/// <summary>
        /// From a JSON results string (must be from GetSearchResults()), grab all the urls
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawJsonResults">The JSON string</param>
        /// <returns>A list of dynamic objects</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Url = url["unescapedUrl"].ToString(),
        ///     Index = index,
        ///     Domain = WebProcessor.GetDomainOfUrl(url["unescapedUrl"].ToString())
        /// </remarks>
        public IList <dynamic> GetResultUrls(string rawJsonResults)
            IEnumerable     temp   = null;
            IList <dynamic> result = new List <dynamic>();

            if (!Functions.IsEmptyString(rawJsonResults))
                JObject jsonResults = JObject.Parse(rawJsonResults);

                temp = jsonResults["responseData"]["results"].Children().Select(
                    (url, index) => new
                    Url    = url["unescapedUrl"].ToString(),
                    Index  = index,
                    Domain = WebProcessor.GetDomainOfUrl(url["unescapedUrl"].ToString())

                // "temp" is some crazy type of variable.  IEnumerable doesn't have a "Count" property, so it's pretty much useless.
                // Todo: figure more of this Linq stuff out.  It seems cool, but so hard to use.

                foreach (object item in temp)

        /// <summary>
        /// Get all the sounds in the list of urls from the passed IDataSource and add the sounds to the passed websearch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="urls">The list of urls</param>
        /// <param name="dataSource">The datasource to use to look for sounds</param>
        /// <param name="currentSearch">The current search</param>
        private static void GetSoundsOnPages(IList <dynamic> urls, IDataSource dataSource, websearch currentSearch, IList <websearchsound> searchResultList, Functions.LogMessageDelegate LogMessage, int maxDepthToFollow)
            //const int MAX_URLS_TO_SEARCH = 20;
            const int MAX_SOUNDS_PER_URL = 150;
            //int urlsProcessed = 0;
            HashSet <string> urlsOfObjectsSearched = new HashSet <string>();

            // Multithreading here for requesting the pages works pretty well speed-wise.  Unfortunately, the regexes bog down the
            // server so badly that it becomes unresponsive for other users.  So, don't do parallel on this outside loop.
            // However, once the first page is processed, the sounds are webrequested asynchronously.  So, the next page will
            // start being processed while the first page's sounds are still being downloaded.  This works quite well, and
            // the performance is just about the same.  So, let's stick with that.

            foreach (dynamic url in urls)
                string theUrl = url.Url;
                string domain = WebProcessor.GetDomainOfUrl(theUrl);

                if (unprocessableDomains.Contains(domain))
                    LogMessage(string.Format("Skipping crappy domain: {0}", domain));
                    LogMessage(string.Format("About to search for sounds on page: \"{0}\"", theUrl));

                    // string pageContent = WebProcessor.GetUrlContents(theUrl, null, null, LogMessage);

                    // todo: test this, make sure it works
                    string pageContent = dataSource.GetUrlContents(theUrl, null, GetUserAgent(), LogMessage);

                    bool wasAborted = false;

                    // todo: combine sound links func with above function
                    IList <string> linksOnPage = GetSoundLinksOnPage(pageContent, ref wasAborted);

                    // For generating test case files, set breakpoint on if (wasAborted) below with condition:
                    // maxDepthToFollow == 1

                    if (wasAborted)
                        LogMessage(string.Format("Had to abort link search on domain: {0}", domain));

                        lock (unprocessableDomains)

                    LogMessage(string.Format("Found {0} links on \"{1}\"", linksOnPage.Count, theUrl));

                    Parallel.ForEach <string>(linksOnPage.Take(MAX_SOUNDS_PER_URL), partialLink => // <=-- normal operation - multithreaded
                    foreach (string partialLink in linksOnPage.Take(MAX_SOUNDS_PER_URL))           // <=-- for debugging stuff, it's easier when not multithreaded
                        string soundLink = WebProcessor.GetUrlForObject(theUrl, partialLink);

                        LogMessage(string.Format("About to grab a potential sound here: \"{0}\"", soundLink));

                        if (!unprocessableDomains.Contains(domain) && IsNewSoundToGrab(urlsOfObjectsSearched, soundLink))
                            websearchsound receivedObject = GetWebObjectAtUrl(soundLink, null, null);

                            // enhanced search: if not a sound and is text/html and response code is 200, search for sounds on THAT page

                            if (receivedObject.issound)
                                receivedObject.sourceurl         = theUrl;
                                receivedObject.sourceDomain      = domain;
                                receivedObject.searchResultOrder = url.Index;

                                // Check for dups
                                string md5Hash = Functions.GetMd5Hash(receivedObject.soundbytes);

                                if (!HaveMd5ForSound(dataSource.CurrentSoundMd5s, md5Hash))
                                    dataSource.SetSoundInSearch(currentSearch, receivedObject);

                                    // Performance optimization: we're not going to return the sound data itself with the search
                                    // so let's free up the mem here
                                    receivedObject.soundbytes = null;

                                    LogMessage("Not adding sound - already in collection");
                            else if (receivedObject.contenttype.ToLower().StartsWith("text/html"))
                                // We have another HTML page.  Check that too?
                                if (maxDepthToFollow > 0)
                                    LogMessage(string.Format("Going to drill down in this page - we're at max level: {0}", maxDepthToFollow));
                                    GetSoundsOnPages(new List <dynamic>()
                                        new { Url = soundLink, Index = url.Index }
                                    }, dataSource, currentSearch, searchResultList, LogMessage, maxDepthToFollow - 1);
                                    LogMessage(string.Format("No more drilling down, we're as low as we can go"));
                            LogMessage("Won't process: already had sound from that url, or the domain is unprocessable!");