public GraphicsDevice( Size size, WindowMode window ) { Console.WriteLine("Using Cg renderer"); windowSize = size; var extensions = new string[] { "GL_ARB_vertex_program", "GL_ARB_fragment_program", "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object", }; surf = SdlGraphics.InitializeSdlGl(ref windowSize, window, extensions); cgContext = Tao.Cg.Cg.cgCreateContext(); Tao.Cg.Cg.cgSetErrorCallback( CgErrorCallback ); Tao.Cg.CgGl.cgGLRegisterStates( cgContext ); Tao.Cg.CgGl.cgGLSetManageTextureParameters( cgContext, true ); vertexProfile = CgGl.cgGLGetLatestProfile( CgGl.CG_GL_VERTEX ); fragmentProfile = CgGl.cgGLGetLatestProfile( CgGl.CG_GL_FRAGMENT ); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY ); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY ); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); Sdl.SDL_SetModState( 0 ); // i have had enough. input = new SdlInput( surf ); }
void SetMode(WindowMode mode) { if (mode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) { Settings.DeviceMode = DeviceMode.Fullscreen; Settings.Resolution = new Resolution { Width = 1440, Height = 900 }; } else Settings.DeviceMode = DeviceMode.Windowed; if (mode == WindowMode.Windowed) { window.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.Sizable; window.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal; //Settings.Resolution = new Resolution //{ // Width = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size. //}; } else { window.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; window.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized; } WindowMode = mode; GraphicsDevice.ApplySettings(); }
public GraphicsDevice( int width, int height, WindowMode window, bool vsync ) { Console.WriteLine("Using Gl renderer"); Sdl.SDL_Init( Sdl.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | Sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0 ); int windowFlags = 0; switch( window ) { case WindowMode.Fullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_FULLSCREEN; break; case WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_NOFRAME; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS", "0,0" ); break; default: break; } surf = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode( width, height, 0, Sdl.SDL_OPENGL | windowFlags ); Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption( "OpenRA", "OpenRA" ); Sdl.SDL_ShowCursor( 0 ); Sdl.SDL_EnableUNICODE( 1 ); Sdl.SDL_EnableKeyRepeat( Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL ); CheckGlError(); // Test for required extensions var required = new string[] { "GL_ARB_vertex_shader", "GL_ARB_fragment_shader", "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object", }; var extensions = Gl.glGetString(Gl.GL_EXTENSIONS); if (required.Any(r => !extensions.Contains(r))) { Log.AddChannel("graphics", "graphics.log"); Log.Write("graphics", "Unsupported GPU: Missing extensions."); Log.Write("graphics", "Available extensions:"); Log.Write("graphics", extensions); throw new InvalidProgramException("Unsupported GPU. See graphics.log for details."); } windowSize = new Size( width, height ); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY ); CheckGlError(); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY ); CheckGlError(); Sdl.SDL_SetModState( 0 ); }
public Sdl2GraphicsDevice(Size windowSize, WindowMode windowMode) { size = windowSize; SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); SDL.SDL_DisplayMode display; SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, out display); Console.WriteLine("Desktop resolution: {0}x{1}", display.w, display.h); if (size.Width == 0 && size.Height == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution"); size = new Size(display.w, display.h); } Console.WriteLine("Using resolution: {0}x{1}", size.Width, size.Height); window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("OpenRA", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, size.Width, size.Height, SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL); if (windowMode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, (uint)SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); else if (windowMode == WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen) { // Work around a visual glitch in OSX: the window is offset // partially offscreen if the dock is at the left of the screen if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) SDL.SDL_SetWindowPosition(window, 0, 0); SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, (uint)SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS, "0"); } SDL.SDL_ShowCursor(0); context = SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(window); SDL.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window, context); GL.LoadAll(); ErrorHandler.CheckGlVersion(); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); if (SDL.SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_framebuffer_object") == SDL.SDL_bool.SDL_FALSE) { ErrorHandler.WriteGraphicsLog("OpenRA requires the OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_object.\n" +"Please try updating your GPU driver to the latest version provided by the manufacturer."); throw new InvalidProgramException("Missing OpenGL extension GL_EXT_framebuffer_object. See graphics.log for details."); } GL.EnableClientState(ArrayCap.VertexArray); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); GL.EnableClientState(ArrayCap.TextureCoordArray); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); SDL.SDL_SetModState(0); input = new Sdl2Input(); }
public Sdl2GraphicsDevice(Size windowSize, WindowMode windowMode) { Console.WriteLine("Using SDL 2 with OpenGL renderer"); WindowSize = windowSize; SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); SDL.SDL_DisplayMode display; SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, out display); Console.WriteLine("Desktop resolution: {0}x{1}", display.w, display.h); if (WindowSize.Width == 0 && WindowSize.Height == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution"); WindowSize = new Size(display.w, display.h); } Console.WriteLine("Using resolution: {0}x{1}", WindowSize.Width, WindowSize.Height); window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("OpenRA", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, WindowSize.Width, WindowSize.Height, SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL); if (Game.Settings.Game.LockMouseWindow) GrabWindowMouseFocus(); else ReleaseWindowMouseFocus(); if (windowMode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, (uint)SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); else if (windowMode == WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen) { // Work around a visual glitch in OSX: the window is offset // partially offscreen if the dock is at the left of the screen if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) SDL.SDL_SetWindowPosition(window, 0, 0); SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, (uint)SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS, "0"); } context = SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(window); if (context == IntPtr.Zero || SDL.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window, context) < 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not create OpenGL context. (Error: {0})".F(SDL.SDL_GetError())); OpenGL.Initialize(); OpenGL.glEnableVertexAttribArray(Shader.VertexPosAttributeIndex); OpenGL.CheckGLError(); OpenGL.glEnableVertexAttribArray(Shader.TexCoordAttributeIndex); OpenGL.CheckGLError(); SDL.SDL_SetModState(SDL.SDL_Keymod.KMOD_NONE); input = new Sdl2Input(); }
public GraphicsDevice( int width, int height, WindowMode window, bool vsync ) { Console.WriteLine("Using Cg renderer"); Sdl.SDL_Init( Sdl.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | Sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0 ); int windowFlags = 0; switch( window ) { case WindowMode.Fullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_FULLSCREEN; break; case WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_NOFRAME; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS", "0,0" ); break; case WindowMode.Windowed: Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED", "1" ); break; default: break; } surf = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode( width, height, 0, Sdl.SDL_OPENGL | windowFlags ); Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption( "OpenRA", "OpenRA" ); Sdl.SDL_ShowCursor( 0 ); Sdl.SDL_EnableUNICODE( 1 ); Sdl.SDL_EnableKeyRepeat( Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL ); CheckGlError(); windowSize = new Size( width, height ); cgContext = Tao.Cg.Cg.cgCreateContext(); Tao.Cg.Cg.cgSetErrorCallback( CgErrorCallback ); Tao.Cg.CgGl.cgGLRegisterStates( cgContext ); Tao.Cg.CgGl.cgGLSetManageTextureParameters( cgContext, true ); vertexProfile = CgGl.cgGLGetLatestProfile( CgGl.CG_GL_VERTEX ); fragmentProfile = CgGl.cgGLGetLatestProfile( CgGl.CG_GL_FRAGMENT ); //Console.WriteLine("VP Profile: " + vertexProfile); //Console.WriteLine("FP Profile: " + fragmentProfile); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY ); CheckGlError(); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY ); CheckGlError(); Sdl.SDL_SetModState( 0 ); // i have had enough. }
public Sdl2GraphicsDevice(Size windowSize, WindowMode windowMode) { size = windowSize; SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); var windowFlags = SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL; if (windowMode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) windowFlags |= SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN; else if (windowMode == WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen) { windowFlags |= SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS", "0"); } SDL.SDL_DisplayMode display; SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, out display); Console.WriteLine("Desktop resolution: {0}x{1}", display.w, display.h); if (size.Width == 0 && size.Height == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution"); size = new Size(display.w, display.h); } Console.WriteLine("Using resolution: {0}x{1}", size.Width, size.Height); window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("OpenRA", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, size.Width, size.Height, windowFlags); SDL.SDL_ShowCursor(0); SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(window); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); var extensions = Gl.glGetString(Gl.GL_EXTENSIONS); if (extensions == null) Console.WriteLine("Failed to fetch GL_EXTENSIONS, this is bad."); var missingExtensions = requiredExtensions.Where(r => !extensions.Contains(r)).ToArray(); if (missingExtensions.Any()) { ErrorHandler.WriteGraphicsLog("Unsupported GPU: Missing extensions: {0}".F(missingExtensions.JoinWith(","))); throw new InvalidProgramException("Unsupported GPU. See graphics.log for details."); } Gl.glEnableClientState(Gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); Gl.glEnableClientState(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); SDL.SDL_SetModState(0); input = new Sdl2Input(); }
static SettingsLogic() { var original = Game.Settings; OriginalSoundDevice = original.Sound.Device; OriginalGraphicsMode = original.Graphics.Mode; OriginalGraphicsWindowedSize = original.Graphics.WindowedSize; OriginalGraphicsFullscreenSize = original.Graphics.FullscreenSize; OriginalServerDiscoverNatDevices = original.Server.DiscoverNatDevices; }
static SettingsLogic() { var original = Game.Settings; OriginalSoundDevice = original.Sound.Device; OriginalSoundEngine = original.Sound.Engine; OriginalGraphicsMode = original.Graphics.Mode; OriginalGraphicsRenderer = original.Graphics.Renderer; OriginalGraphicsWindowedSize = original.Graphics.WindowedSize; OriginalGraphicsFullscreenSize = original.Graphics.FullscreenSize; }
public GLFWWindow(int width, int height, int rbits, int gbits, int bbits, int alpha, int depth, int stencil, WindowMode mode) { _width = width; _height = height; _rbits = rbits; _gbits = gbits; _bbits = bbits; _alpha = alpha; _depth = depth; _stencil = stencil; _mode = mode; }
public GraphicsDevice(Size size, WindowMode window) : base(size, window, RequiredExtensions) { cgContext = Tao.Cg.Cg.cgCreateContext(); Tao.Cg.Cg.cgSetErrorCallback(CgErrorCallback); Tao.Cg.CgGl.cgGLRegisterStates(cgContext); Tao.Cg.CgGl.cgGLSetManageTextureParameters(cgContext, true); vertexProfile = CgGl.cgGLGetLatestProfile(CgGl.CG_GL_VERTEX); fragmentProfile = CgGl.cgGLGetLatestProfile(CgGl.CG_GL_FRAGMENT); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a window. /// </summary> /// <param name="winname">Name of the window in the window caption that may be used as a window identifier.</param> /// <param name="flags"> /// Flags of the window. Currently the only supported flag is CV WINDOW AUTOSIZE. If this is set, /// the window size is automatically adjusted to fit the displayed image (see imshow ), and the user can not change the window size manually. /// </param> public static void NamedWindow(string winname, WindowMode flags) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(winname)) throw new ArgumentNullException("winname"); try { NativeMethods.highgui_namedWindow(winname, (int)flags); } catch (BadImageFormatException ex) { throw PInvokeHelper.CreateException(ex); } }
public SdlGraphics(Size size, WindowMode window, string[] extensions) { windowSize = size; InitializeSdlGl(ref windowSize, window, extensions); Gl.glEnableClientState(Gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); Gl.glEnableClientState(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); Sdl.SDL_SetModState(0); input = new SdlInput(); }
public GraphicsDevice( int width, int height, WindowMode window, bool vsync ) { Console.WriteLine("Using Gl renderer"); Sdl.SDL_Init( Sdl.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | Sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8 ); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( Sdl.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0 ); int windowFlags = 0; switch( window ) { case WindowMode.Fullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_FULLSCREEN; break; case WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen: // pseudo-fullscreen only reliably works on windows; fall back to fullscreen for everyone else windowFlags |= ( Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT ) ? Sdl.SDL_NOFRAME : Sdl.SDL_FULLSCREEN; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS", "0,0" ); break; default: break; } surf = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode( width, height, 0, Sdl.SDL_OPENGL | windowFlags ); Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption( "OpenRA", "OpenRA" ); Sdl.SDL_ShowCursor( 0 ); Sdl.SDL_EnableUNICODE( 1 ); Sdl.SDL_EnableKeyRepeat( Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL ); CheckGlError(); windowSize = new Size( width, height ); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY ); CheckGlError(); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY ); CheckGlError(); Sdl.SDL_SetModState( 0 ); // i have had enough. var extensions = Gl.glGetString(Gl.GL_EXTENSIONS); if (!extensions.Contains("GL_ARB_vertex_shader") || !extensions.Contains("GL_ARB_fragment_shader")) throw new InvalidProgramException("Unsupported GPU. OpenRA requires the GL_ARB_vertex_shader and GL_ARB_fragment_shader extensions."); }
static Settings() { int screenWidth = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; int screenHeight = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; appDataPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), Constants.APP_DATA_GAME_NAME); // General _windowMode = WindowMode.Fullscreen; _startingGameState = GameState.MainMenu; _X_resolution = screenWidth; _Y_resolution = screenHeight; _X_windowPos = 0; _Y_windowPos = 0; _mouseVisible = true; _fixedTimestep = false; _mouseScrolling = true; // Audio _masterVolume = 1.0f; _effectVolume = 1.0f; _musicVolume = 0.5f; }
public GraphicsDevice( Size size, WindowMode window ) { Console.WriteLine("Using Gl renderer"); windowSize = size; var extensions = new string[] { "GL_ARB_vertex_shader", "GL_ARB_fragment_shader", "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object", }; surf = SdlGraphics.InitializeSdlGl( ref windowSize, window, extensions ); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY ); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); Gl.glEnableClientState( Gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY ); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); Sdl.SDL_SetModState( 0 ); input = new SdlInput( surf ); }
public IPlatformWindow CreateWindow(Size size, WindowMode windowMode, int batchSize) { return(new Sdl2PlatformWindow(size, windowMode, batchSize)); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed) this.Exit(); if (input.KeyState.WasPress(Keys.Tab)) { graphics.ToggleFullScreen(); } if (input.KeyState.WasPress(Keys.V)) { Win = WindowMode.Tiny; } if (input.KeyState.WasPress(Keys.B)) { Win = WindowMode.Big; } if (input.KeyState.WasPress(Keys.C)) { Window.AllowUserResizing = !Window.AllowUserResizing; } switch( Win ){ case WindowMode.Tiny:{ break; } case WindowMode.Big:{ break; } } //Entra y recarga toda la informacion si es que //Hay una cantidad diferente de archivos de la que habia antes //Algun archivo cambio de nombre if (Data_Loader.Loader.IsTheresomethingnew()) { //reinicializo los contadores de cantidad de elemntos en FXY y FXYZ Data_Loader.Loader.Re_InitializeVariables(); Data_Loader.Loader.Load_All_Data_from_Folder(); } base.Update(gameTime); }
public static void NamedWindow(string winname, WindowMode flags) { NativeBindings.Kernal.NamedWindow(winname, flags); }
/// <summary> /// Provides derived classes an opportunity to handle changes to the WindowFrameMode property. /// </summary> /// <param name="oldWindowFrameMode">Old Value</param> /// <param name="newWindowFrameMode">New Value</param> protected void OnWindowFrameModeChanged(WindowMode oldWindowFrameMode, WindowMode newWindowFrameMode) { UpdateWindowFrame(newWindowFrameMode); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a window. /// </summary> /// <param name="winname">Name of the window in the window caption that may be used as a window identifier.</param> /// <param name="flags"> /// Flags of the window. Currently the only supported flag is CV WINDOW AUTOSIZE. If this is set, /// the window size is automatically adjusted to fit the displayed image (see imshow ), and the user can not change the window size manually. /// </param> public static void NamedWindow(string winname, WindowMode flags = WindowMode.None) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(winname)) throw new ArgumentNullException("winname"); CppInvoke.cv_namedWindow(winname, flags); }
public IGraphicsDevice Create(Size size, WindowMode windowMode) { Console.WriteLine("Using SDL 1.2 with Cg renderer"); return(new GraphicsDevice(size, windowMode)); }
/// <summary> /// 適当なウィンドウ名で、画像の表示モードを指定して初期化 /// </summary> /// <param name="flags">ウィンドウのフラグ</param> /// <param name="image">ウィンドウに表示する画像</param> #else /// <summary> /// Creates a window with a specified image and flag /// </summary> /// <param name="flags">Flags of the window. Currently the only supported flag is WindowMode.AutoSize. /// If it is set, window size is automatically adjusted to fit the displayed image (see cvShowImage), while user can not change the window size manually. </param> /// <param name="image"></param> #endif public CvWindow(WindowMode flags, CvArr image) : this(DefaultName(), flags, image) { }
// Returns full view name including namespace and suffix 'View' private string GetFullViewName(WindowMode mode) { return("Nameless.NumberConverter.Views." + mode.ToString() + "View"); }
public void Load(string filePath) { XDocument doc = XMLExtensions.TryLoadXml(filePath); MasterServerUrl = doc.Root.GetAttributeString("masterserverurl", ""); AutoCheckUpdates = doc.Root.GetAttributeBool("autocheckupdates", true); WasGameUpdated = doc.Root.GetAttributeBool("wasgameupdated", false); VerboseLogging = doc.Root.GetAttributeBool("verboselogging", false); SaveDebugConsoleLogs = doc.Root.GetAttributeBool("savedebugconsolelogs", false); if (doc.Root.Attribute("senduserstatistics") == null) { ShowUserStatisticsPrompt = true; } else { sendUserStatistics = doc.Root.GetAttributeBool("senduserstatistics", true); } if (doc == null) { GraphicsWidth = 1024; GraphicsHeight = 678; MasterServerUrl = ""; SelectedContentPackage = ContentPackage.list.Any() ? ContentPackage.list[0] : new ContentPackage(""); JobNamePreferences = new List <string>(); foreach (JobPrefab job in JobPrefab.List) { JobNamePreferences.Add(job.Name); } return; } XElement graphicsMode = doc.Root.Element("graphicsmode"); GraphicsWidth = graphicsMode.GetAttributeInt("width", 0); GraphicsHeight = graphicsMode.GetAttributeInt("height", 0); VSyncEnabled = graphicsMode.GetAttributeBool("vsync", true); #if CLIENT if (GraphicsWidth == 0 || GraphicsHeight == 0) { GraphicsWidth = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; GraphicsHeight = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; } #endif //FullScreenEnabled = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(graphicsMode, "fullscreen", true); var windowModeStr = graphicsMode.GetAttributeString("displaymode", "Fullscreen"); if (!Enum.TryParse <WindowMode>(windowModeStr, out windowMode)) { windowMode = WindowMode.Fullscreen; } SoundVolume = doc.Root.GetAttributeFloat("soundvolume", 1.0f); MusicVolume = doc.Root.GetAttributeFloat("musicvolume", 0.3f); EnableSplashScreen = doc.Root.GetAttributeBool("enablesplashscreen", true); keyMapping = new KeyOrMouse[Enum.GetNames(typeof(InputType)).Length]; keyMapping[(int)InputType.Up] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.W); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Down] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.S); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Left] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.A); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Right] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.D); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Run] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.LeftShift); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Chat] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.Tab); keyMapping[(int)InputType.RadioChat] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.OemPipe); keyMapping[(int)InputType.CrewOrders] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.C); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Select] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.E); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Use] = new KeyOrMouse(0); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Aim] = new KeyOrMouse(1); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Ragdoll] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.Space); foreach (XElement subElement in doc.Root.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "keymapping": foreach (XAttribute attribute in subElement.Attributes()) { if (Enum.TryParse(attribute.Name.ToString(), true, out InputType inputType)) { if (int.TryParse(attribute.Value.ToString(), out int mouseButton)) { keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(mouseButton); } else { if (Enum.TryParse(attribute.Value.ToString(), true, out Keys key)) { keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(key); } } } } break; case "gameplay": JobNamePreferences = new List <string>(); foreach (XElement ele in subElement.Element("jobpreferences").Elements("job")) { JobNamePreferences.Add(ele.GetAttributeString("name", "")); } break; case "player": defaultPlayerName = subElement.GetAttributeString("name", ""); characterHeadIndex = subElement.GetAttributeInt("headindex", Rand.Int(10)); characterGender = subElement.GetAttributeString("gender", Rand.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) < 0.5f ? "male" : "female") .ToLowerInvariant() == "male" ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female; break; } } foreach (InputType inputType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(InputType))) { if (keyMapping[(int)inputType] == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Key binding for the input type \"" + inputType + " not set!"); keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.D1); } } UnsavedSettings = false; foreach (XElement subElement in doc.Root.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "contentpackage": string path = subElement.GetAttributeString("path", ""); SelectedContentPackage = ContentPackage.list.Find(cp => cp.Path == path); if (SelectedContentPackage == null) { SelectedContentPackage = new ContentPackage(path); } break; } } }
public void DecreaseToggle(string DesiredMenu) { switch (DesiredMenu) { case "SelectionMenu": if (_MenuType > MenuType.RADIAL) { _MenuType--; } else { _MenuType = MenuType.WINDOW;; } UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MenuType", (int)_MenuType); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "WindowMode": if (_WindowMode > WindowMode.FULLSCREEN) { _WindowMode--; } else { _WindowMode = WindowMode.WINDOWED; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("WindowMode", (int)_WindowMode); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "Resolution": if (_Resolution > Resolution.NINETEEN_TWENTY_BY_TEN_EIGHTY) { _Resolution--; } else { _Resolution = Resolution.THIRTY_EIGHT_FOURTY_BY_TWENTY_ONE_SIXTY; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Resolution", (int)_Resolution); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "Aspect Ratio": if (_AspectRatio > AspectRatio.SIXTEEN_NINE) { _AspectRatio--; } else { _AspectRatio = AspectRatio.FIVE_FOUR; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AspectRatio", (int)_AspectRatio); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "VSync": if (VSync == 0) { VSync = 1; } else if (VSync == 1) { VSync = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("VSync", VSync); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "TextureQ": if (_TextureQuality > TextureQuality.LOW) { _TextureQuality--; } else { _TextureQuality = TextureQuality.HIGH; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TextureQuality", (int)_TextureQuality); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; } }
public NUIApplication(string styleSheet, WindowMode windowMode, Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition) : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, windowMode, windowSize, windowPosition)) { ExternalThemeManager.Initialize(); }
public void IncreaseToggle(string DesiredMenu) { switch (DesiredMenu) { case "SelectionMenu": if (_MenuType < MenuType.WINDOW) { _MenuType++; } else { _MenuType = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MenuType", (int)_MenuType); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "WindowMode": if (_WindowMode < WindowMode.WINDOWED) { _WindowMode++; } else { _WindowMode = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("WindowMode", (int)_WindowMode); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "Resolution": if (_Resolution < Resolution.THIRTY_EIGHT_FOURTY_BY_TWENTY_ONE_SIXTY) { _Resolution++; } else { _Resolution = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Resolution", (int)_Resolution); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "Aspect Ratio": if (_AspectRatio < AspectRatio.FIVE_FOUR) { _AspectRatio++; } else { _AspectRatio = AspectRatio.SIXTEEN_NINE; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AspectRatio", (int)_AspectRatio); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "VSync": if (VSync == 0) { VSync = 1; } else if (VSync == 1) { VSync = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("VSync", VSync); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; case "TextureQ": if (_TextureQuality < TextureQuality.HIGH) { _TextureQuality++; } else { _TextureQuality = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TextureQuality", (int)_TextureQuality); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Do actions based on current active scene. /// </summary> private void SwitchSettings() { switch (CurrentSelection) { case "MenuType": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_MenuType < MenuType.WINDOW) { _MenuType++; } else { _MenuType = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MenuType", (int)_MenuType); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_MenuType > MenuType.RADIAL) { _MenuType--; } else { _MenuType = MenuType.WINDOW;; } UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MenuType", (int)_MenuType); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "WindowMode": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_WindowMode < WindowMode.WINDOWED) { _WindowMode++; } else { _WindowMode = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("WindowMode", (int)_WindowMode); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_WindowMode > WindowMode.FULLSCREEN) { _WindowMode--; } else { _WindowMode = WindowMode.WINDOWED; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("WindowMode", (int)_WindowMode); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "Resolution": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_Resolution < Resolution.THIRTY_EIGHT_FOURTY_BY_TWENTY_ONE_SIXTY) { _Resolution++; } else { _Resolution = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Resolution", (int)_Resolution); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_Resolution > Resolution.NINETEEN_TWENTY_BY_TEN_EIGHTY) { _Resolution--; } else { _Resolution = Resolution.THIRTY_EIGHT_FOURTY_BY_TWENTY_ONE_SIXTY; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Resolution", (int)_Resolution); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "AspectRatio": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_AspectRatio < AspectRatio.FIVE_FOUR) { _AspectRatio++; } else { _AspectRatio = AspectRatio.SIXTEEN_NINE; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AspectRatio", (int)_AspectRatio); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_AspectRatio > AspectRatio.SIXTEEN_NINE) { _AspectRatio--; } else { _AspectRatio = AspectRatio.FIVE_FOUR; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AspectRatio", (int)_AspectRatio); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "VSync": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (VSync == 0) { VSync = 1; } else if (VSync == 1) { VSync = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("VSync", VSync); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (VSync == 0) { VSync = 1; } else if (VSync == 1) { VSync = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("VSync", VSync); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "TextureQuality": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_TextureQuality < TextureQuality.HIGH) { _TextureQuality++; } else { _TextureQuality = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TextureQuality", (int)_TextureQuality); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_TextureQuality > TextureQuality.LOW) { _TextureQuality--; } else { _TextureQuality = TextureQuality.HIGH; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TextureQuality", (int)_TextureQuality); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "MasterVolume": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButton("LB")) { if (MasterVolume > 0) { MasterVolume--; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MasterVolume", MasterVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButton("RB")) { if (MasterVolume < 100) { MasterVolume++; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MasterVolume", MasterVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "MusicVolume": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButton("LB")) { if (MusicVolume > 0) { MusicVolume--; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MusicVolume", MusicVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButton("RB")) { if (MusicVolume < 100) { MusicVolume++; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MusicVolume", MusicVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "SFXVolume": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButton("LB")) { if (EffectsVolume > 0) { EffectsVolume--; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("SFXVolume", EffectsVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButton("RB")) { if (EffectsVolume < 100) { EffectsVolume++; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("SFXVolume", EffectsVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; case "VoiceVolume": if (InputChecker.CurrentController == "Controller") { if (gamepad.GetButton("LB")) { if (VoiceVolume > 0) { VoiceVolume--; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("VoiceVolume", VoiceVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButton("RB")) { if (VoiceVolume < 100) { VoiceVolume++; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("VoiceVolume", VoiceVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } } break; default: break; } }
public Example(string stylesheet, WindowMode windowMode) : base(stylesheet, windowMode) { }
/// <summary> /// Do actions based on current active scene. /// </summary> private void SwitchSettings() { switch (CurrentSelection) { case "MenuType": if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_MenuType < MenuType.WINDOW) { _MenuType++; } else { _MenuType = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MenuType", (int)_MenuType); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_MenuType > MenuType.RADIAL) { _MenuType--; } else { _MenuType = MenuType.WINDOW;; } UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("MenuType", (int)_MenuType); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; case "WindowMode": if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_WindowMode < WindowMode.WINDOWED) { _WindowMode++; } else { _WindowMode = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("WindowMode", (int)_WindowMode); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_WindowMode > WindowMode.FULLSCREEN) { _WindowMode--; } else { _WindowMode = WindowMode.WINDOWED; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("WindowMode", (int)_WindowMode); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; case "Resolution": if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Resolution", (int)_Resolution); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Resolution", (int)_Resolution); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; case "AspectRatio": if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_AspectRatio < AspectRatio.FIVE_FOUR) { _AspectRatio++; } else { _AspectRatio = AspectRatio.SIXTEEN_NINE; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AspectRatio", (int)_AspectRatio); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_AspectRatio > AspectRatio.SIXTEEN_NINE) { _AspectRatio--; } else { _AspectRatio = AspectRatio.FIVE_FOUR; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AspectRatio", (int)_AspectRatio); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; case "VSync": if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (VSync == 0) { VSync = 1; } else if (VSync == 1) { VSync = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("VSync", VSync); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (VSync == 0) { VSync = 1; } else if (VSync == 1) { VSync = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("VSync", VSync); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; case "TextureQuality": if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("RB")) { if (_TextureQuality < TextureQuality.ULTRA) { _TextureQuality++; } else { _TextureQuality = 0; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TextureQuality", (int)_TextureQuality); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButtonDown("LB")) { if (_TextureQuality > TextureQuality.VERY_LOW) { _TextureQuality--; } else { _TextureQuality = TextureQuality.ULTRA; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TextureQuality", (int)_TextureQuality); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; case "MasterVolume": if (gamepad.GetButton("LB")) { if (MasterVolume > 0) { MasterVolume--; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MasterVolume", MasterVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButton("RB")) { if (MasterVolume < 100) { MasterVolume++; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MasterVolume", MasterVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; case "MusicVolume": if (gamepad.GetButton("LB")) { if (MusicVolume > 0) { MusicVolume--; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MusicVolume", MusicVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButton("RB")) { if (MusicVolume < 100) { MusicVolume++; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("MusicVolume", MusicVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; case "SFXVolume": if (gamepad.GetButton("LB")) { if (EffectsVolume > 0) { EffectsVolume--; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("SFXVolume", EffectsVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } else if (gamepad.GetButton("RB")) { if (EffectsVolume < 100) { EffectsVolume++; } PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("SFXVolume", EffectsVolume); UpdateTextAndApplySettings(); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } break; default: break; } }
public void ShowWindow(Character pc, WindowMode mode = WindowMode.DISPLAY, int slotID = 0, DetailsWindow child = null) { _pc = pc; cursorPos = 0; _windowmode = mode; _slotID = slotID; _child = child; pack = _pc.Backpack.Items; if (mode == WindowMode.DISPLAY) { _title = Game.Lang[StringName.BACKPACK_WND_TITLE]; } else if (mode == WindowMode.DROP) { _title = Game.Lang[StringName.BACKPACK_WND_TITLE_DROP]; } else { _title = Game.Lang[StringName.BACKPACK_WND_TITLE_EQUIP]; SlotType st = EquipmentSlot.GetSlotType(_slotID); pack = _pc.Backpack.GetItemsBySlot(st); } base.drawWindow(); drawText(); windowLoop(); }
public PXRedirectToBoardRequiredException(string baseBoardUrl, KeyValuePair <string, string>[] parameters, WindowMode windowMode = WindowMode.NewWindow, bool supressFrameset = true) : base(BuildUrl(baseBoardUrl, parameters), windowMode, supressFrameset, null) { }
public PlatformWindow(Size requestWindowSize, WindowMode windowMode, int batchSize, bool DisableWindowsDPIScaling, bool lockMouseWindow, bool disableWindowsRenderThread) { #if DEBUG windowMode = WindowMode.Windowed; #endif Console.WriteLine("Using SDL 2 with OpenGL renderer"); // Lock the Window/Surface properties until initialization is complete lock (syncObject) { windowSize = requestWindowSize; // Disable legacy scaling on Windows if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.Windows && !DisableWindowsDPIScaling) { SetProcessDPIAware(); } SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4); // OpenGL 3+ SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 4); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, Convert.ToInt32(SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE)); // нужно для RenderDoc SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, Convert.ToInt32(SDL.SDL_GLcontext.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_FLAG)); SDL.SDL_DisplayMode display; SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, out display); Console.WriteLine("Desktop resolution: {0}x{1}", display.w, display.h); if (windowSize.Width == 0 && windowSize.Height == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution"); windowSize = new Size(display.w, display.h); } Console.WriteLine("Using resolution: {0}x{1}", windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height); var windowFlags = SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; // HiDPI doesn't work properly on OSX with (legacy) fullscreen mode if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX && windowMode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) { SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_HIGHDPI_DISABLED, "1"); } window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("OpenRA", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height, windowFlags); // Work around an issue in macOS's GL backend where the window remains permanently black // (if dark mode is enabled) unless we drain the event queue before initializing GL if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) { SDL.SDL_Event e; while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out e) != 0) { // We can safely ignore all mouse/keyboard events and window size changes // (these will be caught in the window setup below), but do need to process focus if (e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_WINDOWEVENT) { switch (e.window.windowEvent) { //case SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: // Game.HasInputFocus = false; // break; //case SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: // Game.HasInputFocus = true; // break; } } } } surfaceSize = windowSize; windowScale = 1; // Enable high resolution rendering for Retina displays if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) { // OSX defines the window size in "points", with a device-dependent number of pixels per point. // The window scale is simply the ratio of GL pixels / window points. int width, height; SDL.SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(Window, out width, out height); surfaceSize = new Size(width, height); windowScale = width * 1f / windowSize.Width; } else if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.Windows) { float ddpi, hdpi, vdpi; if (!DisableWindowsDPIScaling && SDL.SDL_GetDisplayDPI(0, out ddpi, out hdpi, out vdpi) == 0) { windowScale = ddpi / 96; windowSize = new Size((int)(surfaceSize.Width / windowScale), (int)(surfaceSize.Height / windowScale)); } } else { float scale = 1; var scaleVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENRA_DISPLAY_SCALE"); if (scaleVariable != null && float.TryParse(scaleVariable, out scale)) { windowScale = scale; windowSize = new Size((int)(surfaceSize.Width / windowScale), (int)(surfaceSize.Height / windowScale)); } } Console.WriteLine("Using window scale {0:F2}", windowScale); if (lockMouseWindow) { GrabWindowMouseFocus(); } else { ReleaseWindowMouseFocus(); } if (windowMode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(Window, (uint)SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); // Fullscreen mode on OSX will ignore the configured display resolution // and instead always picks an arbitrary scaled resolution choice that may // not match the window size, leading to graphical and input issues. // We work around this by force disabling HiDPI and resetting the window and // surface sizes to match the size that is forced by SDL. // This is usually not what the player wants, but is the best we can consistently do. if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) { int width, height; SDL.SDL_GetWindowSize(Window, out width, out height); windowSize = surfaceSize = new Size(width, height); windowScale = 1; } } else if (windowMode == WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen) { // Work around a visual glitch in OSX: the window is offset // partially offscreen if the dock is at the left of the screen if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowPosition(Window, 0, 0); } SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(Window, (uint)SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS, "0"); } } // Run graphics rendering on a dedicated thread. // The calling thread will then have more time to process other tasks, since rendering happens in parallel. // If the calling thread is the main game thread, this means it can run more logic and render ticks. // This is disabled on Windows because it breaks the ability to minimize/restore the window from the taskbar for reasons that we dont understand. var threadedRenderer = Platform.CurrentPlatform != PlatformType.Windows || !disableWindowsRenderThread; if (!threadedRenderer) { var ctx = new GraphicsContext(this); ctx.InitializeOpenGL(); context = ctx; } else { //context = new ThreadedGraphicsContext(new GraphicsContext(this), batchSize); SDL.SDL_SetModState(SDL.SDL_Keymod.KMOD_NONE); } input = new Sdl2Input(); }
partial void InitProjSpecific(XDocument doc) { if (doc == null) { GraphicsWidth = 1024; GraphicsHeight = 678; MasterServerUrl = ""; SelectedContentPackage = ContentPackage.list.Any() ? ContentPackage.list[0] : new ContentPackage(""); JobNamePreferences = new List <string>(); foreach (JobPrefab job in JobPrefab.List) { JobNamePreferences.Add(job.Name); } return; } XElement graphicsMode = doc.Root.Element("graphicsmode"); GraphicsWidth = graphicsMode.GetAttributeInt("width", 0); GraphicsHeight = graphicsMode.GetAttributeInt("height", 0); VSyncEnabled = graphicsMode.GetAttributeBool("vsync", true); if (GraphicsWidth == 0 || GraphicsHeight == 0) { GraphicsWidth = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width; GraphicsHeight = GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height; } //FullScreenEnabled = ToolBox.GetAttributeBool(graphicsMode, "fullscreen", true); var windowModeStr = graphicsMode.GetAttributeString("displaymode", "Fullscreen"); if (!Enum.TryParse <WindowMode>(windowModeStr, out windowMode)) { windowMode = WindowMode.Fullscreen; } SoundVolume = doc.Root.GetAttributeFloat("soundvolume", 1.0f); MusicVolume = doc.Root.GetAttributeFloat("musicvolume", 0.3f); EnableSplashScreen = doc.Root.GetAttributeBool("enablesplashscreen", true); keyMapping = new KeyOrMouse[Enum.GetNames(typeof(InputType)).Length]; keyMapping[(int)InputType.Up] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.W); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Down] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.S); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Left] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.A); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Right] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.D); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Run] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.LeftShift); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Chat] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.Tab); keyMapping[(int)InputType.CrewOrders] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.C); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Select] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.E); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Use] = new KeyOrMouse(0); keyMapping[(int)InputType.Aim] = new KeyOrMouse(1); foreach (XElement subElement in doc.Root.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "keymapping": foreach (XAttribute attribute in subElement.Attributes()) { InputType inputType; if (Enum.TryParse(attribute.Name.ToString(), true, out inputType)) { int mouseButton; if (int.TryParse(attribute.Value.ToString(), out mouseButton)) { keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(mouseButton); } else { Keys key; if (Enum.TryParse(attribute.Value.ToString(), true, out key)) { keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(key); } } } } break; case "gameplay": JobNamePreferences = new List <string>(); foreach (XElement ele in subElement.Element("jobpreferences").Elements("job")) { JobNamePreferences.Add(ele.GetAttributeString("name", "")); } break; } } foreach (InputType inputType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(InputType))) { if (keyMapping[(int)inputType] == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Key binding for the input type \"" + inputType + " not set!"); keyMapping[(int)inputType] = new KeyOrMouse(Keys.D1); } } UnsavedSettings = false; }
public IGraphicsDevice Create(Size size, WindowMode windowMode) { Console.WriteLine("Using Cg renderer"); return new GraphicsDevice(size, windowMode); }
public NUIApplication(string styleSheet, WindowMode windowMode, Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition) : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, windowMode, windowSize, windowPosition)) { Registry.Instance.SavedApplicationThread = Thread.CurrentThread; _windowSize2D = windowSize; _windowPosition2D = windowPosition; }
/// <summary> /// Update the system control buttons in the window frame /// </summary> /// <param name="winMode">Window mode</param> private void UpdateWindowFrame(WindowMode winMode) { switch (winMode) { // Only close button should be visible if the mode is CanClose/PaneCanClose case WindowMode.CanClose: case WindowMode.PaneCanClose: if (minimizeButton != null) { minimizeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (maximizeButton != null) { maximizeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (restoreButton != null) { restoreButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } break; // Only minimize and close buttons should be visible if the mode is Pane/CanMinimize case WindowMode.Pane: case WindowMode.CanMinimize: default: if (minimizeButton != null) { minimizeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Grid.SetColumn(minimizeButton, 2); } if (maximizeButton != null) { maximizeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (restoreButton != null) { restoreButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } break; // All buttons - minimize, maximize and close will be visible if the mode is CanMaximize case WindowMode.CanMaximize: if (minimizeButton != null) { minimizeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; Grid.SetColumn(minimizeButton, 1); } if (maximizeButton != null) { maximizeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } break; // All buttons - minimize, maximize and close will be hidden if the mode is CanMaximize case WindowMode.ChildWindow: if (minimizeButton != null) { minimizeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (maximizeButton != null) { maximizeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (restoreButton != null) { restoreButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (closeButton != null) { closeButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } break; } // If the mode is Pane/PaneCanClose then the window should be in maximized state if ((WindowFrameMode == WindowMode.Pane) || (WindowFrameMode == WindowMode.PaneCanClose)) { SystemCommands.MaximizeWindow(this); } }
public IPlatformWindow CreateWindow(Size size, WindowMode windowMode, float scaleModifier, int batchSize, int videoDisplay, GLProfile profile) { return(new Sdl2PlatformWindow(size, windowMode, scaleModifier, batchSize, videoDisplay, profile)); }
/// <summary> /// The constructor with a stylesheet and window mode. /// </summary> /// <param name="styleSheet">The styleSheet url.</param> /// <param name="windowMode">The windowMode.</param> /// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen> public NUIApplication(string styleSheet, WindowMode windowMode) : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, windowMode)) { Registry.Instance.SavedApplicationThread = Thread.CurrentThread; }
public IGraphicsDevice Create(Size size, WindowMode windowMode) { Console.WriteLine("Using SDL 2 with OpenGL renderer"); return new Sdl2GraphicsDevice(size, windowMode); }
/// <summary> /// ウィンドウ名と画像の表示モードを指定して初期化 /// </summary> /// <param name="name">ウィンドウの識別に用いられるウィンドウ名で,ウィンドウのタイトルバ ーに表示される.</param> /// <param name="flags">ウィンドウのフラグ</param> #else /// <summary> /// Creates a window /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the window which is used as window identifier and appears in the window caption. </param> /// <param name="flags">Flags of the window. Currently the only supported flag is WindowMode.AutoSize. /// If it is set, window size is automatically adjusted to fit the displayed image (see cvShowImage), while user can not change the window size manually. </param> #endif public CvWindow(string name, WindowMode flags) : this(name, flags, null) { }
public NullGraphicsDevice(Size size, WindowMode window) { Console.WriteLine("Using Null renderer"); WindowSize = size; }
public static int OpenWindow(int width, int height, int redbits, int greenbits, int bluebits, int alphabits, int depthbits, int stencilbits, WindowMode mode) { return(GlfwDelegates.glfwOpenWindow(width, height, redbits, greenbits, bluebits, alphabits, depthbits, stencilbits, (int)mode)); }
public IGraphicsDevice Create(Size size, WindowMode windowMode) { return(new NullGraphicsDevice(size, windowMode)); }
public static extern int cvNamedWindow([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string name, WindowMode flags);
public static IntPtr InitializeSdlGl(ref Size size, WindowMode window, string[] requiredExtensions) { Sdl.SDL_Init(Sdl.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | Sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); int windowFlags = 0; switch (window) { case WindowMode.Fullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_FULLSCREEN; break; case WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_NOFRAME; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS", "0,0"); break; case WindowMode.Windowed: Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED", "1"); break; default: break; } var info = (Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure( Sdl.SDL_GetVideoInfo(), typeof(Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo)); Console.WriteLine("Desktop resolution: {0}x{1}", info.current_w, info.current_h); if (size.Width == 0 && size.Height == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution"); size = new Size(info.current_w, info.current_h); } Console.WriteLine("Using resolution: {0}x{1}", size.Width, size.Height); var surf = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(size.Width, size.Height, 0, Sdl.SDL_OPENGL | windowFlags); if (surf == IntPtr.Zero) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to set video mode."); } Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption("OpenRA", "OpenRA"); Sdl.SDL_ShowCursor(0); Sdl.SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); Sdl.SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); var extensions = Gl.glGetString(Gl.GL_EXTENSIONS); if (extensions == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to fetch GL_EXTENSIONS, this is bad."); } var missingExtensions = requiredExtensions.Where(r => !extensions.Contains(r)).ToArray(); if (missingExtensions.Any()) { ErrorHandler.WriteGraphicsLog("Unsupported GPU: Missing extensions: {0}" .F(missingExtensions.JoinWith(","))); throw new InvalidProgramException("Unsupported GPU. See graphics.log for details."); } return(surf); }
/// <summary> /// ウィンドウ名と画像の表示モードと始めから表示しておく画像を指定して初期化 /// </summary> /// <param name="name">ウィンドウの識別に用いられるウィンドウ名で,ウィンドウのタイトルバ ーに表示される.</param> /// <param name="flags">ウィンドウのフラグ</param> /// <param name="image">ウィンドウに表示する画像</param> #else /// <summary> /// Creates a window /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the window which is used as window identifier and appears in the window caption. </param> /// <param name="flags">Flags of the window. Currently the only supported flag is WindowMode.AutoSize. /// If it is set, window size is automatically adjusted to fit the displayed image (see cvShowImage), while user can not change the window size manually. </param> /// <param name="image">Image to be shown.</param> #endif public CvWindow(string name, WindowMode flags, CvArr image) { if (name == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } = name; int status = NativeMethods.cvNamedWindow(name, flags); if (status == 0) { throw new OpenCvSharpException("Failed to create CvWindow"); } this.image = image; ShowImage(image); trackbars = new Dictionary<string, CvTrackbar>(); if (!Windows.ContainsKey(name)) { Windows.Add(name, this); } callbackHandle = null; }
public ViewGcodeBasic(PrintItemWrapper printItem, Vector3 viewerVolume, Vector2 bedCenter, MeshViewerWidget.BedShape bedShape, WindowMode windowMode) { this.viewerVolume = viewerVolume; this.bedShape = bedShape; this.bedCenter = bedCenter; this.windowMode = windowMode; this.printItem = printItem; if (ActiveTheme.Instance.DisplayMode == ActiveTheme.ApplicationDisplayType.Touchscreen) { sliderWidth = 20; } else { sliderWidth = 10; } CreateAndAddChildren(); SliceSettingsWidget.RegisterForSettingsChange("bed_size", RecreateBedAndPartPosition, ref unregisterEvents); SliceSettingsWidget.RegisterForSettingsChange("print_center", RecreateBedAndPartPosition, ref unregisterEvents); SliceSettingsWidget.RegisterForSettingsChange("build_height", RecreateBedAndPartPosition, ref unregisterEvents); SliceSettingsWidget.RegisterForSettingsChange("bed_shape", RecreateBedAndPartPosition, ref unregisterEvents); SliceSettingsWidget.RegisterForSettingsChange("center_part_on_bed", RecreateBedAndPartPosition, ref unregisterEvents); SliceSettingsWidget.RegisterForSettingsChange("extruder_offset", Clear3DGCode, ref unregisterEvents); ApplicationController.Instance.ReloadAdvancedControlsPanelTrigger.RegisterEvent(RecreateBedAndPartPosition, ref unregisterEvents); ActivePrinterProfile.Instance.ActivePrinterChanged.RegisterEvent(RecreateBedAndPartPosition, ref unregisterEvents); }
public ViewGcodeBasic(PrintItemWrapper printItem, Vector3 viewerVolume, Vector2 bedCenter, BedShape bedShape, WindowMode windowMode) { this.viewerVolume = viewerVolume; this.bedShape = bedShape; this.bedCenter = bedCenter; this.windowMode = windowMode; this.printItem = printItem; if (UserSettings.Instance.DisplayMode == ApplicationDisplayType.Touchscreen) { sliderWidth = 20; } else { sliderWidth = 10; } CreateAndAddChildren(); SliceSettingsWidget.SettingChanged.RegisterEvent(CheckSettingChanged, ref unregisterEvents); ApplicationController.Instance.AdvancedControlsPanelReloading.RegisterEvent((s, e) => ClearGCode(), ref unregisterEvents); ActiveSliceSettings.ActivePrinterChanged.RegisterEvent(CheckSettingChanged, ref unregisterEvents); }
public Sdl2GraphicsDevice(Size windowSize, WindowMode windowMode) { size = windowSize; SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); var windowFlags = SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL; if (windowMode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) { windowFlags |= SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN; } else if (windowMode == WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen) { windowFlags |= SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SDL_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS", "0"); } SDL.SDL_DisplayMode display; SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, out display); Console.WriteLine("Desktop resolution: {0}x{1}", display.w, display.h); if (size.Width == 0 && size.Height == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution"); size = new Size(display.w, display.h); } Console.WriteLine("Using resolution: {0}x{1}", size.Width, size.Height); window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("OpenRA", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, size.Width, size.Height, windowFlags); SDL.SDL_ShowCursor(0); SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(window); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); var extensions = Gl.glGetString(Gl.GL_EXTENSIONS); if (extensions == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to fetch GL_EXTENSIONS, this is bad."); } var missingExtensions = requiredExtensions.Where(r => !extensions.Contains(r)).ToArray(); if (missingExtensions.Any()) { ErrorHandler.WriteGraphicsLog("Unsupported GPU: Missing extensions: {0}".F(missingExtensions.JoinWith(","))); throw new InvalidProgramException("Unsupported GPU. See graphics.log for details."); } Gl.glEnableClientState(Gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); Gl.glEnableClientState(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); SDL.SDL_SetModState(0); input = new Sdl2Input(); }
private void windowModeChanged(WindowMode newMode) => UpdateWindowMode(newMode);
public Sdl2PlatformWindow(Size requestEffectiveWindowSize, WindowMode windowMode, float scaleModifier, int batchSize, int videoDisplay, GLProfile requestProfile, bool enableLegacyGL) { // Lock the Window/Surface properties until initialization is complete lock (syncObject) { this.scaleModifier = scaleModifier; // Disable legacy scaling on Windows if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.Windows) { SetProcessDPIAware(); } // Decide which OpenGL profile to use. // Prefer standard GL over GLES provided by the native driver var testProfiles = new List <GLProfile> { GLProfile.ANGLE, GLProfile.Modern, GLProfile.Embedded }; if (enableLegacyGL) { testProfiles.Add(GLProfile.Legacy); } supportedProfiles = testProfiles .Where(CanCreateGLWindow) .ToArray(); if (!supportedProfiles.Any()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No supported OpenGL profiles were found."); } profile = supportedProfiles.Contains(requestProfile) ? requestProfile : supportedProfiles.First(); // Note: This must be called after the CanCreateGLWindow checks above, // which needs to create and destroy its own SDL contexts as a workaround for specific buggy drivers SDL.SDL_Init(SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SetSDLAttributes(profile); Console.WriteLine("Using SDL 2 with OpenGL ({0}) renderer", profile); if (videoDisplay < 0 || videoDisplay >= DisplayCount) { videoDisplay = 0; } SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(videoDisplay, out var display); // Windows and Linux define window sizes in native pixel units. // Query the display/dpi scale so we can convert our requested effective size to pixels. // This is not necessary on macOS, which defines window sizes in effective units ("points"). if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.Windows) { // Launch the game with OPENRA_DISPLAY_SCALE to force a specific scaling factor // Otherwise fall back to Windows's DPI configuration var scaleVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENRA_DISPLAY_SCALE"); if (scaleVariable == null || !float.TryParse(scaleVariable, NumberStyles.Float, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out windowScale) || windowScale <= 0) { if (SDL.SDL_GetDisplayDPI(videoDisplay, out var ddpi, out _, out _) == 0) { windowScale = ddpi / 96; } } } else if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.Linux) { // Launch the game with OPENRA_DISPLAY_SCALE to force a specific scaling factor // Otherwise fall back to GDK_SCALE or parsing the x11 DPI configuration var scaleVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OPENRA_DISPLAY_SCALE") ?? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GDK_SCALE"); if (scaleVariable == null || !float.TryParse(scaleVariable, NumberStyles.Float, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, out windowScale) || windowScale <= 0) { // Attempt to automatically detect DPI try { var psi = new ProcessStartInfo("/usr/bin/xrdb", "-query"); psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; var p = Process.Start(psi); var lines = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Split('\n'); foreach (var line in lines) { if (line.StartsWith("Xft.dpi") && int.TryParse(line.Substring(8), out var dpi)) { windowScale = dpi / 96f; } } } catch { } } } Console.WriteLine("Desktop resolution: {0}x{1}", display.w, display.h); if (requestEffectiveWindowSize.Width == 0 && requestEffectiveWindowSize.Height == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution"); surfaceSize = windowSize = new Size(display.w, display.h); } else { surfaceSize = windowSize = new Size((int)(requestEffectiveWindowSize.Width * windowScale), (int)(requestEffectiveWindowSize.Height * windowScale)); } Console.WriteLine("Using resolution: {0}x{1}", windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height); var windowFlags = SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; // HiDPI doesn't work properly on OSX with (legacy) fullscreen mode if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX && windowMode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) { SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_HIGHDPI_DISABLED, "1"); } window = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow("OpenRA", SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(videoDisplay), SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(videoDisplay), windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height, windowFlags); // Work around an issue in macOS's GL backend where the window remains permanently black // (if dark mode is enabled) unless we drain the event queue before initializing GL if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) { while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent(out var e) != 0) { // We can safely ignore all mouse/keyboard events and window size changes // (these will be caught in the window setup below), but do need to process focus if (e.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_WINDOWEVENT) { switch (e.window.windowEvent) { case SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: HasInputFocus = false; break; case SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: HasInputFocus = true; break; } } } } // Enable high resolution rendering for Retina displays if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) { // OSX defines the window size in "points", with a device-dependent number of pixels per point. // The window scale is simply the ratio of GL pixels / window points. SDL.SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(Window, out var width, out var height); surfaceSize = new Size(width, height); windowScale = width * 1f / windowSize.Width; } else { windowSize = new Size((int)(surfaceSize.Width / windowScale), (int)(surfaceSize.Height / windowScale)); } Console.WriteLine("Using window scale {0:F2}", windowScale); if (Game.Settings.Game.LockMouseWindow) { GrabWindowMouseFocus(); } else { ReleaseWindowMouseFocus(); } if (windowMode == WindowMode.Fullscreen) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(Window, (uint)SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); // Fullscreen mode on OSX will ignore the configured display resolution // and instead always picks an arbitrary scaled resolution choice that may // not match the window size, leading to graphical and input issues. // We work around this by force disabling HiDPI and resetting the window and // surface sizes to match the size that is forced by SDL. // This is usually not what the player wants, but is the best we can consistently do. if (Platform.CurrentPlatform == PlatformType.OSX) { SDL.SDL_GetWindowSize(Window, out var width, out var height); windowSize = surfaceSize = new Size(width, height); windowScale = 1; } } else if (windowMode == WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(Window, (uint)SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); SDL.SDL_SetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS, "0"); } } // Run graphics rendering on a dedicated thread. // The calling thread will then have more time to process other tasks, since rendering happens in parallel. // If the calling thread is the main game thread, this means it can run more logic and render ticks. // This is disabled on Windows because it breaks the ability to minimize/restore the window from the taskbar for reasons that we dont understand. var threadedRenderer = Platform.CurrentPlatform != PlatformType.Windows || !Game.Settings.Graphics.DisableWindowsRenderThread; if (!threadedRenderer) { var ctx = new Sdl2GraphicsContext(this); ctx.InitializeOpenGL(); context = ctx; } else { context = new ThreadedGraphicsContext(new Sdl2GraphicsContext(this), batchSize); } context.SetVSyncEnabled(Game.Settings.Graphics.VSync); SDL.SDL_SetModState(SDL.SDL_Keymod.KMOD_NONE); input = new Sdl2Input(); }
IntPtr InitializeSdlGl(ref Size size, WindowMode window, string[] requiredExtensions) { Sdl.SDL_Init(Sdl.SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE | Sdl.SDL_INIT_VIDEO); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); Sdl.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(Sdl.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 0); int windowFlags = 0; switch (window) { case WindowMode.Fullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_FULLSCREEN; break; case WindowMode.PseudoFullscreen: windowFlags |= Sdl.SDL_NOFRAME; Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS", "0,0"); break; case WindowMode.Windowed: Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED", "1"); break; default: break; } var info = (Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure( Sdl.SDL_GetVideoInfo(), typeof(Sdl.SDL_VideoInfo)); Console.WriteLine("Desktop resolution: {0}x{1}", info.current_w, info.current_h); if (size.Width == 0 && size.Height == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No custom resolution provided, using desktop resolution"); size = new Size(info.current_w, info.current_h); } Console.WriteLine("Using resolution: {0}x{1}", size.Width, size.Height); var surf = Sdl.SDL_SetVideoMode(size.Width, size.Height, 0, Sdl.SDL_OPENGL | windowFlags); if (surf == IntPtr.Zero) Console.WriteLine("Failed to set video mode."); Sdl.SDL_WM_SetCaption("OpenRA", "OpenRA"); Sdl.SDL_ShowCursor(0); Sdl.SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); Sdl.SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, Sdl.SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); ErrorHandler.CheckGlError(); var extensions = Gl.glGetString(Gl.GL_EXTENSIONS); if (extensions == null) Console.WriteLine("Failed to fetch GL_EXTENSIONS, this is bad."); var missingExtensions = requiredExtensions.Where(r => !extensions.Contains(r)).ToArray(); if (missingExtensions.Any()) { ErrorHandler.WriteGraphicsLog("Unsupported GPU: Missing extensions: {0}" .F(missingExtensions.JoinWith(","))); throw new InvalidProgramException("Unsupported GPU. See graphics.log for details."); } return surf; }
static IGraphicsDevice CreateDevice(Assembly rendererDll, int width, int height, WindowMode window) { foreach (RendererAttribute r in rendererDll.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RendererAttribute), false)) { var factory = (IDeviceFactory)r.Type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null); return(factory.Create(new Size(width, height), window)); } throw new InvalidOperationException("Renderer DLL is missing RendererAttribute to tell us what type to use!"); }
public IGraphicsDevice CreateGraphics(Size size, WindowMode windowMode) { return new NullGraphicsDevice(size, windowMode); }
/// <summary> /// ウィンドウ名と画像の表示モードを指定して初期化 /// </summary> /// <param name="name">ウィンドウの識別に用いられるウィンドウ名で,ウィンドウのタイトルバ ーに表示される.</param> /// <param name="flags">ウィンドウのフラグ</param> #else /// <summary> /// Creates a window /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the window which is used as window identifier and appears in the window caption. </param> /// <param name="flags">Flags of the window. Currently the only supported flag is WindowMode.AutoSize. /// If it is set, window size is automatically adjusted to fit the displayed image (see cvShowImage), while user can not change the window size manually. </param> #endif public Window(string name, WindowMode flags) : this(name, flags, null) { }
public View3DWidget(PrintItemWrapper printItemWrapper, Vector3 viewerVolume, Vector2 bedCenter, MeshViewerWidget.BedShape bedShape, WindowMode windowType, AutoRotate autoRotate, OpenMode openMode = OpenMode.Viewing) { this.openMode = openMode; this.windowType = windowType; allowAutoRotate = (autoRotate == AutoRotate.Enabled); autoRotating = allowAutoRotate; MeshGroupExtraData = new List<PlatingMeshGroupData>(); MeshGroupExtraData.Add(new PlatingMeshGroupData()); this.printItemWrapper = printItemWrapper; FlowLayoutWidget mainContainerTopToBottom = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom); mainContainerTopToBottom.HAnchor = Agg.UI.HAnchor.Max_FitToChildren_ParentWidth; mainContainerTopToBottom.VAnchor = Agg.UI.VAnchor.Max_FitToChildren_ParentHeight; FlowLayoutWidget centerPartPreviewAndControls = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight); centerPartPreviewAndControls.Name = "centerPartPreviewAndControls"; centerPartPreviewAndControls.AnchorAll(); GuiWidget viewArea = new GuiWidget(); viewArea.AnchorAll(); { meshViewerWidget = new MeshViewerWidget(viewerVolume, bedCenter, bedShape, "Press 'Add' to select an item.".Localize()); PutOemImageOnBed(); meshViewerWidget.AnchorAll(); } viewArea.AddChild(meshViewerWidget); centerPartPreviewAndControls.AddChild(viewArea); mainContainerTopToBottom.AddChild(centerPartPreviewAndControls); FlowLayoutWidget buttonBottomPanel = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.LeftToRight); buttonBottomPanel.HAnchor = HAnchor.ParentLeftRight; buttonBottomPanel.Padding = new BorderDouble(3, 3); buttonBottomPanel.BackgroundColor = ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryBackgroundColor; buttonRightPanel = CreateRightButtonPanel(viewerVolume.y); buttonRightPanel.Name = "buttonRightPanel"; buttonRightPanel.Visible = false; CreateOptionsContent(); // add in the plater tools { FlowLayoutWidget editToolBar = new FlowLayoutWidget(); string progressFindPartsLabel = "Entering Editor".Localize(); string progressFindPartsLabelFull = "{0}:".FormatWith(progressFindPartsLabel); processingProgressControl = new ProgressControl(progressFindPartsLabelFull, ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryTextColor, ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryAccentColor); processingProgressControl.VAnchor = Agg.UI.VAnchor.ParentCenter; editToolBar.AddChild(processingProgressControl); editToolBar.VAnchor |= Agg.UI.VAnchor.ParentCenter; processingProgressControl.Visible = false; // If the window is embeded (in the center pannel) and there is no item loaded then don't show the add button enterEditButtonsContainer = new FlowLayoutWidget(); { Button addButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Insert".Localize(), "icon_insert_32x32.png"); addButton.ToolTipText = "Insert an .stl, .amf or .zip file".Localize(); addButton.Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 0); enterEditButtonsContainer.AddChild(addButton); addButton.Click += (sender, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { DoAddFileAfterCreatingEditData = true; EnterEditAndCreateSelectionData(); }); }; if (printItemWrapper != null && printItemWrapper.PrintItem.ReadOnly) { addButton.Enabled = false; } Button enterEdittingButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Edit".Localize(), "icon_edit_32x32.png"); enterEdittingButton.Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 4); enterEdittingButton.Click += (sender, e) => { EnterEditAndCreateSelectionData(); }; if (printItemWrapper != null && printItemWrapper.PrintItem.ReadOnly) { enterEdittingButton.Enabled = false; } Button exportButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Export...".Localize()); if (printItemWrapper != null && (printItemWrapper.PrintItem.Protected || printItemWrapper.PrintItem.ReadOnly)) { exportButton.Enabled = false; } exportButton.Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 10); exportButton.Click += (sender, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { OpenExportWindow(); }); }; enterEditButtonsContainer.AddChild(enterEdittingButton); enterEditButtonsContainer.AddChild(exportButton); } editToolBar.AddChild(enterEditButtonsContainer); doEdittingButtonsContainer = new FlowLayoutWidget(); doEdittingButtonsContainer.Visible = false; { Button addButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Insert".Localize(), "icon_insert_32x32.png"); addButton.Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 10); doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(addButton); addButton.Click += (sender, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { FileDialog.OpenFileDialog( new OpenFileDialogParams(ApplicationSettings.OpenDesignFileParams, multiSelect: true), (openParams) => { LoadAndAddPartsToPlate(openParams.FileNames); }); }); }; GuiWidget separator = new GuiWidget(1, 2); separator.BackgroundColor = ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryTextColor; separator.Margin = new BorderDouble(4, 2); separator.VAnchor = VAnchor.ParentBottomTop; doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(separator); Button ungroupButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Ungroup".Localize()); doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(ungroupButton); ungroupButton.Click += (sender, e) => { UngroupSelectedMeshGroup(); }; Button groupButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Group".Localize()); doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(groupButton); groupButton.Click += (sender, e) => { GroupSelectedMeshs(); }; Button alignButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Align".Localize()); doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(alignButton); alignButton.Click += (sender, e) => { AlignToSelectedMeshGroup(); }; Button arrangeButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Arrange".Localize()); doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(arrangeButton); arrangeButton.Click += (sender, e) => { AutoArrangePartsInBackground(); }; GuiWidget separatorTwo = new GuiWidget(1, 2); separatorTwo.BackgroundColor = ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryTextColor; separatorTwo.Margin = new BorderDouble(4, 2); separatorTwo.VAnchor = VAnchor.ParentBottomTop; doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(separatorTwo); Button copyButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Copy".Localize()); doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(copyButton); copyButton.Click += (sender, e) => { MakeCopyOfGroup(); }; Button deleteButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Remove".Localize()); doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(deleteButton); deleteButton.Click += (sender, e) => { DeleteSelectedMesh(); }; GuiWidget separatorThree = new GuiWidget(1, 2); separatorThree.BackgroundColor = ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryTextColor; separatorThree.Margin = new BorderDouble(4, 1); separatorThree.VAnchor = VAnchor.ParentBottomTop; doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(separatorThree); Button leaveEditModeButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Cancel".Localize(), centerText: true); leaveEditModeButton.Click += (sender, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { if (saveButtons.Visible) { StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox(ExitEditingAndSaveIfRequired, "Would you like to save your changes before exiting the editor?", "Save Changes", StyledMessageBox.MessageType.YES_NO); } else { if (partHasBeenEdited) { ExitEditingAndSaveIfRequired(false); } else { SwitchStateToNotEditing(); } } }); }; doEdittingButtonsContainer.AddChild(leaveEditModeButton); // put in the save button AddSaveAndSaveAs(doEdittingButtonsContainer); } KeyDown += (sender, e) => { KeyEventArgs keyEvent = e as KeyEventArgs; if (keyEvent != null && !keyEvent.Handled) { if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Delete || keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Back) { DeleteSelectedMesh(); } if (keyEvent.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { if (meshSelectInfo.downOnPart) { meshSelectInfo.downOnPart = false; ScaleRotateTranslate translated = SelectedMeshGroupTransform; translated.translation = transformOnMouseDown; SelectedMeshGroupTransform = translated; Invalidate(); } } } }; editToolBar.AddChild(doEdittingButtonsContainer); buttonBottomPanel.AddChild(editToolBar); } GuiWidget buttonRightPanelHolder = new GuiWidget(HAnchor.FitToChildren, VAnchor.ParentBottomTop); buttonRightPanelHolder.Name = "buttonRightPanelHolder"; centerPartPreviewAndControls.AddChild(buttonRightPanelHolder); buttonRightPanelHolder.AddChild(buttonRightPanel); viewControls3D = new ViewControls3D(meshViewerWidget); buttonRightPanelDisabledCover = new Cover(HAnchor.ParentLeftRight, VAnchor.ParentBottomTop); buttonRightPanelDisabledCover.BackgroundColor = new RGBA_Bytes(ActiveTheme.Instance.PrimaryBackgroundColor, 150); buttonRightPanelHolder.AddChild(buttonRightPanelDisabledCover); viewControls3D.PartSelectVisible = false; LockEditControls(); GuiWidget leftRightSpacer = new GuiWidget(); leftRightSpacer.HAnchor = HAnchor.ParentLeftRight; buttonBottomPanel.AddChild(leftRightSpacer); if (windowType == WindowMode.StandAlone) { Button closeButton = textImageButtonFactory.Generate("Close".Localize()); buttonBottomPanel.AddChild(closeButton); closeButton.Click += (sender, e) => { CloseOnIdle(); }; } mainContainerTopToBottom.AddChild(buttonBottomPanel); this.AddChild(mainContainerTopToBottom); this.AnchorAll(); meshViewerWidget.TrackballTumbleWidget.TransformState = TrackBallController.MouseDownType.Rotation; AddChild(viewControls3D); AddHandlers(); UiThread.RunOnIdle(AutoSpin); if (printItemWrapper == null && windowType == WindowMode.Embeded) { enterEditButtonsContainer.Visible = false; } if (windowType == WindowMode.Embeded) { PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.Instance.CommunicationStateChanged.RegisterEvent(SetEditControlsBasedOnPrinterState, ref unregisterEvents); if (windowType == WindowMode.Embeded) { // make sure we lock the controls if we are printing or paused switch (PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.Instance.CommunicationState) { case PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.CommunicationStates.Printing: case PrinterConnectionAndCommunication.CommunicationStates.Paused: LockEditControls(); break; } } } ActiveTheme.Instance.ThemeChanged.RegisterEvent(ThemeChanged, ref unregisterEvents); upArrow = new UpArrow3D(this); heightDisplay = new HeightValueDisplay(this); heightDisplay.Visible = false; meshViewerWidget.interactionVolumes.Add(upArrow); // make sure the colors are set correctl ThemeChanged(this, null); saveButtons.VisibleChanged += (sender, e) => { partHasBeenEdited = true; }; }
/// <summary> /// 適当なウィンドウ名で、画像の表示モードを指定して初期化 /// </summary> /// <param name="flags">ウィンドウのフラグ</param> /// <param name="image">ウィンドウに表示する画像</param> #else /// <summary> /// Creates a window with a specified image and flag /// </summary> /// <param name="flags">Flags of the window. Currently the only supported flag is WindowMode.AutoSize. /// If it is set, window size is automatically adjusted to fit the displayed image (see cvShowImage), while user can not change the window size manually. </param> /// <param name="image"></param> #endif public Window(WindowMode flags, Mat image) : this(DefaultName(), flags, image) { }