public static Noticeboard Noticeboard(this WizdomClient wizdomClient) { if (_noticeboard != null) { return(_noticeboard); } return(new Noticeboard(wizdomClient)); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var client = new WizdomClient(new DeviceCodeTokenHandler(delegate(DeviceCodeResult deviceCodeResult) { Console.WriteLine($"Please open {deviceCodeResult.VerificationUrl} and input code: {deviceCodeResult.UserCode}"); })); var environment = await client.ConnectAsync(); Console.WriteLine($"\nConnected to {environment.appUrl} running Wizdom v.{environment.wizdomVersion.ToString()} as {environment.currentPrincipal.loginName}\n"); var items = await client.Noticeboard().GetItemsAsync(); foreach (var item in { Console.WriteLine($"{item.created.ToString()} - {item.heading}"); } Console.WriteLine("Done"); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Wizdom Rest Client"); Console.WriteLine(""); string commandString = string.Empty; while (commandString.ToLower() != "continue") { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(@" ************************************************ Choose Token Handler: ************************************************ 1: Device Code Flow 2: Paste token q: Quit Enter command (1, 2 | q) > "); commandString = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); WizdomClient.LoggerDelegate logger = delegate(string message, WizdomClient.LogLevel level) { if (level == { return; //ignore info... } var newColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; switch (level) { case newColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; break; case WizdomClient.LogLevel.warn: newColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; break; case WizdomClient.LogLevel.error: newColor = ConsoleColor.Red; break; default: break; } var old = Console.ForegroundColor; Console.ForegroundColor = newColor; Console.WriteLine(message); Console.ForegroundColor = old; }; WizdomClient.InstanceDecisionHandlerDelegate instanceDecisionHandler = async delegate(List <WizdomInstance> instances) { if ((instances?.Count ?? 0) == 0) { return(0); } if (instances.Count == 1) { return(instances[0].LicenseID); } while (true) { int i = 1; foreach (var instance in instances) { Console.WriteLine($"{i}. {instance.LicenseName}"); i++; } Console.Write("Choose instance > "); var k = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString(); int iKey; if (int.TryParse(k, out iKey) && iKey < i && iKey > 0) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); return(instances[iKey - 1].LicenseID); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please choose instance!"); } } }; switch (commandString.ToLower()) { case "1": wizdomclient = new WizdomClient(new DeviceCodeTokenHandler()) { Logger = logger, InstanceDecisionHandler = instanceDecisionHandler }; commandString = "continue"; break; case "2": wizdomclient = new WizdomClient(new DelegateTokenHandler(async delegate(string clientId, string resourceId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { Console.Write("Input token > "); token = ""; while (true) { var k = Console.ReadKey(false); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { break; } //Console.Write("*"); token += k.KeyChar; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); } return(token); }, async delegate() { token = string.Empty; })) { Logger = logger, InstanceDecisionHandler = instanceDecisionHandler }; commandString = "continue"; break; case "q": Console.WriteLine("Bye!"); return; default: Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Invalid command."); break; } } Console.WriteLine(); // main command cycle while (true) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(@" ************************************************ 1: Connect to Wizdom instance 2: Disconnect / Sign Out 3: Get environment direct 4: Get environment using proxy 5: People search (test SharePoint accepts token) 6: List noticeboard news 7: List instances q: Quit Enter command (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 | q) > "); commandString = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar.ToString(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(""); switch (commandString.ToLower()) { case "1": var environment = await wizdomclient.ConnectAsync(); //var environment = await ConnectToInstanceAsync(); if (environment != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Connected to {environment.appUrl} running Wizdom v.{environment.wizdomVersion.ToString()} as {environment.currentPrincipal.loginName}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error connecting!"); } break; case "2": await wizdomclient.DisconnectAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Disconnected!"); break; case "3": Console.WriteLine(await wizdomclient.GetAsync("/api/wizdom/noticeboard/environment")); break; case "4": Console.WriteLine(await wizdomclient.GetAsync("/api/wizdom/noticeboard/environment", useProxy: true)); break; case "5": Console.WriteLine(await wizdomclient.GetAsync("/api/wizdom/searchPerson/search?index=3&numberOfUsersPerPage=100&selectProperties=PreferredName&selectProperties=AccountName&resultSource=b09a7990-05ea-4af9-81ef-edfab16c4e31&pageindex=1&queryText=John", useProxy: false)); break; case "6": await RenderNoticeboardItems(); break; case "7": var asdf = await wizdomclient.GetInstancesAsync(); foreach (var item in asdf) { Console.WriteLine($"License ID: {item.LicenseID}, name: {item.LicenseName}, tenant: {item.TenantId}"); } break; case "q": Console.WriteLine("Bye!"); return; default: Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("Invalid command."); break; } } }
public Noticeboard(WizdomClient wizdomClient) { _wizdomClient = wizdomClient; }