Example #1
        public async void OnJoinGamePress(View view)
            JoinGameButton.Enabled = false;

            // Join game
            WelcomePayload welcome = await CsClient.JoinGameAsync(Int32.Parse(GameIdEditText.Text), GamePasswordEditText.Text,

            // Start the game
            welcome.Player.Token = welcome.Token;
            CityAndSeekApp.Instance.StartGame(welcome.Game, welcome.Player);

            // Launch in-game activity
            var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(InGameActivity));

        public override void OnPacket(Packet packet)
            if (packet.Intent != Intent.JoinGame)

            JoinGamePayload joinGame = packet.GetPayload <JoinGamePayload>();

            // Check game exists
            if (!Connection.Server.Games.ContainsKey(joinGame.GameId))
                throw new CityAndSeekException("Game doesn't exist!");

            ServerGame game = Connection.Server.Games[joinGame.GameId];

            // Check password (not case sensitive)
            if (!joinGame.GamePassword.Equals(game.Password, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new CityAndSeekException("Incorrect password!");

            // Check game state
            if (game.GameState != GameState.Setup)
                string message = "Game cannot accept new players right now.";

                switch (game.GameState)
                case GameState.Starting:
                case GameState.Running:
                case GameState.Paused:
                    message = "Game is already running.";

                case GameState.Ended:
                    message = "Game has already ended.";

                throw new CityAndSeekException(message);

            int newId = game.Players.Count;

            var player = new ServerPlayer
                Id         = newId,
                Name       = joinGame.Username,
                Token      = SecureToken.Generate(),
                Game       = game,
                Connection = Connection

            // Associate player with this connection
            Connection.Player = player;

            // Add player to the game

            // Send welcome
            var welcome = new WelcomePayload(game, player, player.Token);

            Connection.SendPacket(new Packet(Intent.Welcome, welcome, packet.Id));