public void FindWordsTester() { var article = @"I can now write topics on sports e.g. basketball, football, baseball and submit it to Mrs. Smith. " + @"This is what I learned from Mr. Jones about a paragraph. " + @"A paragraph is a group of words put together to form a group that is usually longer than a sentence. " + @"Paragraphs are often made up of several sentences."; var words = new string[] { "This", "is", "smith", "sentence", "sentences", "basketball" }; var abbreviations = "Mr.,Mrs.,e.g."; var wordHunter = new WordHunter { Article = article, Words = words, Abbreviations = abbreviations.Split(","), Delimeters = ".?!", OtherDelimeters = ",;:" }; var sentences = wordHunter.GetSentences(); var result = wordHunter.FindAndCount(sentences); Assert.True(result == 0); //Can also check if there really found words. //Assert.True(wordHunter.FoundWords != null && wordHunter.FoundWords.Count > 0); }
public static void Process(string delimeters, string otherDelimeters, string article, string[] words, string abbreviations, string basePath, string outputFilename) { var wordHunter = new WordHunter { Article = article, Words = words, Delimeters = delimeters, Abbreviations = abbreviations.Split(","), OtherDelimeters = otherDelimeters }; var sentences = wordHunter.GetSentences(); short result = wordHunter.FindAndCount(sentences); if (result < 0) { SetPreProcessingException(result); Console.WriteLine("There was a problem in word finder processing."); } try { var outputWriter = new OutputWriter(wordHunter.FoundWords, outputFilename); outputWriter.FilePath = basePath; outputWriter.GenerateResult(); if (outputWriter.Results.Length > 0) { outputWriter.Write(); Console.WriteLine("Word Finder Processing Completed.."); return; } FindOrAddError("Err6", "There was no results generated."); } catch (Exception) { FindOrAddError("Err7", "Writing output file failed."); } }