private void ReceiveConcealedGridsResponse(byte[] body)
            Log.Trace("Receiving Concealed Grids Response",

            ConcealedGridsResponse response = ConcealedGridsResponse.FromBytes(body);

            Session.ConcealedGrids = response.ConcealedGrids;
            String result = Session.ConcealedGrids.Count + " Concealed Grids:\n\n";

            int i = 1;

            foreach (World.Entities.ConcealedGrid grid in Session.ConcealedGrids)
                result += String.Format("{0}: \"{1}\" - Revealability: {2}\n",
                                        i, grid.DisplayName, grid.IsRevealable);

            Notification notice = new WindowNotification()
                Text       = result,
                BigLabel   = "Garden Performance",
                SmallLabel = "Concealed Grids"

        private void ReceiveObservingEntitiesResponse(byte[] body)
            Log.Trace("Receiving Observing Entities Response",

            Log.Trace("body size is " + body.Count(), "ReceiveObservingEntitiesResponse");
            ObservingEntitiesResponse response = ObservingEntitiesResponse.FromBytes(body);

            Session.ObservingEntities = response.ObservingEntities;

            String result = Session.ObservingEntities.Count + " Observing Entities:\n\n";

            int i = 1;

            foreach (ObservingEntity e in Session.ObservingEntities)
                // Ids
                result += i + ": \"" + e.ObservationDetails() + "\n";


            Notification notice = new WindowNotification()
                Text       = result,
                BigLabel   = "Garden Performance",
                SmallLabel = "Observing Entities"

        private void ReceiveRevealedGridsResponse(byte[] body)
            Log.Trace("Receiving Revealed Grids Response",

            RevealedGridsResponse response = RevealedGridsResponse.FromBytes(body);

            Session.RevealedGrids = response.RevealedGrids;

            String result = Session.RevealedGrids.Count + " Revealed Grids:\n\n";

            int i = 1;

            foreach (RevealedGrid grid in Session.RevealedGrids)
                // Ids
                result += i + ": \"" + grid.DisplayName + "\" - ";
                result += (grid.IsConcealable) ? "Concealable" : "Not concealable";
                result += "\n";


            Notification notice = new WindowNotification()
                Text       = result,
                BigLabel   = "Garden Performance",
                SmallLabel = "Revealed Grids"

        // サブウィンドウを表示する
        private void ShowSubWindow(int windowId, bool isModal = true)
            WindowNotification windowNotification = new WindowNotification();

            windowNotification.WindowId = windowId;
            windowNotification.IsModal  = isModal;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// FullCommand can change depending on command's position in the Tree
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="security"></param>
        public override void Refresh(int security)

            String fullCommandWithArgs = FullCommand + " " + String.Join(" ", ArgNames);

            InfoAsTop = fullCommandWithArgs + "\n\n" + LongInfo;
            //InfoBadusage = "Incorrect usage.\n\n" + InfoAsTop;
            InfoAsChild = fullCommandWithArgs + " - " + ShortInfo;
            InfoNotice  = new WindowNotification()
                Text       = InfoAsTop,
                BigLabel   = BigLabel,
                SmallLabel = SmallLabel

            ArgsErrorNotice = new ChatNotification()
                Text = "Expected " + ArgCount + " arguments -\n" + fullCommandWithArgs
Example #6
        public override void Refresh(int security)
            InfoAsTop = LongInfo;
            //InfoBadusage = InfoAsTop;
            //String unknownChildText = "Unknown subcommand for " + FullCommand +
            //    ", did you mean on of these? :";
            InfoAsChild  = FullCommand + " - " + ShortInfo;
            ChildrenInfo = "";

            if (Children.Count > 0)
                foreach (Node child in Children)
                    if (security >= child.Security)
                        ChildrenInfo += child.InfoAsChild + "\n";
                    ChildWords += " " + child.Word;

                InfoAsTop += "\n\nCommands:\n\n" + ChildrenInfo;
                //InfoBadusage += "\n\n Incorrect usage. Commands: ";
                InfoAsChild += "\n" + ChildrenInfo;

            InfoNotice = new WindowNotification()
                Text       = InfoAsTop,
                BigLabel   = BigLabel,
                SmallLabel = SmallLabel

             * UnknownChildNotice = new ChatNotification() {
             *  Text = unknownChildText
             * };
             * */
        protected override Window CreateWindow(INotification notification)
            WindowNotification windowNotification = (WindowNotification)notification;

            // モーダル
            IsModal = windowNotification.IsModal;

            // 生成するウィンドウ
            if (windowNotification.WindowId == WindowNotification.MAIN_WINDOW)
                return(new MainWindow());
            if (windowNotification.WindowId == WindowNotification.CAPTURE_WINDOW)
                return(new CaptureWindow());
            if (windowNotification.WindowId == WindowNotification.MY_PARTY_WINDOW)
                return(new MyPartyWindow());
            if (windowNotification.WindowId == WindowNotification.OPPONENT_PARTY_WINDOW)
                return(new OpponentPartyWindow());
            if (windowNotification.WindowId == WindowNotification.TODAY_BATTLE_RECORD_WINDOW)
                return(new TodayBattleRecordWindow());
            if (windowNotification.WindowId == WindowNotification.BATTLE_HISTORY_WINDOW)
                return(new BattleHistoryWindow());

            //TODO エラー画面を表示する?
            return(new Window());
Example #8
 public static void PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, WindowNotification message)
     PostMessage(hWnd, (uint)message, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);