Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a collection with webs from SharePoint. A web can contain other webs. To get all subwebs from a specified web, set the url in the Url property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Collection with webs.</returns>
        public SPWeb[] GetWebs()
            Webs webs = new Webs();

            webs.Credentials     = Credentials;
            webs.PreAuthenticate = true;
            webs.Url             = Url.ToString().Replace("lists.asmx", "webs.asmx");
            webs.Proxy           = GetProxy();

            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += ((sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true);

            XmlNode webscollection = null;

            webscollection = webs.GetWebCollection();

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            List <SPWeb> list = new List <SPWeb>();

            foreach (XmlNode web in RunXPathQuery(doc, "//sp:Web"))
                list.Add(new SPWeb(GetNodeAttribute(web.Attributes["Title"]), GetNodeAttribute(web.Attributes["Url"]), web));

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This dynamically creates the loads the webs
        /// web service and gets the web collection for the
        /// current site. Once this is done, you can iterate
        /// through the collection and retrieve information
        /// about a single site through the GetWeb service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>Needs to be redone to get the sites from
        /// something other than the Sites list as this doesn't
        /// guarantee that all sites are registered this way.</remarks>
        public void LoadWebCollection()
            Webs ws = NewWebsWebService();

                XmlNode     root     = ws.GetWebCollection();
                XmlNodeList siteList = root.SelectNodes("*");
                foreach (XmlNode node in siteList)
                    string         newSiteName = node.Attributes["Title"].Value;
                    string         newSiteUrl  = node.Attributes["Url"].Value;
                    SharePointSite spSite      = new SharePointSite(newSiteName, newSiteUrl);
                    spSite.Credentials = Credentials;
            catch (WebException ex)
            catch (SoapException sex)
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns any sites under the Root sharepoint site
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of sites under the specified site</returns>
        public IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetSiteCollection()
            _websWS.Url = _selectedSiteUrl + "_vti_bin/webs.asmx";
            XElement siteCollection = XElement.Parse(_websWS.GetWebCollection().OuterXml);
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> > siteList = from sites in siteCollection.Elements()
                                                                    select new KeyValuePair <string, string>(sites.Attribute("Title").Value, sites.Attribute("Url").Value);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the web collection for a given SharePoint server or
        /// top level site collection. If used on a portal server, you'll
        /// get all kinds of values like C1, C2, etc. for all areas.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadWebCollection()
            Webs    ws  = NewWebsWebService();
            XmlNode xml = ws.GetWebCollection();

            foreach (XmlNode xmlNode in xml)
                string         name = xmlNode.Attributes["Title"].Value;
                string         url  = CreateFQDN(xmlNode.Attributes["Url"].Value);
                SharePointSite web  = new SharePointSite(name, url);
                web.Credentials = Credentials;
 public ReadOnlyCollection <SharepointWeb> GetSubWebs()
     return(Utils.DoSharepointTask <ReadOnlyCollection <SharepointWeb> >(this.Identity, this.Id, null, true, Utils.MethodType.GetView, delegate
         ReadOnlyCollection <SharepointWeb> result;
         using (Webs webs = new Webs(this.Uri.ToString()))
             webs.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
             XmlNode webCollection = webs.GetWebCollection();
             List <SharepointWeb> list = new List <SharepointWeb>();
             foreach (object obj in webCollection.ChildNodes)
                 XmlNode xmlNode = (XmlNode)obj;
                 list.Add(new SharepointWeb(xmlNode.Attributes["Title"].Value, new SharepointSiteId(xmlNode.Attributes["Url"].Value, UriFlags.Sharepoint)));
             result = new ReadOnlyCollection <SharepointWeb>(list);
         return result;
Example #6
        private static void Recursive(WebRecord records)
            Webs webs = new Webs();

            webs.Url         = records.Url + "/" + "_vti_bin/webs.asmx";
            webs.Credentials = credential;
            //webs.CookieContainer = GetAuthCookies();
            XmlNode subwebs = webs.GetWebCollection();

            foreach (XmlNode node in subwebs.ChildNodes)
                WebRecord web = new WebRecord()
                    Title        = node.Attributes[0].Value,
                    Url          = node.Attributes[1].Value,
                    LastModified = DateTime.MinValue.Year

                Lists lists = new Lists();
                lists.Url         = web.Url + "/_vti_bin/lists.asmx";
                lists.Credentials = credential;
                //lists.CookieContainer = GetAuthCookies();

                XmlNode list = lists.GetListCollection();

                List <ListRecord> listRecordList = new List <ListRecord>();

                foreach (XmlNode listnode in list.ChildNodes)
                    ListRecord currentList = new ListRecord()
                        Title        = listnode.Attributes[3].Value,
                        LastModified = DateTime.ParseExact(listnode.Attributes[10].Value, "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Year,
                        ItemCount    = int.Parse(listnode.Attributes["ItemCount"].Value)



                List <string> adminList = new List <string>();
                adminList.AddRange(GetUsersInRole(web, "Administrator"));
                adminList.AddRange(GetUsersInRole(web, "Admin"));
                adminList.AddRange(GetUsersInRole(web, "Beheerder"));
                adminList          = adminList.Distinct().ToList();
                web.Administrators = string.Join(",", adminList);

                if (web.Administrators == string.Empty)
                    web.Administrators = "-";


                web.ItemCount = web.Children.Sum(f => f.ItemCount) + listRecordList.Sum(f => f.ItemCount);

                int listMax = 0;
                int siteMax = 0;

                if (listRecordList.Count > 1)
                    listMax = listRecordList.Max(f => f.LastModified);

                if (web.Children.Count > 1)
                    siteMax = web.Children.Max(f => f.LastModified);

                web.LastModified = Math.Max(listMax, siteMax);
                web.Parent       = records.Title;
