Example #1
        void updateWinTheme(WinTheme winTheme)
            //find old file
            string themePath = findWinThemeFile(winTheme.name);;

            //delete old file
            if (themePath != "not_found")

            //apply theme (creating a new file)
            applyWinTheme(winTheme, true);

            ////delete old file
            //if (themePath != "not_found")
            //    File.Delete(themePath);
Example #2
        void applyWinTheme(WinTheme winTheme, bool alwaysCreateNewTheme)
            //check if current wallpaper directory has at least 1 wallpaper
            //if it doesn't then the theme will fail to apply
            if (Directory.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath + "\\walls_current").Length == 0)
                //create temp. wallpaper
                Image wall = new Bitmap(1024, 768);
                Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(wall);

                gfx.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, 0, 0, 1024, 768);
                gfx.DrawString("This is a temporary wallpaper which you should not see.", SystemFonts.DefaultFont, SystemBrushes.ControlText, 0, 0);
                gfx.DrawString("If it persists check that you have properly configured Wallcreeper.", SystemFonts.DefaultFont, SystemBrushes.ControlText, 0, 15);
                gfx.DrawString("Probably you have no active wallpaper themes or, if you use online sources, perhaps your Internet connection is down?", SystemFonts.DefaultFont, SystemBrushes.ControlText, 0, 30);
                gfx.DrawString("Also try restarting Wallcreeper, or disabling the option to use Windows Vista/7 wallpaper manager.", SystemFonts.DefaultFont, SystemBrushes.ControlText, 0, 45);

                wall.Save(Application.StartupPath + "\\walls_current\\temp.jpg");

            if (!alwaysCreateNewTheme)
                //does theme already exist?
                string themePath = findWinThemeFile(winTheme.name);

                if (themePath != "not_found")
                    runTheme(new FileInfo(themePath), false);

            //otherwise, create new theme file
            FileInfo themeFile = new FileInfo(Application.StartupPath + "\\" + winTheme.name + ".theme");

            if (themeFile.Exists)

            StreamReader fRdr = new StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "\\template.theme");
            string themeContents = fRdr.ReadToEnd();

            //convert to win7 color format
            string color = "";
            string[] temp;

            foreach (string win7Color in win7Colors)
                temp = win7Color.Split('=');

                if (temp[0] == winTheme.color)
                    color = temp[1];

            if (color == "" && winTheme.color.Contains('-'))
                //convert from rgb
                temp = winTheme.color.Split('-');
                color = "0X77" + int.Parse(temp[0]).ToString("X").PadRight(2, '0') + int.Parse(temp[1]).ToString("X").PadRight(2, '0') + int.Parse(temp[2]).ToString("X").PadRight(2, '0');

            themeContents = themeContents.Replace("%WALL_DIR%", Application.StartupPath + "\\walls_current").Replace("%REFRESHRATE%", getRefreshPeriod().ToString()).Replace("%NAME%", winTheme.name).Replace("%STYLE%", @"%SystemRoot%\resources\Themes\" + winTheme.style).Replace("%COLOR%", color).Replace("%SOUNDS%", winTheme.sounds).Replace("%SSAVER%", winTheme.ssaver);

            StreamWriter fWrt = themeFile.CreateText();

            runTheme(themeFile, true);