private void Form12_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (FileStream wimstream = new FileStream(WindowsSetup.Variabile.locatie, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { WimFile x = new WimFile(wimstream); } } catch { } string install = "Get-WindowsImage -Imagepath \"" + WindowsSetup.Variabile.locatie + "\" | Select-Object ImageName > Packages\\fix.txt "; CMD_Process_Class.Process_Powershell(install); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("Packages\\fix.txt"); var lineCount = File.ReadAllLines("Packages\\fix.txt").Length; for (int i = 3; i < lineCount; i++) { if (lines[i].Length > 1) { checkedListBox1.Items.Add(lines[i]); } } }
public void LoadWin10Rs1MultipleImages() { using (WimFile wf = new WimFile($"{AppContext.BaseDirectory}\\TestFiles\\Win10-RS1-MultiImage-Integrity.wim")) { wf.LoadImageMetadata(); Assert.IsTrue(wf.ImageCount == 2); } }
public void LoadWin10WithBrokenIntegrityAndCheck() { using (WimFile wf = new WimFile($"{AppContext.BaseDirectory}\\TestFiles\\Win10-RS1-BrokenIntegrity.wim")) { bool success = wf.CheckIntegrity(); Assert.IsTrue(!success); } }
public void LoadWin10Rs1CompressMax() { using (WimFile wf = new WimFile($"{AppContext.BaseDirectory}\\TestFiles\\Win10-RS1-CompressMax.wim")) { wf.LoadImageMetadata(); Assert.IsTrue((wf.Flags & WimHeaderFlags.CompressLzx) > 0); } }
public void LoadWin10MultipleImagesWithIntegrityAndCheck() { using (WimFile wf = new WimFile($"{AppContext.BaseDirectory}\\TestFiles\\Win10-RS1-MultiImage-Integrity.wim")) { Assert.IsTrue(wf.ImageCount == 2); bool success = wf.CheckIntegrity(); Assert.IsTrue(success); } }
public void LoadInvalidMagicWithError() { WimInvalidException wnvex = Assert.ThrowsException <WimInvalidException>(() => { using (WimFile wf = new WimFile($"{AppContext.BaseDirectory}\\TestFiles\\Error-InvalidMagic.wim")) { } }); Assert.AreEqual(WimInvalidExceptionType.InvalidMagic, wnvex.Type); }
public void CheckIntegrityWithNoIntegrityData() { WimIntegrityException ex = Assert.ThrowsException <WimIntegrityException>(() => { using (WimFile wf = new WimFile($"{AppContext.BaseDirectory}\\TestFiles\\Win10-RS1-CompressNone.wim")) { bool succcess = wf.CheckIntegrity(); } }); Assert.AreEqual(WimIntegrityExceptionType.NoIntegrityData, ex.Type); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Options = new CliOptions(); if (!Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, Options)) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Options.CustomKey)) { CryptoKey.LoadKeysFromXml(); } else { try { CryptoKey.UseCustomKey(Options.CustomKey); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("The key you have specified is not valid. Loading the keys from the XML file instead..."); CryptoKey.LoadKeysFromXml(); } } foreach (string file in Options.EsdFiles) { if (File.Exists(file)) { try { using (WimFile wf = new WimFile(file)) { wf.DecryptEsd(); } } catch (NoValidCryptoKeyException) { Console.WriteLine($"We could not find the correct CryptoKey for \"{file}\"."); } catch (UnencryptedImageException) { Console.WriteLine($"You are trying to decrypt \"{file}\", but it is already decrypted."); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"The file \"{file}\" does not exist."); } } }
private bool GetDiskCapacityImage(out string error) { error = string.Empty; string filename = m_textBoxFile.Text; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(filename); ImageLength = info.Length > 0 ? (ulong)info.Length : 0; if (IsWIM) { try { using (FileStream wimstream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { WimFile wimDisk = new WimFile(wimstream); string manifest = wimDisk.Manifest; Wim_Manifest wimManifest = (Wim_Manifest)Tools.Deserialize(manifest, typeof(Wim_Manifest)); DiskCapacity = wimManifest.Image[wimDisk.BootImage].TotalBytes; //image data size return(true); } } catch (Exception) { error = Messages.IMAGE_SELECTION_PAGE_ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE; return(false); } } try { using (VirtualDisk vd = VirtualDisk.OpenDisk(filename, FileAccess.Read)) { DiskCapacity = (ulong)vd.Capacity; return(true); } } catch (IOException ioe) { error = ioe.Message.Contains("Invalid VMDK descriptor file") ? Messages.IMAGE_SELECTION_PAGE_ERROR_INVALID_VMDK_DESCRIPTOR : Messages.IMAGE_SELECTION_PAGE_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_TYPE; return(false); } catch (Exception) { error = Messages.IMAGE_SELECTION_PAGE_ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE; return(false); } }
private static void OnConsoleCancelKeyPress(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Aborting..."); if (_iso != null) { ManagementExtensions.UnmountDiskImage(_iso); _iso = null; Console.WriteLine(inputFilePath + " has been unmounted."); } if (_logFilePath != null) { WimFile.UnregisterLogfile(_logFilePath); } }
private void Form12_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (FileStream wimstream = new FileStream(WindowsSetup.Variabile.locatie, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { WimFile x = new WimFile(wimstream); } } catch { } string dism = "dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:"; string install = "\"" + WindowsSetup.Variabile.locatie + "\" > Packages\\fix.txt"; string installing = dism + install; CMD_Process_Class.Process_CMD(installing); string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("Packages\\fix.txt"); var lineCount = File.ReadAllLines("Packages\\fix.txt").Length; int i = 7, j = 1; for (i = 7; i < lineCount; i += 5) { string ep = lines[i]; string[] lines3 = ep.Split(':'); string gamma = lines[i + 2]; string lines2 = "Index " + j.ToString() + ":" + lines3[1] + " "; string[] lines1 = new String[] { lines2 }; string[] gamma_space = gamma.Split(':'); string comp = gamma_space[1]; lines2 += comp; string[] comp_sp = comp.Split(','); int space_nu = Int32.Parse(comp_sp[0]); WindowsSetup.Variabile.space_gb_ver = space_nu; checkedListBox1.Items.AddRange(lines1); if (i > lineCount) { break; } j++; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("ConvertIsoToVhdx - Copyright (C) 2017-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " Simon Mourier. All rights reserved."); Console.WriteLine(); if (CommandLine.HelpRequested || args.Length < 2) { Help(); return; } inputFilePath = CommandLine.GetNullifiedArgument(0); outputFilePath = CommandLine.GetNullifiedArgument(1); if (inputFilePath == null || outputFilePath == null) { Help(); return; } inputFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(inputFilePath); outputFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(outputFilePath); Console.WriteLine("Input file: " + inputFilePath); Console.WriteLine("Output file: " + outputFilePath); _logFilePath = CommandLine.GetNullifiedArgument("log"); int systemPartitionSizeInMB = Math.Max(CommandLine.GetArgument("systemPartitionSizeInMB", 0), 100); if (_logFilePath != null) { _logFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(_logFilePath); WimFile.RegisterLogfile(_logFilePath); Console.WriteLine("Logging Imaging information to log file: " + _logFilePath); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.CancelKeyPress += OnConsoleCancelKeyPress; _iso = ManagementExtensions.MountDiskImage(inputFilePath, out var driveLetter); Console.WriteLine(inputFilePath + " has been mounted as drive '" + driveLetter + "'."); try { var input = driveLetter + @":\sources\install.wim"; if (!File.Exists(input)) { Console.WriteLine("Error: windows image file at '" + input + "' was not found."); return; } var options = new WimFileOpenOptions(); options.RegisterForEvents = true; Console.WriteLine("Opening windows image file '" + input + "'."); using (var file = new WimFile(input, options)) { if (file.ImagesCount == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Error: windows image file at '" + input + "' does not contain any image."); return; } file.Event += OnFileEvent; var diskSize = 512 * (file.Images[0].Size / 512); Console.WriteLine("Creating virtual disk '" + outputFilePath + "'. Maximum size: " + diskSize + " (" + Conversions.FormatByteSize(diskSize) + ")"); using (var vdisk = VirtualHardDisk.CreateDisk(outputFilePath, diskSize, IntPtr.Zero, true)) { vdisk.Attach(); var disk = ManagementExtensions.GetDisk(vdisk.DiskIndex); Console.WriteLine("Virtual disk path: " + disk["Path"]); var size = (ulong)disk["Size"]; Console.WriteLine("Virtual disk size: " + size + " bytes (" + Conversions.FormatByteSize(size) + ")"); //disk.Dump(); var result = disk.InvokeMethod("Initialize", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "PartitionStyle", 2 } // GPT }); // reread the disk disk = ManagementExtensions.GetDisk(vdisk.DiskIndex); Console.WriteLine("Virtual disk partition style: " + disk["PartitionStyle"]); //disk.Dump(); //var PARTITION_SYSTEM_GUID = "{c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b}"; //// //result = disk.InvokeMethod("CreatePartition", new Dictionary<string, object> // { // { "Size", systemPartitionSizeInMB * 1024 * 1024L }, // { "GptType", PARTITION_SYSTEM_GUID } // }); //var systemPartition = (ManagementBaseObject)result["CreatedPartition"]; //Console.WriteLine("System partition GPT Type: " + systemPartition["GptType"]); ////systemPartition.Dump(); //var systemVolume = ManagementExtensions.GetPartitionVolume(systemPartition); //systemVolume.InvokeMethod("Format", new Dictionary<string, object> // { // { "FileSystem", "FAT32" }, // //{ "Force", true }, // //{ "Full", false }, // { "Compress", true } // }); //// reread the disk //disk = ManagementExtensions.GetDisk(vdisk.DiskIndex); ////disk.Dump(); var PARTITION_BASIC_DATA_GUID = "{ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7}"; result = disk.InvokeMethod("CreatePartition", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "UseMaximumSize", true }, //{ "AssignDriveLetter", true }, { "GptType", PARTITION_BASIC_DATA_GUID } }); var partition = (ManagementBaseObject)result["CreatedPartition"]; //partition.Dump(); Console.WriteLine("Data partition GPT Type: " + partition["GptType"]); var volume = ManagementExtensions.GetPartitionVolume(partition); volume.InvokeMethod("Format", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "FileSystem", "NTFS" }, { "Compress", true } //{ "Force", true }, //{ "Full", false } }); //volume.Dump(); Console.WriteLine("Data volume path: " + volume["Path"]); Console.WriteLine("Applying..."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Completed 00%"); int col = 10; int fixedLines = 1; _percentLeft = col; _percentTop = Console.CursorTop - fixedLines; Console.CursorVisible = false; file.Images[0].Apply((string)volume["Path"]); } } } finally { Console.CursorVisible = true; Console.WriteLine(); ManagementExtensions.UnmountDiskImage(_iso); Console.WriteLine(inputFilePath + " has been unmounted."); } }