public void AddProductItem(ProductInfo info)
            // Step 0: Validation
            if (info == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info), $"No {nameof(ProductInfo)} was supplied for adding a new product to the catalog.");
            if (info.Price <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(info.Price), $"The supplied price of {info.Price} must be greater than zero.");

            // Step 1: Process the request by adding a new Product to the database
            using (var context = new WestWindContext())
                var newItem = new Product
                    ProductName     = info.Name?.Trim(), // Null Conditional Operator  ?.
                    QuantityPerUnit = info.QtyPerUnit?.Trim(),
                    UnitPrice       = info.Price,
                    CategoryID      = info.CategoryId,
                    SupplierID      = info.SupplierId
                context.SaveChanges(); // This will cause all the validation attributes to be checked
 public List <Customer> ListCustomers()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
 public List <Employee> ListEmployees()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
 static List <OrderShipment> ListOrdersByDate()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         var orders = from order in context.Orders
                      orderby order.OrderDate
                      select new OrderShipment
             OrderID       = order.OrderID,
             OrderedOn     = order.OrderDate,
             RequiredBy    = order.RequiredDate,
             FreightCharge = order.Freight,
             Details       = from item in order.OrderDetails
                             group item by item.Product.Supplier into dropShippers
                             select new SupplierShipment
                 SupplierName = dropShippers.Key.CompanyName,
                 Items        = from i in dropShippers
                                select new ShipmentItem
                     ProductID       = i.ProductID,
                     Quantity        = i.Quantity,
                     Price           = i.UnitPrice,
                     Discount        = i.Discount,
                     QuantityPerUnit = i.Product.QuantityPerUnit
Example #5
 public List <Category> ListCategories()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
Example #6
 public void AddSupplier(Supplier item)
     using (var context = new WestWindContext()){
Example #7
 public List <Address> ListAddresses()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
        public List <OutstandingOrder> LoadOrders(int supplierID)
            using (var context = new WestWindContext())
                 * Validation:
                 *  Make sure the supplier ID exists, otherwise throw exception
                var supplier = context.Suppliers.Find(supplierID);
                if (supplier == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unknown supplier");

                 * [Advanced:] Make sure the logged-in user works for the identified supplier.
                var result =
                    from ord in context.Orders
                    where !ord.Shipped &&       // Still items to be shipped
                    ord.OrderDate.HasValue                // The order has been placed and is ready to ship
                    select new OutstandingOrder
                    OrderID          = ord.OrderID,
                    ShipToName       = ord.ShipName,
                    OrderDate        = ord.OrderDate.Value,
                    RequiredBy       = ord.RequiredDate.Value,
                    OutstandingItems = from detail in ord.OrderDetails
                                       select new OrderProductInformation
                        ProductID   = detail.ProductID,
                        ProductName = detail.Product.ProductName,
                        Qty         = detail.Quantity,
                        QtyPerUnit  = detail.Product.QuantityPerUnit,
                        // TODO:
                        //                               Outstanding = (from ship in detail.Order.Shipments
                        //                                             from item in ship.ManifestItems
                        //                                             where item.ProductID == detail.ProductID
                        //                                             select item.ShipQuantity)
                    //        ord.ShipAddressID,
                    // Note to self: If there is a ShipTo address, use that, otherwise use the customer address
                    FullShippingAddress = ord.ShipAddressID.HasValue
                                                     ? context.Addresses.Where(x => x.AddressID == ord.ShipAddressID)
                                          .Select(a => a.Street + Environment.NewLine +
                                                  a.City + Environment.NewLine +
                                                  a.Region + " " +
                                                  a.Country + ", " +
                                                     : ord.Customer.Address.Street + Environment.NewLine +
                                          ord.Customer.Address.City + Environment.NewLine +
                                          ord.Customer.Address.Region + " " +
                                          ord.Customer.Address.Country + ", " +
                    Comments = ord.Comments
 public List <Supplier> ListSuppliers()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
 public List <Supplier> ListSuppliers()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
        //public Product GetProduct(int productId)
        //   using (var context = new WestWindContext)
        //    {
        //        return
        //    }

        public Product LookupProduct(int productId)
            using (var context = new WestWindContext())
 public List <SupplierShipment> OrderShipments(int orderId)
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         // Answer to query
         var result = from shipment in context.Shipments
                      where shipment.OrderID == 11021
                      select new SupplierShipment
             Sender    = shipment.ManifestItems.First().Product.Supplier.CompanyName,
             ShippedOn = shipment.ShippedDate,
             ShipVia   = new ShipVia
                 Company = shipment.Shipper.CompanyName,
                 Phone   = shipment.Shipper.Phone
             Manifest = (from item in shipment.ManifestItems
                         select new ShippedItem
                 Product = item.Product.ProductName,
                 Quantity = item.ShipQuantity
             FreightCost = shipment.FreightCharge
 public List <Region> ListRegions()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
 static List <int> ListShipperIds()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         return(context.Shippers.Select(x => x.ShipperID).ToList());
 static int ShipmentCount()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
 static void ShipToCustomer(SupplierShipment shipment, int orderId, DateTime shipDate, int shipvia)
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         var ship = new Shipment
             OrderID       = orderId,
             ShippedDate   = shipDate,
             ShipVia       = shipvia,
             FreightCharge = shipment.Freight,
             TrackingCode  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
         foreach (var item in shipment.Items)
             ship.ManifestItems.Add(new ManifestItem
                 ProductID    = item.ProductID,
                 ShipQuantity = item.Quantity
         context.Orders.Find(orderId).Shipped = true;
         System.Console.WriteLine($"{counter++} - {ship.TrackingCode}");
Example #17
        public List <CustomerOrder> GetOrdersByCustomer(string customerId, string filter)
            if (!"open".Equals(filter.ToLower()) && !"shipped".Equals(filter.ToLower()))
                throw new ArgumentException("Filter values are required", nameof(filter));
            using (var context = new WestWindContext())
                var shipped = "shipped".Equals(filter.ToLower());

                var results = from data in context.Orders
                              orderby data.OrderDate descending
                              where data.CustomerID == customerId &&
                              data.Shipped == shipped
                              select new CustomerOrder
                    OrderId  = data.OrderID,
                    Employee = data.Employee.FirstName
                               + " "
                               + data.Employee.LastName,
                    OrderDate    = data.OrderDate,
                    RequiredDate = data.RequiredDate,
                    Freight      = data.Freight,
                    Shipments    = from sent in data.Shipments
                                   orderby sent.ShippedDate
                                   select new ShipmentSummary
                        ShippedOn = sent.ShippedDate,
                        Carrier   = sent.Shipper.CompanyName
                    OrderTotal = data.OrderDetails.Sum(x => x.Quantity * x.UnitPrice)
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// AddOrder will create a new customer order, processing it as a single transaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">The particulars of the order</param>
        private void AddPendingOrder(EditCustomerOrder order)
            using (var context = new WestWindContext())
                var orderInProcess = context.Orders.Add(new Order());
                // Make the orderInProcess match the customer order as given...
                // A) The general order information
                orderInProcess.CustomerID   = order.CustomerId;
                orderInProcess.SalesRepID   = order.EmployeeId;
                orderInProcess.RequiredDate = order.RequiredDate;
                orderInProcess.Freight      = order.FreightCharge;
                // B) Add order details
                foreach (var item in order.OrderItems)
                    // Add as a new item
                    var newItem = new OrderDetail
                        ProductID = item.ProductId,
                        Quantity  = item.OrderQuantity,
                        UnitPrice = item.UnitPrice,
                        Discount  = item.DiscountPercent

                // C) Save the changes (one save, one transaction)
Example #19
 public List <Product> ListProducts()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
 public List <Order> ListOrders()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
Example #21
        public List <OutstandingOrder> LoadOrders(int supplierId)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();
            // TODO: Implement this method with the following

             * Validation:
             *      Make sure the supplier ID exixts, otherwise throw an exception
             *      [Advanced] Make sure the logged-in user works for the identified supplier.
             *  Query for outstanding orders, getting data from the following tables:
             *      TODO: List table names
            using (var context = new WestWindContext()) // Using my DAL object
                // validation
                var supplier = context.Suppliers.Find(supplierId);
                if (supplier == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Supplier - unable to load orders");

                // Processing
                var result =
                    from sale in context.Orders
                    where !sale.Shipped &&
                    select new OutstandingOrder
                    OrderId          = sale.OrderID,
                    ShipToName       = sale.ShipName,
                    OrderDate        = sale.OrderDate.Value,
                    RequiredBy       = sale.RequiredDate.Value,
                    OutstandingItems =
                        from item in sale.OrderDetails
                        where item.Product.SupplierID == supplierId
                        select new OrderItem
                        ProductID   = item.ProductID,
                        ProductName = item.Product.ProductName,
                        Qty         = item.Quantity,
                        QtyPerUnit  = item.Product.QuantityPerUnit,
                        // TODO: Figure out the Outstanding quantity
                        //						Outstanding = (from ship in item.Order.Shipments
                        //						              from shipItem in ship.ManifestItems
                        //									  where shipItem.ProductID == item.ProductID
                        //									  select shipItem.ShipQuantity).Sum()
                    FullShippingAddress = //TODO: how to use sale.ShipAddressID,
                                          sale.Customer.Address.Street + Environment.NewLine +
                                          sale.Customer.Address.City + ", " +
                                          sale.Customer.Address.Region + Environment.NewLine +
                                          sale.Customer.Address.Country + " " +
                    Comments = sale.Comments
 private void DisplayAddresses()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         int count = context.Addresses.Count();
         Console.WriteLine($"There are {count} Addresses");
Example #23
 private void DisplayManifests()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         int count = context.ManifestItems.Count();
         Console.WriteLine($"There are {count} manifest items");
Example #24
 public Supplier GetSupplier(int id)
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         //The .Find() method will look up the object based on its pk
Example #25
 // Use this class to help with CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) maintenance of our database
 public List <Supplier> ListSuppliers()
     // Make use of our "virtual database" class to get the data
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
Example #26
 public void AddAddress(Address Item)
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
Example #27
 private void DisplayOrders()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         int count = context.Orders.Count();
         Console.WriteLine($"There are {count} orders");
Example #28
 private void DisplayPaymentTypes()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         int count = context.PaymentTypes.Count();
         Console.WriteLine($"There are {count} payment types");
Example #29
 private void DisplayRegions()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         int count = context.Regions.Count();
         Console.WriteLine($"There are {count} regions");
Example #30
 private void DisplayTerritories()
     using (var context = new WestWindContext())
         int count = context.Territories.Count();
         Console.WriteLine($"There are {count} territories");