Example #1
        public void Remove(Piece piece)

Example #2
 public void AddPieceToBoard(Piece piece)
     if (piece.Color == ChessColor.White)
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds all instances of implementations of <see cref="IChessPiece"/> of the specified type and colour"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The <see cref="Type"/> to look for</typeparam>
 /// <param name="color">The <see cref="PieceColor"/> of the pieces to look for</param>
 /// <returns>A list of the chess pieces of the specified type and colour</returns>
 // Consider overload with no parameter and filtering after retrieval
 public IEnumerable <T> GetPiecesOfType <T>(PieceColor color) where T : IChessPiece
     if (color == PieceColor.Black)
         return(BlackPieces.OfType <T>());
         return(WhitePieces.OfType <T>());
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines of the container has capacity for the passed in chess piece
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="piece">The <see cref="IChessPiece"/> to be added</param>
        /// <returns>True if there is enough capacity</returns>
        public bool HasCapacityFor(IChessPiece piece)
            Type pieceType = piece.GetType();

            if (piece.PieceColor == PieceColor.Black)
                return(BlackPieces.Where(p => p.GetType() == pieceType).Count() < piece.NumberPiecesAllowedPerColour);
                return(WhitePieces.Where(p => p.GetType() == pieceType).Count() < piece.NumberPiecesAllowedPerColour);
Example #5
 public void RemovePieceAt(Position position)
     foreach (Piece piece in WhitePieces)
         if (piece.Position == position)
     foreach (Piece piece in BlackPieces)
         if (piece.Position == position)
Example #6
        // Summary:
        //     The basic constructor of a DraughtsMatch.s
        public DraughtsMatch()
            // Place the red pieces in their initial positions and place the piece in a collection.
            for (int arrRow = 0; arrRow <= 3; arrRow++)
                // Explanation about the value to be assigned to arrColumn variable:
                // Arrray's odd lines will have their frist pieces in column 0,
                // while Even lines will have the frist pieces in the array column 1.
                for (int arrColumn = 1 - arrRow % 2; arrColumn < Board.Width; arrColumn += 2)
                        new Pawn(new TwoDimensionsArrayPosition(arrRow, arrColumn).ToBoardPosition(Board.Height), Board, Team.Red),
                        new TwoDimensionsArrayPosition(arrRow, arrColumn).ToBoardPosition(Board.Height));

                    RedPieces.Add(Board.Pieces(arrRow, arrColumn));

            // Place the white pieces in their initial positions and place the piece in a collection.
            for (int arrRow = 6; arrRow < Board.Height; arrRow++)
                // Explanation about the value to be assigned to arrColumn variable:
                // Arrray's odd lines will have their frist pieces in column 0,
                // while Even lines will have the frist pieces in the array column 1.
                for (int arrColumn = 1 - arrRow % 2; arrColumn < Board.Width; arrColumn += 2)
                        new Pawn(new TwoDimensionsArrayPosition(arrRow, arrColumn).ToBoardPosition(Board.Height), Board, Team.White),
                        new TwoDimensionsArrayPosition(arrRow, arrColumn).ToBoardPosition(Board.Height));

                    WhitePieces.Add(Board.Pieces(arrRow, arrColumn));

            Round      = 1;
            TurnPlayer = Team.White;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a piece to the board, if there already is a piece on the same square then remove the current piece
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="piece"></param>
        public void AddPiece(Piece piece)
            // see if there already is a piece at that position
            Piece overridenPiece = GetPiece(piece.Position);

            if (overridenPiece != null)

            // Add new piece

            // Make sure that the black and white pices lists are keeps up to date
            if (piece.Side == Globals.Side.Black)
Example #8
        // Summary:
        //     Make the move, this also includes catching a possible piece in the process.
        // Parameters:
        //   origin:
        //     The piece that will make its move.
        //   target:
        //     The position of the final destination of the Piece origin.
        public void MakeMovement(Piece origin, BoardPosition target)
            TwoDimensionsArrayPosition originArrPos = origin.BoardPosition.ToArrayPosition(Board.Height);
            TwoDimensionsArrayPosition targetArrPos = target.ToArrayPosition(Board.Height);

            // If the target results in a capture
            if (Math.Abs(originArrPos.Row - targetArrPos.Row) >= 2)
                // The 'P' represents a piece, not a Pawn itself or a Dame, and the 'E' an enemy piece.
                // 4---1
                // -E-E-
                // --P--
                // -E-E-
                // 3---2

                TwoDimensionsArrayPosition piece2BCapPos;
                // Locate and set the position of the piece to be captured
                if ((originArrPos.Column - targetArrPos.Column) <= -2) // NE && SE
                    if ((originArrPos.Row - targetArrPos.Row) >= 2)    // NE (1)
                        piece2BCapPos = new TwoDimensionsArrayPosition(targetArrPos.Row + 1, targetArrPos.Column - 1);
                    else // SE (2)
                        piece2BCapPos = new TwoDimensionsArrayPosition(targetArrPos.Row - 1, targetArrPos.Column - 1);
                else // SW && NW
                    if ((originArrPos.Row - targetArrPos.Row) <= -2) // SW (3)
                        piece2BCapPos = new TwoDimensionsArrayPosition(targetArrPos.Row - 1, targetArrPos.Column + 1);
                    else // NW (4)
                        piece2BCapPos = new TwoDimensionsArrayPosition(targetArrPos.Row + 1, targetArrPos.Column + 1);

                if (TurnPlayer == Team.Red)

                // Take the origin from the board and place it in the target
                Board.PlacePiece(Board.TakePiece(origin.BoardPosition), target);
                // Take the origin from the board and place it in the target
                Board.PlacePiece(Board.TakePiece(origin.BoardPosition), target);

            // If the Red pawn or a White pawn is in its promotion area it'll be promoted
            switch (Board.Pieces(target))
            case Pawn _ when Board.Pieces(target).Team == Team.Red && target.Row == 1:
            case Pawn _ when Board.Pieces(target).Team == Team.White && target.Row == 10:
                Promotion(Board.Pieces(target) as Pawn);

Example #9
        /// <summary>Constructor using fen string </summary>
        /// <see cref="Board"/>
        /// <param name="fen">FEN string that will be parsed to a corresponding board position</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidBoardException">
        /// Invlalid strings
        /// The fen string is interpeted as an array of string, if the array isn't in the correct length (6)
        /// It can and will throw an exception if any of the arguments provided is not by the fen standart
        /// </exception>
        public Grid(string fen)
            Board = new Tile[8, 8];

            string[] arr = fen.Split(' ');

            if (arr.Length != 6)
                throw new InvalidFENBoardException("FEN string must have six arguments");

            //Initalize pieces section
            string[] boardState = arr[0].Split('/');

            for (int i = 0; i < boardState.Length; i++)
                int xPos = 0;
                foreach (char ch in boardState[i])
                    int number;

                    bool success = int.TryParse(ch.ToString(), out number);
                    if (success)
                        for (int j = 0; j < number; j++)
                            Board[7 - i, xPos] = new Tile(null, xPos, 7 - i);
                        Piece piece = Piece.PieceIdentifier(ch);

                        if (piece == null)
                            throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Invalid board state");

                        Board[7 - i, xPos] = new Tile(piece, xPos, 7 - i);

            //initialize currentplayer section
            string teamFlag = arr[1];

            if (teamFlag.Length != 1)
                throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Invalid player turn argument");

            if (teamFlag[0] == 'w')
                CurrentPlayer = new Player(true);
            else if (teamFlag[0] == 'b')
                CurrentPlayer = new Player(false);
                throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Invalid player turn argument");

            //Initialize castling rights section

            string castlingRights = arr[2];

            if (castlingRights.Length > 4 || castlingRights.Length < 0)
                throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Invalid castling rights argument");

            string temp = castlingRights.ToUpper();

            foreach (char c in temp)
                if (c != 'K' && c != 'Q' && c != '-')
                    throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Invalid castling rights argument");

            Piece wKing     = WhitePieces.Find(piece => piece is King && piece.IsWhite);
            King  whiteKing = wKing as King;

            if (whiteKing == null)
                throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Board missing white king");

            Piece bKing     = BlackPieces.Find(piece => piece is King && !piece.IsWhite);
            King  blackKing = bKing as King;

            if (blackKing == null)
                throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Board missing black king");

            if (castlingRights == "-")
                whiteKing.HasMoved = true;
                blackKing.HasMoved = true;
            if (!castlingRights.Contains('K'))
                whiteKing.kingSideCatlingDone = true;
            if (!castlingRights.Contains('Q'))
                whiteKing.queenSideCasltingDone = true;
            if (!castlingRights.Contains('k'))
                blackKing.kingSideCatlingDone = true;
            if (!castlingRights.Contains('q'))
                blackKing.queenSideCasltingDone = true;

            //Initialize enpassant section
            string enpassant = arr[3];

            if (enpassant != "-")
                if (enpassant.Length != 2)
                    throw new InvalidFENBoardException("En passant argument must be 2 characters long");

                int row = (int)enpassant[0] - (int)'a';
                int col = int.Parse(enpassant[1].ToString());

                Tile pawnTile;

                if (col == 6)
                    pawnTile = GetTile(row, col - 2);
                else if (col == 3)
                    pawnTile = GetTile(row, col);
                    throw new InvalidFENBoardException("En passant argument is invalid");

                Pawn pawn = pawnTile.Piece as Pawn;

                if (pawn == null)
                    throw new InvalidFENBoardException("En passant is invalid");

                pawn.CanBeCapturedEnPassant = true;

            //Initialize 50 move rule count

            string fiftyMoveRule = arr[4];

            int  fiftyMoveRuleCount;
            bool isInt = int.TryParse(fiftyMoveRule, out fiftyMoveRuleCount);

            if (isInt)
                if (fiftyMoveRuleCount >= 0)
                    FiftyMoveRuleCount = fiftyMoveRuleCount;
                    throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Fifty move rule argument must be a positive integer");
                throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Fifty move rule argument must be an integer");

            //Initialize move count
            string FENMoveCount = arr[5];

            int moveCount;

            isInt = int.TryParse(FENMoveCount, out moveCount);
            if (isInt)
                if (moveCount > 0)
                    MoveCount = moveCount;
                    throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Move count argument must be greater than 0");
                throw new InvalidFENBoardException("Move count argument must be an integer");
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the fen representation of the current board position
        /// <see cref="Board"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The corresponding FEN string of the current board position</returns>
        public string FEN()
            //Init board state section
            string res = "";
            int    emptySpacesCount = 0;

            for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    Tile tile = GetTile(j, i);
                    if (tile.Piece != null)
                        if (emptySpacesCount != 0)
                            res += emptySpacesCount;
                        res += tile.Piece.ToString();
                        emptySpacesCount = 0;
                if (emptySpacesCount != 0)
                    res += emptySpacesCount;
                emptySpacesCount = 0;
                res += "/";

            res = res.TrimEnd('/');

            //Init current player section
            if (CurrentPlayer.IsWhite)
                res += " w ";
                res += " b ";

            //Init caslting right position
            Piece wKing     = WhitePieces.Find(piece => piece is King);
            King  whiteKing = wKing as King;

            if (whiteKing == null)
                throw new InvalidBoardException("White king is missing");

            Piece bKing     = BlackPieces.Find(piece => piece is King);
            King  blackKing = bKing as King;

            if (blackKing == null)
                throw new InvalidBoardException("Black king is missing");

            string castlingRights = "";

            if (!whiteKing.HasMoved)
                if (!whiteKing.kingSideCatlingDone)
                    Rook rightRook = GetTile(7, 0).Piece as Rook;
                    if (rightRook != null && !rightRook.HasMoved)
                        castlingRights += 'K';
                if (!whiteKing.queenSideCasltingDone)
                    Rook leftRook = GetTile(0, 0).Piece as Rook;
                    if (leftRook != null && !leftRook.HasMoved)
                        castlingRights += 'Q';
            if (!blackKing.HasMoved)
                if (!blackKing.kingSideCatlingDone)
                    Rook rightRook = GetTile(7, 7).Piece as Rook;
                    if (rightRook != null && !rightRook.HasMoved)
                        castlingRights += 'k';
                if (!blackKing.queenSideCasltingDone)
                    Rook leftRook = GetTile(0, 7).Piece as Rook;
                    if (leftRook != null && !leftRook.HasMoved)
                        castlingRights += 'q';

            if (whiteKing.HasMoved && blackKing.HasMoved)
                castlingRights = "-";

            res += castlingRights + " ";