Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate a new <see cref="WebhookController"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config"><see cref="WhConfig"/> configuration class.</param>
        public WebhookController(WhConfigHolder config)
            _logger.Trace($"WebhookManager::WebhookManager [Config={config}, Port={config.Instance.WebhookPort}, Servers={config.Instance.Servers.Count:N0}]");

            _gyms    = new Dictionary <string, GymDetailsData>();
            _weather = new Dictionary <long, GameplayWeather.Types.WeatherCondition>();
            _alarms  = new Dictionary <ulong, AlarmList>();

            _config           = config;
            _config.Reloaded += OnConfigReloaded;


            _http = new HttpServer(_config.Instance.ListeningHost, _config.Instance.WebhookPort, _config.Instance.DespawnTimeMinimumMinutes);
            _http.PokemonReceived    += Http_PokemonReceived;
            _http.RaidReceived       += Http_RaidReceived;
            _http.QuestReceived      += Http_QuestReceived;
            _http.PokestopReceived   += Http_PokestopReceived;
            _http.GymReceived        += Http_GymReceived;
            _http.GymDetailsReceived += Http_GymDetailsReceived;
            _http.WeatherReceived    += Http_WeatherReceived;
            _http.IsDebug             = _config.Instance.Debug;

            new Thread(() => {
        public SubscriptionManager(WhConfigHolder whConfig)

            _whConfig = whConfig;

            if (_whConfig.Instance?.Database?.Main == null)
                var err = "Main database is not configured in config.json file.";
                throw new NullReferenceException(err);

            if (_whConfig.Instance?.Database?.Scanner == null)
                var err = "Scanner database is not configured in config.json file.";
                throw new NullReferenceException(err);

            if (_whConfig.Instance?.Database?.Nests == null)
                _logger.Warn("Nest database is not configured in config.json file, nest alarms and commands will not work.");

            _connFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(_whConfig.Instance.Database.Main.ToString(), MySqlDialect.Provider);

            // Reload subscriptions every minute x 60 seconds to account for UI changes
            _reloadTimer          = new Timer(_whConfig.Instance.ReloadSubscriptionChangesMinutes * 60 * 1000);
            _reloadTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => ReloadSubscriptions();

Example #3
 public Dependencies(InteractivityModule interactivity, WebhookController whm, SubscriptionProcessor subProcessor, WhConfigHolder whConfig, StripeService stripe)
     Interactivity         = interactivity;
     Whm                   = whm;
     SubscriptionProcessor = subProcessor;
     _configHolder         = whConfig;
     Stripe                = stripe;
     OsmManager            = new OsmManager();
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate a new <see cref="SubscriptionProcessor"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="servers">Discord servers dictionary</param>
        /// <param name="config">Configuration file</param>
        /// <param name="whm">Webhook controller class</param>
        public SubscriptionProcessor(Dictionary <ulong, DiscordClient> servers, WhConfigHolder config, WebhookController whm)

            _servers  = servers;
            _whConfig = config;
            _whm      = whm;
            _queue    = new NotificationQueue();

            Manager = new SubscriptionManager(_whConfig);

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Discord bot class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="whConfig">Configuration settings</param>
        public Bot(WhConfigHolder whConfig)
            _logger.Trace($"WhConfig [Servers={whConfig.Instance.Servers.Count}, Port={whConfig.Instance.WebhookPort}]");
            _servers  = new Dictionary <ulong, DiscordClient>();
            _whConfig = whConfig;
            _whm      = new WebhookController(_whConfig);

            // Build form lists for icons

            // Set translation language

            // Set database connection strings to static properties so we can access within our extension classes
            DataAccessLayer.ConnectionString        = _whConfig.Instance.Database.Main.ToString();
            DataAccessLayer.ScannerConnectionString = _whConfig.Instance.Database.Scanner.ToString();

            // Set unhandled exception event handler
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += UnhandledExceptionHandler;

            // Initialize and start midnight reset timer
            var midnight = new DandTSoftware.Timers.MidnightTimer();

            midnight.TimeReached += async(e) => await OnMidnightTimer();


            // Initialize the subscription processor if at least one Discord server wants custom notifications
            // and start database migrator
            if (_whConfig.Instance.Servers.Values.ToList().Exists(x => x.Subscriptions.Enabled))
                // Start database migrator
                var migrator = new DatabaseMigrator();
                while (!migrator.Finished)

                _subProcessor = new SubscriptionProcessor(_servers, _whConfig, _whm);

            // Create a DiscordClient object per Discord server in config
            foreach (var(guildId, serverConfig) in _whConfig.Instance.Servers)
                var client = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
                    AutomaticGuildSync = true,
                    AutoReconnect      = true,
                    EnableCompression  = true,
                    Token                 = serverConfig.Token,
                    TokenType             = TokenType.Bot,
                    UseInternalLogHandler = true

                // If you are on Windows 7 and using .NETFX, install
                // DSharpPlus.WebSocket.WebSocket4Net from NuGet,
                // add appropriate usings, and uncomment the following
                // line

                // If you are on Windows 7 and using .NET Core, install
                // DSharpPlus.WebSocket.WebSocket4NetCore from NuGet,
                // add appropriate usings, and uncomment the following
                // line

                // If you are using Mono, install
                // DSharpPlus.WebSocket.WebSocketSharp from NuGet,
                // add appropriate usings, and uncomment the following
                // line

                client.Ready              += Client_Ready;
                client.GuildAvailable     += Client_GuildAvailable;
                client.GuildMemberUpdated += Client_GuildMemberUpdated;
                //_client.MessageCreated += Client_MessageCreated;
                client.ClientErrored += Client_ClientErrored;
                client.DebugLogger.LogMessageReceived += DebugLogger_LogMessageReceived;

                // Configure Discord interactivity module
                var interactivity = client.UseInteractivity
                    new InteractivityConfiguration
                    // default pagination behaviour to just ignore the reactions
                    PaginationBehaviour = TimeoutBehaviour.Ignore,

                    // default pagination timeout to 5 minutes
                    PaginationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5),

                    // default timeout for other actions to 2 minutes
                    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

                // Build the dependency collection which will contain our objects that can be globally used within each command module
                DependencyCollection dep;
                using (var d = new DependencyCollectionBuilder())
                    d.AddInstance(new Dependencies(interactivity, _whm, _subProcessor, _whConfig, new StripeService(_whConfig.Instance.StripeApiKey)));
                    dep = d.Build();

                // Discord commands configuration
                var commands = client.UseCommandsNext
                    new CommandsNextConfiguration
                    StringPrefix = serverConfig.CommandPrefix?.ToString(),
                    EnableDms    = true,
                    // If command prefix is null, allow for mention prefix
                    EnableMentionPrefix = string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverConfig.CommandPrefix),
                    // Use DSharpPlus's built-in help formatter
                    EnableDefaultHelp    = true,
                    CaseSensitive        = false,
                    IgnoreExtraArguments = true,
                    Dependencies         = dep
                commands.CommandExecuted += Commands_CommandExecuted;
                commands.CommandErrored  += Commands_CommandErrored;
                // Register Discord command handler classes
                commands.RegisterCommands <Owner>();
                commands.RegisterCommands <Event>();
                commands.RegisterCommands <Nests>();
                commands.RegisterCommands <ShinyStats>();
                commands.RegisterCommands <Gyms>();
                commands.RegisterCommands <Quests>();
                commands.RegisterCommands <Settings>();
                if (serverConfig.Subscriptions.Enabled)
                    commands.RegisterCommands <Notifications>();
                if (serverConfig.EnableCities)
                    commands.RegisterCommands <Feeds>();

                _logger.Info($"Configured Discord server {guildId}");
                if (!_servers.ContainsKey(guildId))
                    _servers.Add(guildId, client);

                // Wait 3 seconds between initializing Discord clients
