/// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter any spatial coverage information which relates to this material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List<string> allValues = new List<string>();
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects_Count > 0)
                allValues.AddRange(from thisSubject in Bib.Bib_Info.Subjects where thisSubject.Class_Type == Subject_Info_Type.Hierarchical_Spatial select thisSubject.ToString());
            render_helper(Output, allValues, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the name(s) of the publisher(s) of the larger body of work. If your work is currently unpublished, you may enter your name as the publisher or leave the field blank. If you are adding administrative material (newsletters, handbooks, etc.) on behalf of a department within the university, enter the name of your department as the publisher.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List<string> instanceValues = new List<string>();
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Publishers_Count > 0)
                instanceValues.AddRange(Bib.Bib_Info.Publishers.Select(thisName => thisName.Name));

            render_helper(Output, instanceValues, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                Acronym = "Enter the name(s) of the other committee members for this thesis/dissertation";

            // Is there an ETD object?
            Thesis_Dissertation_Info etdInfo = Bib.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.THESIS_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as Thesis_Dissertation_Info;
            if ((etdInfo == null) || ( etdInfo.Committee_Members_Count == 0 ))
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
                if (etdInfo.Committee_Members_Count == 1)
                    render_helper(Output, etdInfo.Committee_Members[0], Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
                    render_helper(Output, etdInfo.Committee_Members, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter the complete HTML to embed an external video in this digital resource.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                        Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            List<string> instanceValues = new List<string>();
            if (Bib.Behaviors.Embedded_Video.Length > 0 )
                instanceValues.Add( Bib.Behaviors.Embedded_Video );

            render_helper(Output, instanceValues, Skin_Code, IsMozilla, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter tickler(s) to find this material later within the context of a larger set or task.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.Behaviors.Ticklers, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> [HELPER] Gets the language-specific web skin, by web skin code and language code </summary>
        /// <param name="SkinCode"> Web skin code </param>
        /// <param name="RequestedLanguage"> Web language </param>
        /// <param name="DefaultLanguage"> Default language, in case the requested web language does nto exist </param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"></param>
        /// <returns> A build language-specific web skin </returns>
        /// <remarks> This may be public now, but this will be converted into a private helped class with 
        /// the release of SobekCM 5.0 </remarks>
        public static Web_Skin_Object get_web_skin(string SkinCode, Web_Language_Enum RequestedLanguage, Web_Language_Enum DefaultLanguage, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            Complete_Web_Skin_Object completeSkin = get_complete_web_skin(SkinCode, Tracer);

            if (completeSkin == null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("WebSkinServices.get_web_skin", "Complete skin retrieved was NULL, so returning NULL");
                return null;

            // Look in the cache for this first
            Web_Skin_Object cacheObject = CachedDataManager.WebSkins.Retrieve_Skin(SkinCode, Web_Language_Enum_Converter.Enum_To_Code(RequestedLanguage), Tracer);
            if (cacheObject != null)
                if (Tracer != null) Tracer.Add_Trace("WebSkinServices.get_web_skin", "Web skin found in the memory cache");
                return cacheObject;

            // Try to get this language-specifi web skin
            Web_Skin_Object returnValue = Web_Skin_Utilities.Build_Skin(completeSkin, Web_Language_Enum_Converter.Enum_To_Code(RequestedLanguage), Tracer);

            // If this web skin has a value (an no exception) store in the cache
            if ((returnValue != null) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnValue.Exception)))
                if (Tracer != null) Tracer.Add_Trace("WebSkinServices.get_web_skin", "Store the web skin in the memory cache");
                CachedDataManager.WebSkins.Store_Skin(SkinCode, Web_Language_Enum_Converter.Enum_To_Code(RequestedLanguage), returnValue, Tracer );

            // Return the object
            return returnValue;
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the web skins under which this material can appear (i.e., UDC, dLOC, etc...)";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            if (Bib.Behaviors.Web_Skin_Count == 0)
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
                render_helper(Output, Bib.Behaviors.Web_Skins, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Provide instruction on how the physical material should be treated after digization is complete.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            string term = String.Empty;
            if ( Bib.Tracking.Disposition_Advice > 0 )
                term =  SobekCM_Library_Settings.Disposition_Term_Future( Bib.Tracking.Disposition_Advice);
            render_helper(Output, term, Bib.Tracking.Disposition_Advice_Notes, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, false);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter a FAST subject keyword to describe this item.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            render_helper(Output, new List<string>(), new List<string>(), Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter each person or group which created this material. Personal names should be entered as [Family Name], [Given Name].";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List<string> instanceValues = (from thisName in Bib.Bib_Info.Names let include = thisName.Roles.Any(thisRole => thisRole.Role.ToLower() == "contributor") where include select thisName.ToString() into name_as_string where (name_as_string != "unknown") && (name_as_string.Length > 0) select name_as_string).ToList();

            render_helper(Output, instanceValues, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "If the original material has an edition listed, include it here.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.Edition, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Get the language-specific web skin, by skin code and language </summary>
        /// <param name="SkinCode"> Code for the web skin </param>
        /// <param name="RequestedLanguage"> Requested language for the web skin code </param>
        /// <param name="DefaultLanguage"> Default UI language for the instance </param>
        /// <param name="Cache_On_Build"> Flag indicates whether to use the cache </param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"> Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering </param>
        /// <returns> Language-specific web skin object </returns>
        public Web_Skin_Object Get_LanguageSpecific_Web_Skin(string SkinCode, Web_Language_Enum RequestedLanguage, Web_Language_Enum DefaultLanguage, bool Cache_On_Build, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            // If no interface yet, look in the cache
            if ((SkinCode != "new") && (Cache_On_Build))
                Web_Skin_Object htmlSkin = CachedDataManager.WebSkins.Retrieve_Skin(SkinCode, Web_Language_Enum_Converter.Enum_To_Code(RequestedLanguage), Tracer);
                if (htmlSkin != null)
                    if (Tracer != null)
                        Tracer.Add_Trace("SobekEngineClient_WebSkinEndpoints.Get_LanguageSpecific_Web_Skin", "Web skin '" + SkinCode + "' found in cache");
                    return htmlSkin;

            // If still not interface, build one
            Web_Skin_Object new_skin = WebSkinServices.get_web_skin(SkinCode, RequestedLanguage, DefaultLanguage, Tracer);

            // Look in the web skin row and see if it should be kept around, rather than momentarily cached
            if ((new_skin != null) && ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(new_skin.Exception)))
                if (Cache_On_Build)
                    // Momentarily cache this web skin object
                    CachedDataManager.WebSkins.Store_Skin(SkinCode, Web_Language_Enum_Converter.Enum_To_Code(RequestedLanguage), new_skin, Tracer);

            return new_skin;
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Select the type of request being processed.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            // Just always shoe METADATA UPDATE
            render_helper(Output, "METADATA UPDATE", Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "If the physical material was originally donated by someone, enter their name and any donor information here.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            if (( Bib.Bib_Info.hasDonor ) && ( Bib.Bib_Info.Donor.hasData))
                render_helper(Output, Bib.Bib_Info.Donor.ToString(false), Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Primary alternate identifier associated with this item group.  This may range from a locally defined identifier to an identifier established by a standard committe.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            // NOTE: This part isn't optimized for this element, but rather kept as similar to the
            // standard identifier class as possible to support any later changes.
            List<string> terms = new List<string>();
            List<string> schemes = new List<string>();
            terms.Add( Bib.Behaviors.Primary_Identifier.Identifier);

            render_helper(Output, terms, schemes, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                Acronym = "Select the level of this degree";

            // Is there an ETD object?
            string valueToDisplay = string.Empty;
            Thesis_Dissertation_Info etdInfo = Bib.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.THESIS_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as Thesis_Dissertation_Info;
            if (etdInfo != null)
                switch (etdInfo.Degree_Level)
                    case Thesis_Dissertation_Info.Thesis_Degree_Level_Enum.Bachelors:
                        valueToDisplay = "Bachelors";

                    case Thesis_Dissertation_Info.Thesis_Degree_Level_Enum.Doctorate:
                        valueToDisplay = "Doctorate";

                    case Thesis_Dissertation_Info.Thesis_Degree_Level_Enum.Masters:
                        valueToDisplay = "Masters";

                    case Thesis_Dissertation_Info.Thesis_Degree_Level_Enum.PostDoctorate:
                        valueToDisplay = "Post-Doctorate";

            render_helper(Output, valueToDisplay, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Volume identifier for this material within the larger body of work.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.VID, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter any notes about this digital manifestation or the original material";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List<string> instanceValues = new List<string>();
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Notes_Count > 0)
                instanceValues.AddRange(from thisNote in Bib.Bib_Info.Notes where (thisNote.Note_Type != Note_Type_Enum.publication_status) && (thisNote.Note_Type != Note_Type_Enum.funding) && (thisNote.Note_Type != Note_Type_Enum.acquisition) && (thisNote.Note_Type != Note_Type_Enum.default_type) select thisNote.ToString().Replace("<b>", "(").Replace("</b>", ")"));

            render_helper(Output, instanceValues, Skin_Code, isMozilla, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Information indicates how this original record was created and where the data was imported from.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.Bib_Info.Record.Record_Origin, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the group title here.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            if (label_from_template_file.Length > 0)
                Title = label_from_template_file;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.Behaviors.GroupTitle, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Bibliographic identifier for this digital manifestation";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.BibID, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter information about the target audience for this material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List<string> audiences = new List<string>();
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Target_Audiences_Count > 0)
                audiences.AddRange(Bib.Bib_Info.Target_Audiences.Select(thisAudience => thisAudience.Audience));
            render_helper(Output, new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(audiences), Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Physical description of the original material";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.Bib_Info.Original_Description.Extent, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Description standard indicates the standard used when encoding the original catalog record.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Record.Description_Standard.Trim().Length == 0)
                render_helper(Output, "(none)", Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, true);
                render_helper(Output, Bib.Bib_Info.Record.Description_Standard, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the date this item was published or created.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            string date = Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.Date_Issued;
            if (date.Length == 0)
                date = Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.MARC_DateIssued;

            if (label_from_template_file.Length > 0)
                Title = label_from_template_file;

            render_helper(Output, date, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the period of time which is the subject of this material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List<string> allValues = new List<string>();
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.TemporalSubjects_Count > 0)
                allValues.AddRange(Bib.Bib_Info.TemporalSubjects.Select(thisTemporal => thisTemporal.ToString()));
            render_helper(Output, allValues, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the date the material was received and any notes";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            string dateString = String.Empty;
            if (Bib.Tracking.Material_Received_Date.HasValue)
                dateString = Bib.Tracking.Material_Received_Date.Value.ToShortDateString();
            render_helper(Output, dateString, Bib.Tracking.Material_Received_Notes, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Encoding level corresponds to the encoding level of any original catalog record.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.EncodingLevel.Trim().Length == 0)
                render_helper(Output, "(none)", Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, true );
                render_helper(Output, Bib.Bib_Info.EncodingLevel, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Select the frequency for this continuing resource type material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List<string> frequencies = new List<string>();
            foreach (Origin_Info_Frequency frequency in Bib.Bib_Info.Origin_Info.Frequencies)
                if (!frequencies.Contains(frequency.Term.ToLower()))
            render_helper(Output, frequencies, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL )
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the language(s) in which the original material was written or performed.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                    case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                        Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List<string> languages = new List<string>();
            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Languages_Count > 0)
                languages.AddRange(from thisLanguage in Bib.Bib_Info.Languages where thisLanguage.Language_Text.Length > 0 select thisLanguage.Language_Text);
            render_helper(Output, new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(languages), Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
Example #31
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the language(s) in which the original material was written or performed.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List <string> languages = new List <string>();

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Languages_Count > 0)
                languages.AddRange(from thisLanguage in Bib.Bib_Info.Languages where thisLanguage.Language_Text.Length > 0 select thisLanguage.Language_Text);
            render_helper(Output, new ReadOnlyCollection <string>(languages), Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the rights you give for sharing, repurposing, or remixing your item to other users.  You may also select a creative commons license below.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            // render_helper(Output, Bib.Bib_Info.Access_Condition.Text, Skin_Code, isMozilla, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator);

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            int actual_cols = cols;

            if (isMozilla)
                actual_cols = cols_mozilla;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"left\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td width=\"" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Read_Only)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\">" + Title + ":</b></td>");
                if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Title + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Title + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            Output.WriteLine("              <textarea rows=\"" + rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input\" onfocus=\"javascript:textbox_enter('" + id_name + "1','" + html_element_name + "_input_focused')\" onblur=\"javascript:textbox_leave('" + id_name + "1','" + html_element_name + "_input')\">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Access_Condition.Text.Trim()) + "</textarea>");
            Output.WriteLine("              <div class=\"ShowOptionsRow\">");
            Output.WriteLine("                <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return open_cc_rights();\"><img src=\"" + baseURL + "design/skins/" + Skin_Code + "/tabs/cLDG.gif\" border=\"0\" class=\"tab_image\" alt=\"\" /><span class=\"tab\">CREATIVE COMMONS</span><img src=\"" + baseURL + "design/skins/" + Skin_Code + "/tabs/cRDG.gif\" border=\"0\" class=\"tab_image\" alt=\"\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td valign=\"bottom\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img border=\"0px\" class=\"help_button_rightsmgmt\" src=\"" + Base_URL + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"left\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td colspan=\"2\">&nbsp;</td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table id=\"cc_rights\" cellpadding=\"3px\" cellspacing=\"3px\" style=\"display:none;\">");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr><td colspan=\"2\">You may also select a <a title=\"Explanation of different creative commons licenses.\" href=\"http://creativecommons.org/about/licenses/\">Creative Commons License</a> option below.<br /></td></tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr><td> &nbsp; <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return set_cc_rights('rightsmgmt1','[cc0] The author dedicated the work to the Commons by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.');\"><img title=\"You dedicate the work to the Commons by waiving all of your rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights you had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.\" src=\"" + baseURL + "default/images/cc_zero.png\" /></a></td><td><b>No Copyright</b><br /><i>cc0</i></td></tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr><td> &nbsp; <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return set_cc_rights('rightsmgmt1','[cc by] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution License.  This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation.');\"><img title=\"This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.\" src=\"" + baseURL + "default/images/cc_by.png\" /></a></td><td><b>Attribution</b><br /><i>cc by</i></td></tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr><td> &nbsp; <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return set_cc_rights('rightsmgmt1','[cc by-sa] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License.  This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work even for commercial reasons, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.');\"><img title=\"This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial reasons, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.\" src=\"" + baseURL + "default/images/cc_by_sa.png\" /></a></td><td><b>Attribution Share Alike</b><br /><i>cc by-sa</i></td></tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr><td> &nbsp; <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return set_cc_rights('rightsmgmt1','[cc by-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives License.  This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the author.');\"><img title=\"This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.\" src=\"" + baseURL + "default/images/cc_by_nd.png\" /></a></td><td><b>Attribution No Derivatives</b><br /><i>cc by-nd</i></td></tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr><td> &nbsp; <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return set_cc_rights('rightsmgmt1','[cc by-nc] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commerical License.  This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge the author and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.');\"><img title=\"This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.\" src=\"" + baseURL + "default/images/cc_by_nc.png\" /></a></td><td><b>Attribution Non-Commercial</b><br /><i>cc by-nc</i></td></tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr><td> &nbsp; <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return set_cc_rights('rightsmgmt1','[cc by-nc-sa] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License.  This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.');\"><img title=\"This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.\" src=\"" + baseURL + "default/images/cc_by_nc_sa.png\" /></a></td><td><b>Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike</b><br /><i>cc by-nc-sa</i></td></tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr><td> &nbsp; <a href=\"\" onclick=\"return set_cc_rights('rightsmgmt1','[cc by-nc-nd] This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License.  This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.');\"><img title=\"This license allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they mention you and link back to you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.\" src=\"" + baseURL + "default/images/cc_by_nc_nd.png\" /></a></td><td><b>Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives</b><br /><i>cc by-nc-nd</i></td></tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
 /// <summary> Method helps to render all multiple combo box based elements </summary>
 /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
 /// <param name="instance_values"> Value(s) for the current digital resource to display</param>
 /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
 /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
 /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
 /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
 /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
 protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, ReadOnlyCollection <string> instance_values, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
     render_helper(Output, instance_values, items, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all multiple combo box based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display</param>
        /// <param name="possible_values"> Possible vlaues for this combo boxes </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string instance_value, List <string> possible_values, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"left\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td width=\"" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            if (Read_Only)
                Output.Write("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
                Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

                const int i = 1;

                string value = instance_value;
                Output.WriteLine("              <select name=\"" + id_name + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input\" type=\"text\" >");
                bool found = false;
                if (value.Length == 0)
                    found = true;
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"\" selected=\"selected\" >&nbsp;</option>");
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"\">&nbsp;</option>");
                foreach (string item in possible_values)
                    if (item.ToUpper() == value.ToUpper())
                        found = true;
                        Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + item + "\" selected=\"selected\" >" + item + "</option>");
                        Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + item + "\">" + item + "</option>");
                if (!found)
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + value + "\" selected=\"selected\" >" + value + "</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("              </select>");


            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td valign=\"bottom\" >");

            if (view_choices_string.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("            " + view_choices_string.Replace("<%WEBSKIN%>", Skin_Code).Replace("<%?URLOPTS%>", "") + "&nbsp; ");

            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("          <span id=\"" + html_element_name + "_repeaticon\" name=\"" + html_element_name + "_repeaticon\"><img title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" alt=\"+\" border=\"0px\" class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" onmousedown=\"add_new_multi_combo_element('" + html_element_name + "', 1," + max_boxes + "," + boxes_per_line + "); return false;\" /></span>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img border=\"0px\" class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
Example #35
 /// <summary> Method helps to render the html for all elements based on comboBox_TextBox_Element class </summary>
 /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generate html for this element </param>
 /// <param name="select_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display in the combo box</param>
 /// <param name="text_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display in the text box</param>
 /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
 /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
 /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
 /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
 /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
 /// <param name="initial_value"> Flag indicates if the value in the select_value param is actually instructional text, and not a true value</param>
 protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string select_value, string text_value, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL, bool initial_value)
     render_helper(Output, select_value, possible_select_items, text_value, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, initial_value);
Example #36
        /// <summary> Method helps to render the html for all elements based on comboBox_TextBox_Element class </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generate html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="select_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display in the combo box</param>
        /// <param name="userdefined_possible"> List of possible select values, set by the user </param>
        /// <param name="text_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display in the text box</param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <param name="initial_value"> Flag indicates if the value in the select_value param is actually instructional text, and not a true value</param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string select_value, List <string> userdefined_possible, string text_value, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL, bool initial_value)
            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");

            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            const int i = 1;

            // Write the combo box
            // Write the combo box
            if (clear_textbox_on_combobox_change)
                Output.Write("            <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"" + id_name + "_select" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_select" + i + "\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "_select" + i + "','" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" onchange=\"clear_textbox('" + id_name + "_text" + i + "')\" >");
                Output.Write("            <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"" + id_name + "_select" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_select" + i + "\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "_select" + i + "','" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" >");

            bool found_option = false;

            foreach (string thisOption in possible_select_items)
                if ((i < possible_select_items.Count) && (thisOption == select_value))
                    Output.Write("<option value=\"" + thisOption + "\" selected=\"selected=\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
                    found_option = true;
                    Output.Write("<option value=\"" + thisOption + "\" >" + thisOption + "</option>");

            if ((select_value.Length > 0) && (!Restrict_Values) && (!found_option))
                Output.Write("<option value=\"" + select_value + "\" selected=\"selected=\">" + select_value + "</option>");

            // Write the second text
            if (second_label.Length > 0)
                Output.Write("<span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + second_label + ":</span>");

            // Write the text box
            Output.Write("<input name=\"" + id_name + "_text" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_text" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(text_value) + "\" />");


            Output.WriteLine("        </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("          <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return " + html_element_name + "_add_new_item();\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
 /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
 /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
 /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
 /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
 /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
 /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
 /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
 /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
 /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
 /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
 /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
 public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
     render_helper(Output, Bib.Web.Additional_Work_Needed, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
Example #38
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the fixed type of identifier.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            if ((label_from_template_file.Length > 0) && (fixed_type_from_template_file.Length == 0))
                fixed_type_from_template_file = label_from_template_file;
            if ((label_from_template_file.Length == 0) && (fixed_type_from_template_file.Length > 0))
                label_from_template_file = fixed_type_from_template_file;

            List <string> terms = new List <string>();

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Identifiers_Count > 0)
                terms.AddRange(Bib.Bib_Info.Identifiers.Select(thisIdentifier => thisIdentifier.Identifier));

            Title = label_from_template_file;
            if (label_from_template_file.Length == 0)
                Title = "MISSING LABEL!";

            render_helper(Output, terms, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, fixed_type_from_template_file.Replace(" ", "_").ToLower() + "fixedidentifier");
        /// <summary> Get the language specific item aggregation, from the complete item aggregation object </summary>
        /// <param name="CompAggr"> Copmlete item aggregation object </param>
        /// <param name="RequestedLanguage"> Language version requested </param>
        /// <param name="Tracer"></param>
        /// <returns> The language-specific aggregation, built from the complete aggregation object, or NULL if an error occurred </returns>
        public static Item_Aggregation Get_Item_Aggregation(Complete_Item_Aggregation CompAggr, Web_Language_Enum RequestedLanguage, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            // If the complete aggregation was null, return null
            if (CompAggr == null)
                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "Complete item aggregation was NULL.. aborting and returning NULL");


            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "Building language-specific item aggregation from the complete object");

            // Build the item aggregation
            Item_Aggregation returnValue = new Item_Aggregation(RequestedLanguage, CompAggr.ID, CompAggr.Code)
                Active              = CompAggr.Active,
                BannerImage         = CompAggr.Banner_Image(RequestedLanguage, null),
                Child_Types         = CompAggr.Child_Types,
                Contact_Email       = CompAggr.Contact_Email,
                ContactForm         = CompAggr.ContactForm,
                CSS_File            = CompAggr.CSS_File,
                Default_BrowseBy    = CompAggr.Default_BrowseBy,
                Default_Result_View = CompAggr.Default_Result_View,
                Default_Skin        = CompAggr.Default_Skin,
                Description         = CompAggr.Description,
                Display_Options     = CompAggr.Display_Options,
                FrontBannerObj      = CompAggr.Front_Banner_Image(RequestedLanguage),
                Hidden              = CompAggr.Hidden,
                Last_Item_Added     = CompAggr.Last_Item_Added,
                Name = CompAggr.Name,
                Rotating_Highlights = CompAggr.Rotating_Highlights,
                ShortName           = CompAggr.ShortName,
                Statistics          = CompAggr.Statistics,
                Type = CompAggr.Type

            // Copy the map search and browse information
            if (CompAggr.Map_Search_Display != null)
                returnValue.Map_Search_Display = CompAggr.Map_Search_Display.Copy();
            if (CompAggr.Map_Browse_Display != null)
                returnValue.Map_Browse_Display = CompAggr.Map_Browse_Display.Copy();

            // Copy any children aggregations over
            if (CompAggr.Active_Children_Count > 0)
                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying children objects");

                returnValue.Children = new List <Item_Aggregation_Related_Aggregations>();
                foreach (Item_Aggregation_Related_Aggregations thisAggr in CompAggr.Children)

            // Copy any parent aggregations over
            if (CompAggr.Parent_Count > 0)
                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying parent objects");

                returnValue.Parents = new List <Item_Aggregation_Related_Aggregations>();
                foreach (Item_Aggregation_Related_Aggregations thisAggr in CompAggr.Parents)

            // Copy all the facet information over
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying facets");
            foreach (short thisFacet in CompAggr.Facets)

            // Copy over all the results views
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying result views");
            foreach (string display in CompAggr.Result_Views)

            // Copy all the views and searches over
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying views and searches");
            if (CompAggr.Views_And_Searches != null)
                foreach (Item_Aggregation_Views_Searches_Enum viewsSearches in CompAggr.Views_And_Searches)

            // Copy all the setting values
            if ((CompAggr.Settings != null) && (CompAggr.Settings.Count > 0))
                foreach (StringKeyValuePair setting in CompAggr.Settings)
                    returnValue.Add_Setting(setting.Key, setting.Value);

            // Copy over any web skin limitations
            if ((CompAggr.Web_Skins != null) && (CompAggr.Web_Skins.Count > 0))
                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying web skins");

                returnValue.Web_Skins = new List <string>();
                foreach (string thisSkin in CompAggr.Web_Skins)

            // Language-specific (and simplified) metadata type info
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying search anbd browseable fields");
            foreach (Complete_Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Type thisAdvSearchField in CompAggr.Search_Fields)
                returnValue.Search_Fields.Add(new Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Type(thisAdvSearchField.DisplayTerm, thisAdvSearchField.SobekCode));
            foreach (Complete_Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Type thisAdvSearchField in CompAggr.Browseable_Fields)
                returnValue.Browseable_Fields.Add(new Item_Aggregation_Metadata_Type(thisAdvSearchField.DisplayTerm, thisAdvSearchField.SobekCode));

            // Language-specific (and simplified) child pages information
            if ((CompAggr.Child_Pages != null) && (CompAggr.Child_Pages.Count > 0))
                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying child pages");

                returnValue.Child_Pages = new List <Item_Aggregation_Child_Page>();
                foreach (Complete_Item_Aggregation_Child_Page fullPage in CompAggr.Child_Pages)
                    Item_Aggregation_Child_Page newPage = new Item_Aggregation_Child_Page
                        Browse_Type      = fullPage.Browse_Type,
                        Code             = fullPage.Code,
                        Parent_Code      = fullPage.Parent_Code,
                        Source_Data_Type = fullPage.Source_Data_Type

                    string label = fullPage.Get_Label(RequestedLanguage);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(label))
                        newPage.Label = label;

                    string source = fullPage.Get_Static_HTML_Source(RequestedLanguage);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(label))
                        newPage.Source = source;


            // Language-specific (and simplified) highlight information
            if ((CompAggr.Highlights != null) && (CompAggr.Highlights.Count > 0))
                if (Tracer != null)
                    Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "...Copying relevant highlights");

                returnValue.Highlights = new List <Item_Aggregation_Highlights>();
                int day_integer      = DateTime.Now.DayOfYear + 1;
                int highlight_to_use = day_integer % CompAggr.Highlights.Count;

                // If this is for rotating highlights, show up to eight
                if ((CompAggr.Rotating_Highlights.HasValue) && (CompAggr.Rotating_Highlights.Value))
                    // Copy over just the eight highlights we should use
                    int number = Math.Min(8, CompAggr.Highlights.Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < number; i++)
                        Complete_Item_Aggregation_Highlights thisHighlight = CompAggr.Highlights[highlight_to_use];

                        Item_Aggregation_Highlights newHighlight = new Item_Aggregation_Highlights
                            Image = thisHighlight.Image,
                            Link  = thisHighlight.Link

                        string text = thisHighlight.Get_Text(RequestedLanguage);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                            newHighlight.Text = text;

                        string tooltip = thisHighlight.Get_Tooltip(RequestedLanguage);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip))
                            newHighlight.Tooltip = tooltip;


                        if (highlight_to_use >= CompAggr.Highlights.Count)
                            highlight_to_use = 0;
                    Complete_Item_Aggregation_Highlights thisHighlight = CompAggr.Highlights[highlight_to_use];

                    Item_Aggregation_Highlights newHighlight = new Item_Aggregation_Highlights
                        Image = thisHighlight.Image,
                        Link  = thisHighlight.Link

                    string text = thisHighlight.Get_Text(RequestedLanguage);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        newHighlight.Text = text;

                    string tooltip = thisHighlight.Get_Tooltip(RequestedLanguage);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tooltip))
                        newHighlight.Tooltip = tooltip;


            // Language-specific source page
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "Getting the home page source");
            returnValue.HomePageSource = String.Empty;
            HTML_Based_Content homeHtml = Get_Home_HTML(CompAggr, RequestedLanguage, null);

            returnValue.HomePageHtml     = homeHtml;
            returnValue.Custom_Home_Page = (CompAggr.Home_Page_File(RequestedLanguage) != null) && (CompAggr.Home_Page_File(RequestedLanguage).isCustomHome);

            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Item_Aggregation", "Returning fully built item aggregation object");
        /// <summary> Method gets the HOME PAGE html for the appropriate UI settings </summary>
        /// <param name="CompAggr"> Complete item aggregation object </param>
        /// <param name = "Language"> Current language of the user interface </param>
        /// <param name = "Tracer">Trace object keeps a list of each method executed and important milestones in rendering</param>
        /// <returns>Home page HTML</returns>
        private static HTML_Based_Content Get_Home_HTML(Complete_Item_Aggregation CompAggr, Web_Language_Enum Language, Custom_Tracer Tracer)
            if (Tracer != null)
                Tracer.Add_Trace("Item_Aggregation_Utilities.Get_Home_HTML", "Reading home text source file");

            string homeFileSource = "";

            // Get the home file source
            if (CompAggr.Home_Page_File(Language) != null)
                homeFileSource = Path.Combine(Engine_ApplicationCache_Gateway.Settings.Servers.Base_Design_Location, CompAggr.ObjDirectory, CompAggr.Home_Page_File(Language).Source);

            // If no home file source even found, return a message to that affect
            if (homeFileSource.Length == 0)
                return(new HTML_Based_Content("<div class=\"error_div\">NO HOME PAGE SOURCE FILE FOUND</div>", null, homeFileSource));

            // Do the rest in a try/catch
                // Does the file exist?
                if (!File.Exists(homeFileSource))
                    return(new HTML_Based_Content("<div class=\"error_div\">HOME PAGE SOURCE FILE '" + homeFileSource + "' DOES NOT EXIST.</div>", null, homeFileSource));

                HTML_Based_Content content = HTML_Based_Content_Reader.Read_HTML_File(homeFileSource, true, Tracer);
                content.Source = homeFileSource;

            catch (Exception ee)
                return(new HTML_Based_Content("<div class=\"error_div\">EXCEPTION CAUGHT WHILE TRYING TO READ THE HOME PAGE SOURCE FILE '" + homeFileSource + "'.<br /><br />ERROR: " + ee.Message + "</div>", null, homeFileSource));
Example #41
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="isMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="popup_form_builder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool isMozilla, StringBuilder popup_form_builder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Select the type which best categorizes this material and provide information about the larger body of work on the next line.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            // Determine the material type
            string material_type;
            string sobekcm_type = Bib.Bib_Info.SobekCM_Type_String;

            if (sobekcm_type.Length == 0)
                material_type = "Select Material Type";
                material_type = sobekcm_type == "Archival" ? Bib.Bib_Info.Original_Description.Extent : sobekcm_type;

            // Determine the text for the larger body of work
            string larger_text;
            string larger_value = String.Empty;
            bool   other_value  = false;

            switch (material_type)
            case "Book Chapter":
                larger_text  = "Book Title:";
                larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

            case "Conference Papers":
            case "Conference Proceedings":
                larger_text = "Conference Name:";
                if (Bib.Bib_Info.Names_Count > 0)
                    foreach (Name_Info thisName in Bib.Bib_Info.Names)
                        if ((thisName.Name_Type == Name_Info_Type_Enum.conference) && (thisName.Full_Name.Length > 0))
                            larger_value = thisName.ToString();

            case "Course Material":
                larger_text  = "Course Name:";
                larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

            case "Journal Article":
                larger_text  = "Journal Citation:";
                larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

            case "Technical Reports":
                larger_text  = "Series Title:";
                larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

            case "Select Material Type":
                larger_text  = "Larger Body of Work:";
                larger_value = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();

                material_type = "Other";
                larger_text   = "Larger Body of Work:";
                larger_value  = Bib.Bib_Info.SeriesTitle.ToString();
                other_value   = true;

            string id_name = "irtype";
            string html_element_name_irtype = "ir_type";
            string title = "Material Type";

            if ((material_type.Length == 0) && (default_values.Count > 0))
                material_type = default_values[0];

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- Institutional Repository Material Type Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"left\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td width=\"" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_div\">");
            if (material_type.IndexOf("Select") == 0)
                Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input_init\" name=\"" + id_name + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "\" onchange=\"javascript:ir_type_change()\" onfocus=\"javascript:textbox_enter('" + id_name + "', '" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input_focused')\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "', '" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input', '" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input_init')\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input\" name=\"" + id_name + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "\" onchange=\"javascript:ir_type_change()\" onfocus=\"javascript:textbox_enter('" + id_name + "', '" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input_focused')\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "', '" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input', '" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input_init')\" >");

            bool found_option = false;

            foreach (string thisOption in items)
                if (thisOption == material_type)
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
                    found_option = true;
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
            if ((material_type.Length > 0) && (!restrict_values) && (!found_option))
                Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + material_type + "\">" + material_type + "</option>");
            Output.WriteLine("              </select>");
            if (other_value)
                Output.WriteLine("              <span class=\"metadata_sublabel\" id=\"irtype_othertext\" name=\"irtype_othertext\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Specify Type", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("              <input type=\"text\" class=\"irtype_other_input\" id=\"irtype_otherinput\" name=\"irtype_otherinput\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Original_Description.Extent) + "\" onfocus=\"javascript:textbox_enter('irtype_otherinput', 'irtype_other_input_focused')\" onblur=\"javascript:textbox_leave('irtype_otherinput', 'irtype_other_input')\"/>");
            Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td valign=\"bottom\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img border=\"0px\" class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            id_name = "largerbody";
            html_element_name_irtype = "larger_body";
            title = larger_text;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- Institutional Repository Larger Body of Work (IR_Type_Element) -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr align=\"left\">");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td width=\"" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Read_Only)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(title, CurrentLanguage) + "</b></td>");
                if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"><b><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\"><span id=\"larger_body_label\">" + title + "</span></acronym></b></a></td>");
                    Output.WriteLine("    <td valign=\"top\" class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"><b><span id=\"larger_body_label\">" + title + "</span></b></a></td>");

            if (Read_Only)
                Output.Write("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <table><tr><td>");
                Output.WriteLine("      <div id=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_div\">");
                Output.WriteLine("      <input name=\"" + id_name + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(larger_value.Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "")) + "\" onfocus=\"javascript:textbox_enter('" + id_name + "', '" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input_focused')\" onblur=\"javascript:textbox_leave('" + id_name + "', '" + html_element_name_irtype + "_input')\" /></div>");
                Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("         <td valign=\"bottom\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name_irtype.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img border=\"0px\" class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
                Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
                Output.WriteLine("  </tr></table>");
                Output.WriteLine("  </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the geographic location of the publisher(s) of this material";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List <string> instanceValues = new List <string>();

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Publishers_Count > 0)
                foreach (Publisher_Info thisName in Bib.Bib_Info.Publishers)
                    instanceValues.AddRange(from thisPlace in thisName.Places where thisPlace.Place_Text.Length > 0 select thisPlace.Place_Text);

            render_helper(Output, instanceValues, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
Example #43
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter your abstract here. If your material does not have an abstract, you may include a summary of your document here.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            // Determine the columns for this text area, based on browser
            int actual_cols = cols;

            if (IsMozilla)
                actual_cols = colsMozilla;

            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr style=\"text-align:left;\">");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Abstracts_Count == 0)
                Output.WriteLine("              <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_topdiv1\">");
                Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Type", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("                <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" name=\"" + id_name + "_type1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type1\" >");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"\"></option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"abstract\">Abstract</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"content\">Content Advice</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"review\">Review</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"scope\">Scope and Content</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"subject\">Subject</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"summary\">Summary</option>");
                Output.WriteLine("                </select>");

                Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">" + Translator.Get_Translation("Language", CurrentLanguage) + ":</span>");
                Output.WriteLine("                <input name=\"" + id_name + "_language1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_language1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_language sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" />");
                Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
                Output.WriteLine("              <textarea rows=\"" + Rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + "_textarea1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_textarea1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" ></textarea>");
                int i = 1;
                foreach (Abstract_Info thisAbstract in Bib.Bib_Info.Abstracts)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_topdiv" + i + "\">");
                    Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel2\">Type:</span>");
                    Output.WriteLine("                <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_type\" name=\"" + id_name + "_type" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_type" + i + "\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("                  <option value=\"\"></option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "abstract"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"abstract\">Abstract</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"abstract\" selected=\"selected\">Abstract</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "content advice"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"content\">Content Advice</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"content\" selected=\"selected\">Content Advice</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "review"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"review\">Review</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"review\" selected=\"selected\">Review</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "scope and content"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"scope\">Scope and Content</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"scope\" selected=\"selected\">Scope and Content</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "subject"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"subject\">Subject</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"subject\" selected=\"selected\">Subject</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine(thisAbstract.Type.ToLower() != "summary"
                                         ? "                  <option value=\"summary\">Summary</option>"
                                         : "                  <option value=\"summary\" selected=\"selected\">Summary</option>");

                    Output.WriteLine("                </select>");

                    Output.WriteLine("                <span class=\"metadata_sublabel\">Language:</span>");
                    Output.WriteLine("                <input name=\"" + id_name + "_language1\" id=\"" + id_name + "_language1\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_language sbk_Focusable\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisAbstract.Language) + "\" />");
                    Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
                    Output.Write("              <textarea rows=\"" + Rows + "\" cols=\"" + actual_cols + "\" name=\"" + id_name + "_textarea" + i + "\" id=\"" + id_name + "_textarea" + i + "\" class=\"" + html_element_name + "_input sbk_Focusable\" >" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(thisAbstract.Abstract_Text) + "</textarea>");

                    if (i < Bib.Bib_Info.Notes_Count)
                        Output.WriteLine("<br />");


            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\">");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add a new abstract", CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return add_complex_abstract('" + Rows + "','" + actual_cols + "');\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");

            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                Acronym = "Enter the name of the committee chair for this thesis/dissertation";

            // Is there an ETD object?
            string valueToDisplay            = string.Empty;
            Thesis_Dissertation_Info etdInfo = Bib.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.THESIS_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as Thesis_Dissertation_Info;

            if (etdInfo != null)
                valueToDisplay = etdInfo.Degree;

            render_helper(Output, valueToDisplay, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Method helps to render all single combo box based elements </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
        /// <param name="instance_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <param name="initial_value"> Flag indicates if the value in the instance_value param is actually instructional text, and not a true value</param>
        protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string instance_value, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL, bool initial_value)
            string id_name = html_element_name.Replace("_", "");

            if ((instance_value.Length == 0) && (default_values.Count > 0))
                instance_value = default_values[0];

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");

            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");
            if (onChange.Length > 0)
                if (initial_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select_init\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "1', '" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" onChange=\"" + onChange + "\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "1', '" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" onChange=\"" + onChange + "\" >");
                if (initial_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select_init\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "1', '" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" >");
                    Output.WriteLine("              <select class=\"" + html_element_name + "_select\" name=\"" + id_name + "1\" id=\"" + id_name + "1\" onblur=\"javascript:selectbox_leave('" + id_name + "1', '" + html_element_name + "_select', '" + html_element_name + "_select_init')\" >");

            bool found_option = false;

            foreach (string thisOption in items)
                if (thisOption == instance_value)
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
                    found_option = true;
                    Output.WriteLine("                <option value=\"" + thisOption + "\">" + thisOption + "</option>");
            if ((instance_value.Length > 0) && (!restrict_values) && (!found_option))
                Output.WriteLine("                <option selected=\"selected=\" value=\"" + instance_value + "\">" + instance_value + "</option>");
            Output.WriteLine("              </select>");
            Output.WriteLine("            </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            if (Repeatable)
                Output.WriteLine("            <a title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Click to add another " + Title.ToLower(), CurrentLanguage) + ".\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onmousedown=\"return " + html_element_name + "_add_new_item();\"><img class=\"repeat_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + REPEAT_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");

            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Bibliographic identifier for this digital manifestation";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.BibID, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
Example #47
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter serial hierarchy information which explains how this volume related to the larger body of work.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><span style=\"color:Gray;padding-left:55px;\">Display Text</span></td><td><span style=\"color:Gray;\"> &nbsp; Display Order</span></td></tr>");

            // Add the rows of enumeration data
            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td style=\"width:100px\">Level 1:</td>");
            if (Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info.Count > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[0].Display) + "\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[0].Order.ToString()) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1text\" value=\"\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum1order\" value=\"\" /></td></tr>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td>Level 2:</td>");
            if (Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info.Count > 1)
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[1].Display) + "\"  /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[1].Order.ToString()) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2text\" value=\"\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum2order\" value=\"\" /></td></tr>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <tr><td>Level 3:</td>");
            if (Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info.Count > 2)
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[2].Display) + "\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Behaviors.Serial_Info[2].Order.ToString()) + "\" /></td></tr>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_text_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3text\" value=\"\" /></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("<td><input type=\"text\" class=\"form_serialhierarchy_order_input sbk_Focusable\" id=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" name=\"form_serialhierarchy_enum3order\" value=\"\" /></td></tr>");

            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            //// Determine which is primary, the enumeration or chronology.
            //bool enum_primary = true;
            //if (Bib.Serial_Info.Count > 0)
            //    if (Bib.Bib_Info.Series_Part_Info.Year == Bib.Serial_Info[0].Display)
            //    {
            //        enum_primary = false;
            //    }
            //    // If no default, set it by type
            //    if (Bib.Bib_Info.Type.Type.ToUpper().IndexOf("NEWSPAPER") >= 0)
            //    {
            //        enum_primary = false;
            //    }
 /// <summary> Method helps to render all single combo box based elements </summary>
 /// <param name="Output"> Output for the generated html for this element </param>
 /// <param name="instance_value"> Value for the current digital resource to display </param>
 /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current html skin </param>
 /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
 /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
 /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
 /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
 protected void render_helper(TextWriter Output, string instance_value, string Skin_Code, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
     render_helper(Output, instance_value, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, false);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the web skins under which this material can appear (i.e., UDC, dLOC, etc...)";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            if (Bib.Behaviors.Web_Skin_Count == 0)
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
                render_helper(Output, Bib.Behaviors.Web_Skins, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Holding location for the physical material, if this is a digital manifestation of a physical item.  Otherwise, the institution holding the digital version.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            // This should always have a blank value
            if (!PossibleSelectItems.Contains(String.Empty))
                PossibleSelectItems.Insert(0, String.Empty);

            // Check the user to see if this should be limited
            bool          some_set_as_selectable = false;
            List <string> possibles = new List <string> {

            if ((!Current_User.Is_Internal_User) && (Current_User.PermissionedAggregations != null))
                // Are there aggregationPermissions set aside for the user?
                List <User_Permissioned_Aggregation> allAggrs = Current_User.PermissionedAggregations;

                foreach (User_Permissioned_Aggregation thisAggr in allAggrs)
                    if (thisAggr.CanSelect)
                        some_set_as_selectable = true;
                        string code = thisAggr.Code.ToUpper();
                        if ((code.Length > 1) && (code[0] == 'I'))
                            code = code.Substring(1);
                        if ((PossibleSelectItems.Contains(code)) && (!possibles.Contains(code)))

            string holding_code = Bib.Bib_Info.Location.Holding_Code.ToUpper();

            if (some_set_as_selectable)
                render_helper(Output, holding_code, possibles, Bib.Bib_Info.Location.Holding_Name, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, false);
                render_helper(Output, holding_code, Bib.Bib_Info.Location.Holding_Name, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
Example #51
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Provide instruction on how the physical material should be treated after digization is complete.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            string term = String.Empty;

            if (Bib.Tracking.Disposition_Advice > 0)
                term = SobekCM_Library_Settings.Disposition_Term_Future(Bib.Tracking.Disposition_Advice);
            render_helper(Output, term, Bib.Tracking.Disposition_Advice_Notes, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, false);
Example #52
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                Acronym = "Cultural context within which this resource was developed.";

            // Start the list to collect all current instance values
            List <string> instanceValues = new List <string>();

            // Try to get any existing metadata module
            VRACore_Info vraInfo = Bib.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.VRACORE_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as VRACore_Info;

            if (vraInfo != null)

            // Add to the current template (stream)
            render_helper(Output, instanceValues, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
Example #53
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter information about the physical container to which this item belongs";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List <string> type   = new List <string>();
            List <string> levels = new List <string>();

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Containers_Count > 0)
                foreach (Finding_Guide_Container thisContainer in Bib.Bib_Info.Containers)
            if (type.Count == 0)
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, String.Empty, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL, false);
                render_helper(Output, type, levels, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the information about the manufacturer of the original item";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List <string> instanceValues = new List <string>();

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Manufacturers_Count > 0)
                instanceValues.AddRange(Bib.Bib_Info.Manufacturers.Select(thisName => thisName.ToString()));

            render_helper(Output, instanceValues, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
Example #55
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                Acronym = "Enter the name(s) of the other committee members for this thesis/dissertation";

            // Is there an ETD object?
            Thesis_Dissertation_Info etdInfo = Bib.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.THESIS_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as Thesis_Dissertation_Info;

            if ((etdInfo == null) || (etdInfo.Committee_Members_Count == 0))
                render_helper(Output, String.Empty, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
                if (etdInfo.Committee_Members_Count == 1)
                    render_helper(Output, etdInfo.Committee_Members[0], Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
                    render_helper(Output, etdInfo.Committee_Members, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the period of time which is the subject of this material.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List <string> allValues = new List <string>();

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.TemporalSubjects_Count > 0)
                allValues.AddRange(Bib.Bib_Info.TemporalSubjects.Select(thisTemporal => thisTemporal.ToString()));
            render_helper(Output, allValues, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This element appends a popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string DEFAULT_ACRONYM = "Enter information for any electronic finding guide to which this material belongs.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

                    Acronym = DEFAULT_ACRONYM;

            Output.WriteLine("  <!-- " + Title + " Form Element -->");
            Output.WriteLine("  <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("    <td style=\"width:" + LEFT_MARGIN + "px\">&nbsp;</td>");
            if (Acronym.Length > 0)
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"><acronym title=\"" + Acronym + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</acronym></a></td>");
                Output.WriteLine("    <td class=\"metadata_label\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\">" + Translator.Get_Translation(Title, CurrentLanguage) + ":</a></td>");

            Output.WriteLine("    <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("      <table>");
            Output.WriteLine("        <tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td>");
            Output.WriteLine("            <div id=\"" + html_element_name + "_div\">");

            // Write the EAD popup link
            if ((!Bib.Bib_Info.hasLocationInformation) || ((Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_Name.Length == 0) && (Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_URL.Length == 0)))
                Output.Write("              <a title=\"Click to edit the related EAD information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_ead_term')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_ead_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_ead', 'formead_name', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_ead', 'formead_name' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline_empty form_ead_line\" id=\"form_ead_term\">");
                Output.Write("<i>Empty Related EAD</i>");
                Output.Write("              <a title=\"Click to edit the related EAD information\" href=\"" + Base_URL + "l/technical/javascriptrequired\" onfocus=\"link_focused2('form_ead_term')\" onblur=\"link_blurred2('form_ead_term')\" onkeypress=\"return popup_keypress_focus('form_ead', 'formead_name', '" + IsMozilla.ToString() + "' );\" onclick=\"return popup_focus('form_ead', 'formead_name' );\"><div class=\"form_linkline form_ead_line\" id=\"form_ead_term\">");
                Output.Write(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_Name.Length > 0
                                 ? HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_Name)
                                 : HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_URL));
            Output.WriteLine("              </div>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("          <td style=\"vertical-align:bottom\" >");
            Output.WriteLine("            <a target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\"  title=\"" + Translator.Get_Translation("Get help.", CurrentLanguage) + "\" href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" ><img class=\"help_button\" src=\"" + Base_URL + HELP_BUTTON_URL + "\" /></a>");
            Output.WriteLine("          </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("        </tr>");
            Output.WriteLine("      </table>");
            Output.WriteLine("    </td>");
            Output.WriteLine("  </tr>");

            // Add the popup form
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<!-- Related EAD Form -->");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("<div class=\"ead_popup_div sbkMetadata_PopupDiv\" id=\"form_ead\" style=\"display:none;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <div class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTitle\"><table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">Edit Related EAD / Finding Guide</td><td style=\"text-align:right\"><a href=\"" + Help_URL(Skin_Code, Base_URL) + "\" alt=\"HELP\" target=\"_" + html_element_name.ToUpper() + "\" >?</a> &nbsp; <a href=\"#template\" alt=\"CLOSE\" onclick=\"close_ead_form()\">X</a> &nbsp; </td></tr></table></div>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <br />");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  <table class=\"sbkMetadata_PopupTable\">");

            // Add the rows of data
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td style=\"width:90px\">EAD Name:</td><td><input class=\"formead_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formead_name\" id=\"formead_name\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_Name) + "\" /></td></tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr><td>EAD URL:</td><td><input class=\"formead_input sbk_Focusable\" name=\"formead_url\" id=\"formead_url\" type=\"text\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Bib.Bib_Info.Location.EAD_URL) + "\" /></td></tr>");

            // Finish the popup form and add the CLOSE button
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    <tr style=\"height:35px; text-align: center; vertical-align: bottom;\">");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("      <td colspan=\"2\"><button title=\"Close\" class=\"sbkMetadata_RoundButton\" onclick=\"return close_ead_form();\">CLOSE</button></td>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("    </tr>");
            PopupFormBuilder.AppendLine("  </table>");
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Identifier which describes this item.  This may range from a locally defined identifier to an identifier established by a standard committe.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            List <string> terms   = new List <string>();
            List <string> schemes = new List <string>();

            if (Bib.Bib_Info.Identifiers_Count > 0)
                foreach (Identifier_Info thisIdentifier in Bib.Bib_Info.Identifiers)

            render_helper(Output, terms, schemes, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                const string defaultAcronym = "Enter the title of this material here.";
                switch (CurrentLanguage)
                case Web_Language_Enum.English:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.Spanish:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                case Web_Language_Enum.French:
                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

                    Acronym = defaultAcronym;

            if (LabelFromTemplateFile.Length > 0)
                Title = LabelFromTemplateFile;

            render_helper(Output, Bib.Bib_Info.Main_Title.ToString(), Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);
        /// <summary> Renders the HTML for this element </summary>
        /// <param name="Output"> Textwriter to write the HTML for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Bib"> Object to populate this element from </param>
        /// <param name="Skin_Code"> Code for the current skin </param>
        /// <param name="IsMozilla"> Flag indicates if the current browse is Mozilla Firefox (different css choices for some elements)</param>
        /// <param name="PopupFormBuilder"> Builder for any related popup forms for this element </param>
        /// <param name="Current_User"> Current user, who's rights may impact the way an element is rendered </param>
        /// <param name="CurrentLanguage"> Current user-interface language </param>
        /// <param name="Translator"> Language support object which handles simple translational duties </param>
        /// <param name="Base_URL"> Base URL for the current request </param>
        /// <remarks> This simple element does not append any popup form to the popup_form_builder</remarks>
        public override void Render_Template_HTML(TextWriter Output, SobekCM_Item Bib, string Skin_Code, bool IsMozilla, StringBuilder PopupFormBuilder, User_Object Current_User, Web_Language_Enum CurrentLanguage, Language_Support_Info Translator, string Base_URL)
            // Check that an acronym exists
            if (Acronym.Length == 0)
                Acronym = "Select the level of this degree";

            // Is there an ETD object?
            string valueToDisplay            = string.Empty;
            Thesis_Dissertation_Info etdInfo = Bib.Get_Metadata_Module(GlobalVar.THESIS_METADATA_MODULE_KEY) as Thesis_Dissertation_Info;

            if (etdInfo != null)
                switch (etdInfo.Degree_Level)
                case Thesis_Dissertation_Info.Thesis_Degree_Level_Enum.Bachelors:
                    valueToDisplay = "Bachelors";

                case Thesis_Dissertation_Info.Thesis_Degree_Level_Enum.Doctorate:
                    valueToDisplay = "Doctorate";

                case Thesis_Dissertation_Info.Thesis_Degree_Level_Enum.Masters:
                    valueToDisplay = "Masters";

                case Thesis_Dissertation_Info.Thesis_Degree_Level_Enum.PostDoctorate:
                    valueToDisplay = "Post-Doctorate";

            render_helper(Output, valueToDisplay, Skin_Code, Current_User, CurrentLanguage, Translator, Base_URL);