Example #1
        private IEnumerable <WebsiteNode> GetSiteNodes()
            var siteNodes = new List <WebsiteNode>();

            using (var cref = this.UmbracoContext.EnsureUmbracoContext())
                    var cache = cref.UmbracoContext.Content;
                    var sites = cache.GetAtRoot().Where(x => x.ContentType.Alias == "website");

                    foreach (var site in sites)
                        var siteNode = new WebsiteNode
                            WebsiteId   = site.Id,
                            WebsiteName = site.Name

                catch (Exception e)
                    siteNodes = new List <WebsiteNode>();

Example #2
        private static WebFileNode LookupFileByUrlPath(WebsiteNode website, string urlPath, ContextLanguageInfo languageContext, Func <WebFileNode, bool> predicate)
            if (website.Id == Guid.Empty)
                throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("Unable to retrieve the Id of the website. {0}", "Lookup failed."));

            var urlWithoutWebsitePath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(urlPath.TrimEnd('/'));

            string parentPath;
            string thisPath;

            if (ParseParentPath(urlWithoutWebsitePath, out parentPath, out thisPath))
                // Find the language-root web page because that's what web files hang off from.
                var parentFilterResult = LookupPageByUrlPath(website, parentPath, WebPageLookupOptions.RootOnly, languageContext);

                if (parentFilterResult.Node != null)
                    var file = parentFilterResult.Node.WebFiles.FirstOrDefault(f => predicate(f) && string.Equals(f.PartialUrl, thisPath, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                    if (file != null)
                        ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Monitoring, "LookupFILEByUrlPath Found");

            ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Monitoring, "LookupFILEByUrlPath NULL");
Example #3
        private bool HasAdminPrivileges()
            var contentMap    = AdxstudioCrmConfigurationManager.CreateContentMapProvider();
            var webSiteEntity = PortalContext.Current.Website;

            if (webSiteEntity == null)

            WebsiteNode webSite = null;

            contentMap.Using(map => map.TryGetValue(webSiteEntity, out webSite));

            if (webSite == null)

            // Get names of current user roles
            var roleNames = Roles.GetRolesForUser();

            // Select these role nodes
            var userRoles = webSite.WebRoles.Where(role => roleNames.Contains(role.Name));

            // Select web site access permissions
            var permissions = userRoles.SelectMany(role => role.WebsiteAccesses);

            // Check if there is permission with all options active
            var hasAcccess =
                permissions.Any(p => p.ManageContentSnippets.Value && p.ManageSiteMarkers.Value &&
                                p.ManageWebLinkSets.Value && p.PreviewUnpublishedEntities.Value);

        /// <summary> The belongs to website. </summary>
        /// <param name="website"> The website. </param>
        /// <param name="webRole"> The web role. </param>
        /// <returns> The <see cref="bool"/>. </returns>
        private static bool BelongsToWebsite(WebsiteNode website, WebRoleNode webRole)
            if (website == null || webRole == null || webRole.Website == null)

            return(website.Id == webRole.Website.Id);
Example #5
        public string GetPortalContextPath(ContentMap contentMap, WebsiteNode website, string path)
            if (contentMap == null || website == null || path == null)

            var pathCache       = HttpContext.Current != null ? HttpContext.Current.Items : null;
            var applicationPath = GetApplicationPathForSiteMarker(contentMap, website, pathCache);

            return(GetPortalContextPath(path, applicationPath));
Example #6
        public static WebFileNode LookupFileByUrlPath(WebsiteNode website, string urlPath, ContextLanguageInfo languageContext)
            CrmEntityInactiveInfo inactiveInfo;

            var filter = CrmEntityInactiveInfo.TryGetInfo("adx_webfile", out inactiveInfo)
                                ? file => !inactiveInfo.IsInactive(file.ToEntity())
                                : new Func <WebFileNode, bool>(entity => true);

            var result = LookupFileByUrlPath(website, urlPath, languageContext, filter);

        private bool TryAssertRightProperty(WebsiteNode site, Func <WebsiteAccessNode, bool?> selectFlag)
            // If Roles are not enabled on the site, deny permission.
            if (!Roles.Enabled)
                ADXTrace.Instance.TraceError(TraceCategory.Application, "Roles are not enabled for this application.Permission denied.");


            var userRoles = this.GetUserRoles();

            if (!userRoles.Any())
                ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Application, "No roles were found for the current user. Permission denied.");


            var rules = site.WebsiteAccesses;

            // If no access permissions are defined for this site, deny permission.
            if (rules == null || !rules.Any())
                ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Application, "No website access permission rules were found for the current website. Permission denied.");


            foreach (var rule in rules)
                var ruleRoles = rule.WebRoles;

                if (ruleRoles == null)

                var ruleRoleNames = ruleRoles.Select(role => role.Name);

                var roleIntersection = ruleRoleNames.Intersect(userRoles, StringComparer.InvariantCulture);

                // If the user is in any of the roles associated with the permission rule, and
                // the rightsPredicate evaluates to true for the given rule, grant permission.
                if (roleIntersection.Any() && selectFlag(rule).GetValueOrDefault())

            // If no permission rules meet the necessary conditions, deny permission.
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="website"></param>
        /// <param name="urlPath"></param>
        /// <param name="getRootWebPage">Whether to get the Root version of a group of translated web pages where adx_isroot = true.
        /// This should only be set to true in specific cases where we are explicitly looking for the non-translated root page,
        /// ex: we're looking for a web file which only hangs off from root web pages, or the provided urlPath is from a SiteMapNode which is not language-aware so the url will be the root's.
        /// This does NOT refer to the website root "/" (aka Home) web page.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static UrlMappingResult <WebPageNode> LookupPageByUrlPath(WebsiteNode website, string urlPath, WebPageLookupOptions lookupOption, ContextLanguageInfo languageContext)
            var applicationPath = UrlMapping.GetApplicationPath(urlPath);

            CrmEntityInactiveInfo inactiveInfo;

            var filter = CrmEntityInactiveInfo.TryGetInfo("adx_webpage", out inactiveInfo)
                                ? page => !inactiveInfo.IsInactive(page.ToEntity())
                                : new Func <WebPageNode, bool>(entity => true);

            var result = LookupPageByUrlPath(website, applicationPath.PartialPath, lookupOption, languageContext, filter);

        protected CrmSiteMapNode GetNotFoundNode(ContentMap map, WebsiteNode site,
                                                 IContentMapEntityUrlProvider urlProvider)
            var notFoundPage = site.SiteMarkers.FirstOrDefault(sm => sm.Name == NotFoundPageSiteMarkerName);

            if (notFoundPage == null || notFoundPage.WebPage == null || notFoundPage.WebPage.IsReference)

            var languageInfo      = HttpContext.Current.GetContextLanguageInfo();
            var path              = HttpContext.Current.Request.Path;
            var notFoundNode      = languageInfo.FindLanguageSpecificWebPageNode(notFoundPage.WebPage, true);
            var isLanguageEnabled = languageInfo.IsCrmMultiLanguageEnabled;

            if (isLanguageEnabled)
                var isPublished = languageInfo.ContextLanguage.IsPublished;
                var language    = languageInfo.ContextLanguage.WebsiteLanguageNode.Name;

                if (isPublished && notFoundNode == null)
                    var root = this.RootNode as CrmSiteMapNode;

                    if (null != root)
                        ADXTrace.Instance.TraceWarning(TraceCategory.Application, "Cannot find language specific web page for url");

                        var id = root.Entity.GetAttributeValue("adx_webpageid");
                        throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Error ID - {0}.  The Webpage you are looking for at {1} is not found in the {2} language. To display Page Not Found page localize it in {2} language.".FormatWith(id, path, language));
                else if (!isPublished && notFoundNode != null)
                    ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Application, string.Format("Language not available for: {0}", language));

                    var id = notFoundNode.Id;
                    throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Error ID – {0} . {1} language is not available. Please ensure it is in published status.".FormatWith(id, language));
                else if (!isPublished)
                    throw new HttpException((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Not Found.");

            return(GetNode(map, notFoundNode, HttpStatusCode.NotFound, urlProvider));
Example #10
        public void HomeSiteMarkerNotFound(WebsiteNode website)
            if (website == null)


        private bool TryGetWebsite(ContentMap map, out WebsiteNode site, out IContentMapEntityUrlProvider urlProvider)
            urlProvider = PortalCrmConfigurationManager.CreateDependencyProvider(PortalName).GetDependency <IContentMapEntityUrlProvider>();

            if (urlProvider == null)
                site = null;

            var portal  = PortalContext;
            var website = portal.Website;

            if (!map.TryGetValue(website, out site))

Example #12
        private IIndex CreateWebsiteResourceIndex(WebsiteNode site)
            var fields = new FieldDefinitionCollection();

            fields.AddOrUpdate(new FieldDefinition("lat", FieldDefinitionTypes.Double));
            fields.AddOrUpdate(new FieldDefinition("lon", FieldDefinitionTypes.Double));

            var index = new UmbracoContentIndex(
                Constants.Examine.ResourceIndexName + "-" + site.WebsiteName,
                this.CreateFileSystemLuceneDirectory(Constants.Examine.ResourceDirectory + "-" + site.WebsiteName),
                new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30),

Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup Culture for localization and globalization of the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="website"></param>
        /// <param name="legacyWebsiteLcid">CrmWebsite.Language value, for backwards compatibility with legacy pre-Multi-Language CRM environments.</param>
        /// <param name="bundles"></param>
        /// <param name="registerAction"></param>
        private static void UseLocalizedBundles(Entity website, int legacyWebsiteLcid, IContentMapProvider contentMapProvider, BundleCollection bundles, Action <BundleCollection, CultureInfo> registerAction)
            // For backward compatibility with pre-Multi-Language CRM environments.
            // At this point in code execution, PortalContext is not available yet, so check for existance of adx_defaultlanguage field to determine if this is legacy environment or not.
            if (!ContextLanguageInfo.IsCrmMultiLanguageEnabledInWebsite(website))
                if (legacyWebsiteLcid != 0)
                    CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo(legacyWebsiteLcid);
                    CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture   = culture;
                    CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = culture;
                    registerAction(bundles, culture);

            // Note: for environments WITH multi-language, the CurrentCulture will be set by ContextLanguageInfo.BuildContextLanguageInfo(...)

            // Not able to use portal language context so getting language directly
            // (portal context depends on owin context which is accesible only per request, not on startup)

            WebsiteNode websiteNode = null;

            contentMapProvider.Using(contentMap => contentMap.TryGetValue(website, out websiteNode));

            if (websiteNode == null)
                registerAction(bundles, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            foreach (var websiteLanguage in websiteNode.WebsiteLanguages)
                var portalLanguage = websiteLanguage.PortalLanguage;
                var culture        = ContextLanguageInfo.GetCulture(portalLanguage.CrmLanguage ?? 0);

                registerAction(bundles, culture);
Example #14
        private ApplicationPath GetApplicationPathForSiteMarker(ContentMap contentMap, WebsiteNode website, IDictionary cache)
            return(GetApplicationPathForSiteMarker(cache, () =>
                var siteMarkerNode = website.SiteMarkers
                                     .FirstOrDefault(e => string.Equals(e.Name, SiteMarker, StringComparison.Ordinal));

                if (siteMarkerNode == null || siteMarkerNode.WebPage == null || siteMarkerNode.WebPage.IsReference)
                    return null;

                var urlProvider = PortalCrmConfigurationManager.CreateDependencyProvider(PortalName)
                                  .GetDependency <IContentMapEntityUrlProvider>();

                    return urlProvider.GetApplicationPath(contentMap, siteMarkerNode.WebPage);
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    return null;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="website"></param>
        /// <param name="urlPath"></param>
        /// <param name="getRootWebPage">Whether to get the Root version of a group of translated web pages where adx_isroot = true.
        /// This should only be set to true in specific cases where we are explicitly looking for the non-translated root page,
        /// ex: we're looking for a web file which only hangs off from root web pages.
        /// This does NOT refer to the root "/" web page (typically Home page).</param>
        /// <param name="predicate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static UrlMappingResult <WebPageNode> LookupPageByUrlPath(WebsiteNode website, string urlPath, WebPageLookupOptions lookupOption, ContextLanguageInfo languageContext, Func <WebPageNode, bool> predicate)
            if (website.Id == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unable to retrieve the Id of the website. {0}", string.Empty), "website");

            ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Monitoring, "LookupPageByUrlPath ENTER URL");

            var pages = website.WebPages.Where(predicate).ToArray();

            // Use _pagePathRegex to extract the right-most path segment (child path), and the remaining left
            // part of the path (parent path), while enforcing that web page paths must end in a '/'.
            var pathMatch = UrlMapping._pagePathRegex.Match(urlPath);

            if (!pathMatch.Success)
                // If we don't have a valid path match, still see if there is a page with the entire literal
                // path as its partial URL. (The previous iteration of this method has this behaviour, so we
                // maintain it here.)
                // NOTE: requests for web files (ex: .png, .css) and bad links all come here.
                var mappingResult = FilterResultsOnLanguage(pages, p => IsPartialUrlMatch(p, urlPath), lookupOption, languageContext);
                ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Monitoring, string.Format("LookupPageByUrlPath (1)pathMatch.Fail URL {0}", mappingResult.Node == null ? "NULL" : "Found"));

            var fullPath   = pathMatch.Groups["full"].Value;
            var parentPath = pathMatch.Groups["parent"].Value;
            var childPath  = pathMatch.Groups["child"].Value;

            // Check if we can find a page with the exact fullPath match. This may be a web page with a
            // partial URL that matches the entire path, but in the more common case, it will match the
            // root URL path "/".
            var fullPathMatchPageResult = FilterResultsOnLanguage(pages, p => IsPartialUrlMatch(p, fullPath), lookupOption, languageContext);

            if (fullPathMatchPageResult.Node != null)
                ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Monitoring, "LookupPageByUrlPath (2)fullPathMatchPage ");

            // If we don't have non-empty parentPath and childPath, lookup fails.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentPath) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(childPath))
                ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Monitoring, "LookupPageByUrlPath (3)parent/child path null ");
                return(UrlMappingResult <WebPageNode> .MatchResult(null));

            // Look up the parent page, using the parent path. This will generally recurse until parentPath
            // is the root path "/", at which point fullPath will match the Home page and the recursion will
            // unwind.
            // Look for the "Root" (adx_isroot=true) web page because the parent-child relationships uses the Root web pages, not the translated Content web pages.
            // (Ignoring uniquence for parent page)
            var parentPageFilterResult = LookupPageByUrlPath(website, parentPath, WebPageLookupOptions.RootOnly, languageContext, predicate);

            // If we can't find a parent page, lookup fails.
            // Ignore IsUnique here, trying to find any possible match.
            if (parentPageFilterResult.Node == null)
                ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Monitoring, "LookupPageByUrlPath (4)parent page null ");

            // Look for a partial URL match for childPath, among the children of the returned parent page.
            var result = FilterResultsOnLanguage(parentPageFilterResult.Node.WebPages, p => predicate(p) && IsPartialUrlMatch(p, childPath), lookupOption, languageContext);

            ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Monitoring, string.Format("LookupPageByUrlPath (5)searchByParent {0}", result.Node == null ? "NULL" : "Found"));
Example #16
        internal static string GetPortalContextPath(this RouteCollection routes, ContentMap contentMap, WebsiteNode website, string path)
            ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Application, string.Format("Start: {0}", path));

            var match = routes.OfTypeWithLock <IPortalContextRoute>()
                        .Select(portalContextRoute => portalContextRoute.GetPortalContextPath(contentMap, website, path))
                        .FirstOrDefault(contextPath => contextPath != null);

            ADXTrace.Instance.TraceInfo(TraceCategory.Application, string.Format("End: {0}", path));

        private static Entity ToWebsite(OrganizationServiceContext context, WebsiteNode node)
            var website = node.AttachTo(context);

Example #18
		private void LoadTree_Websites(string parentId, TreeNodeCollection parentNodeCollection)
			// returns a reader with 4 fields: Title, Description, Id, HasChildren, HasChildLists
			using (System.Data.IDataReader oReader = _ExecContext.SPDatabase.GetWebsites(parentId))
				while (oReader.Read())
					string sTitle = oReader["Title"].ToString();
					if (sTitle == null || sTitle.TrimEnd().Length == 0)
						sTitle = "(no title)";

					string sUrl = oReader["FullUrl"].ToString();
					string sId = oReader["Id"].ToString();
					string sDesc = oReader["Description"].ToString();

					if (parentId != null && parentId.Length > 0)
						sUrl = sUrl.Substring(sUrl.LastIndexOf("/")+1);

					WebsiteNode oNode = new WebsiteNode("/" + sUrl, sId, sTitle + "\r\n" + sDesc);

					if (Convert.ToBoolean(oReader["HasChildren"]) || Convert.ToBoolean(oReader["HasChildLists"]))
						oNode.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("..."));