Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize windows
 /// </summary>
 void InitializeWindows()
     // Make help window
     helpWindow = new WindowHelp();
     // Make command window
     commandWindow = new WindowShopCommand();
     // Make gold window
     goldWindow       = new WindowGold();
     goldWindow.X     = 480 * GeexEdit.GameWindowWidth / 640;
     goldWindow.Y     = 64;
     goldWindow.Width = goldWindow.Width * GeexEdit.GameWindowWidth / 640;
     // Make dummy window
     dummyWindow = new WindowBase(0, 128, GeexEdit.GameWindowWidth, GeexEdit.GameWindowHeight - 128);
     // Make buy window
     buyWindow            = new WindowShopBuy(InGame.Temp.ShopGoods);
     buyWindow.IsActive   = false;
     buyWindow.IsVisible  = false;
     buyWindow.HelpWindow = helpWindow;
     // Make sell window
     sellWindow            = new WindowShopSell();
     sellWindow.IsActive   = false;
     sellWindow.IsVisible  = false;
     sellWindow.HelpWindow = helpWindow;
     // Make quantity input window
     numberWindow           = new WindowShopNumber();
     numberWindow.IsActive  = false;
     numberWindow.IsVisible = false;
     // Make status window
     statusWindow           = new WindowShopStatus();
     statusWindow.IsVisible = false;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Windows initialization
 /// </summary>
 void InitializeWindows()
     // Make help window, item window
     helpWindow = new WindowHelp();
     itemWindow = new WindowItem();
     // Associate help window
     itemWindow.HelpWindow = helpWindow;
     // Make target window (set to invisible / inactive)
     targetWindow           = new WindowTarget();
     targetWindow.IsVisible = false;
     targetWindow.IsActive  = false;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param Name="viewport">viewport for the arrow cursor</param>
 public ArrowBase(Viewport viewport)
     : base(viewport)
     this.Bitmap = Cache.Windowskin(InGame.System.WindowskinName);
     this.Ox     = 16;
     this.Oy     = 64;
     this.Z      = 2500;
     blinkCount  = 0;
     index       = 0;
     HelpWindow  = null;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Windows initialization
 /// </summary>
 void InitializeWindows()
     // Make help window, status window, and skill window
     helpWindow   = new WindowHelp();
     statusWindow = new WindowSkillStatus(actor);
     skillWindow  = new WindowSkill(actor);
     // Associate help window
     skillWindow.HelpWindow = helpWindow;
     // Make target window (set to invisible / inactive)
     targetWindow           = new WindowTarget();
     targetWindow.IsVisible = false;
     targetWindow.IsActive  = false;
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize savegame windows
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializeWindows()
     // Make help window
     helpWindow = new WindowHelp();
     // Make save file window
     savefileWindows = new WindowSaveFile[4];
     for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
         savefileWindows[i] = new WindowSaveFile(i, MakeFilename(i), container);
     // Select last file to be operated
     fileIndex = InGame.Temp.LastFileIndex;
     savefileWindows[fileIndex].IsSelected = true;
     // Loading is now possible
     isLoadingReady = true;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Windows initialization
 /// </summary>
 void InitializeWindows()
     helpWindow      = new WindowHelp();
     leftWindow      = new WindowEquipLeft(actor);
     rightWindow     = new WindowEquipRight(actor);
     weaponWindow    = new WindowEquipItem(actor, 0);
     shieldWindow    = new WindowEquipItem(actor, 1);
     headWindow      = new WindowEquipItem(actor, 2);
     bodyWindow      = new WindowEquipItem(actor, 3);
     accessoryWindow = new WindowEquipItem(actor, 4);
     // Associate help window
     rightWindow.HelpWindow     = helpWindow;
     weaponWindow.HelpWindow    = helpWindow;
     shieldWindow.HelpWindow    = helpWindow;
     headWindow.HelpWindow      = helpWindow;
     bodyWindow.HelpWindow      = helpWindow;
     accessoryWindow.HelpWindow = helpWindow;
     // Set cursor position
     rightWindow.Index = equipIndex;
Example #7
        private void OnWindowHelpCommand()
            IntPtr hForeground = NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow();

            System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle();
            NativeMethods.GetWindowRect(hForeground, ref rect);

            var dlg = new WindowHelp
                DataContext           = this,
                WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.Manual,

                Left = rect.Left + 50,
                Top  = rect.Top + 50,

            if (_fe != null)
                dlg.Owner = Window.GetWindow(_fe);
Example #8
 public void UpdateOpenGLContext(bool isShowing, Gdk.Window window)
     WindowHelp.UpdateOpenGLContext(isShowing, this.csWindow, window);
Example #9
 public GameWindow(IntPtr windowHandle, int width, int height)
     this.csWindow     = WindowHelp.CreateCSWindow(windowHandle, width, height);
     this.sceneEntity  = new SceneObject(this.csWindow.GetScene());
     this.canvasEntity = new CanvasObject(this.csWindow.GetCanvas());
Example #10
 public GameWindow(Gdk.Window gdkWindow)
     this.csWindow     = WindowHelp.CreateCSWindow(gdkWindow);
     this.sceneEntity  = new SceneObject(this.csWindow.GetScene());
     this.canvasEntity = new CanvasObject(this.csWindow.GetCanvas());
Example #11
 private static string GetHelpString(WindowHelp specificWindow) => specificWindow switch
Example #12
 protected override void OnSourceInitialized(EventArgs e)