public static string UploadDeviceChannelMappingFile(Web web, string serverRelativeMappingFilePath, string fileContents, string description) { try { Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Uploading Device Channel Mapping File: {0} ...", serverRelativeMappingFilePath), false); // grab a reference to the MP Gallery where the device channel mapping file resides. List mpGallery = web.GetCatalog((int)ListTemplateType.MasterPageCatalog); Folder mpGalleryRoot = mpGallery.RootFolder; web.Context.Load(mpGallery); web.Context.Load(mpGalleryRoot); web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); // get the file and check-out if necessary File dcmFile = GetFileFromWeb(web, serverRelativeMappingFilePath); if (dcmFile != null) { web.CheckOutFile(serverRelativeMappingFilePath); } // prepare the file contents for upload Byte[] fileBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fileContents); // Use CSOM to upload the file FileCreationInformation newFile = new FileCreationInformation(); newFile.Content = fileBytes; newFile.Overwrite = true; newFile.Url = serverRelativeMappingFilePath; File uploadFile = mpGalleryRoot.Files.Add(newFile); web.Context.Load(uploadFile); web.Context.ExecuteQuery(); // check-in and approve as necessary if (mpGallery.ForceCheckout || mpGallery.EnableVersioning) { web.CheckInFile(uploadFile.ServerRelativeUrl, CheckinType.MajorCheckIn, description); if (mpGallery.EnableModeration) { web.ApproveFile(uploadFile.ServerRelativeUrl, description); } } Logger.LogSuccessMessage(String.Format("Uploaded Device Channel Mapping File: {0}", uploadFile.ServerRelativeUrl), false); return(uploadFile.ServerRelativeUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogErrorMessage(String.Format("UploadDeviceChannelMappingFile() failed for {0}: Error={1}", serverRelativeMappingFilePath, ex.Message), false); return(String.Empty); } }
private void UploadAndPublishSingleFile(ClientContext context, Web web, string configRootFolder, ShContentFolder contentFolder, string uploadTargetFolder, Folder rootFolder, List <ShFileProperties> filePropertiesCollection, string filePath) { var pathToFileFromRootFolder = filePath.Replace(configRootFolder.TrimEnd(new[] { '\\' }) + "\\", ""); var fileName = Path.GetFileName(pathToFileFromRootFolder); pathToFileFromRootFolder = pathToFileFromRootFolder.Replace("\\", "/"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentFolder.PropertiesFile) && contentFolder.PropertiesFile == fileName) { Log.DebugFormat("Skipping file upload of {0} since it's used as a configuration file", fileName); return; } ShFileProperties fileProperties = null; if (filePropertiesCollection != null) { fileProperties = filePropertiesCollection.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Path == pathToFileFromRootFolder); } Log.DebugFormat("Uploading file {0} to {1}", fileName, contentFolder.ListUrl); var fileUrl = GetFileUrl(uploadTargetFolder, pathToFileFromRootFolder, fileProperties); web.CheckOutFile(fileUrl); if (fileProperties == null || fileProperties.ReplaceContent) { var newFile = GetFileCreationInformation(context, fileUrl, filePath, pathToFileFromRootFolder, fileProperties); File uploadFile = rootFolder.Files.Add(newFile); context.Load(uploadFile); context.ExecuteQuery(); } var reloadedFile = web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl(fileUrl); context.Load(reloadedFile); context.ExecuteQuery(); ApplyFileProperties(context, fileProperties, reloadedFile); try { reloadedFile.PublishFileToLevel(FileLevel.Published); } catch { Log.Warn("Couldn't publish file " + fileUrl); } }
public void UploadFilesInFolder(ClientContext context, Web web, ShContentFolder contentFolder) { Log.Info("Uploading files from contentfolder " + contentFolder.FolderName); string uploadTargetFolder; Folder rootFolder; web.Lists.EnsureSiteAssetsLibrary(); context.Load(web.Lists); context.ExecuteQuery(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentFolder.ListUrl)) { context.Load(web, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl); context.ExecuteQuery(); var rootFolderServerRelativeUrl = Url.Combine(web.ServerRelativeUrl, contentFolder.ListUrl); rootFolder = web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(rootFolderServerRelativeUrl); context.Load(rootFolder); context.ExecuteQuery(); uploadTargetFolder = Url.Combine(rootFolderServerRelativeUrl, contentFolder.FolderUrl); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentFolder.ListName)) { var assetLibrary = web.Lists.GetByTitle(contentFolder.ListName); context.Load(assetLibrary, l => l.Title, l => l.RootFolder); context.ExecuteQuery(); rootFolder = assetLibrary.RootFolder; uploadTargetFolder = Url.Combine(assetLibrary.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl, contentFolder.FolderUrl); } else { Log.ErrorFormat("You need to specify either ListName or ListUrl for the Content Folder {0}", contentFolder.FolderName); return; } var configRootFolder = Path.Combine(_contentDirectoryPath, contentFolder.FolderName); if (!web.DoesFolderExists(uploadTargetFolder)) { web.Folders.Add(uploadTargetFolder); } context.ExecuteQuery(); foreach (string folder in Directory.GetDirectories(configRootFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var folderName = Url.Combine(uploadTargetFolder, folder.Replace(configRootFolder, "").Replace("\\", "/")); if (!web.DoesFolderExists(folderName)) { web.Folders.Add(folderName); } } context.ExecuteQuery(); List<ShFileProperties> filePropertiesCollection = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentFolder.PropertiesFile)) { var propertiesFilePath = Path.Combine(configRootFolder, contentFolder.PropertiesFile); var filePersistanceProvider = new FilePersistanceProvider<List<ShFileProperties>>(propertiesFilePath); filePropertiesCollection = filePersistanceProvider.Load(); } context.Load(context.Site, site => site.ServerRelativeUrl); context.Load(context.Web, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl, w => w.Language); context.ExecuteQuery(); String[] excludedFileExtensions = { }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentFolder.ExcludeExtensions)) { excludedFileExtensions = contentFolder.ExcludeExtensions.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } var files = Directory.GetFiles(configRootFolder, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(file => !excludedFileExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower())).ToList(); if (IncrementalUpload) { files = files.Where(f =>!LastUpload.ContainsKey(contentFolder.FolderName) || new FileInfo(f).LastWriteTimeUtc > LastUpload[contentFolder.FolderName]).ToList(); } int filesUploaded = 0; foreach (string filePath in files) { var pathToFileFromRootFolder = filePath.Replace(configRootFolder.TrimEnd(new []{'\\'}) + "\\", ""); var fileName = Path.GetFileName(pathToFileFromRootFolder); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentFolder.PropertiesFile) && contentFolder.PropertiesFile == fileName) { Log.DebugFormat("Skipping file upload of {0} since it's used as a configuration file", fileName); continue; } Log.DebugFormat("Uploading file {0} to {1}", fileName, contentFolder.ListUrl); var fileUrl = GetFileUrl(uploadTargetFolder, pathToFileFromRootFolder, filePropertiesCollection); web.CheckOutFile(fileUrl); var newFile = new FileCreationInformation { Content = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filePath), Url = fileUrl, Overwrite = true }; File uploadFile = rootFolder.Files.Add(newFile); context.Load(uploadFile); context.Load(uploadFile.ListItemAllFields.ParentList, l => l.ForceCheckout, l => l.EnableMinorVersions, l => l.EnableModeration); context.ExecuteQuery(); ApplyFileProperties(context, filePropertiesCollection, uploadFile); uploadFile.PublishFileToLevel(FileLevel.Published); context.ExecuteQuery(); filesUploaded++; } if (filesUploaded == 0) { Log.Info("No files updated since last upload."); } else { Log.InfoFormat("{0} file(s) uploaded", filesUploaded); } if (LastUpload.ContainsKey(contentFolder.FolderName)) { LastUpload[contentFolder.FolderName] = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { LastUpload.Add(contentFolder.FolderName, DateTime.UtcNow); } }
private static void CommentUDCXFileNode(UdcxReportInput udcxFileInput, List <UdcxReportOutput> _WriteUDCList) { if (udcxFileInput == null) { return; } string siteUrl = udcxFileInput.SiteUrl; string webUrl = udcxFileInput.WebUrl; string dirName = udcxFileInput.DirName; string leafName = udcxFileInput.LeafName; string authentication = udcxFileInput.Authentication; UdcxReportOutput udcxOutput = new UdcxReportOutput(); udcxOutput.SiteUrl = siteUrl; udcxOutput.WebUrl = webUrl; udcxOutput.DirName = dirName; udcxOutput.LeafName = leafName; udcxOutput.Authentication = authentication; if (dirName.EndsWith("/")) { dirName = dirName.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/' }); } if (leafName.StartsWith("/")) { leafName = leafName.TrimStart(new char[] { '/' }); } string serverRelativeFolderPath = "/" + dirName; string serverRelativeFilePath = "/" + dirName + '/' + leafName; try { Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Processing UCDX File [{0}/{1}] of Web [{2}] ...", dirName, leafName, webUrl), true); // IMPORTANT: Open the webUrl, not the siteUrl, so Folder.Files.Add() can properly process files of child webs using (ClientContext userContext = Helper.CreateClientContextBasedOnAuthMode(Program.UseAppModel, Program.AdminDomain, Program.AdminUsername, Program.AdminPassword, webUrl)) { Web web = userContext.Web; userContext.Load(web); userContext.ExecuteQuery(); XNamespace xns = ""; XDocument doc = null; Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Getting contents of UCDX File [{0}] from Web [{1}] ...", serverRelativeFilePath, webUrl), false); // Approach to read File contents depends on Auth Model chosen if (Program.UseAppModel == true) { string originalFileContents = SafeGetFileAsString(web, serverRelativeFilePath); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalFileContents)) { Logger.LogErrorMessage(String.Format("Could not get contents of UCDX File"), false); udcxOutput.Status = Constants.ErrorStatus + ": could not get file contents."; _WriteUDCList.Add(udcxOutput); return; } doc = XDocument.Load(new StringReader(originalFileContents)); } else { FileInformation info = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.OpenBinaryDirect(userContext, serverRelativeFilePath); doc = XDocument.Load(XmlReader.Create(info.Stream)); } Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Got contents of UCDX File"), false); XElement authElem = doc.Root.Element(xns + "ConnectionInfo").Element(xns + "Authentication"); if (authElem != null) { string authData = authElem.ToString(); authData = authData.Replace("<udc:Authentication xmlns:udc=\"" + xns + "\">", "<udc:Authentication>"); authElem.ReplaceWith(new XComment(authData)); string saveUdcxContent = doc.Declaration.ToString() + doc.ToString(); using (MemoryStream contentStream = new MemoryStream()) { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(contentStream); writer.Write(saveUdcxContent); writer.Flush(); contentStream.Position = 0; Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Saving contents of UCDX File [{0}] to Web [{1}] ...", serverRelativeFilePath, webUrl), false); // Approach to save File contents depends on Auth Model chosen if (Program.UseAppModel == true) { Folder targetFolder = null; // grab the parent folder in preparation for the file upload... Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Getting folder [{0}] of Web [{1}] ...", serverRelativeFolderPath, webUrl), false); try { targetFolder = web.GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl(serverRelativeFolderPath); userContext.Load(targetFolder); userContext.ExecuteQuery(); Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Got folder"), false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogErrorMessage(String.Format("CommentUDCXFileNode() failed for UDCX File [{0}/{1}] of Web [{2}]: Reason={3}; Error={4}", dirName, leafName, webUrl, "Upload Folder was not Found.", "[" + ex.Message + "] | [" + ex.HResult + "] | [" + ex.Source + "] | [" + ex.StackTrace + "] | [" + ex.TargetSite + "]"), false); udcxOutput.Status = Constants.ErrorStatus + ": Upload Folder was not Found."; _WriteUDCList.Add(udcxOutput); return; } // check-out the file (if needed) in preparation for the file upload... try { Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Checking out file [{0}] ...", leafName), false); web.CheckOutFile(serverRelativeFilePath); Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Checked out file"), false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogErrorMessage(String.Format("CommentUDCXFileNode() failed for UDCX File [{0}/{1}] of Web [{2}]: Reason={3}; Error={4}", dirName, leafName, webUrl, "File Checkout failed.", "[" + ex.Message + "] | [" + ex.HResult + "] | [" + ex.Source + "] | [" + ex.StackTrace + "] | [" + ex.TargetSite + "]"), false); udcxOutput.Status = Constants.ErrorStatus + ": File Checkout failed."; _WriteUDCList.Add(udcxOutput); return; } // upload the modified file... Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File targetFile = null; Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Uploading file [{0}] ...", leafName), false); try { targetFile = targetFolder.UploadFile(leafName, contentStream, true); Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Uploaded file"), false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogErrorMessage(String.Format("CommentUDCXFileNode() failed for UDCX File [{0}/{1}] of Web [{2}]: Reason={3}; Error={4}", dirName, leafName, webUrl, "File Upload failed.", "[" + ex.Message + "] | [" + ex.HResult + "] | [" + ex.Source + "] | [" + ex.StackTrace + "] | [" + ex.TargetSite + "]"), false); udcxOutput.Status = Constants.ErrorStatus + ": File Upload failed."; _WriteUDCList.Add(udcxOutput); return; } // publish the modified file (executes check-in, publish, and approval as needed)... try { Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Publishing file [{0}] ...", leafName), false); targetFile.PublishFileToLevel(FileLevel.Published); Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Published file"), false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogErrorMessage(String.Format("CommentUDCXFileNode() failed for UDCX File [{0}/{1}] of Web [{2}]: Reason={3}; Error={4}", dirName, leafName, webUrl, "File Publish failed.", "[" + ex.Message + "] | [" + ex.HResult + "] | [" + ex.Source + "] | [" + ex.StackTrace + "] | [" + ex.TargetSite + "]"), false); udcxOutput.Status = Constants.ErrorStatus + ": File Publish failed."; _WriteUDCList.Add(udcxOutput); return; } } else { Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.File.SaveBinaryDirect(userContext, serverRelativeFilePath, contentStream, true); } Logger.LogInfoMessage(String.Format("Saved contents of UCDX File [{0}] to Web [{1}]", serverRelativeFilePath, webUrl), false); udcxOutput.Status = Constants.SuccessStatus; Logger.LogSuccessMessage(String.Format("Updated UCDX File [{0}/{1}] of Web [{2}]", dirName, leafName, webUrl), false); } } else { udcxOutput.Status = Constants.NoAuthNodeFound; Logger.LogWarningMessage(String.Format("Skipped UCDX File [{0}/{1}] of Web [{2}]: Reason={3}", dirName, leafName, webUrl, Constants.NoAuthNodeFound), false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogErrorMessage(String.Format("CommentUDCXFileNode() failed for UDCX File [{0}/{1}] of Web [{2}]: Error={3}", dirName, leafName, webUrl, ex.Message), false); udcxOutput.Status = Constants.ErrorStatus; udcxOutput.ErrorDetails = ex.Message; } _WriteUDCList.Add(udcxOutput); }