public IEnumerable <CityDTOViewModel> GetCities(string filter) { var client = new WeatherRestServiceHelper <IEnumerable <CitiesModel> >(); var requestResult = client.GetCities(filter); var cities = requestResult?.Response; if (cities == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestResult.Error)) { throw new Exception("Failed to get westher from the REST service\n" + requestResult?.Error); } var result = new List <CityDTOViewModel>(); result.AddRange(cities.Select(RemapCityView)); return(result); }
private WeatherForeCastDtoViewModel GetWeaherForecastFromRestService(string cityId) { var client = new WeatherRestServiceHelper <IEnumerable <WeatherForecastModel> >(); var result = client.GetWeather(cityId); var weather = result?.Response?.FirstOrDefault(); if (weather == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Error)) { throw new Exception("Failed to get westher from the REST service\n" + result?.Error); } _weatherForecastRepository.AddItem(new WeatherForecast() { CelsiusTemperature = weather.Temperature.Metric.Value, CityId = cityId, WeatherText = weather.WeatherText, DateTime = weather.LocalObservationDateTime }); return(new WeatherForeCastDtoViewModel { WeatherText = weather.WeatherText, CelsiusTemperature = weather.Temperature.Metric.Value }); }