public void testUpload() { WebDAVClient wdc = getClient(); wdc.UploadComplete += new UploadCompleteDel(wdc_UploadComplete); wdc.ListComplete += new ListCompleteDel(wdc_ListComplete); wdc.DeleteComplete += new DeleteCompleteDel(wdc_DeleteComplete); createTestFile(); try { wdc.Upload(TESTFILE, TESTFILE); autoReset.WaitOne(TIMEOUT); Assert.AreNotEqual(status, -1, "wrong status - upload"); autoReset.Reset(); wdc.List(); autoReset.WaitOne(TIMEOUT); Assert.AreNotEqual(status, -1, "wrong status - list"); List <String> listing = (List <string>)result; Assert.IsTrue(listing.Contains(TESTFILE)); // now delete again autoReset.Reset(); wdc.Delete(TESTFILE); autoReset.WaitOne(TIMEOUT); Assert.AreNotEqual(status, -1, "wrong status - delete"); } finally { deleteTestFile(); } }
public void testCreateDir() { String dir = "testcreatedir"; WebDAVClient wdc = getClient(); wdc.CreateDirComplete += new CreateDirCompleteDel(wdc_CreateDirComplete); wdc.ListComplete += new ListCompleteDel(wdc_ListComplete); wdc.DeleteComplete += new DeleteCompleteDel(wdc_DeleteComplete); wdc.CreateDir(dir); autoReset.WaitOne(TIMEOUT); Assert.AreNotEqual(status, -1, "wrong status - create"); autoReset.Reset(); wdc.List(); autoReset.WaitOne(TIMEOUT); Assert.AreNotEqual(status, -1, "wrong status - list"); List <String> listing = (List <string>)result; Assert.IsTrue(listing.Contains(dir + "/")); // directories have the / appended to the name // now delete again autoReset.Reset(); wdc.Delete(dir + "/"); autoReset.WaitOne(TIMEOUT); Assert.AreNotEqual(status, -1, "wrong status - delete"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Debug.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener()); Boolean result; WebDAVClient c; // A private mod_dav WebDAV server running on Apache (All tests pass) // Basic authentication required c = new WebDAVClient(); c.User = "******"; c.Pass = "******"; c.Server = ""; c.BasePath = "/jnstorage/webdav/repo1/javanes/iamedu/"; result = RunWebDAVTests(c); if (!result) { Debug.WriteLine("Tests didn't pass"); } else { Debug.WriteLine("All passed"); } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Debug.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener()); Boolean result; // A private mod_dav WebDAV server running on Apache (All tests pass) // No authentication required WebDAVClient c = new WebDAVClient(); c.Server = ""; c.BasePath = "/openshare"; result = RunWebDAVTests(c); // A private mod_dav WebDAV server running on Apache (All tests pass) // Basic authentication required c = new WebDAVClient(); c.User = "******"; c.Pass = "******"; c.Server = ""; c.BasePath = "/basicshare"; result = result && RunWebDAVTests(c); // A private mod_dav WebDAV server running on Apache (All tests pass) // Digest authentication required c = new WebDAVClient(); c.User = "******"; c.Pass = "******"; c.Domain = "webdav"; c.Server = ""; c.BasePath = "/digestshare"; result = result && RunWebDAVTests(c); // A public WebDAV server for testing purposes. (All tests pass) // c = new WebDAVClient(); c.Server = ""; c.User = "******"; c.Pass = "******"; result = result && RunWebDAVTests(c); /* * // A public WebDAV server for testing purposes. (Doesn't work with this client yet) * // Running lighttpd 1.4.22 * c = new WebDAVClient(); * c.Server = ""; * result = result && RunWebDAVTests(c); */ if (!result) { Debug.WriteLine("Tests didn't pass"); } else { Debug.WriteLine("All passed"); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void listTest() { WebDAVClient wdc = getClient(); wdc.ListComplete += new ListCompleteDel(wdc_ListComplete); wdc.List(); autoReset.WaitOne(TIMEOUT); Assert.AreNotEqual(status, -1, "wrong status"); Assert.IsNotNull(result, "result object was null"); }
private WebDAVClient getClient() { WebDAVClient wdc = new WebDAVClient(); wdc.Server = TESTSERVER; wdc.User = TESTUSER; wdc.Pass = TESTPASSWORD; wdc.BasePath = TESTPATH; return(wdc); }
public Player(WebDAVClient client) { _client = client; _resourceItemQueue = new FixedSizedQueue <ResourceItem>(3, (resourceItem, size) => { Log(string.Format("Disposing : '{0}'", resourceItem.DisplayName)); if (resourceItem.Stream != null) { resourceItem.Stream.Dispose(); resourceItem.Stream = null; } }); _waveOutDevice = new WaveOut(); }
public IActionResult CreateInvoice([FromBody] InvoiceAjaxModel model) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var userId = HttpContext.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); using (DBEntities dbe = new DBEntities()) { User loggedUser = dbe.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId); Invoice invoice = new Invoice() { CreatedBy = dbe.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Id == userId), DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, InvoiceGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), State = (int)InvoiceState.NOT_PAID, Name = model.Name, Description = model.Description, Recipient = model.Recipient, FiatCurrencyCode = model.FiatCurrencyCode, ExchangeRateMode = model.ExchangeRateMode, ExchangeRateSetTime = null, FiatAmount = model.FiatAmount, FileName = model.FileName, File = model.File }; // Proccess uploaded file if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.File)) { string[] fileInfo = invoice.File.Split(';'); string mimeType = fileInfo[0].Split(':')[1]; string fileContent = fileInfo[1].Split(',')[1]; FileData fileData = new FileData() { FileName = invoice.InvoiceGuid.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(invoice.FileName), FileContent = Convert.FromBase64String(fileContent), }; WebDAVClient client = new WebDAVClient(env, configuration); invoice.File = client.UploadFile(fileData); invoice.FileMime = mimeType; } foreach (string cc in model.Accept) { string CC = cc.ToUpper(); // Check if exchange rate should be calculated now, or when the recipent opens payment page double?exchangeRate = invoice.ExchangeRateMode == "invoice" ? currencyConfiguration.Adapters[CC].GetExchangeRate(invoice.FiatCurrencyCode) : (double?)null; invoice.PaymentsAvailable.Add(new InvoicePayment() { CurrencyCode = CC, VarSymbol = currencyConfiguration.Adapters[CC].GetVarSymbol(), ExchangeRate = exchangeRate }); } dbe.Invoices.Add(invoice); dbe.SaveChanges(); foreach (string cc in model.Accept) { currencyConfiguration.Adapters[cc.ToUpper()].GetAddress(invoice.Id, loggedUser); } // send info e-mail string invoiceUrl = string.Format("{0}/invoice/{1}", env.IsDevelopment() ? configuration["FrontEndHostName:Development"] : configuration["FrontEndHostName:Production"], invoice.InvoiceGuid); string subject = $"New invoice from {loggedUser.UserName}"; string attachment = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.File) ? $"{invoice.File}|{invoice.FileName}|{invoice.FileMime}" : ""; string body = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("wwwroot/web-api-static/templates/email/invoice.html"); body = body.Replace("{User.Name}", loggedUser.UserName) .Replace("{Invoice.Name}", invoice.Name) .Replace("{Invoice.Description}", invoice.Description) .Replace("{URL}", invoiceUrl); EmailSender sender = new EmailSender(configuration); Email email = sender.CreateEmailEntity("*****@*****.**", invoice.Recipient, body, subject, attachment); sender.AddEmailToQueue(email); //Front end needs this new id to call GetInvoice return(Created("/api/invoices/" + invoice.InvoiceGuid, invoice.InvoiceGuid)); } } else { var query = from state in ModelState.Values from error in state.Errors select error.ErrorMessage; var errors = query.ToList(); string allErrors = ""; foreach (string error in errors) { allErrors += error + "\n"; } return(BadRequest(allErrors)); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex)); } }
static Boolean RunWebDAVTests(WebDAVClient c) { autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); // Generate unique string to test with. string basepath = Path.GetRandomFileName() + '/'; string tempFilePath = Path.GetTempFileName(); string uploadTestFilePath = @"c:\windows\notepad.exe"; //string uploadTestFilePath = @"c:\windows\explorer.exe"; // string uploadTestFilePath = @"c:\windows\setuplog.txt"; string uploadTestFileName = Path.GetFileName(uploadTestFilePath); c.CreateDirComplete += new CreateDirCompleteDel(c_CreateDirComplete); c.CreateDir(basepath); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); Debug.WriteLine("CreateDir passed"); c.ListComplete += new ListCompleteDel(c_ListComplete); c.List(basepath); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); if (_files.Count != 0) { return(false); } Debug.WriteLine("List passed"); c.UploadComplete += new UploadCompleteDel(c_UploadComplete); c.Upload(uploadTestFilePath, basepath + uploadTestFileName); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); Debug.WriteLine("Upload 1/2 passed"); c.List(basepath); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); if (_files.Count != 1) { return(false); } Debug.WriteLine("Upload 2/2 passed"); autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); c.DownloadComplete += new DownloadCompleteDel(c_DownloadComplete); c.Download(basepath + uploadTestFileName, tempFilePath); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); Debug.WriteLine("Download 1/2 passed"); HashAlgorithm h = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA1"); byte[] localhash; byte[] remotehash; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(uploadTestFilePath, FileMode.Open)) { localhash = h.ComputeHash(fs); } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(tempFilePath, FileMode.Open)) { remotehash = h.ComputeHash(fs); } for (int i = 0; i < localhash.Length; i++) { if (localhash[i] != remotehash[i]) { return(false); } } Debug.WriteLine("Download 2/2 passed"); c.DeleteComplete += new DeleteCompleteDel(c_DeleteComplete); c.Delete(basepath + uploadTestFileName); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); Debug.WriteLine("Delete 1/2 passed"); c.List(basepath); autoResetEvent.WaitOne(); if (_files.Count != 0) { return(false); } Debug.WriteLine("Delete 2/2 passed"); return(true); }