// create a SourceLocation to ModelItem mapping based on the current activity to SourceLocation mapping.
        private void UpdateSourceLocationToModelItemMapping(IEnumerable <ModelItem> modelItemsOnDesigner)
            Dictionary <object, SourceLocation> validMapping = GetValidSourceLocationMapping();

            foreach (ModelItem modelItem in modelItemsOnDesigner)
                SourceLocation srcLocation = FindMatchSrcLocation(modelItem, validMapping);
                if (srcLocation != null)
                    sourceLocationToModelItemMapping.Add(srcLocation, modelItem);
                string workflowViewStateIdRef = WorkflowViewState.GetIdRef(modelItem.GetCurrentValue());
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(workflowViewStateIdRef))
                    SourceLocation viewStateSrcLocation = this.FindViewStateDataSrcLocationByViewStateIdRef(workflowViewStateIdRef);
                    if (viewStateSrcLocation != null)
                        // In some cases duplicated key is possible, use indexer instead of Add() to avoid throw.
                        // See TFS bug 523908 for detailed information
                        viewStateSourceLocationToModelItemMapping[viewStateSrcLocation] = modelItem;

            this.updateRequired = false;
Example #2
        // This method collects view state attached properties and generates a Xaml node stream
        // with all view state information appearing within the ViewStateManager node.
        // It is called when workflow definition is being serialized to string.
        // inputReader  - Nodestream with view state information as attached properties on the activity nodes.
        //                The reader is positioned at the begining of the workflow definition.
        // idManager    - This component issues running sequence numbers for IdRef.
        // Result       - Node stream positioned at the begining of the workflow definition with a
        //                ViewStateManager node containing all view state information.
        // Implementation logic:
        // 1. Scan the input nodestream Objects for attached properties that need to be converted (VirtualizedContainerService.HintSize and WorkflowViewStateService.ViewState).
        // 2. If the Object had a IdRef value then use it otherwise generate a new value.
        // 3. Store idRef value and corresponding viewstate related attached property nodes (from step 1)
        //    in the viewStateInfo dictionary.
        // 4. Use the viewStateInfo dictionary to generate ViewStateManager node which is then inserted
        //    into the end of output nodestream.
        public static XamlReader ConvertAttachedPropertiesToViewState(XamlObjectReader inputReader, ViewStateIdManager idManager)
            // Stack to track StartObject/GetObject and EndObject nodes.
            Stack <Frame> stack = new Stack <Frame>();

            XamlMember viewStateManager = new XamlMember(ViewStateManager, GetViewStateManager, SetViewStateManager, inputReader.SchemaContext);
            XamlMember idRefMember      = new XamlMember(IdRef, GetIdRef, SetIdRef, inputReader.SchemaContext);

            // Xaml member corresponding to x:Class property of the workflow definition. Used to find x:Class value in the node stream.
            XamlMember activityBuilderName     = new XamlMember(typeof(ActivityBuilder).GetProperty("Name"), inputReader.SchemaContext);
            string     activityBuilderTypeName = typeof(ActivityBuilder).Name;

            // Dictionary to keep track of IdRefs and corresponding viewstate related
            // attached property nodes.
            Dictionary <string, XamlNodeList> viewStateInfo = new Dictionary <string, XamlNodeList>();

            // Output node list
            XamlNodeList workflowDefinition = new XamlNodeList(inputReader.SchemaContext);

            using (XamlWriter workflowDefinitionWriter = workflowDefinition.Writer)
                bool   design2010NamespaceFound      = false;
                bool   inIdRefMember                 = false;
                bool   inxClassMember                = false;
                bool   skipWritingWorkflowDefinition = false;
                bool   skipReadingWorkflowDefinition = false;
                string xClassName = null;

                while (skipReadingWorkflowDefinition || inputReader.Read())
                    skipWritingWorkflowDefinition = false;
                    skipReadingWorkflowDefinition = false;
                    switch (inputReader.NodeType)
                    case XamlNodeType.NamespaceDeclaration:
                        if (inputReader.Namespace.Namespace.Equals(NameSpaces.Design2010, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            design2010NamespaceFound = true;

                    case XamlNodeType.StartObject:
                        // Save the Xaml type and clr object on the stack frame. These are used later to generate
                        // IdRef values and attaching the same to the clr object.
                        stack.Push(new Frame()
                            Type = inputReader.Type, InstanceObject = inputReader.Instance

                        // If the design2010 namespace was not found add the namespace node
                        // before the start object is written out.
                        if (!design2010NamespaceFound)
                            workflowDefinitionWriter.WriteNamespace(new NamespaceDeclaration(NameSpaces.Design2010, NameSpaces.Design2010Prefix));
                            design2010NamespaceFound = true;

                    case XamlNodeType.GetObject:
                        // Push an empty frame to balance the Pop operation when the EndObject node
                        // is encountered.
                        stack.Push(new Frame()
                            Type = null

                    case XamlNodeType.StartMember:
                        // Track when we enter IdRef member so that we can save its value.
                        if (inputReader.Member.Equals(idRefMember))
                            inIdRefMember = true;
                        // Track when we enter x:Class member so that we can save its value.
                        else if (inputReader.Member.Equals(activityBuilderName))
                            inxClassMember = true;
                        // Start of VirtualizedContainerService.HintSize or WorkflowViewStateService.ViewState property.
                        else if (IsAttachablePropertyForConvert(inputReader))
                            // The top of stack here corresponds to the activity on which
                            // the above properties are attached.
                            if (stack.Peek().AttachedPropertyNodes == null)
                                stack.Peek().AttachedPropertyNodes = new XamlNodeList(inputReader.SchemaContext);

                            // Write the attached property's xaml nodes into the stack.
                            XamlReader subTreeReader          = inputReader.ReadSubtree();
                            XamlWriter attachedPropertyWriter = stack.Peek().AttachedPropertyNodes.Writer;
                            while (subTreeReader.Read())

                            // The subtree reader loop put us at the begining of the next node in the input stream.
                            // So skip reading/writing it out just yet.
                            skipReadingWorkflowDefinition = true;
                            skipWritingWorkflowDefinition = true;

                    case XamlNodeType.Value:
                        // Read and save IdRef/x:Class member values.
                        // Also update idManager to keep track of prefixes and ids seen.
                        if (inIdRefMember)
                            string idRef       = inputReader.Value as string;
                            stack.Peek().IdRef = idRef;
                        else if (inxClassMember)
                            xClassName = inputReader.Value as string;

                    case XamlNodeType.EndMember:
                        // Exit IdRef/x:Class member state.
                        if (inIdRefMember)
                            inIdRefMember = false;
                        else if (inxClassMember)
                            inxClassMember = false;

                    case XamlNodeType.EndObject:
                        // Remove an item from the stack because we encountered the end of an object definition.
                        Frame frameObject = stack.Pop();

                        // If the object had (viewstate related) attached properties we need to save them
                        // into the viewStateInfo dictionary.
                        if (frameObject.AttachedPropertyNodes != null)

                            // If the object didn't have IdRef, generate a new one.
                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(frameObject.IdRef))
                                // Use the object type name (or x:Class value) to generate a new id.
                                if (frameObject.Type != null)
                                    string prefix = frameObject.Type.Name;
                                    if (frameObject.Type.UnderlyingType != null)
                                        prefix = frameObject.Type.UnderlyingType.Name;

                                    if (string.CompareOrdinal(prefix, activityBuilderTypeName) == 0 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xClassName))
                                        frameObject.IdRef = idManager.GetNewId(xClassName);
                                        frameObject.IdRef = idManager.GetNewId(prefix);
                                else     //Fallback to generating a guid value.
                                    frameObject.IdRef = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                                // Since we didn't see a IdRef on this object, insert the generated
                                // viewstate id into the output Xaml node-stream.

                                // Save the generated idRef on the corresponding clr object as well.
                                if (frameObject.InstanceObject != null)
                                    WorkflowViewState.SetIdRef(frameObject.InstanceObject, frameObject.IdRef);

                            viewStateInfo[frameObject.IdRef] = frameObject.AttachedPropertyNodes;

                        // We're at the end of input nodestream and have collected data in viewStateInfo
                        // so we need to create and insert the ViewStateManager nodes into the output nodestream.
                        if (stack.Count == 0 && viewStateInfo.Count > 0)
                            XamlNodeList viewStateManagerNodeList   = CreateViewStateManagerNodeList(viewStateInfo, inputReader.SchemaContext);
                            XamlReader   viewStateManagerNodeReader = viewStateManagerNodeList.GetReader();

                            // Insert the ViewStateManager nodes into the output node stream.
                            while (viewStateManagerNodeReader.Read())
                            workflowDefinitionWriter.WriteEndMember();     // viewStateManager

                    if (!skipWritingWorkflowDefinition)
