Example #1
        private async Task <ICommandAnswer> AddMe(Telegram.Bot.Types.Message message)
            if (message.Text.Length > 6)
                await using var db = new DatabaseOsu();

                string player = ProfileLinkParser.Parse(message.Text)?.Id;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(player))
                    player = message.Text.Substring(7);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(player))
                    if (db.Players.Any(x => x.TelegramID == message.From.Id))
                        return(Localization.GetAnswer($"annoy_{RNG.NextNoMemory(1, 10)}", message.Chat.Id));

                    if (!uint.TryParse(player, out var osuID))
                        // if they used /u/cookiezi instead of /u/124493 we ask osu API for an ID
                        var info = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUser(player));

                        if (info == null)
                            return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_player_add_failed", message.Chat.Id));
                            osuID = info.Id;

                    if (osuID != 0)
                        await db.Players.AddAsync(new DatabaseOsu.Player
                            OsuID      = osuID,
                            TelegramID = message.From.Id

                        await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                        return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_player_add_success", message.Chat.Id));

            return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_player_add_failed", message.Chat.Id));
Example #2
        private async Task <ICommandAnswer> GetPass(Telegram.Bot.Types.Message message)
            uint playerId = 0;

            List <string> msgSplit = message.Text.Split(' ').ToList();


            if (msgSplit.Count > 0)
                var playerName = string.Join(" ", msgSplit);
                var player     = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUser(playerName));

                if (player != null)
                    playerId = player.Id;
                await using var db = new DatabaseOsu();
                var id = db.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TelegramID == message.From.Id)?.OsuID;
                if (id == null || id == 0)
                    return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_unknown_player", message.Chat.Id));

                playerId = id.Value;

            if (playerId == 0)
                return(Localization.GetAnswer("generic_fail", message.Chat.Id));

            var lastScores = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUserScores(playerId, ScoreType.Recent, false));

            if (lastScores.Count > 0)
                var score = lastScores[0];
                ChatBeatmapCache.StoreLastMap(message.Chat.Id, new ChatBeatmapCache.CachedBeatmap {
                    BeatmapId = score.BeatmapShort.Id, BeatmapSetId = score.BeatmapShort.BeatmapSetId

                score.Beatmap = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetBeatmap(score.BeatmapShort.Id));

                return(new TextCommandAnswer(FormatScore(score, true)));

            return(Localization.GetAnswer("generic_fail", message.Chat.Id));
Example #3
        private async Task <string> FormatPlayerInfo(string playerID)
            Types.V2.User info = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUser(playerID));

            if (info == null)

            var topscores = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUserScores(info.Id, ScoreType.Best, limit : topscores_to_show));

            if (topscores == null || topscores.Count <= 0)

            string formatedTopscores = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < topscores.Count; i++)
                Score score = topscores[i];

                string mods = string.Empty;
                if (score.Mods.Length > 0)
                    mods = $" +{string.Join("", score.Mods)}";

                // 1. 123pp | Artist - Title [Diffname] +Mods (Rank, Accuracy%)
                string mapName = $"{score.BeatmapSet.Artist} - {score.BeatmapSet.Title} [{score.Beatmap.Version}]".FilterToHTML();
                formatedTopscores +=
                    $"<b>{(i + 1)}</b>. <code>{score.Pp:F1}pp</code> | (<b>{score.Grade.GetDescription()}</b>) {mapName}{mods} ({score.Accuracy:N2}%)\n";

            var title = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Title))
                title = $"<i>{info.Title}</i>\n";

            return($"<b>{info.Username}</b> <a href=\"{info.AvatarUrl}\">-</a> <code>{info.Statistics.Pp}pp</code> - #{info.Statistics.GlobalRank} (#{info.Statistics.Rank.Country} {info.Country.Code})\n" +
                   $"{title}\n" +
                   $"<b>Playcount</b>: {info.Statistics.Playcount} ({info.Statistics.PlaytimeSeconds / 60.0 / 60.0:F2} hours)\n" +
                   $"<b>Joined on</b>: {info.JoinDate}\n" +
                   $"__________\n" +
Example #4
        private async Task <ICommandAnswer> GetLastScores(Telegram.Bot.Types.Message message)
            uint playerId = 0;
            int  amount   = 1;

            List <string> msgSplit = message.Text.Split(' ').ToList();


            if (msgSplit.Count > 0 && int.TryParse(msgSplit.Last(), out amount))

            if (amount > recent_amount)
                amount = recent_amount;
            else if (amount <= 0)
                amount = 1;

            if (msgSplit.Count > 0)
                var playerName = string.Join(" ", msgSplit);
                var player     = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUser(playerName));

                if (player != null)
                    playerId = player.Id;
                await using var db = new DatabaseOsu();
                var id = db.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TelegramID == message.From.Id)?.OsuID;
                if (id == null || id == 0)
                    return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_unknown_player", message.Chat.Id));

                playerId = id.Value;

            if (playerId == 0)
                return(Localization.GetAnswer("generic_fail", message.Chat.Id));

            List <Score> lastScores = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUserScores(playerId, ScoreType.Recent, true));

            if (lastScores != null)
                if (lastScores.Count == 0)
                    return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_no_scores", message.Chat.Id));

                string result = string.Empty;
                foreach (var score in lastScores.Take(amount))
                    if (amount == 1)
                        ChatBeatmapCache.StoreLastMap(message.Chat.Id, new ChatBeatmapCache.CachedBeatmap {
                            BeatmapId = score.BeatmapShort.Id, BeatmapSetId = score.BeatmapShort.BeatmapSetId

                    score.Beatmap = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetBeatmap(score.BeatmapShort.Id));

                    result += FormatScore(score, true);

                return(new TextCommandAnswer(result));

            return(Localization.GetAnswer("generic_fail", message.Chat.Id));
Example #5
        private async Task <ICommandAnswer> GetMapScores(Telegram.Bot.Types.Message message)
            uint mapId = 0;

            // beatmap id regex can parse link as part of a complex message so we dont need to clean it up beforehand
            var msgText = message.Text;

            if (message.ReplyToMessage != null)
                var sentMap = ChatBeatmapCache.GetSentMap(message.ReplyToMessage.MessageId);
                if (sentMap?.BeatmapId is not null)
                    mapId = sentMap.BeatmapId;
                else if (message.ReplyToMessage.Text.Contains(".ppy.sh"))
                    msgText = message.ReplyToMessage.Text;

            var msgSplit = msgText.Split(' ').ToList();
            var mods     = LegacyMods.NM;

            if (msgSplit.Count > 1)
                var data = BeatmapLinkParser.Parse(msgText);
                if (data != null)
                    mapId = data.ID;
                    mods  = data.Mods;
                    if (data.IsBeatmapset)
                        BeatmapSet set = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetBeatmapSet(data.ID));

                        if (set?.Beatmaps?.Count > 0)
                            mapId = set.Beatmaps.OrderBy(x => x.StarRating).Last().Id;
            else if (mapId == 0)
                mapId = ChatBeatmapCache.GetLastMap(message.Chat.Id)?.BeatmapId ?? 0;

            if (mapId == 0)
                return(Localization.GetAnswer("generic_fail", message.Chat.Id));

            await using var db = new DatabaseOsu();

            var playerId = db.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TelegramID == message.From.Id)?.OsuID;

            if (playerId == null || playerId == 0)
                return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_unknown_player", message.Chat.Id));

            var result = string.Empty;

            if (mods == 0)
                // no mods specified - use apiv1 to get all scores on a map and then get score data from apiv2
                var scores = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new WebAPI.Requests.V1.GetScores(playerId.Value.ToString(), mapId, mods, score_amount));

                if (scores == null || scores.Count <= 0)
                    return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_no_scores", message.Chat.Id));

                var map = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetBeatmap(mapId));

                foreach (var v1Score in scores)
                    var score = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUserBeatmapScore(mapId, playerId.Value, v1Score.LegacyMods));

                    if (score != null)
                        score.Beatmap = map;
                        result       += FormatScore(score, false);
                // mods specified - get data straight from apiv2
                var score = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetUserBeatmapScore(mapId, playerId.Value, mods));

                if (score == null)
                    return(Localization.GetAnswer("recentscores_no_scores", message.Chat.Id));

                score.Beatmap = await WebApiHandler.MakeApiRequest(new GetBeatmap(mapId));

                result += FormatScore(score, false);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                ChatBeatmapCache.StoreLastMap(message.Chat.Id, new ChatBeatmapCache.CachedBeatmap {
                    BeatmapId = mapId
                return(new TextCommandAnswer(result));

            return(Localization.GetAnswer("generic_fail", message.Chat.Id));
Example #6
 public ProjectBuilderController()
     _webApi = new WebApiHandler();