Example #1
        private void _webView2_NavigationStarting(object sender, Wrapper.NavigationStartingEventArgs e)
            string navigationTargetUri = e.Uri;

            if (_sampleUri == navigationTargetUri)
                //! [AddRemoteObject]
                //                _remoteObject = new RemoteObjectSampleNet();

                string progId  = "RemoteComObjectImpl.1";
                Type   comType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progId, true);
                //Guid clsId = new Guid("19C0E72A-9D34-4F10-A92E-1119F53D1645");
                //Type comType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(clsId, true);
                _remoteObject = Activator.CreateInstance(comType);

                //                VARIANT remoteObjectAsVariant = { };
                //                m_remoteObject.query_to<IDispatch>(&remoteObjectAsVariant.pdispVal);
                //                remoteObjectAsVariant.vt = VT_DISPATCH;

                // We can call AddRemoteObject multiple times in a row without
                // calling RemoveRemoteObject first. This will replace the previous object
                // with the new object. In our case this is the same object and everything
                // is fine.
                _webView2.AddRemoteObject("sample", ref _remoteObject);
//                remoteObjectAsVariant.pdispVal->Release();
                //! [AddRemoteObject]
                // We can call RemoveRemoteObject multiple times in a row without
                // calling AddRemoteObject first. This will produce an error result
                // so we ignore the failure.

                // When we navigate elsewhere we're off of the sample
                // scenario page and so should remove the scenario.