public AlertUi() { var doc = WidgetDoc.Load("ui/alert_ui.json"); _mainWindow = doc.GetRootContainer(); _mainWindow.ZIndex = 99800; _mainWindow.Name = "alert_main_window"; _mainWindow.Visible = false; _titleLabel = doc.GetTextContent("title"); _okButton = doc.GetButton("alert_ok_button"); _okButton.Name = "alert_ok_button"; _okButton.SetClickHandler(OkButtonClicked); _mainWindow.Add(_okButton); ScrollBoxSettings settings = new ScrollBoxSettings(); settings.TextArea = new Rectangle(6, 16, 287, 208); settings.ScrollBarPos = new Point(297, 1); settings.ScrollBarHeight = 224; settings.Indent = 7; settings.Font = PredefinedFont.ARIAL_10; _scrollBox = new ScrollBox(new Rectangle(20, 36, 310, 226), settings); _scrollBox.ZIndex = 99950; _scrollBox.Name = "scrollbox_main_window"; _mainWindow.Add(_scrollBox); }
private void OnBeforeRenderNextTurn(WidgetButton nextTurn) { var disabled = !GameSystems.Party.IsPlayerControlled(GameSystems.D20.Initiative.CurrentActor) || uiCombat_10C040B0; nextTurn.SetDisabled(disabled); }
public void Show() { mListBox.Clear(); int y = 0; const int NUM_SCENARIOS = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SCENARIOS; i++) { var button = new WidgetButton(); button.Text = "Arena"; button.SetId("Arena"); var innerWidth = mListBox.GetInnerWidth(); button.Width = innerWidth; button.SetAutoSizeWidth(false); button.SetStyle("mm-setpieces-list-button"); button.Y = y; btnIds.Add(button); var idx = i; button.SetClickHandler(() => Select(idx)); y += button.Height; mListBox.Add(button); } mWidget.Show(); }
public DeitySystem() { var doc = WidgetDoc.Load("ui/pc_creation/deity_ui.json"); Container = doc.GetRootContainer(); Container.Visible = false; _deityButtons = new Dictionary <DeityId, WidgetButton>(); foreach (var deityId in GameSystems.Deity.PlayerSelectableDeities) { var buttonIndex = _deityButtons.Count; var button = new WidgetButton(new Rectangle( 48 + 171 * (buttonIndex / 10), 25 + 21 * (buttonIndex % 10), 162, 12 )); button.SetStyle("deity-button"); button.Text = GameSystems.Deity.GetName(deityId).ToUpper(); button.OnMouseEnter += msg => ShowDeityHelp(deityId); button.OnMouseExit += msg => UpdateDescriptionBox(); button.SetClickHandler(() => SelectDeity(deityId)); Container.Add(button); _deityButtons[deityId] = button; } }
public CraftingTab(GameState gameState, List <Recipe> recipies = null) : base(gameState) { Icon = new Sprite(Resources.TileIcons, new Point(4, 2)); CraftingList = new WidgetList { Dock = Dock.Fill, ItemHeight = 64, }; var craftButton = new WidgetButton { Text = "Craft", Dock = Dock.Bottom, }; craftButton.MouseClick += Craft; foreach (var recipe in recipies ?? RECIPIES.HandCrafted) { CraftingList.AddItem(new CraftingListItem(recipe, GameState.LocalPlayer.Entity.GetComponent <ComponentInventory>().Content)); } Content = new LayoutDock() { Padding = new Spacing(16), Children = { new WidgetLabel { Text = "Crafting", Font = Resources.FontAlagard, Dock = Dock.Top }, craftButton, CraftingList, } }; }
//int onButtonCloseClicked(); //int onButtonFopenClicked(); //int onButtonWloadClicked(); //int onDlgCancelClicked(); //int onDlgOKClicked(); //int onMeshParamsOKClicked(); //int onSliderChanged(); public int InitGUI() { gui = Gui.get(); widget_label = new WidgetLabel(gui, "sun position"); widget_label.setToolTip("Change the sun's position"); widget_label.setPosition(10, 10); widget_slider = new WidgetSlider(gui, 0, 360, 60); widget_slider.setToolTip("Slide to change sun position"); widget_slider.setPosition(100, 10); //widget_slider.setCallback0(Gui.CHANGED, new Widget.Callback0(this, onSliderChanged)); widget_button_del = new WidgetButton(gui, "Delete"); widget_button_del.setToolTip("Delect object(s) selected in combo box"); widget_button_del.setPosition(170, 50); UserInterface.Callback0 c0 = new UserInterface.Callback0(onButtonDelClicked); widget_button_del.setCallback0(Gui.CLICKED, ); widget_button_close = new WidgetButton(gui, "Delete"); widget_button_close.setToolTip("Delect object(s) selected in combo box"); widget_button_close.setPosition(170, 50); //widget_button_close.setCallback0(Gui.CLICKED, new Widget.Callback0(this, OnButtonDelClicked())); widget_button_fopen = new WidgetButton(gui, "Delete"); widget_button_fopen.setToolTip("Delect object(s) selected in combo box"); widget_button_fopen.setPosition(170, 50); //widget_button_fopen.setCallback0(Gui.CLICKED, new Widget.Callback0(this, OnButtonDelClicked())); widget_button_wload = new WidgetButton(gui, "Delete"); widget_button_wload.setToolTip("Delect object(s) selected in combo box"); widget_button_wload.setPosition(170, 50); //widget_button_wload.setCallback0(Gui.CLICKED, new Widget.Callback0(this, OnButtonDelClicked())); return(1); }
public ActionBarUi() { _pulseAnimation = GameSystems.Vagrant.AllocateActionBar(); // These values were configurable in a MES file before GameSystems.Vagrant.ActionBarSetPulseValues(_pulseAnimation, 64, 255, 0.125f); _combatBarFill = Tig.Textures.Resolve("art/interface/COMBAT_UI/CombatBar_Fill.tga", false); _combatBarHighlight = Tig.Textures.Resolve("art/interface/COMBAT_UI/CombatBar_Highlight.tga", false); _combatBarHighlight2 = Tig.Textures.Resolve("art/interface/COMBAT_UI/CombatBar_Highlight2.tga", false); _combatBarGrey = Tig.Textures.Resolve("art/interface/COMBAT_UI/CombatBar_GREY.tga", false); _combatBarFillInvalid = Tig.Textures.Resolve("art/interface/COMBAT_UI/CombatBar_Fill_INVALID.tga", false); _window = new WidgetContainer(8, 117, 50, 260); _window.Name = "combat_ui_debug_output_window"; // Hide or show the entire action bar based on combat status _window.Visible = false; GameSystems.Combat.OnCombatStatusChanged += combatStatus => { _window.Visible = combatStatus; }; var actionBarImage = new WidgetImage("art/interface/COMBAT_UI/combatbar.img"); _window.AddContent(actionBarImage); var actionBar = new WidgetContainer(new Rectangle(13, 15, 22, 170)); _window.Add(actionBar); actionBar.Name = "action bar"; actionBar.OnBeforeRender += () => UiCombatActionBarRender(actionBar); // Add a full sized button on top of the action bar to handle tooltips and help requests var actionBarButton = new WidgetButton(); actionBarButton.SetStyle(new WidgetButtonStyle()); actionBarButton.SetSizeToParent(true); actionBarButton.SetClickHandler(OnActionBarButtonClick); actionBarButton.TooltipStyle = "action-bar-tooltip"; actionBarButton.OnBeforeRender += () => { // Use the time update message (one per frame) to update the tooltip text actionBarButton.TooltipText = GetActionBarTooltipText(); }; actionBar.Add(actionBarButton); var nextTurn = new WidgetButton(new Rectangle(0, 194, 50, 50)); nextTurn.SetStyle(new WidgetButtonStyle { NormalImagePath = "art/interface/COMBAT_UI/Action-End-Turn.tga", HoverImagePath = "art/interface/COMBAT_UI/Action-End-Turn-Hover.tga", PressedImagePath = "art/interface/COMBAT_UI/Action-End-Turn-Click.tga", DisabledImagePath = "art/interface/COMBAT_UI/Action-End-Turn-Disabled.tga", }); nextTurn.Name = "next_turn"; nextTurn.OnBeforeRender += () => OnBeforeRenderNextTurn(nextTurn); nextTurn.SetClickHandler(OnNextTurnClick); _window.Add(nextTurn); }
public override void Load() { var background = Rise.Rnd.Pick(Resources.ParalaxeForest, Resources.ParalaxeMontain); Rise.Scene.SetBackground(background); Rise.Sound.Play(Resources.Theme0); var title = new WidgetLabel { Text = Game.Title, Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0), Font = Resources.FontAlagard, TextSize = 6f, }; var subTitle = new WidgetLabel { Text = Game.SubTitle, Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, 72), Font = Resources.FontRomulus, TextColor = ColorPalette.Accent, TextSize = 1f, }; var prompt = new WidgetButton("> Press any key <") { Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, 256), Font = Resources.FontRomulus, }.RegisterMouseClickEvent(Game.GoToMainMenu); var version = new WidgetLabel { Text = $"{Game.Title} {Game.Version}", Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight, Origine = Anchor.BottomRight, UnitOffset = new Point(-16, 0), Font = Resources.FontHack, TextAlignement = TextAlignement.Right, TextColor = Color.White * 0.5f, TextSize = 1f, }; Container = new LayoutDock() { Children = { title, subTitle, prompt, version } }; }
public WidgetSlider(int x, int y, [CallerFilePath] string filePath = null, [CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = -1) : base(x, y, filePath, lineNumber) { // Size of the slider itself Width = 177; Height = 27; var leftButton = new WidgetButton(); leftButton.SetStyle(Globals.WidgetButtonStyles.GetStyle("slider-left")); leftButton.SetClickHandler(() => { SetValue(GetValue() - 1); }); leftButton.SetRepeat(true); leftButton.Width = 27; leftButton.Height = 27; var rightButton = new WidgetButton(); rightButton.SetStyle(Globals.WidgetButtonStyles.GetStyle("slider-right")); rightButton.SetClickHandler(() => { SetValue(GetValue() + 1); }); rightButton.SetRepeat(true); rightButton.Width = 27; rightButton.Height = 27; rightButton.X = Width - rightButton.Width; var track = new WidgetButton(); track.SetStyle(Globals.WidgetButtonStyles.GetStyle("slider-track")); track.SetClickHandler((x, y) => { if (x < _handleButton.X) { SetValue(GetValue() - Quantum); } else if (x >= _handleButton.X + _handleButton.Width) { SetValue(GetValue() + Quantum); } }); track.SetRepeat(true); var handle = new WidgetSliderHandle(this); handle.Y = 2; _leftButton = leftButton; _rightButton = rightButton; _track = track; _handleButton = handle; Add(track); Add(leftButton); Add(rightButton); Add(handle); }
private void CreatePopupWidget(UiPromptListEntry uiPopup) { var window = new WidgetContainer(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); // popup_ui_main_window1.OnBeforeRender += 0x10170a90; window.Name = "popup_ui_main_window"; window.Visible = false; window.SetMouseMsgHandler(msg => true); // Swallow mouse clicks and such uiPopup.wnd = window; uiPopup.background = new WidgetImage(); window.AddContent(uiPopup.background); uiPopup.titleLabel = new WidgetText("", "popupTitle"); uiPopup.titleLabel.X = 30; uiPopup.titleLabel.Y = 13; uiPopup.titleLabel.FixedSize = new Size(230, 26); uiPopup.titleLabel.SetCenterVertically(true); window.AddContent(uiPopup.titleLabel); uiPopup.bodyLabel = new WidgetText("", "popupBody"); window.AddContent(uiPopup.bodyLabel); var okButton = new WidgetButton(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); // popup_ui_button1.OnHandleMessage += 0x10171b50; // popup_ui_button1.OnBeforeRender += 0x10170c30; // popup_ui_button1.OnRenderTooltip += 0x100027f0; okButton.Name = "popup_ok_button"; okButton.Visible = false; window.Add(okButton); uiPopup.btn1 = okButton; okButton.SetClickHandler(() => OnClickButton(uiPopup, 0)); var cancelButton = new WidgetButton(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); // popup_ui_button2.OnHandleMessage += 0x10171b50; // popup_ui_button2.OnBeforeRender += 0x10170e40; // popup_ui_button2.OnRenderTooltip += 0x100027f0; cancelButton.Name = "popup_cancel_button"; cancelButton.Visible = false; window.Add(cancelButton); uiPopup.btn2 = cancelButton; cancelButton.SetClickHandler(() => OnClickButton(uiPopup, 1)); var popup_ui_button3 = new WidgetButton(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); // popup_ui_button3.OnHandleMessage += 0x10171b50; // popup_ui_button3.OnBeforeRender += 0x10171a90; // popup_ui_button3.OnRenderTooltip += 0x100027f0; popup_ui_button3.Name = "popup_ui_button"; popup_ui_button3.Visible = false; window.Add(popup_ui_button3); uiPopup.btn3 = popup_ui_button3; }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); PreferredContentSize = new CGSize(PreferredContentSize.Width, 55f); UpdateTitle(); WidgetButton.SetTitle("Tap here to register", UIControlState.Normal); WidgetButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl("evolveCountdown://")); }
public SOBattleHUD(BattleHUD scene) { Scene = scene; PauseButton = new SpriteButton(scene.PauseButtonGameObject); HelpButton = new SpriteButton(scene.HelpButtonGameObject); HitArea = new WidgetButton(scene.HideHudHitAreaGameObject); AllMenuPanel = new GOAllMenuPanel(scene.AllMenuPanel); BattleInformationPanel = new PanelBattleInformation(scene.BattleDialogGameObject); Transitions = new Transition(scene.TransitionGameObject); Fading = new SpriteFading(scene.ScreenFadeGameObject); }
public WidgetScrollBar() : base(0, 0) { var upButton = new WidgetButton(); upButton.SetParent(this); upButton.SetStyle(Globals.WidgetButtonStyles.GetStyle("scrollbar-up")); upButton.SetClickHandler(() => { SetValue(GetValue() - 1); }); upButton.SetRepeat(true); var downButton = new WidgetButton(); downButton.SetParent(this); downButton.SetStyle(Globals.WidgetButtonStyles.GetStyle("scrollbar-down")); downButton.SetClickHandler(() => { SetValue(GetValue() + 1); }); downButton.SetRepeat(true); var track = new WidgetButton(); track.SetParent(this); track.SetStyle(Globals.WidgetButtonStyles.GetStyle("scrollbar-track")); track.SetClickHandler((x, y) => { // The y value is in relation to the track, we need to add it's own Y value, // and compare against the current position of the handle y += mTrack.Y; if (y < mHandleButton.Y) { SetValue(GetValue() - 5); } else if (y >= mHandleButton.Y + mHandleButton.Height) { SetValue(GetValue() + 5); } }); track.SetRepeat(true); var handle = new WidgetScrollBarHandle(this); handle.SetParent(this); handle.Height = 100; Width = Math.Max(upButton.Width, downButton.Width); mUpButton = upButton; mDownButton = downButton; mTrack = track; mHandleButton = handle; Add(track); Add(upButton); Add(downButton); Add(handle); }
protected DialogWindow(string title, string text, string yesText, string noText) : base(WindowFlags.CustomAnim | WindowFlags.Blackout) { m_panel = new WidgetWindow(WidgetManager.GetStyle("dialog_window")); Vector2 size = m_panel.Size; m_text = new WidgetText(); m_text.Text = text; m_text.Size = new Vector2(size.X, 0); m_text.MaxWidth = size.X - 40; m_text.FontSize *= 1.25f; m_text.TextAlign = WidgetAlign.VerticalCenter | WidgetAlign.HorizontalCenter; m_text.Relayout(); size = m_panel.Size = m_panel.Size + new Vector2(0, m_text.Size.Y - 80); m_text.Position = new Vector2(0, size.Y / 2 - m_text.Size.Y / 2); m_panel.AddChild(m_text); Size = size; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noText)) { m_noButton = new WidgetButton(noText); m_noButton.Size = new Vector2(128, 48); m_noButton.Position = new Vector2(size.X * 2 / 3 - (m_noButton.Size.X) / 2, size.Y - m_noButton.Size.Y - 25); m_noButton.OnPress += delegate { HandleButtonPress(1); }; m_panel.AddChild(m_noButton); } m_yesButton = new WidgetButton(yesText); m_yesButton.Size = new Vector2(128, 48); m_yesButton.Position = new Vector2(m_noButton == null ? size.X / 2 - (m_yesButton.Size.X) / 2 : size.X / 3 - m_yesButton.Size.X * 0.25f, size.Y - m_yesButton.Size.Y - 25); m_yesButton.OnPress += delegate { HandleButtonPress(0); }; m_panel.AddChild(m_yesButton); m_closeButton = new WidgetButton(WidgetManager.GetStyle("image_button"), ""); m_closeButton.Size = new Vector2(40, 40); m_closeButton.Image = "close_icon"; m_closeButton.ImagePadding = new Margin(10, 10, 10, 10); m_closeButton.Position = new Vector2(size.X - m_closeButton.Size.X, 0); m_closeButton.OnPress += delegate { HandleButtonPress(2); }; m_panel.AddChild(m_closeButton); m_title = new WidgetLabel(); m_title.Text = title; m_title.Size = new Vector2(size.X, 50); m_title.Position = new Vector2(0, 20); m_title.FontSize *= 1.5f; m_title.TextAlign = WidgetAlign.Top | WidgetAlign.HorizontalCenter; m_panel.AddChild(m_title); AddChild(m_panel); }
public override void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); PreferredContentSize = new CGSize(PreferredContentSize.Width, 55f); var evolveStartDate = new DateTime(2014, 10, 6); var numDays = (evolveStartDate - DateTime.Now).Days; WidgetTitle.Text = String.Format("{0} days until Evolve", numDays); WidgetButton.SetTitle("Tap here to register", UIControlState.Normal); WidgetButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl("evolveCountdown://")); }
public GenderSystem() { var doc = WidgetDoc.Load("ui/pc_creation/gender_ui.json"); Container = doc.GetRootContainer(); Container.Visible = false; _maleButton = doc.GetButton("maleButton"); _maleButton.SetClickHandler(() => ChooseGender(Gender.Male)); _femaleButton = doc.GetButton("femaleButton"); _femaleButton.SetClickHandler(() => ChooseGender(Gender.Female)); // NOTE: Vanilla previously tried showing gender-specific help texts, but those texts actually don't exist }
public TextEntryUi() { var doc = WidgetDoc.Load("ui/text_entry_ui.json"); _dialog = doc.GetRootContainer(); _dialog.Visible = false; _dialog.SetKeyStateChangeHandler(HandleShortcut); _dialog.OnHandleMessage += HandleMessage; _okButton = doc.GetButton("okButton"); _okButton.SetClickHandler(Confirm); _cancelButton = doc.GetButton("cancelButton"); _cancelButton.SetClickHandler(Cancel); _titleLabel = doc.GetTextContent("titleLabel"); _currentInputLabel = doc.GetTextContent("currentInputLabel"); }
private void CreateExitButton() { var exitButton = new WidgetButton(_uiParams.CharUiMainExitButton); exitButton.SetAutoSizeHeight(false); exitButton.SetAutoSizeWidth(false); exitButton.SetStyle(new WidgetButtonStyle { DisabledImagePath = _uiParams.TexturePaths[CharUiTexture.MainExitButtonDisabled], HoverImagePath = _uiParams.TexturePaths[CharUiTexture.MainExitButtonHoverOn], NormalImagePath = _uiParams.TexturePaths[CharUiTexture.MainExitButtonHoverOff], PressedImagePath = _uiParams.TexturePaths[CharUiTexture.MainExitButtonHoverPressed] }); exitButton.SetClickHandler(ExitClicked); _mainWidget.Add(exitButton); }
public override void Design() { Gap = 0; Dock = DockStyle.Left; Bounds = new FloatRect(4, 48, 48, 48); var DefaultBounds = new FloatRect(4, 48, 32, 32); var DPadding = new Padding(4); var awesome = Parent.FontIndex.GetFont("awesome", 19f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); Widgets = new Widget[] { new WidgetButton(Parent) { Text = FontAwesome.Bars, Bounds = DefaultBounds, Padding = DPadding, Font = awesome, Smoother = true }, // bars BtnLoadMidi = new WidgetButton(Parent) { Text = FontAwesome.Music, Bounds = DefaultBounds.Clone(), Padding = DPadding, Font = awesome, Smoother = true }, // h-bars new WidgetButton(Parent) { Text = FontAwesome.EllipsisV, Bounds = DefaultBounds.Clone(), Padding = DPadding, Font = awesome, Smoother = true }, // v-bars new WidgetButton(Parent) { Text = FontAwesome.Play, Bounds = DefaultBounds.Clone(), Padding = DPadding, Font = awesome, Smoother = true }, // fore new WidgetButton(Parent) { Text = FontAwesome.Backward, Bounds = DefaultBounds.Clone(), Padding = DPadding, Font = awesome, Smoother = true }, // back new WidgetButton(Parent) { Text = FontAwesome.FolderOpen, Bounds = DefaultBounds.Clone(), Padding = DPadding, Font = awesome, Smoother = true }, // folder-open new WidgetButton(Parent) { Text = FontAwesome.FolderOpenO, Bounds = DefaultBounds.Clone(), Padding = DPadding, Font = awesome, Smoother = true }, // folder-open new WidgetButton(Parent) { Text = FontAwesome.Save, Bounds = DefaultBounds.Clone(), Padding = DPadding, Font = awesome, Smoother = true }, // font }; }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (WidgetImage != null) { WidgetImage.Dispose(); WidgetImage = null; } if (WidgetTitle != null) { WidgetTitle.Dispose(); WidgetTitle = null; } if (WidgetButton != null) { WidgetButton.Dispose(); WidgetButton = null; } }
public TabLoadWorld() { Icon = new Sprite(Resources.TileIcons, new Point(2, 2)); var title = new WidgetLabel { Text = "Load World", Font = Resources.FontAlagard, Dock = Dock.Top }; var saveList = new WidgetList() { Dock = Dock.Fill }; var loadButton = new WidgetButton { Text = "Load", Dock = Dock.Bottom } .RegisterMouseClickEvent((sender) => { if (saveList.SelectedItem != null) { var item = (ListItemWorld)saveList.SelectedItem; Game.Play(item.WorldPath); } }); Content = new LayoutDock(); Content.AddChildren(title, loadButton, saveList); Content.Padding = new Spacing(16); var s = Directory.GetDirectories(Game.SavesFolder); foreach (var save in s) { saveList.AddItem(new ListItemWorld(Path.GetFileName(save), save)); } }
public void Show() { mListBox.Clear(); btnIds.Clear(); seenIndices.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < movieIds.Count; i++) { if (IsMovieSeen(movieIds[i], -1)) { seenIndices.Add(i); } } int y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < seenIndices.Count; i++) { var movieInd = seenIndices[i]; var button = new WidgetButton(); button.Text = mMovieNames[movieInd]; button.SetId(mMovieNames[movieInd]); var innerWidth = mListBox.GetInnerWidth(); button.Width = innerWidth; button.SetAutoSizeWidth(false); button.SetStyle("mm-cinematics-list-button"); button.Y = y; //var pBtn = button.get(); btnIds.Add(button); var selectIdx = i; button.SetClickHandler(() => Select(selectIdx)); y += button.Height; mListBox.Add(button); } mWidget.Show(); }
public CampingUi() { _translations = Tig.FS.ReadMesFile("mes/utility_bar.mes"); var doc = WidgetDoc.Load("ui/camping_ui.json"); // Begin top level window // Created @ 0x1012f29f _mainWindow = doc.GetRootContainer(); // _mainWindow.OnBeforeRender += 0x1012e4d0; // Swallow mouse events (to prevent click through) _mainWindow.SetMouseMsgHandler(msg => true); _mainWindow.SetKeyStateChangeHandler(OnKeyStateChange); _mainWindow.ZIndex = 100000; _mainWindow.Visible = false; _mainWindow.OnBeforeRender += UpdateCheckboxes; var titleLabel = new WidgetText(WindowTitle, "camping-button-text"); titleLabel.X = 31; titleLabel.Y = 11; titleLabel.FixedSize = new Size(230, 12); _mainWindow.AddContent(titleLabel); // Labels for the hours/days to rest _daysToRestLabelText = new WidgetText(DaysLabel, "camping-torest-labels"); _mainWindow.AddContent(_daysToRestLabelText); _hoursToRestLabelText = new WidgetText(HoursLabel, "camping-torest-labels"); _mainWindow.AddContent(_hoursToRestLabelText); _daysToRestText = new WidgetText("0", "camping-torest"); _mainWindow.AddContent(_daysToRestText); _hoursToRestText = new WidgetText("0", "camping-torest"); _mainWindow.AddContent(_hoursToRestText); _restButton = doc.GetButton("restButton"); _restButton.SetClickHandler(OnRestClicked); _cancelButton = doc.GetButton("cancelButton"); _cancelButton.Text = ButtonLabelCancel; _cancelButton.SetClickHandler(Hide); _incrementDaysButton = doc.GetButton("incDaysButton"); _incrementDaysButton.SetRepeat(true); _incrementDaysButton.SetClickHandler(OnIncrementDays); _decrementDaysButton = doc.GetButton("decDaysButton"); _decrementDaysButton.SetRepeat(true); _decrementDaysButton.SetClickHandler(OnDecrementDays); _incrementHoursButton = doc.GetButton("incHoursButton"); _incrementHoursButton.SetRepeat(true); _incrementHoursButton.SetClickHandler(OnIncrementHours); _decrementHoursButton = doc.GetButton("decHoursButton"); _decrementHoursButton.SetRepeat(true); _decrementHoursButton.SetClickHandler(OnDecrementHours); _restUntilHealedCheckbox = new CampingCheckbox(new Rectangle(86, 96, 113, 15), UntilHealedLabel, "camping-checkbox-labels"); _restUntilHealedCheckbox.OnCheckedChange += value => CampingSetTimeUntilHealed(); _mainWindow.Add(_restUntilHealedCheckbox); _restUntilNightCheckbox = new CampingCheckbox(new Rectangle(86, 117, 113, 15), UntilEveningLabel, "camping-checkbox-labels"); _restUntilNightCheckbox.OnCheckedChange += value => UiCampingSetTimeToUntilNighttime(); _mainWindow.Add(_restUntilNightCheckbox); _restUntilDayCheckbox = new CampingCheckbox(new Rectangle(86, 138, 113, 15), UntilMorningLabel, "camping-checkbox-labels"); _restUntilDayCheckbox.OnCheckedChange += value => UiCampingSetTimeToUntilDaytime(); _mainWindow.Add(_restUntilDayCheckbox); // Begin top level window // Created @ 0x1019b2c8 // var @ [TempleDllLocation(0x11e72ad8)] var sticky_ui_main_window1 = new WidgetContainer(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); // sticky_ui_main_window1.OnHandleMessage += 0x101f5850; // sticky_ui_main_window1.OnBeforeRender += 0x1019a9a0; sticky_ui_main_window1.ZIndex = 0; sticky_ui_main_window1.Name = "sticky_ui_main_window"; sticky_ui_main_window1.Visible = false; // Created @ 0x1019b39a // var @ [TempleDllLocation(0x11e7277c)] var radialmenuslideracceptbutton1 = new WidgetButton(new Rectangle(328, 370, 112, 22)); // radialmenuslideracceptbutton1.OnHandleMessage += 0x1019af30; // radialmenuslideracceptbutton1.OnBeforeRender += 0x1019ac10; radialmenuslideracceptbutton1.Name = "radial menu slider accept button"; sticky_ui_main_window1.Add(radialmenuslideracceptbutton1); // Created @ 0x1019b4a1 // var @ [TempleDllLocation(0x11e72ad4)] var radialmenusliderdeclinebutton1 = new WidgetButton(new Rectangle(452, 370, 112, 22)); // radialmenusliderdeclinebutton1.OnHandleMessage += 0x1019af30; // radialmenusliderdeclinebutton1.OnBeforeRender += 0x1019ac10; radialmenusliderdeclinebutton1.Name = "radial menu slider decline button"; sticky_ui_main_window1.Add(radialmenusliderdeclinebutton1); // Created @ 0x1019b5a9 // var @ [TempleDllLocation(0x11e72b9c)] var radialmenuslidercheckboxbutton1 = new WidgetButton(new Rectangle(335, 354, 40, 11)); // radialmenuslidercheckboxbutton1.OnHandleMessage += 0x1019b1d0; // radialmenuslidercheckboxbutton1.OnBeforeRender += 0x1019afa0; radialmenuslidercheckboxbutton1.Name = "radial menu slider checkbox button"; sticky_ui_main_window1.Add(radialmenuslidercheckboxbutton1); }
public AbilityScoreSystem() { var doc = WidgetDoc.Load("ui/pc_creation/stats_ui.json"); Container = doc.GetRootContainer(); Container.Visible = false; _pointBuyInfo = doc.GetContainer("pointBuyInfo"); _pointBuyPointsAvailable = doc.GetTextContent("pointBuyPointsAvailable"); _titleLabel = doc.GetTextContent("title"); _rerollButton = doc.GetButton("reroll"); _rerollButton.SetClickHandler(RerollStats); _rerollsLabel = doc.GetTextContent("rerollsLabel"); _togglePointBuyButton = doc.GetButton("togglePointBuy"); _togglePointBuyButton.SetClickHandler(TogglePointBuy); _increaseButtons = new WidgetButton[6]; _decreaseButtons = new WidgetButton[6]; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var abilityIndex = i; _increaseButtons[i] = doc.GetButton($"increase-{AttributeIdSuffixes[i]}"); _increaseButtons[i].SetClickHandler(() => IncreaseStat(abilityIndex)); _decreaseButtons[i] = doc.GetButton($"decrease-{AttributeIdSuffixes[i]}"); _decreaseButtons[i].SetClickHandler(() => DecreaseStat(abilityIndex)); var assignedValContainer = doc.GetContainer($"assigned-val-{AttributeIdSuffixes[i]}"); var assignedVal = new AbilityScoreValueWidget( assignedValContainer.GetSize(), () => _pkt.abilityStats[abilityIndex], value => _pkt.abilityStats[abilityIndex] = value, true ); assignedValContainer.Add(assignedVal); assignedVal.SetMouseMsgHandler(msg => AbilityScoreMouseHandler(msg, assignedVal)); // Displays the modifier for the assigned attribute var assignedModContainer = doc.GetContainer($"assigned-mod-{AttributeIdSuffixes[i]}"); var assignedMod = new AbilityScoreModifierWidget( assignedValContainer.GetSize(), () => _pkt.abilityStats[abilityIndex] ); assignedModContainer.Add(assignedMod); } // This label is used to draw the ability score currently being dragged _draggedAbilityScoreLabel = new WidgetText("", "charGenAssignedStat"); for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var index = i; var rolledStatContainer = doc.GetContainer("rolledAttribute" + i); var rolledStatWidget = new AbilityScoreValueWidget( rolledStatContainer.GetSize(), () => charGenRolledStats[index], value => charGenRolledStats[index] = value, false ); charGenRolledStatsWidgets[i] = rolledStatWidget; rolledStatContainer.Add(rolledStatWidget); rolledStatWidget.SetMouseMsgHandler(msg => AbilityScoreMouseHandler(msg, rolledStatWidget)); } }
public TabNewWorld() { Icon = new Sprite(Resources.TileIcons, new Point(1, 2)); var worldNameTextBox = new WidgetTextBox() { Padding = new Spacing(8), Text = "new world" }; var worldSeedtextBox = new WidgetTextBox() { Padding = new Spacing(8), Text = Rise.Rnd.Next().ToString() }; var worldTypeList = new WidgetList() { UnitBound = new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 128) }; foreach (var item in GENERATOR.GENERATORS) { worldTypeList.AddItem(new ListItemText(item.Key)); } worldTypeList.SelectFirst(); var generateButton = new WidgetButton { Text = "Generate", Dock = Dock.Bottom } .RegisterMouseClickEvent((s) => Game.New(worldNameTextBox.Text, worldSeedtextBox.Text, GENERATOR.GENERATORS[((ListItemText)worldTypeList.SelectedItem).Text])); var worldOptions = new LayoutFlow { Flow = LayoutFlowDirection.TopToBottom, Dock = Dock.Fill, Children = { new WidgetLabel { Text = "World name:", Padding = new Spacing(8), TextAlignement = TextAlignement.Left }, worldNameTextBox, new WidgetLabel { Text = "Seed:", Padding = new Spacing(8), TextAlignement = TextAlignement.Left }, worldSeedtextBox, new WidgetLabel { Text = "World type:", Padding = new Spacing(8), TextAlignement = TextAlignement.Left }, worldTypeList } }; Content = new LayoutDock() { Padding = new Spacing(16), Children = { new WidgetLabel { Text = "New World", Font = Resources.FontAlagard, Dock = Dock.Top }, generateButton, worldOptions, } }; }
public TestWindow() : base(WindowFlags.None) { Size = new Vector2(2048, 2048.0f * WindowController.Instance.ScreenHeight / WindowController.Instance.ScreenWidth); Scale = WindowController.Instance.ScreenHeight / Size.Y; WidgetPanel panel = new WidgetWindow(); panel.Size = new Vector2(600, 760); panel.Scale = WindowController.Instance.ScreenScale; panel.Position = Size / 2 - panel.Size * panel.Scale / 2; AddChild(panel); WidgetPanel back = new WidgetPanel(WidgetManager.GetStyle("back_pattern")); back.Size = panel.Size; panel.AddChild(back); WidgetLabel title = new WidgetLabel(); title.Text = ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_title"); title.Size = new Vector2(panel.Size.X, 60); title.Position = new Vector2(0, 50); title.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.5f; title.TextAlign = WidgetAlign.Top | WidgetAlign.HorizontalCenter; panel.AddChild(title); WidgetLabel loginLabel = new WidgetLabel(); loginLabel.Text = ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_login"); loginLabel.Position = new Vector2(50, 160); loginLabel.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.25f; panel.AddChild(loginLabel); m_loginEdit = new WidgetTextEdit(); m_loginEdit.Text = DefaultLogin; m_loginEdit.Size = new Vector2(500, 45); m_loginEdit.Position = new Vector2(50, 200); m_loginEdit.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.25f; m_loginEdit.OnTextEntered += HandleLoginEntered; panel.AddChild(m_loginEdit); m_loginEdit.SetFocused(true); WidgetLabel passLabel = new WidgetLabel(); passLabel.Text = ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_password"); passLabel.Position = new Vector2(50, 260); passLabel.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.25f; panel.AddChild(passLabel); m_passEdit = new WidgetTextEdit(); m_passEdit.Text = DefaultPassword; m_passEdit.Size = new Vector2(500, 45); m_passEdit.Position = new Vector2(50, 300); m_passEdit.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.25f; m_passEdit.MaskChar = "*"; m_passEdit.OnTextEntered += HandlePassEntered; panel.AddChild(m_passEdit); m_passEdit.SetFocused(false); WidgetLabel localLabel = new WidgetLabel(); localLabel.Text = ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_local"); localLabel.Position = new Vector2(90, 360); localLabel.Color = 0xcceeff; localLabel.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.0f; panel.AddChild(localLabel); m_localCheckBox = new WidgetCheckBox(true); m_localCheckBox.Position = new Vector2(50, 360); m_localCheckBox.Checked = false; localLabel.Visible = true; m_localCheckBox.OnChecked += delegate(WidgetCheckBox cb) { m_localEdit.Visible = cb.Checked; }; panel.AddChild(m_localCheckBox); m_localCheckBox.LinkedLabel = localLabel; m_localEdit = new WidgetTextEdit(); m_localEdit.Text = ""; m_localEdit.Size = new Vector2(500, 45); m_localEdit.Position = new Vector2(50, 100); m_localEdit.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.25f; m_localEdit.Visible = m_localCheckBox.Checked && m_localCheckBox.Visible; m_localEdit.OnTextEntered += delegate { HandleLoginPress(null); }; m_localEdit.OnValidateInput += HandleValidateIpInput; panel.AddChild(m_localEdit); m_localEdit.SetFocused(false); WidgetButton webSiteButton = new WidgetButton(WidgetManager.GetStyle("text_button"), ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_register")); webSiteButton.Position = new Vector2(50, 360 + (m_localCheckBox.Visible ? 40 : 0)); webSiteButton.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.0f; webSiteButton.OnPress += delegate { HandleWebSitePress(null); }; panel.AddChild(webSiteButton); m_loginButton = new WidgetButton(ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_connect")); m_loginButton.Size = new Vector2(160, 48); m_loginButton.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.25f; m_loginButton.Position = new Vector2(panel.Size.X / 2 - m_loginButton.Size.X / 2, 460); m_loginButton.Enabled = false; m_loginButton.OnPress += delegate { HandleLoginPress(null); }; m_loginButton.Tooltip = "@tooltip_connect"; panel.AddChild(m_loginButton); WidgetImage logoImage = new WidgetImage(WidgetBackgroundStyle.ImageFit, "settings_icon"); logoImage.Size = new Vector2(64, 64); logoImage.Position = new Vector2(20, 15); panel.AddChild(logoImage); WidgetTextField textTextField = new WidgetTextField(WidgetManager.GetStyle("default_textedit")); textTextField.Size = new Vector2(500, 225); textTextField.Position = new Vector2(50, 520); textTextField.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.25f; textTextField.Visible = true; textTextField.Text = "WidgetTextField textTextField = new WidgetTextField(WidgetManager.GetStyle(\"default_textedit\"));\n textTextField.Size = new Vector2(500, 225);\n textTextField.Position = new Vector2(50, 520);\n textTextField.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 1.25f;\n textTextField.Visible = true"; panel.AddChild(textTextField); m_fpsLabel = new WidgetLabel(); m_fpsLabel.Text = "1"; m_fpsLabel.Position = new Vector2(440, 20); m_fpsLabel.FontSize = WidgetManager.FontScale * 0.75f; panel.AddChild(m_fpsLabel); }
public override void Load() { Rise.Sound.Play(Resources.Theme0); var title = new WidgetLabel { Text = Game.Title, Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, -72), Font = Resources.FontAlagard, TextSize = 3f, }; var subTitle = new WidgetLabel { Text = Game.SubTitle, Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, -16), Font = Resources.FontRomulus, TextColor = ColorPalette.Accent, TextSize = 1f, }; var copyright = new WidgetLabel { Text = "© 2017-2021 SMNX", Anchor = Anchor.Bottom, Origine = Anchor.Bottom, Font = Resources.FontRomulus, TextSize = 1f }; var continueButton = new WidgetButton { Enabled = Game.GetLastGame() != null, Text = "Continue", Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, 72), UnitBound = new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 64), } .RegisterMouseClickEvent((sender) => Game.Play(Game.GetLastGame())); var version = new WidgetLabel { Text = $"{Game.Title} {Game.Version}", Anchor = Anchor.BottomRight, Origine = Anchor.BottomRight, UnitOffset = new Point(-16, 0), Font = Resources.FontHack, TextAlignement = TextAlignement.Right, TextColor = Color.White * 0.5f, TextSize = 1f, }; var homeTab = new Tab { Icon = new Sprite(Resources.TileIcons, new Point(0, 4)), Content = new LayoutDock() { Children = { title, subTitle, copyright, continueButton } } }; var menu = new WidgetTabContainer { Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitBound = new Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 720), TabAnchore = Rise.Platform.Family == PlatformFamily.Mobile ? TabAnchore.Bottom : TabAnchore.Left, Tabs = { homeTab, new TabNewWorld(), new TabLoadWorld(), new TabOption(), } }; Container = new LayoutDock().AddChildren(menu, version); }
public TestWindow() : base(WindowFlags.None) { Size = new Vector2(2048, 2048.0f * WindowController.Instance.ScreenHeight / WindowController.Instance.ScreenWidth); Scale = WindowController.Instance.ScreenHeight / Size.Y; WidgetPanel panel = new WidgetPanel(WidgetManager.DefaultWindowStyle); panel.Size = new Vector2(600, 560); panel.Scale = WindowController.Instance.ScreenScale; panel.Position = Size / 2 - panel.Size * panel.Scale / 2; AddChild(panel); WidgetPanel back = new WidgetPanel(WidgetManager.GetStyle("back_pattern")); back.Size = panel.Size; panel.AddChild(back); WidgetLabel title = new WidgetLabel(); title.Text = ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_title"); title.Size = new Vector2(panel.Size.X, 60); title.Position = new Vector2(0, 50); title.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.5f; title.TextAlign = WidgetAlign.Top | WidgetAlign.HorizontalCenter; panel.AddChild(title); WidgetLabel loginLabel = new WidgetLabel(); loginLabel.Text = ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_login"); loginLabel.Position = new Vector2(50, 160); loginLabel.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.25f; panel.AddChild(loginLabel); m_loginEdit = new WidgetTextEdit(); m_loginEdit.Text = DefaultLogin; m_loginEdit.Size = new Vector2(500, 45); m_loginEdit.Position = new Vector2(50, 200); m_loginEdit.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.25f; m_loginEdit.OnTextEntered += HandleLoginEntered; panel.AddChild(m_loginEdit); m_loginEdit.SetFocused(true); WidgetLabel passLabel = new WidgetLabel(); passLabel.Text = ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_password"); passLabel.Position = new Vector2(50, 260); passLabel.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.25f; panel.AddChild(passLabel); m_passEdit = new WidgetTextEdit(); m_passEdit.Text = DefaultPassword; m_passEdit.Size = new Vector2(500, 45); m_passEdit.Position = new Vector2(50, 300); m_passEdit.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.25f; m_passEdit.MaskChar = '*'; m_passEdit.OnTextEntered += HandlePassEntered; panel.AddChild(m_passEdit); m_passEdit.SetFocused(false); WidgetLabel localLabel = new WidgetLabel(); localLabel.Text = ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_local"); localLabel.Position = new Vector2(90, 360); localLabel.Color = 0xcceeff; localLabel.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.0f; panel.AddChild(localLabel); m_localCheckBox = new WidgetCheckBox(); //m_localCheckBox.Size = new Vector2(30, 30); m_localCheckBox.Position = new Vector2(50, 360); m_localCheckBox.Checked = false; localLabel.Visible = true; m_localCheckBox.OnChecked += delegate(WidgetCheckBox cb) { m_localEdit.Visible = cb.Checked; }; panel.AddChild(m_localCheckBox); m_localCheckBox.LinkedLabel = localLabel; m_localEdit = new WidgetTextEdit(); m_localEdit.Text = ""; m_localEdit.Size = new Vector2(500, 45); m_localEdit.Position = new Vector2(50, 100); m_localEdit.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.25f; m_localEdit.Visible = m_localCheckBox.Checked && m_localCheckBox.Visible; m_localEdit.OnTextEntered += delegate { HandleLoginPress(null); }; panel.AddChild(m_localEdit); m_localEdit.SetFocused(false); WidgetButton webSiteButton = new WidgetButton(WidgetManager.GetStyle("text_button"), ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_register")); webSiteButton.Position = new Vector2(50, 360 + (m_localCheckBox.Visible ? 40 : 0)); webSiteButton.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.0f; webSiteButton.OnPress += delegate { HandleWebSitePress(null); }; panel.AddChild(webSiteButton); m_loginButton = new WidgetButton(ResourceLoader.Instance.GetString("login_connect")); m_loginButton.Size = new Vector2(160, 48); m_loginButton.FontSize = WidgetManager.DefaultLabelStyle.FontSize * 1.25f; m_loginButton.Position = new Vector2(panel.Size.X / 2 - m_loginButton.Size.X / 2, 460); m_loginButton.OnPress += delegate { HandleLoginPress(null); }; panel.AddChild(m_loginButton); }
public PartyAlignmentUi() { var doc = WidgetDoc.Load("ui/party_creation/party_alignment.json"); _container = doc.GetRootContainer(); _container.Visible = false; // RENDER: 0x1011be20 // MESSAGE: 0x1011ed20 _container.SetKeyStateChangeHandler(evt => { if (evt.key == DIK.DIK_ESCAPE && evt.down) { Cancel(); return(true); } return(false); }); // Alignment buttons: // MESSAGE: 0x1011e5c0 // RENDER: 0x1011e460 _alignmentButtons = new Dictionary <Alignment, WidgetButton> { { Alignment.TRUE_NEUTRAL, doc.GetButton("alignment_tn") }, { Alignment.LAWFUL_NEUTRAL, doc.GetButton("alignment_ln") }, { Alignment.CHAOTIC_NEUTRAL, doc.GetButton("alignment_cn") }, { Alignment.NEUTRAL_GOOD, doc.GetButton("alignment_ng") }, { Alignment.LAWFUL_GOOD, doc.GetButton("alignment_lg") }, { Alignment.CHAOTIC_GOOD, doc.GetButton("alignment_cg") }, { Alignment.NEUTRAL_EVIL, doc.GetButton("alignment_ne") }, { Alignment.LAWFUL_EVIL, doc.GetButton("alignment_le") }, { Alignment.CHAOTIC_EVIL, doc.GetButton("alignment_ce") } }; foreach (var(alignment, button) in _alignmentButtons) { var alignmentName = GameSystems.Stat.GetAlignmentName(alignment).ToUpper(); button.Text = alignmentName; button.SetClickHandler(() => SelectAlignment(alignment)); } // OK Button: // MESSAGE: 0x1011bf70 // RENDER: 0x1011beb0 _okButton = doc.GetButton("ok"); _okButton.SetClickHandler(() => { var alignment = _alignment; if (alignment.HasValue) { Hide(); OnConfirm?.Invoke(alignment.Value); } }); // Cancel button: 0x10bdd614 // MESSAGE: 0x1011ed50 // RENDER: 0x1011bfa0 var cancelButton = doc.GetButton("cancel"); cancelButton.SetClickHandler(Cancel); _selectionRect = doc.GetImageContent("selected"); }
public MenuAddMinimapWaypoint(GameState gameState) : base(gameState) { PauseGame = true; EscapeToClose = true; var wayPointNameTextBox = new WidgetTextBox() { Dock = Dock.Top }; var wayPointAddButton = new WidgetButton("Add waypoint") { Dock = Dock.Bottom }; wayPointAddButton.RegisterMouseClickEvent(_ => { AddWaypoint(wayPointAddButton.Text); gameState.CurrentMenu = new MenuInGame(gameState); }); Content = new LayoutDock { Children = { new WidgetFancyPanel { UnitBound = new Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 720), Padding = new Spacing(16), Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, Dock = Dock.None, Content = new LayoutDock { Children = { new WidgetLabel() { Text = "Add waypoint", Font = Resources.FontAlagard, TextSize = 1f, Dock = Dock.Top }, new WidgetSprite() { Anchor = Anchor.TopRight, Origine = Anchor.Center, Sprite = new Sprite(Resources.TileGui, new Point(7, 7)), UnitBound = new Rectangle(0, 0, 48, 48), UnitOffset = new Point(-24, 24) }.RegisterMouseClickEvent(sender => gameState.CurrentMenu = new MenuInGame(gameState)), new WidgetLabel() { Text = "Name:", Font = Resources.FontRomulus, TextAlignement = TextAlignement.Left, Dock = Dock.Top }, wayPointNameTextBox, wayPointAddButton, } } } } }; }