private async void Login() { try { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_school.Text)) { throw new Exception("School Url cannot be empty!"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_username.Text)) { throw new Exception("Username cannot be empty!"); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_password.Text)) { throw new Exception("Password cannot be empty!"); } //TODO: show loading bar Toast.MakeText(this, "Logging in...", ToastLength.Long).Show(); //FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.loadingLoginBar).Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible; if (_school.Text.ToLower() == "tgm") { _school.Text = ""; } StaticWebUntis.Untis = await WebUntis.New(_username.Text, _password.Text, _school.Text); DataManager dataman = new DataManager(this); //cache login dataman.SaveData(_username.Text, _password.Text, _school.Text); //load classes dataman.LoadClasses(); if (StaticWebUntis.Classes == null) { try { //classes not yet set, cache them //int schoolyear = (await StaticWebUntis.Untis.GetSchoolyear()).id; //TODO: remove "9" placeholder StaticWebUntis.Classes = await StaticWebUntis.Untis.GetClasses("9"); dataman.CacheClasses(); } catch { } } StartActivity(typeof(TimetableActivity)); } catch (Exception ex) { // invalid username/password/school Toast.MakeText(this, "Error! " + ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } //TODO: hide loading bar //FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.loadingLoginBar).Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone; }
private async void Submit_Event(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "log.txt"); //Create or write to file (empty) File.WriteAllText(path, ""); WebUntis.Logger.NewMessage += (l, m) => { Console.WriteLine($"{l}: {m}"); File.AppendAllText(path, $"{l}: {m}\n\r\n\r\n\r"); }; Cursor = Cursors.Wait; Title = "WebUntis Test - Sending requests..."; _untis = await WebUntis.New(UsernameBox.Text, PasswordBox.Password, SchoolUrlBox.Text, "WebUntisSharp API"); _untis.SuppressErrors = true; if (mrousavy.APIs.WebUntisSharp.WebUnitsJsonSchemes.LastError.Message != null) { MessageBox.Show(mrousavy.APIs.WebUntisSharp.WebUnitsJsonSchemes.LastError.Message); } else { var departments = await _untis.GetDepartments(); var exam = await _untis.GetExamTypes(); //var classregevents = await _untis.GetClassRegEvents(01012015, 01012016); // Not allowed var schoolyear = await _untis.GetSchoolyear(); var schoolyears = await _untis.GetSchoolyears(); var classes = await _untis.GetClasses(; var classesDefault = await _untis.GetClasses(); var exams = await _untis.GetExams(01012015, 01012016, 1); var holidays = await _untis.GetHolidays(); var lastimporttime = await _untis.GetLastImportTime(); var person = await _untis.GetPersonId(5, "Rousavy", "Marc"); var rooms = await _untis.GetRooms(); var statusdata = await _untis.GetStatusData(); var students = await _untis.GetStudents(); var teacher = await _untis.GetTeachers(); var subjects = await _untis.GetSubjects(); var substitution = await _untis.GetSubstitution(01012015, 01012016); var timetable = await _untis.GetTimetableForElement(0, 3, 01012015, 01012016); var timegrid = await _untis.GetTimegrid(); var sessionId = _untis.SessionId; Console.Write("Done."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message); } Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; Title = "WebUntis Test"; }