Example #1
        public JsonResult SaveWidget()
            bool           isFileUploaded = false;
            List <string>  messages       = new List <string>();
            Widget         widgetData     = new Widget();
            WidgetServices widgetService  = new WidgetServices();

            string fileUploadStatus = "";
            var    w1 = Request.Params["widgetData"];

            if (w1 != null)
                LoggingHelper.DoTrace(6, "WidgetController.SaveWidget. Entered.");

                widgetData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Widget>(Request.Params["widgetData"]);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(widgetData.WidgetAlias))
                    var widgetExisting = WidgetServices.GetByAlias(widgetData.WidgetAlias);
                    if (widgetExisting != null && widgetExisting.Id > 0 && widgetExisting.Id != widgetData.Id)
                        messages.Add("Widget Alias already exist");
                        return(JsonResponse(widgetData, false, "failure", messages));

                if (!widgetService.Save(widgetData, ref messages))
                    LoggingHelper.DoTrace(5, "WidgetController.SaveWidget. Errors on save: " + string.Join("\n\r>", messages));
                    return(JsonResponse(widgetData, false, "", messages));

                //don't call activate
                //WidgetServices.Activate( widgetData, string.Empty );

                //WHY the check for Files?
                //Need a check for actual entered data
                //skip for now
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(widgetData.WidgetStylesUrl) && Request.Files.Count == 0)
                    //TODO - if no style changes, should delete any existing stylesheet
                    if (widgetData.WidgetStyles != null &&
                        //if ( this.ParseAndCreateUserStyleTemplate( widgetData, this.ControllerContext, Server.MapPath( "~/" ), "UserStyleTemplate", ref messages ) )
                        //    widgetService.Save( widgetData, ref messages );
                        //    //for now ignore errors?
                        //    return JsonResponse( widgetData, false, "failure", messages );
                //plan to chg this to get the text and pass as a string
                //if ( Request.Files.Count > 0 )
                //    LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 4, "WidgetController.SaveWidget. Have widget data and found files" );
                //    isFileUploaded = this.UploadStyle( Request.Files[ 0 ], widgetData );

                //    widgetService.Save( widgetData, ref messages );

                //    fileUploadStatus = isFileUploaded ? "Style template upload success" : fileUploadStatus;
                //    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( fileUploadStatus ) )
                //    {
                //        messages.Add( fileUploadStatus );
                //    }
                //plan to chg this to get the text and pass as a string
                //if ( Request.Files.Count > 0 )
                //    LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 4, "WidgetController.SaveWidget. No widget data but found files" );
                //    isFileUploaded = this.UploadStyle( Request.Files[ 0 ], widgetData );

                //    widgetService.Save( widgetData, ref messages );

                //    fileUploadStatus = isFileUploaded ? "Style template upload success" : fileUploadStatus;
                //    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( fileUploadStatus ) )
                //    {
                //        messages.Add( fileUploadStatus );
                //    }
                //} else
                    messages.Add("Error - no widget data was sent to the server.");
                    return(JsonResponse(widgetData, false, "failure", messages));

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(6, "WidgetController.SaveWidget. Regular exit.");
            return(JsonResponse(widgetData, true, "success", new { isFileUploaded = isFileUploaded, fileUploadStatus = fileUploadStatus }));