/// <summary>
    /// Gets the created worlds.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The created worlds.</returns>
    public static List<WorldSpecs> GetCreatedWorlds()
        if(File.Exists(directory + "CreatedWorlds.xml"))
            List<WorldSpecs> existingSpecs = new List<WorldSpecs> ();
            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(directory + "CreatedWorlds.xml");

                if(reader.IsStartElement() && reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        case "WorldSpec":
                            if(reader.AttributeCount >= 10)
                                WorldSpecs tempSpec = new WorldSpecs();
                                tempSpec.spaceName = reader.GetAttribute(0);
                                tempSpec.spaceArea = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(1));
                                tempSpec.mapLength = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(2));
                                tempSpec.cellLength = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(3));
                                tempSpec.start = new Vector2(float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(4)),float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(5)));
                                tempSpec.degreeJumpStep = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(6));
                                tempSpec.subdivisions = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(7));
                                tempSpec.totalNumberOfCells = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(8));
                                tempSpec.seed = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(9));
                                tempSpec.planetPositions = new Vector2[(reader.AttributeCount - 10) / 2];
                                if(reader.AttributeCount > 11)
                                    float maxPosition = (reader.AttributeCount - 10)/2.0f;
                                    int maxP = Mathf.CeilToInt(maxPosition);
                                    for(int i = 0, j = 0; j < maxP; j++)
                                        tempSpec.planetPositions[j].Set(float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(i+10)), float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute(i+11)));
                                     	i+= 2;
                                Debug.Log("Data is missing from 1 of the worlds. Not Saving it anymore");
                        case "Root":
                            Debug.Log(reader.Name + " : possible invalid data in save file ignoring, please review file");

            return existingSpecs;
            return new List<WorldSpecs>(1);
    /// <summary>
    /// Use to Procedurally generate a space world with a random seed
    /// length x width
    /// </summary>
    public void GenerateSpace( int mapLength , int numberOfSubdivisions, Vector2 startingVector, string SpaceName, int seed)
        worldspec = default(WorldSpecs);
        worldspec.spaceName = SpaceName;
        worldspec.spaceArea = mapLength * mapLength;
        worldspec.mapLength = mapLength;
        worldspec.cellLength = SquareMathCalculations.FindSmallestDivisionSideLength(worldspec.mapLength, numberOfSubdivisions);
        worldspec.start = startingVector;
        worldspec.degreeJumpStep = 1.0f;
        worldspec.seed = seed;
        worldspec.subdivisions = numberOfSubdivisions;
        worldspec.invalidSpawnPoints = new List<Vector2>();
        worldspec.totalNumberOfCells = numberOfSubdivisions * numberOfSubdivisions;

        if(planets.Count > 0)
            worldspec.planetPositions = new Vector2[planets.Count];
            float jumpStep = ((float)worldspec.mapLength) / (float)planets.Count;
            float jump = 0f;
            for(int i = 0 ; i < planets.Count; i++, jump += jumpStep)
                // r =  distance + previous distance
        reroll:			float r = jump;
                float theta = UnityEngine.Random.Range( 1f, 89f);
                Vector2 tempPos = new Vector2(-(float)mapLength/2.0f, -(float)worldspec.mapLength/2.0f);
                tempPos.x = tempPos.x + (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Cos(theta) * r));
                tempPos.y = tempPos.x + (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(theta) * r));

                float offsetFromCenter = (tempPos.x % (worldspec.cellLength));
                if(offsetFromCenter != (worldspec.cellLength/2.0f))
                    tempPos.x = (tempPos.x - (offsetFromCenter)) + (worldspec.cellLength/2.0f);

                offsetFromCenter = (tempPos.y % (worldspec.cellLength));
                if(offsetFromCenter != (worldspec.cellLength/2.0f))
                    tempPos.y = (tempPos.y - (offsetFromCenter)) + (worldspec.cellLength/2.0f);
                if(isPlanetInRange(tempPos) || Vector2.Distance(Vector2.zero,tempPos) <= worldspec.cellLength)
                    goto reroll;
                worldspec.planetPositions[i] = tempPos;


        for(float degree = 0; degree < 360; degree+= worldspec.degreeJumpStep)
            float r0 = 5 * Mathf.Cos( 9 * degree) + (worldspec.mapLength * 0.20f); //degree / 4; //3*Mathf.Cos(6 * degree) + 15.0f;
            worldspec.invalidSpawnPoints.Add(new Vector2( r0 * Mathf.Cos(degree), r0 * Mathf.Sin(degree)));

        SpawnPlanets ();
        CreateCells (worldspec);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the cells.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="details">Details.</param>
    private void CreateCells(WorldSpecs details)
        Vector2 startPoint = new Vector2(details.start.x - (details.mapLength * 0.5f), details.start.y - (details.mapLength * 0.5f));

        GameObject parent = new GameObject (details.spaceName);
        parent.transform.position = Vector2.zero;

        for(float i = 0, x = 0; i < details.mapLength ; i += details.cellLength, x++)
            for(float j = 0, y = 0; j < details.mapLength; j += details.cellLength, y++)
                Vector2 positon = new Vector2(startPoint.x + i + (details.cellLength/2.0f) , startPoint.y + j + (details.cellLength / 2.0f));
                if(isValidCellPosition(positon) && !isPlanetInRange(positon))
                    GameObject cell = new GameObject ( x + "," +  y );
                    cell.transform.parent = parent.transform;
                    cell.transform.localScale = new Vector3(details.cellLength ,details.cellLength,1.0f);
                    cell.transform.position = positon;
                    cell.layer = 11;
                    WorldCell temp = cell.AddComponent<WorldCell>();
                    cell.AddComponent<BoxCollider2D>().isTrigger = true;
                    cell.gameObject.isStatic = true;

        if(worldDoneLoading != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the space.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="details">Details.</param>
 public void GenerateSpace( WorldSpecs details)
     worldspec = details;
     CreateCells (worldspec);
     SpawnPlanets ();