private void bnSendMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int nNumber;

            // Validate the parameter value in tbNumber
            if (!int.TryParse(this.tbNumber.Text, out nNumber))
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid value of nNumber!");

            // Find the target Window Handle.

            IntPtr hTargetWnd = WindowNative.FindWindow(null, "CSReceiveWM_COPYDATA");

            // Validate the Window Handle.
            if (hTargetWnd == IntPtr.Zero)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to find the target Window!");

            // Prepare the COPYDATASTRUCT struct with the data to be sent.

            // Declare the MyStruct struct to hold the message
            MyStruct myStruct;

            myStruct.nNumber    = nNumber;
            myStruct.strMessage = this.tbMessage.Text;

            // Marshals from the managed object to a native block of memory
            IntPtr ptrMyStruct = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(myStruct));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(myStruct, ptrMyStruct, true);

            // Declare the COPYDATASTRUCT struct for the WM_COPYDATA message.

            cds.cbData = Marshal.SizeOf(myStruct);
            cds.lpData = ptrMyStruct;

            // Send the COPYDATASTRUCT struct through the WM_COPYDATA message
            // to the receiving Window.

            // Send the WM_COPYDATA message
            // The application must use SendMessage, instead of PostMessage
            // to send WM_COPYDATA because the receiving application must
            // accept while it is guaranteed to be valid.
                hTargetWnd,                 // Handle of the target Window
                WindowNative.WM_COPYDATA,   // WM_COPYDATE message
                this.Handle,                // Handle of the current Window
                ref cds                     // COPYDATASTRUCT structure

            // Check error of SendMessage
            int result = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

            if (result != 0)
                                    "SendMessage failed w/err 0x{0:X}", result));

            // Clean up.

            // Frees the native memory allocated for MyStruct