Example #1
        private static void DeleteOutsideAppinfoJsonOnAsset(string id, WebPebbleProject proj)
            PebbleProject pproj = new PebbleProject(proj.projectId);

            //Make sure it is not null.
            if (pproj.package.pebble.resources == null)
                pproj.package.pebble.resources = new Resources();
            if (pproj.package.pebble.resources.media == null)
                pproj.package.pebble.resources.media = new List <Medium>();
            //Find it if it exists.
            for (int i = 0; i < pproj.package.pebble.resources.media.Count; i++)
                if (pproj.package.pebble.resources.media[i].x_webpebble_media_id == id)
Example #2
        private void OnYcmdRequest(WebPebbleRequest data)
            //Get the data passed in.
            string assetId       = (string)data.data["asset_id"];
            string projectId     = (string)data.data["project_id"];
            long   lineNo        = (long)data.data["line_no"];
            long   colNo         = (long)data.data["col_no"];
            string unsavedBuffer = (string)data.data["buffer"];
            //Get the project requested.
            WebPebbleProject proj = null;
            var collect           = Program.database.GetCollection <WebPebbleProject>("projects");
            var projects          = collect.Find(x => x.projectId == projectId && x.authorId == user_uuid);

            if (projects.Count() == 1)
                proj = projects.ToArray()[0];
            if (proj == null)
            //Now, find the asset inside the project.
            var asset = proj.media[assetId];

            if (asset == null)
            //Now that we have the pathname, prompt the proxy.
            YcmdCodeCompleteReplyWs reply = new YcmdCodeCompleteReplyWs();

            /*if(new WebPebble.Entities.PebbleProject.PebbleProject(proj.projectId).package.pebble.sdkVersion == "2")
             * {
             *  //Prompt only SDK 2.
             *  reply.sdks.Add("sdk2_aplite", ycmd.YcmdCodeComplete.GetCodeComplete(asset.GetAbsolutePath(projectId), (int)colNo, (int)lineNo, unsavedBuffer, ycmd.YcmdProcesses.Any));
             * } else
             * {
             *  //Prompt all platforms on SDK 3.
             *  reply.sdks.Add("sdk3_aplite", ycmd.YcmdCodeComplete.GetCodeComplete(asset.GetAbsolutePath(projectId), (int)colNo, (int)lineNo, unsavedBuffer, ycmd.YcmdProcesses.Any));
             *  reply.sdks.Add("sdk3_diorite", ycmd.YcmdCodeComplete.GetCodeComplete(asset.GetAbsolutePath(projectId), (int)colNo, (int)lineNo, unsavedBuffer, ycmd.YcmdProcesses.Any));
             *  reply.sdks.Add("sdk3_chalk", ycmd.YcmdCodeComplete.GetCodeComplete(asset.GetAbsolutePath(projectId), (int)colNo, (int)lineNo, unsavedBuffer, ycmd.YcmdProcesses.Any));
             * }*/
            reply.sdks.Add("sdk", ycmd.YcmdCodeComplete.GetCodeComplete(asset.GetAbsolutePath(projectId), (int)colNo, (int)lineNo, unsavedBuffer, ycmd.YcmdProcesses.Any, out string commands));
            //Reply with this data.
            QuickReply(data.requestid, data.type, new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "ycmd", reply }, { "ycmd_commands", commands }
Example #3
        public static async Task OnRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject nonProject)
            string devName = user.appDevName;

            if (!user.isAppDev)
                devName = user.name.Split(' ')[0];

            string name = e.Request.Query["title"];

            if (name.Length > 24 || name.Length < 4)
                await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new Reply
                    data = $"Make sure your project name is between 4 - 24 characters. (It is {name.Length})",
                    ok   = false


            if (Program.database.GetCollection <WebPebbleProject>("projects").FindOne(x => x.authorId == user.uuid && x.name == name) != null)
                await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new Reply
                    data = $"You already own a project with that name!",
                    ok   = false


            WebPebbleProject project = WebPebbleProject.CreateProject(name, devName, user.uuid, e.Request.Query["watchface"] == "true", "3");
            //Return the new location
            await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new Reply
                data = $"/project/{project.projectId}/manage/",
                ok   = true
Example #4
 public static async Task ListFiles(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
     await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, proj.media.Values);
Example #5
        public static async Task OnHttpRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e)
            /* Main code happens here! */
            e.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "https://webpebble.get-rpws.com");
            e.Response.Headers.Add("Server", "WebPebble API - Version 12/7/18b");

            if (e.Request.Headers.ContainsKey("origin"))
                if (e.Request.Headers["origin"] == "https://webpebble.get-rpws.com")
                    //Allow creds
                    e.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");

            //If this is a websocket, switch to that.
            if (e.WebSockets.IsWebSocketRequest)
                //Determine the service this is accessing.

                string pathname = e.Request.Path.ToString().ToLower();
                switch (pathname)
                case "/device":
                    WebSocket deviceWs = await e.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync();

                    CloudPebbleDevice device = new CloudPebbleDevice();
                    await device.StartSession(e, deviceWs);


                case "/webpebble":
                    WebSocket webpebbleWs = await e.WebSockets.AcceptWebSocketAsync();

                    WebPebbleClient wc = new WebPebbleClient();
                    await wc.StartSession(e, webpebbleWs);


                    //Unknown. Abort.

            //Manage CORS by responding with the preflight header request.
            if (e.Request.Method.ToLower() == "options")
                e.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
                e.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, PUT, POST, DELETE");
                await QuickWriteToDoc(e, "Preflight OK");


            //Try to find a service to handle the request. Ew.

            //This is ugly and was written wayyyyy too quickly to be such a core part of the program.

            HttpService service      = new HttpService();
            bool        serviceFound = false;

            foreach (HttpService serv in services)
                //Check if the pathname requested begins with this.
                bool   projectRequest = e.Request.Path.ToString().Contains("/project");
                string requestPath    = e.Request.Path.ToString().TrimEnd('/').Replace("/project", "");
                //If this is a project request, we can remove the ID of the project.
                if (projectRequest && requestPath.Split('/').Length >= 2)
                    requestPath = requestPath.Substring(1 + requestPath.TrimStart('/').IndexOf('/'));
                string servicePath = serv.pathname.TrimEnd('/');
                if (requestPath.StartsWith(servicePath))
                    //The request path starts with the service. If wildcard is true, this is okay.
                    //Check if this path is longer than the currently selected service.
                    bool isOlderLonger = false;
                    if (serviceFound)
                        isOlderLonger = service.pathname.TrimEnd('/').Length > servicePath.Length;
                    //If we're longer than the new one, use us.
                    if (!isOlderLonger)
                        //Check if this requires a project.
                        if (projectRequest == serv.inProject)
                            //This service is okay to use.
                            service      = serv;
                            serviceFound = true;

            //If we did find a service, use it.
            if (serviceFound)
                //Try to authenticate.
                E_RPWS_User user = null;
                if (e.Request.Cookies.ContainsKey("access-token"))
                    user = Oauth.RpwsAuth.AuthenticateUser(e.Request.Cookies["access-token"]);
                if (e.Request.Headers.ContainsKey("Authorization") && user == null)
                    user = Oauth.RpwsAuth.AuthenticateUser(e.Request.Headers["Authorization"]);
                if (e.Request.Query.ContainsKey("one_time_token") && user == null)
                    string token = e.Request.Query["one_time_token"];
                    if (Services.Me.OneTimeRequestTokens.oneTimeRequestTokens.ContainsKey(token))
                        string userToken = Services.Me.OneTimeRequestTokens.oneTimeRequestTokens[token];
                        user = Oauth.RpwsAuth.AuthenticateUser(userToken);
                //If the user was authorized, get the WebPebble data.
                if (user != null)
                    //Get the collection for user data
                    var userDataCollection = database.GetCollection <WebPebbleUserData>("users");
                    //Try to find this user
                    WebPebbleUserData data = userDataCollection.FindOne(x => x.rpwsId == user.uuid);
                    if (data == null)
                        //We'll need to create data.
                        data = new WebPebbleUserData()
                            rpwsId = user.uuid,
                            theme  = "dark_visualstudio.css"
                        data._id = userDataCollection.Insert(data);
                    user.webpebble_data = data;
                //Check if you must be logged in to do this.
                if (service.requiresAuth && user == null)
                    await WriteErrorText(e, "You are not logged in.", ErrorHttpCode.NotLoggedIn, 400);

                //Get the project if there is one.
                WebPebbleProject proj = null;
                if (e.Request.Path.ToString().Contains("/project/"))
                    //Get the project ID.
                    string id = e.Request.Path.ToString().Substring(e.Request.Path.ToString().IndexOf("/project/") + "/project/".Length);
                    if (id.Contains("/"))
                        id = id.Substring(0, id.IndexOf('/'));
                        //Now, use this ID to load it from the database.
                        var collect  = database.GetCollection <WebPebbleProject>("projects");
                        var projects = collect.Find(x => x.projectId == id && x.authorId == user.uuid);
                        if (projects.Count() == 1)
                            proj = projects.ToArray()[0];
                        //Malformed URL path.
                        await QuickWriteToDoc(e, "Malformed URL path.");
                //Run the code.
                    if (service.inProject == (proj == null))
                        //Requires a project, but none was found.
                        await WriteErrorText(e, "You don't have access to this project, or it didn't exist.", ErrorHttpCode.BadOwnership, 400);

                    await service.code(e, user, proj);
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error! {ex.Message} @ {ex.StackTrace}");
                    await WriteErrorText(e, "error " + ex.Message + " @ " + ex.StackTrace, ErrorHttpCode.Unknown, 500);

                await WriteErrorText(e, "Service not found.", ErrorHttpCode.ServiceNotFound, 404);


Example #6
 public static async Task ZipProjectDownload(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
     //Zip all of the project content and send it to the client encoded in base 64.
     using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
         using (ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(ms, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
             //Loop through every file in the data.
             string root = proj.GetAbsolutePathname();
             ZipEntireDirectory(zip, root, root.Length);
         //Copy this stream to create base64 data.
         byte[] buf = new byte[ms.Length];
         ms.Position = 0;
         ms.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);
         await Program.QuickWriteToDoc(e, Convert.ToBase64String(buf), "text/plain", 200);
Example #7
        public static void HandleRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject project)
            string d = TemplateManager.GetTemplate("Services/Projects/Manage/main_template.html", new string[] { }, new string[] { });

            Program.QuickWriteToDoc(e, d);
Example #8
 public static void Serve(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
     e.Response.Headers.Add("Set-Cookie", "access-token=" + e.Request.Query["token"] + "; Path=/");
     Program.QuickWriteToDoc(e, "ok");
Example #9
 public static async Task CheckIfIdentifierExists(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
     //Get the project file and check if the identifier exists.
     PebbleProject pp     = new PebbleProject(proj.projectId);
     bool          exists = pp.package.pebble.resources.media.Find(x => x.name == e.Request.Query["resrc_id"]) != null;
     CheckIfIdentifierExistsReply reply = new CheckIfIdentifierExistsReply
         exists     = exists,
         request_id = e.Request.Query["request_id"]
     await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, reply);
Example #10
        public static async Task AppInfoJson(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Edit or serve appinfo.json.
            PebbleProject pp = new PebbleProject(proj.projectId);

            if (e.Request.Method.ToLower() == "get")
                await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, pp.package);
            if (e.Request.Method.ToLower() == "put")
                await Program.QuickWriteToDoc(e, "The put endpoint has been disabled due to a security hole.", "text/plain", 404);
Example #11
        public static async Task DeleteProject(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Confirm the challenge
            if (e.Request.Query["c"] != proj.projectId)

            //Delete the folder.
            Directory.Delete(proj.GetAbsolutePathname(), true);

            //Remove records
            Program.database.GetCollection <WebPebbleProject>("projects").Delete(proj._id);

            await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new Dictionary <string, bool>
                { "ok", true }
Example #12
        public static async Task OnMediaRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Get the request method
            RequestHttpMethod method = Program.FindRequestMethod(e);

            //Get the params
            string[] urlParams = Program.GetUrlPathRequestFromInsideProject(e);
            string   id        = urlParams[0];

            //If the ID is create, pass this request to the creation.
            if (id == "create")
                await OnMediaCreateRequest(e, user, proj);

            //Try to find the asset. It's ok if it doesn't exist.
            WebPebbleProjectAsset media = null;

            if (proj.media.ContainsKey(id))
                media = proj.media[id];
            //Decide what to do.
            //If it doesn't exist.
            if (media == null)
                //Requesting a non-existing asset.
                await ThrowError(e, "This asset ID does not exist.", 1);

            //Handle object editing (POST).
            if (method == RequestHttpMethod.post)
                //Get the payload.
                MediaRequestPostPayload payload = Program.GetPostBodyJson <MediaRequestPostPayload>(e);
                //If a value isn't null, apply it.
                if (payload.name != null)
                    media.nickname = payload.name;
                if (payload.type != null)
                    RelocateAsset(ref media, (ref WebPebbleProjectAsset m) =>
                        m.type = (AssetType)payload.type;
                    }, proj);
                if (payload.sub_type != null)
                    RelocateAsset(ref media, (ref WebPebbleProjectAsset m) =>
                        m.innerType = (InnerAssetType)payload.sub_type;
                    }, proj);
                if (payload.filename != null)
                    RelocateAsset(ref media, (ref WebPebbleProjectAsset m) =>
                        m.filename = WebPebbleProject.CreateSafeFilename(payload.filename);
                    }, proj);
                if (payload.appinfoData != null)
                    //Modify the appinfo data and set it on the PebbleProject.
                    SaveOutsideAppinfoJsonOnAsset(media, payload.appinfoData, proj);
                proj.media[id] = media;
                await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, media);

            //Handle object uploading.
            if (method == RequestHttpMethod.put)
                //Check the upload type in the query.
                FileUploadType uploadType = Enum.Parse <FileUploadType>(e.Request.Query["upload_method"]);
                Stream         source;
                int            length;
                if (uploadType == FileUploadType.Binary)
                    //Read body directly
                    length = (int)e.Request.ContentLength;
                    source = e.Request.Body;
                    //This is sent from the uploader in the interface.
                    //Get the file uploaded.
                    var f = e.Request.Form.Files["data"];
                    //Check if the file is valid.
                    if (f == null)
                        //No file uploaded.
                        await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new PutRequestReply
                            ok             = false,
                            size           = -1,
                            uploader_error = $"No file was uploaded."

                    source = f.OpenReadStream();
                    length = (int)f.Length;
                //Check if a file is too large.
                if (length > MAXIMUM_UPLOADED_SIZE)
                    //Yup. Stop.
                    await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new PutRequestReply
                        ok             = false,
                        size           = length,
                        uploader_error = $"Your file is too powerful! The maximum filesize is {MAXIMUM_UPLOADED_SIZE_NAME} ({MAXIMUM_UPLOADED_SIZE.ToString()} bytes)."
                //Remove an existing file if it exists.
                if (File.Exists(media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId)))
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId), FileMode.CreateNew))
                    await source.CopyToAsync(fs);
                //Tell the user it is ok
                await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new PutRequestReply
                    ok             = true,
                    size           = length,
                    uploader_error = null

            //Handle object downloading
            if (method == RequestHttpMethod.get)
                //Check if the file has been created yet
                string path = media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId);
                if (!File.Exists(path))
                    await ThrowError(e, "This asset exists, but has not been uploaded yet.", 4);

                //Get the MIME type from the query.
                if (!e.Request.Query.ContainsKey("mime"))
                    //Assume we are querying the information.
                    await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, media);

                //Set content type.
                e.Response.ContentType = e.Request.Query["mime"];
                //Set no-cache headers
                e.Response.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
                //Just load the data and copy it to the output stream.
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) {
                    e.Response.ContentLength = fs.Length;
                    e.Response.StatusCode    = 200;
                    await fs.CopyToAsync(e.Response.Body);
            //Handle object deleting
            if (method == RequestHttpMethod.delete)
                //Delete the file if it exists.
                string path = media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId);
                if (File.Exists(path))
                //Delete in appinfo.json.
                DeleteOutsideAppinfoJsonOnAsset(media.id, proj);
                //Tell the user it is ok
                await WriteOkReply(e);

            await ThrowError(e, $"Invalid method for requesting media '{media.id}'.", 5);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the appinfo.json resource data on an asset. This data could come from outside so we must validate it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        private static void SaveOutsideAppinfoJsonOnAsset(WebPebbleProjectAsset media, Medium r, WebPebbleProject proj)
            PebbleProject pproj = new PebbleProject(proj.projectId);

            //Make sure it is not null.
            if (pproj.package.pebble.resources == null)
                pproj.package.pebble.resources = new Resources();
            if (pproj.package.pebble.resources.media == null)
                pproj.package.pebble.resources.media = new List <Medium>();
            //Find it if it already exists.
            for (int i = 0; i < pproj.package.pebble.resources.media.Count; i++)
                if (pproj.package.pebble.resources.media[i].x_webpebble_media_id == media.id)
            r.file = media.GetRelativePath();
            r.x_webpebble_media_id = media.id;
Example #14
        private static void RelocateAsset(ref WebPebbleProjectAsset media, ModificationCode code, WebPebbleProject proj)
            string originalPath = media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId);

            //Run modification code
            code(ref media);
            string newPath = media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId);

            if (originalPath != newPath)
                File.Move(originalPath, newPath);
Example #15
        public static async Task OnRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Check if we're listing all, or one build.
            string[] split    = e.Request.Path.ToString().Split('/');
            bool     showList = split.Length >= 5;

            if (showList)
                showList = split[4].Length == 0;
            if (showList)
                //Print the build history. Remove the log data because it is expensive to bandwidth, and convert the time to a readable format.
                if (proj.builds == null)
                    proj.builds = new List <WebPebbleProjectBuild>();
                OutputBuild[] builds = new OutputBuild[proj.builds.Count];
                //Go through each.
                for (int i = 0; i < proj.builds.Count; i++)
                    var         b    = proj.builds[i];
                    DateTime    time = new DateTime(b.time);
                    OutputBuild ob   = new OutputBuild
                        id     = b.id,
                        passed = b.passed
                    ob.api_log = "build_history/" + ob.id + "/";
                    ob.api_pbw = "/project/" + proj.projectId + "/pbw_media/" + ob.id + "/" + proj.projectId + "_build_" + b.id + ".pbw";
                    ob.time    = time.ToShortDateString() + " at " + time.ToLongTimeString();
                    builds[i]  = ob;
                await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, builds);
                //Show just one item. Check if it exists.
                string id    = split[4];
                var    build = proj.builds.Find(x => x.id == id);
                if (build == null)
                    //Not found.
                    await Program.QuickWriteToDoc(e, "Not Found", "text/plain", 404);
                    //Write this one file.
                    await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, build);
Example #16
 public static async Task OnProjSettingsRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
     //Hide bandwidth-intensive bits.
     proj.builds = null;
     //Serve the project's data.
     await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, proj);
Example #17
        public static async Task OnRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Just return the PBW that was asked for.
            string id    = e.Request.Path.ToString().Split('/')[4];
            var    build = proj.builds.Find(x => x.id == id);

            if (build == null)
                //Not found.
                await Program.QuickWriteToDoc(e, "Not Found", "text/plain", 404);
                //Check if this build was okay.
                if (build.passed)
                    //Safe to load file.
                    byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(Program.config.user_project_build_dir + proj.projectId + "/" + build.id + "/build.pbw");
                    await Program.QuickWriteBytesToDoc(e, data, "application/octet-stream", 200);
                    //There won't be a pbw. complain.
                    await Program.QuickWriteToDoc(e, "This build failed and no PBW file was created.", "text/plain", 404);
Example #18
        public static async Task OnMediaCreateRequest(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Validate that the request method is indeed POST.
            RequestHttpMethod method = Program.FindRequestMethod(e);

            if (method != RequestHttpMethod.post)
                await ThrowError(e, "Unknown method.", 2);

            //Read the JSON data from the stream.
            MediaCreateRequestBody request = Program.GetPostBodyJson <MediaCreateRequestBody>(e);

            if (request.name == null || request.sub_type == null || request.type == null)
                await ThrowError(e, "Missing one or more required values in the JSON payload.", 3);

            //Generate a unique ID
            string id = LibRpws.LibRpwsCore.GenerateRandomString(16);

            if (proj.media == null)
                proj.media = new Dictionary <string, WebPebbleProjectAsset>();
            while (proj.media.ContainsKey(id))
                id = LibRpws.LibRpwsCore.GenerateRandomString(16);
            //Create the object to save to disk.
            var media = new WebPebbleProjectAsset();

            //Find types from URL.
            media.type      = request.type;
            media.innerType = request.sub_type;
            media.nickname  = request.name;
            media.id        = id;
            if (request.filename == null)
                request.filename = media.id;
            //Ensure directory is created.
            media.filename = "";
            //Append filename
            media.filename = WebPebbleProject.CreateSafeFilename(request.filename);
            //If this was a template, load it.
            if (request.template != null)
                //Try to find the template ID.
                if (templateMap.ContainsKey(request.template))
                    //Write this template to the location.
                    File.Copy(Program.config.media_dir + "Templates/" + templateMap[request.template], media.GetAbsolutePath(proj.projectId));
                    //Invalid template!
                    await ThrowError(e, "Invalid template name.", 6);

            //If this requested that we use appinfo.json, apply it.
            if (request.appInfoJson != null)
                SaveOutsideAppinfoJsonOnAsset(media, request.appInfoJson, proj);
            proj.media.Add(id, media);
            //Write to user
            await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, media);
Example #19
        public static async Task DoCompile(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Compile this Pebble project.
            PebbleProject pp = new PebbleProject(proj.projectId);
            bool ok = pp.DoBuild(out string log);

            //Generate an ID.
            if (proj.builds == null)
                proj.builds = new List <WebPebbleProjectBuild>();
            string id = LibRpws.LibRpwsCore.GenerateRandomHexString(8);

            while (proj.builds.Where(x => x.id == id).ToArray().Length != 0)
                id = LibRpws.LibRpwsCore.GenerateRandomHexString(8);
            //Create the object.
            WebPebbleProjectBuild b = new WebPebbleProjectBuild();

            b.id     = id;
            b.log    = log;
            b.passed = ok;
            b.time   = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
            //Add this and save
            //If this build passed, move the pbw into a project folder.
            Directory.CreateDirectory(Program.config.user_project_build_dir + proj.projectId + "/" + id + "/");
            if (ok)
                File.Move(pp.pathnane + "build/" + proj.projectId + ".pbw", Program.config.user_project_build_dir + proj.projectId + "/" + id + "/" + "build.pbw");
            //Clean up.
                Directory.Delete(pp.pathnane + "build/", true);
            } catch
                //Huh. Weird.
            //Create a reply.
            await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, b);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a one-time request token for assets. This will grant access to any service one time and is used mostly for requesting assets. It can only be sent via query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="proj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task CreateOneTimeRequestToken(Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpContext e, E_RPWS_User user, WebPebbleProject proj)
            //Generate a token
            string token = LibRpws.LibRpwsCore.GenerateRandomString(32);

            while (oneTimeRequestTokens.ContainsKey(token))
                token = LibRpws.LibRpwsCore.GenerateRandomString(32);

            oneTimeRequestTokens.Add(token, user.token);

            await Program.QuickWriteJsonToDoc(e, new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "token", token }