if (!MapEndless.instance.worldChunks [zone.chunks [chunkCoord_idx]].worldZonesRefs.Contains(sideZone))
                    MapEndless.instance.worldChunks [zone.chunks [chunkCoord_idx]].worldZonesRefs.Add(sideZone);

            if (!this.worldZonesRefs.Contains(sideZone))

            zone.isDeleted = true;
Example #9
    void TestZonesCompletedAndSeeMore(WorldChunkSettings setting)
        // Loop all zones to check if completed
        for (int zone_idx = this.worldZonesRefs.Count - 1; zone_idx >= 0; zone_idx--)
            if (this.worldZonesRefs [zone_idx].isMainGround)
            WorldZone sideZone = this.worldZonesRefs [zone_idx];

            if (sideZone.GetMissingChunks().Count == 0)
                // See more ?!
                if (sideZone.requireZoneState >= WorldZoneStates.Merged)
                    // BY ALL MISSNIG ?
                    // Don't use by Direction because can create a missing chunk is one was already loaded (see bug-SeeMore-not-per-direction-but-missing.png)
                    List <Coord> missingCoords = sideZone.GetMissingChunks();
                    for (int missing_idx = 0; missing_idx < missingCoords.Count; missing_idx++)
                        if (!MapEndless.instance.worldChunks.ContainsKey(missingCoords [missing_idx]))
                            MapEndless.instance.CreateChunk(missingCoords [missing_idx], ChunkStates.Computed);
                        else if (MapEndless.instance.worldChunks [missingCoords [missing_idx]].state < ChunkStates.Computed)
                            MapEndless.instance.worldChunks [missingCoords [missing_idx]].UpdateState(setting, ChunkStates.Computed);

                    // BY CHUNK DIRECTION

                     * for (int e = 0; e < Coord.directions.Length; e++) {
                     *      Direction seeMoreDirection = Coord.directions [e];
                     *      Coord seeMoreCoord = this.coord.GetDirection (seeMoreDirection);
                     *      if (sideZone.chunks.Contains (seeMoreCoord)) {
                     *      //	continue; // skip if already on this zone
                     *      }
                     *      // If it's not the direction we come from
                     *      // And the zone who was used to merge, is also bordered on another chunk
                     *      for (int idx = this.worldZonesRefs [zone_idx].chunkZones[this.coord].Count - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
                     *              if (this.worldZonesRefs [zone_idx].chunkZones[this.coord][idx].missingChunks.Contains(seeMoreCoord)) {
                     *                      // Already exist
                     *                      if (MapEndless.instance.worldChunks.ContainsKey(seeMoreCoord)) {
                     *                              continue;
                     *                      }
                     *                      MapEndless.instance.CreateChunk (seeMoreCoord, ChunkStates.Computed);
                     *              }
                     *      }
                     * }
                     * /**/
Example #10
    // Get Height map as saved:
    // Size: 50x50  - Scale: 10 -> coord from [0;0] to [5;5]
    // coord can be on a side chunk (ex x:-1 or y:setting.scaledSize), return sidechunk value he's merged
    public float GetHeightValue(Coord coord, WorldChunkSettings setting)
        if (this.state < ChunkStates.Merged)
        // It's on a side chunk, get the chunk and the right coord
        if (coord.x < 0 || coord.y < 0 || coord.x >= setting.scaledSize || coord.y >= setting.scaledSize)
            Coord chunkCoord = new Coord(this.coord.x, this.coord.y);
            if (coord.x < 0)
                chunkCoord.x += Coord.Left.x;                 // x--
            else if (coord.x >= setting.scaledSize)
                chunkCoord.x += Coord.Right.x;                 // x++
            if (coord.y < 0)
                chunkCoord.y += Coord.Bottom.y;                 // y--
            else if (coord.y >= setting.scaledSize)
                chunkCoord.y += Coord.Top.y;                 // y++
            // The chunk is loaded AND merged
            if (this.chunkBorders.sidesChunks.ContainsKey(chunkCoord))
                WorldChunk sideChunk = this.chunkBorders.sidesChunks [chunkCoord];
                if (sideChunk.state >= ChunkStates.Merged)
                    if (coord.x < 0)
                        coord.x += setting.scaledSize;
                    else if (coord.x >= setting.scaledSize)
                        coord.x -= setting.scaledSize;
                    if (coord.y < 0)
                        coord.y += setting.scaledSize;
                    else if (coord.y >= setting.scaledSize)
                        coord.y -= setting.scaledSize;
                    return(sideChunk.GetHeightValue(coord, setting));
            // The chunk isn't loaded.. take the nearest on the same chunk by updating the coord requested
            if (coord.x < 0)
                coord.x = 0;
            else if (coord.x >= setting.scaledSize)
                coord.x = setting.scaledSize - 1;
            if (coord.y < 0)
                coord.y = 0;
            else if (coord.y >= setting.scaledSize)
                coord.y = setting.scaledSize - 1;

        // Reset index, cause x/y may was updated

        float     noiseHeight = this.chunkData.GetHeightValue(coord);
        WorldZone zone        = this.chunkComputed.GetZone(coord).worldZoneRef;

        return(MeshGenerator.GetRealHeight(noiseHeight, zone.type, setting));
        public override bool OnBeforeCalloutDisplayed()
            spawnPoint = World.GetNextPositionOnStreet(Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Position.AroundPosition(400f));

            if (Vector3.Distance(Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Position, spawnPoint) < 40.0f)

            EWorldArea spawnZone = WorldZone.GetArea(spawnPoint);

            if (spawnZone == EWorldArea.Los_Santos)

            hunterVeh = new Vehicle(hunterVehicleModels.GetRandomElement(true), spawnPoint);
            if (!hunterVeh.Exists())

            Vector3 hunterSpawnPos = hunterVeh.Position.AroundPosition(9.5f);

            while (Vector3.Distance(hunterSpawnPos, hunterVeh.Position) < 4.0f)
                hunterSpawnPos = hunterVeh.Position.AroundPosition(9.5f);
            hunter = new Ped(huntersModels.GetRandomElement(true), hunterSpawnPos, 0.0f);
            if (!hunter.Exists())
            hunter.Inventory.GiveNewWeapon(hunterWeapons.GetRandomElement(true), 666, true);

            Vector3 spawnPos  = hunter.Position.AroundPosition(0.2f);
            Vector3 spawnPos2 = spawnPos + new Vector3(MathHelper.GetRandomSingle(-0.05f, 0.05f), MathHelper.GetRandomSingle(-0.05f, 0.05f), 0.0f);
            Vector3 spawnPos3 = new Vector3(spawnPos2.X, spawnPos2.Y, spawnPos2.GetGroundZ() + 0.1525f);        /// Gets the Z position

            animal = new Ped(animalsModels.GetRandomElement(true), hunter.Position.AroundPosition(0.5f).ToGroundUsingRaycasting(hunter), 0.0f);
            if (!animal.Exists() || animal.Position.Z < 0.5f)

            hunter.RelationshipGroup    = new RelationshipGroup("HUNTER");
            hunter.BlockPermanentEvents = true;

            if (animal.Exists())
                animal.IsRagdoll = true;

            if (hunter.Exists())
                hunter.Heading = hunter.GetHeadingTowards(animal);

            if (Globals.Random.Next(60) <= 1)

            this.ShowCalloutAreaBlipBeforeAccepting(spawnPoint, 35f);
            this.AddMinimumDistanceCheck(20.0f, hunter.Position);

            this.CalloutMessage  = "Possible illegal hunting";
            this.CalloutPosition = spawnPoint;

            int rndAudioNum = Globals.Random.Next(0, 8);

            if (rndAudioNum == 0)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE CRIME_GUNFIRE IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_03", spawnPoint);
            else if (rndAudioNum == 1)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE CRIME_ANIMAL_KILL IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_02", spawnPoint);
            else if (rndAudioNum == 2)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE CRIME_ANIMAL_CRUELTY IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_02", spawnPoint);
            else if (rndAudioNum == 3)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE CRIME_UNAUTHORIZED_HUNTING IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_02", spawnPoint);
            else if (rndAudioNum == 4)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE CRIME_HUNTING_AN_ENDANGERED_SPECIES IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_02", spawnPoint);
            else if (rndAudioNum == 5)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE CRIME_HUNTING_WITHOUT_A_PERMIT IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_02", spawnPoint);
            else if (rndAudioNum == 6)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE CRIME_KILLING_ANIMALS IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_02", spawnPoint);
            else if (rndAudioNum == 7)
                LSPD_First_Response.Mod.API.Functions.PlayScannerAudioUsingPosition("WE_HAVE CRIME_SHOOTING_AT_ANIMALS IN_OR_ON_POSITION UNITS_RESPOND_CODE_02", spawnPoint);

 void OnAwake()
     this.mainGround = new WorldZone(WorldZoneTypes.Ground);
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the name of the zone
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position"></param>
 /// <returns>the name of the zone</returns>
 public static string GetZoneName(this Vector3 position)
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the enum of the zone
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position"></param>
 /// <returns>the name of the zone</returns>
 public static EWorldZone GetZone(this Vector3 position)