Example #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CreateWordInEnglishViewModel word)
            //Use for Titile in html
            ViewData["Title"] = "Добавить слово";
            //Use for head in page
            ViewBag.HeadPageText = "Добавить слово и перевод";
            //Check newStage on null
            if (word != null)
                // Server validation
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //Work with data
                    WordInEnglish currentWord = Mapper.Map <CreateWordInEnglishViewModel, WordInEnglish>(word);
                    await WordsInEnglishContext.Add(currentWord);

                    //Add many translations, user method "GetTranslationsFromStringArray" to make new object of TranslationOfWord type
                    await TranslationsOfWordContext.AddMany(GetTranslationsFromListAndGiveIdOfWordInEnglish(word.Translations, currentWord.Id));

                    //ViewBags for "_Success" view
                    ViewBag.SuccessText        = "Слово успешно добавленно";
                    ViewBag.MethodRedirect     = "Index";
                    ViewBag.ControllerRedirect = "Home";
                    //Render user on temporary view "Views/Shared/_Success"
            //Update SelectList for html data and and all stages in it with current word
            word.StagesOfMethod = new SelectList(StageOfMethodsContext.GetAllIQueryableWithInclude().ToList(), "Id", "Name", word.StageOfMethodId);
            //If word is null or validation was false
Example #2
        //Chech Unique data for "Name"
        public IActionResult CheckWordInEnglishName(string name)
            //Get item by Name
            WordInEnglish WordInEnglish = WordsInEnglishContext.FindWithInclude(a => a.Name == name).FirstOrDefault();

            if (WordInEnglish == null)
                return(Json(true)); //if true current word name doesen`t exists in database
            return(Json(false));    //if false current word name exists in database
Example #3
        //If find a compare returns true
        //private bool CompareResultWithTranslation(CreatedTestYourselfViewModel oneItem)
        //    WordInEnglish word = WordsInEnglishContext.FindWithInclude(w => w.Id == oneItem.Id, w => w.TranslationOfWords).FirstOrDefault();
        //    bool result = false;
        //    for (int i = 0; i < word.TranslationOfWords.Count(); i++)
        //    {
        //        if (word.TranslationOfWords[i].Name == oneItem.NameOfCurrentInputTranslation.Trim())
        //        {
        //            result = true;
        //            break;
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return result;

        private CreatedTestYourselfViewModel CompareResultWithTranslation(CreatedTestYourselfViewModel oneItem)
            WordInEnglish word = WordsInEnglishContext.FindWithInclude(w => w.Id == oneItem.Id, w => w.TranslationOfWords).FirstOrDefault();

            oneItem.Name = word.Name;
            oneItem.TranslationOfWords = word.TranslationOfWords;
            oneItem.MadeMistake        = ExeptionInTranslation.WithMistake;

            for (int i = 0; i < word.TranslationOfWords.Count(); i++)
                if (word.TranslationOfWords[i].Name == oneItem.NameOfCurrentInputTranslation.Trim())
                    oneItem.MadeMistake = ExeptionInTranslation.WithoutMistake;
Example #4
        public IActionResult CompareWordInEnglishName(string name, long id)
            //Get category by Name and by id
            WordInEnglish currentWordInEnglishWithId = WordsInEnglishContext.FindWithInclude(a => a.Name == name && a.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();
            //Get category by Name
            WordInEnglish searchName = WordsInEnglishContext.FindWithInclude(a => a.Name == name && a.Id != id).FirstOrDefault();
            var result = Json(true);

            if (currentWordInEnglishWithId != null)
                result = Json(true); //current "Name" with current "id" exist in DB
            else if (searchName != null)
                result = Json(false); //current "Name" exist in DB but without current id
            return(result);           //return result