public PersistentWindowController(Gtk.Window window, WindowConfiguration windowConfig, WindowPersistOptions options)
            this.window = window;
            this.options = options;
            this.window_config = windowConfig;

            window.ConfigureEvent += OnChanged;
            window.WindowStateEvent += OnChanged;
            window.DestroyEvent += OnDestroy;
        public PersistentWindowController(Gtk.Window window, WindowConfiguration windowConfig, WindowPersistOptions options)
            this.window        = window;
            this.options       = options;
            this.window_config = windowConfig;

            window.ConfigureEvent   += OnChanged;
            window.WindowStateEvent += OnChanged;
            window.DestroyEvent     += OnDestroy;
Example #3
        public PersistentWindowController(Gtk.Window window, string configNameSpace, int defaultWidth, int defaultHeight, WindowPersistOptions options)
            this.window  = window;
            this.options = options;

            WidthSchema = new SchemaEntry <int>(
                configNameSpace, "width",
                "Window Width",
                "Width of the main interface window."

            HeightSchema = new SchemaEntry <int>(
                configNameSpace, "height",
                "Window Height",
                "Height of the main interface window."

            XPosSchema = new SchemaEntry <int>(
                configNameSpace, "x_pos",
                "Window Position X",
                "Pixel position of Main Player Window on the X Axis"

            YPosSchema = new SchemaEntry <int>(
                configNameSpace, "y_pos",
                "Window Position Y",
                "Pixel position of Main Player Window on the Y Axis"

            MaximizedSchema = new SchemaEntry <bool>(
                configNameSpace, "maximized",
                "Window Maximized",
                "True if main window is to be maximized, false if it is not."

            window.ConfigureEvent   += OnChanged;
            window.WindowStateEvent += OnChanged;
            window.DestroyEvent     += OnDestroy;