private static GameObject DeterminePiece(Node node, ref WoodMaterialObject boardToSplit) { GameObject objToReturn = null; if (node.ConnectedPieces.Count <= 0) { GameObject obj = node.gameObject; obj.transform.parent = null; if (obj.tag == "Piece") { PieceController controller = obj.GetComponent <PieceController>(); if (controller == null) { controller = obj.AddComponent <PieceController>(); } } else if (obj.tag == "Leftover") { WoodLeftover leftoverScript = obj.GetComponent <WoodLeftover>(); leftoverScript.BeginDisappearing(); } else { Debug.LogError( + " is not tag as Piece or Leftover"); } objToReturn = obj; } else { GameObject obj = WoodManagerHelper.CreateSeparateBoard(node, ref boardToSplit); objToReturn = obj; } return(objToReturn); }
public static GameObject CreateSeparateBoard(Node baseNode, ref WoodMaterialObject boardToSplit) { List <Node> nodes = new List <Node>(); WoodManagerHelper.RetrieveNodes(ref nodes, baseNode); GameObject board = new GameObject("WoodStrip"); board.tag = "WoodStrip"; WoodMaterialObject woodBoard = board.AddComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); List <Node> boardNodes = new List <Node>(); List <CutLine> boardLines = new List <CutLine>(); Bounds boardBounds = new Bounds(); for (int index = 0; index < nodes.Count; index++) { Node n = nodes[index]; boardNodes.Add(n);//n.gameObject.transform.parent = board.transform; woodBoard.WoodPieces.Add(n.gameObject); if (index == 0) { boardBounds = new Bounds(n.gameObject.transform.position,; } else { boardBounds.Encapsulate(n.gameObject.transform.position); } if (n.gameObject.tag == "DadoBlock") { woodBoard.AddDado(n.gameObject.GetComponent <DadoBlock>()); } for (int i = 0; i < boardToSplit.LinesToCut.Count; i++) { if (boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i].ContainsPiece(n)) { boardLines.Add(boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i]);//boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i].gameObject.transform.parent = board.transform; boardBounds.Encapsulate(boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i].gameObject.transform.position); woodBoard.AddLine(boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i]); boardToSplit.RemoveLine(i--); } } } board.transform.position =; foreach (Node n in boardNodes) { n.gameObject.transform.parent = board.transform; } foreach (CutLine line in boardLines) { line.gameObject.transform.parent = board.transform; } return(board); }
public void SplitMaterial(CutLine lineToRemove) { WoodToCut[currentPieceIndex].transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; WoodMaterialObject woodBoard = WoodToCut[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); LinesToCut.Remove(lineToRemove); List <GameObject> pieces = WoodManagerHelper.SplitBoard(lineToRemove.GetFirstBaseNode(), lineToRemove.GetSecondBaseNode(), woodBoard, lineToRemove); if (LinesToCut.Count > 0) { foreach (GameObject piece in pieces) { if (piece.tag == "Piece") { WoodToCut.RemoveAt(currentPieceIndex); Destroy(piece); NextPiece(); } else if (piece.tag == "Leftover") { } else { Rigidbody physics = piece.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (physics == null) { physics = piece.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); } physics.useGravity = true; BandSawPieceController controller = piece.AddComponent <BandSawPieceController>(); controller.Moveable = true; WoodToCut[currentPieceIndex] = piece; PlacePiece(); } } } else { UI_Manager.InfoPanel.SetActive(true); UI_Manager.InfoText.text = "All of the lines are cut. \nOn to the next step."; UI_Manager.HideButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.StartOverButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.NextSceneButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); StillCutting = false; float percentage = cumulativeLineScore / numberOfCuts; Debug.Log(percentage); if (GameManager.instance != null) { GameManager.instance.scoreTracker.ApplyScore(percentage); } } }
void Start() { objRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (objRigidbody == null && UseRigidbody) { objRigidbody = gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); objRigidbody.useGravity = true; } objTransform = GetComponent <Transform>(); WoodObject = GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); }
public static List <GameObject> SplitBoard(Node baseNode, Node baseNode2, WoodMaterialObject boardToSplit, CutLine detachedLine) { WoodManagerHelper.RemoveCutLine(boardToSplit, detachedLine); List <GameObject> splitPieces = new List <GameObject>(); splitPieces.Add(WoodManagerHelper.DeterminePiece(baseNode, ref boardToSplit)); splitPieces.Add(WoodManagerHelper.DeterminePiece(baseNode2, ref boardToSplit)); Destroy(boardToSplit.gameObject); return(splitPieces); }
public void SplitMaterial(DadoBlock dadoToRemove) { if (!dadoToRemove.AnyCutsLeft()) { WoodMaterialObject board = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); DadosToCut.Remove(dadoToRemove); board.RemoveDado(dadoToRemove); Destroy(dadoToRemove.gameObject); if (board.DadosToCut.Count <= 0) { AvailableWoodMaterial.RemoveAt(currentPieceIndex); Destroy(board.gameObject); if (AvailableWoodMaterial.Count > 0) { currentPieceIndex = 0; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].SetActive(true); currentBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); UI_Manager.UpdateSelectionButtons(currentPieceIndex, AvailableWoodMaterial.Count); SetupForCutting(); PlacePiece(); } } } SawBlade.TurnOff(); UI_Manager.ChangeSawButtons(false); if (DadosToCut.Count > 0) { UI_Manager.UpdateSelectionButtons(currentPieceIndex, AvailableWoodMaterial.Count); } else { UI_Manager.InfoPanel.SetActive(true); UI_Manager.InfoText.text = "All of the lines are cut. \nOn to the next step."; UI_Manager.HideButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.StartOverButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.NextSceneButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); StillCutting = false; float percentage = cumulativeLineScore / numberOfCuts; if (GameManager.instance != null) { GameManager.instance.ApplyScore(percentage); } else { Debug.Log("No Game manager"); } } }
public bool AllLinesOnBoardAreCut() { WoodMaterialObject wood = WoodToCut[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); int linesCut = 0; foreach (CutLine line in wood.LinesToCut) { if (line.CutType == CutLineType.CurvatureCut) { linesCut++; } } return(linesCut == 0); }
public List <GameObject> GetPiecesByLine(CutLineType line) { List <GameObject> materials = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject go in WoodMaterials) { WoodMaterialObject wood = go.GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); if (wood != null) { if (wood.ContainsLinesOfType(line)) { materials.Add(go); } } } return(materials); }
/// <summary> /// Determines if the Node is a singular wood piece, a leftover wood piece, or a wood material gameobject that /// contains child pieces that still need to be cut out. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">A Node monobehavior object</param> /// <param name="boardToSplit">The wood material gameobject that contains the pieces that will be split</param> /// <returns>A gamobject that either a piece, a leftover piece, or a large wood board object</returns> private static GameObject DeterminePiece(Node node, ref WoodMaterialObject boardToSplit) { GameObject objToReturn = null; if (node.ConnectedPieces.Count <= 0) { GameObject obj = node.gameObject; obj.transform.parent = null; if (obj.tag == "Piece") { //The Node object is a wood piece PieceController controller = obj.GetComponent <PieceController>(); if (controller == null) { controller = obj.AddComponent <PieceController>(); } } else if (obj.tag == "Leftover") { //The Node object is a leftover piece. Run the script that will delete it WoodLeftover leftoverScript = obj.GetComponent <WoodLeftover>(); leftoverScript.BeginDisappearing(); } else { Debug.LogError( + " is not tag as Piece or Leftover"); } objToReturn = obj; } else { //The Node object is still a child of a wood material. Call the method that will split it from the wood material board. GameObject obj = WoodManagerHelper.CreateSeparateBoard(node, ref boardToSplit); objToReturn = obj; } return(objToReturn); }
public static void RemoveCutLine(WoodMaterialObject boardToSplit, CutLine detachedLine) { detachedLine.SeverConnections(); boardToSplit.RemoveLine(detachedLine); Destroy(detachedLine.gameObject); }
/// <summary> /// Handles what happens after a line is cut /// </summary> /// <param name="lineToRemove">The line that was cut</param> public void SplitMaterial(CutLine lineToRemove) { //Delete the cut line and get the split wood material WoodMaterialObject board = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); BoardController previousBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); LinesToCut.Remove(lineToRemove); AvailableWoodMaterial.RemoveAt(currentPieceIndex); List <GameObject> pieces = WoodManagerHelper.SplitBoard(lineToRemove.GetFirstBaseNode(), lineToRemove.GetSecondBaseNode(), board, lineToRemove); bool pieceAdded = false; //This loop looks through the wood materials returned, assigns them a BoardController, and use the first piece found as the piece //to put on the table saw. All other pieces are hidden away until they are needed. foreach (GameObject piece in pieces) { WoodMaterialObject boardPiece = piece.GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); if (boardPiece != null) { bool lineFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < LinesToCut.Count && !lineFound; i++) { lineFound = boardPiece.ContainsLine(LinesToCut[i]); } //If a line is found, then the piece is a wood material gameobject if (lineFound) { BoardController controller = piece.AddComponent <BoardController>(); controller.Moveable = true; controller.WoodObject = boardPiece; controller.MaxLimit_X = previousBoardController.MaxLimit_X; controller.MaxLimit_Z = previousBoardController.MaxLimit_Z; controller.MinLimit_X = previousBoardController.MinLimit_X; controller.MinLimit_Z = previousBoardController.MinLimit_Z; AvailableWoodMaterial.Add(piece); if (!pieceAdded) { pieceAdded = true; int index = AvailableWoodMaterial.IndexOf(piece); currentPieceIndex = index; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].SetActive(true); currentBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); } else { piece.SetActive(false); piece.transform.position =; piece.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; } } else { Destroy(piece); } } else { //This was kept around for the prototype, //but we technically want to keep the piece around if it is a piece gameobject, or a wood material gameobject //There just needs to be a container that will store all of the pieces and wood materials in the project. Destroy(piece); } //If none of the pieces were wood material gameobjects, find one from the AvailableWoodMaterial list if (!pieceAdded && AvailableWoodMaterial.Count > 0) { currentPieceIndex = 0; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].SetActive(true); currentBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); SetupForCutting(); EnableCurrentBoardMovement(true); RestrictCurrentBoardMovement(false, false); AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <Rigidbody>().position = currentSpawnPoint.position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); Vector3 directionToPiece = (AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <Rigidbody>().position - currentSpawnPoint.position).normalized; Ray ray = new Ray(currentSpawnPoint.position, directionToPiece); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity)) { float distance = (hit.point - currentSpawnPoint.position).magnitude; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <Rigidbody>().position += (distance * -directionToPiece); } } SawBlade.TurnOff(); UI_Manager.ChangeSawButtons(false); } //If all the lines are cut, the step is done if (LinesToCut.Count > 0) { UI_Manager.UpdateSelectionButtons(currentPieceIndex, AvailableWoodMaterial.Count); } else { UI_Manager.InfoPanel.SetActive(true); UI_Manager.InfoText.text = "All of the lines are cut. \nOn to the next step."; UI_Manager.HideButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.StartOverButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.NextSceneButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); StillCutting = false; float percentage = cumulativeLineScore / numberOfCuts; if (GameManager.instance != null) { GameManager.instance.scoreTracker.ApplyScore(percentage); } else { Debug.Log("Score Applied: " + percentage); } } }
public void SplitMaterial(CutLine lineToRemove) { WoodMaterialObject board = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); BoardController previousBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); LinesToCut.Remove(lineToRemove); AvailableWoodMaterial.RemoveAt(currentPieceIndex); List <GameObject> pieces = WoodManagerHelper.SplitBoard(lineToRemove.GetFirstBaseNode(), lineToRemove.GetSecondBaseNode(), board, lineToRemove); bool pieceAdded = false; foreach (GameObject piece in pieces) { WoodMaterialObject boardPiece = piece.GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); if (boardPiece != null) { bool lineFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < LinesToCut.Count && !lineFound; i++) { lineFound = boardPiece.ContainsLine(LinesToCut[i]); } if (lineFound) { BoardController controller = piece.AddComponent <BoardController>(); controller.Moveable = true; controller.WoodObject = boardPiece; controller.MaxLimit_X = previousBoardController.MaxLimit_X; controller.MaxLimit_Z = previousBoardController.MaxLimit_Z; controller.MinLimit_X = previousBoardController.MinLimit_X; controller.MinLimit_Z = previousBoardController.MinLimit_Z; AvailableWoodMaterial.Add(piece); if (!pieceAdded) { pieceAdded = true; int index = AvailableWoodMaterial.IndexOf(piece); currentPieceIndex = index; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].SetActive(true); currentBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); } else { piece.SetActive(false); piece.transform.position =; piece.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; } } else { Destroy(piece); } } else { Destroy(piece); } if (!pieceAdded && AvailableWoodMaterial.Count > 0) { currentPieceIndex = 0; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].SetActive(true); currentBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); SetupForCutting(); EnableCurrentBoardMovement(true); RestrictCurrentBoardMovement(false, false); AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].transform.position = currentSpawnPoint.position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); Vector3 directionToPiece = (AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].transform.position - currentSpawnPoint.position).normalized; Ray ray = new Ray(currentSpawnPoint.position, directionToPiece); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity)) { float distance = (hit.point - currentSpawnPoint.position).magnitude; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].transform.position += (distance * -directionToPiece); } } SawBlade.TurnOff(); UI_Manager.ChangeSawButtons(false); } if (LinesToCut.Count > 0) { UI_Manager.UpdateSelectionButtons(currentPieceIndex, AvailableWoodMaterial.Count); } else { UI_Manager.InfoPanel.SetActive(true); UI_Manager.InfoText.text = "All of the lines are cut. \nOn to the next step."; UI_Manager.HideButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.StartOverButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.NextSceneButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); StillCutting = false; float percentage = cumulativeLineScore / numberOfCuts; if (GameManager.instance != null) { GameManager.instance.ApplyScore(percentage); } else { Debug.Log("Score Applied: " + percentage); } } }
/// <summary> /// Separates the pieces of the wood material based on the node passed in. /// Using a graph structure, this builds out a new wood material gameobject with the pieces that were /// connected to the base node and the base node's children /// </summary> /// <param name="baseNode">The node to start from</param> /// <param name="boardToSplit">The wood material that will be split</param> /// <returns>A gameobject representing the split wood material</returns> public static GameObject CreateSeparateBoard(Node baseNode, ref WoodMaterialObject boardToSplit) { //Finds all of the connected nodes that will be part of the new wood material gameobject List <Node> nodes = new List <Node>(); WoodManagerHelper.RetrieveNodes(ref nodes, baseNode); GameObject board = new GameObject("WoodStrip"); board.tag = "WoodStrip"; WoodMaterialObject woodBoard = board.AddComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); List <Node> boardNodes = new List <Node>(); //The pieces for the new wood material gameobject List <CutLine> boardLines = new List <CutLine>(); //The lines that belong to the new wood material gameobject Bounds boardBounds = new Bounds(); for (int index = 0; index < nodes.Count; index++) { Node n = nodes[index]; boardNodes.Add(n); woodBoard.WoodPieces.Add(n.gameObject); if (index == 0) { boardBounds = new Bounds(n.gameObject.transform.position,; } else { boardBounds.Encapsulate(n.gameObject.transform.position); } //Like the lines, make sure the dado cut areas go to the correct wood material if (n.gameObject.tag == "DadoBlock") { woodBoard.AddDado(n.gameObject.GetComponent <DadoBlock>()); } for (int i = 0; i < boardToSplit.LinesToCut.Count; i++) { if (boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i] == null) { Debug.Log(i + " is null"); } else { if (boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i].ContainsPiece(n)) { boardLines.Add(boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i]); boardBounds.Encapsulate(boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i].gameObject.transform.position); woodBoard.AddLine(boardToSplit.LinesToCut[i]); boardToSplit.RemoveLine(i--); } } } } board.transform.position =; foreach (Node n in boardNodes) { n.gameObject.transform.parent = board.transform; } foreach (CutLine line in boardLines) { line.gameObject.transform.parent = board.transform; } Rigidbody r = board.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); r.useGravity = true; return(board); }
public void SplitMaterial(CutLine lineToRemove) { WoodMaterialObject board = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); BoardController previousBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); LinesToCut.Remove(lineToRemove); AvailableWoodMaterial.RemoveAt(currentPieceIndex); List <GameObject> pieces = WoodManagerHelper.SplitBoard(lineToRemove.GetFirstBaseNode(), lineToRemove.GetSecondBaseNode(), board, lineToRemove); bool pieceAdded = false; foreach (GameObject piece in pieces) { WoodMaterialObject boardPiece = piece.GetComponent <WoodMaterialObject>(); if (boardPiece != null) { bool lineFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < LinesToCut.Count && !lineFound; i++) { lineFound = boardPiece.ContainsLine(LinesToCut[i]); } if (lineFound) { BoardController controller = piece.AddComponent <BoardController>(); controller.Moveable = true; controller.WoodObject = boardPiece; controller.MaxLimit_X = previousBoardController.MaxLimit_X; controller.MaxLimit_Z = previousBoardController.MaxLimit_Z; controller.MinLimit_X = previousBoardController.MinLimit_X; controller.MinLimit_Z = previousBoardController.MinLimit_Z; AvailableWoodMaterial.Add(piece); if (!pieceAdded) { pieceAdded = true; int index = AvailableWoodMaterial.IndexOf(piece); currentPieceIndex = index; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].SetActive(true); currentBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); } else { piece.SetActive(false); piece.transform.position =; piece.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; } } else { Destroy(piece); } } } if (!pieceAdded && AvailableWoodMaterial.Count > 0) { currentPieceIndex = 0; AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].SetActive(true); currentBoardController = AvailableWoodMaterial[currentPieceIndex].GetComponent <BoardController>(); SetupForCutting(); PlacePiece(); } SawBlade.TurnOff(); UI_Manager.ChangeSawButtons(false); if (LinesToCut.Count > 0) { UI_Manager.UpdateSelectionButtons(currentPieceIndex, AvailableWoodMaterial.Count); } else { UI_Manager.InfoPanel.SetActive(true); UI_Manager.InfoText.text = "All of the lines are cut. \nOn to the next step."; UI_Manager.HideButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.StartOverButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); UI_Manager.NextSceneButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); StillCutting = false; float percentage = cumulativeLineScore / numberOfCuts; if (GameManager.instance != null) { GameManager.instance.ApplyScore(percentage); } else { Debug.Log("No game manager"); } } }