public Device(MyMqttClient mqttClient, string serialNo, string deviceName) { _serialNo = serialNo; _deviceName = deviceName; _mqttClient = mqttClient; _weatherClient = new WeatherApiClient(); }
public async void ReturnsAnEmptyListIfApiRequestFails() { // Arrange var mockHandler = GetMockMessageHandler(HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, null); var mockFactory = GetMockHttpClientFactory(mockHandler.Object); var mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <WeatherApiClient> >(); var apiClient = new WeatherApiClient(mockFactory.Object, mockLogger.Object); // Act var result = await apiClient.LocationSearch("London"); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Empty(result); // also check the 'http' call was like we expected it var expectedUri = new Uri($"{_defaultBaseUrl}/api/location/search?query=London"); mockHandler.Protected().Verify( "SendAsync", Times.Exactly(1), // we expected a single external request ItExpr.Is <HttpRequestMessage>(req => req.Method == HttpMethod.Get && // we expected a GET request req.RequestUri == expectedUri // to this uri ), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ); }
public async Task GetWeatherDto_WhenInvalidData_ThrowsException() { var response = new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ReasonPhrase = It.IsAny <string>(), Content = new StringContent( "{\"error\": {\"message\": \"error\"}}") }; response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); var handlerMock = new Mock <HttpMessageHandler>(MockBehavior.Strict); handlerMock.Protected() .Setup <Task <HttpResponseMessage> > ( "SendAsync", ItExpr.IsAny <HttpRequestMessage>(), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ) .ReturnsAsync(response) .Verifiable(); var httpClient = new HttpClient(handlerMock.Object) { BaseAddress = new Uri("") }; var weatherApiClient = new WeatherApiClient(httpClient); var result = weatherApiClient.GetWeatherDto(It.IsAny <string>()); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <CityNotFoundException>(() => result); }
public DistributedCacheController(WeatherApiClient weatherApiClient, ILogger <ResponseCacheController> logger, IDistributedCache cache) { _weatherApiClient = weatherApiClient; _logger = logger; _cache = cache; }
public async Task GetForecastDto_ByDefault_ReturnsCorrectType() { var response = new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, ReasonPhrase = It.IsAny <string>(), Content = new StringContent( "{\"location\": {\"name\": \"city\"}}" ) }; response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); var handlerMock = new Mock <HttpMessageHandler>(MockBehavior.Strict); handlerMock.Protected() .Setup <Task <HttpResponseMessage> > ( "SendAsync", ItExpr.IsAny <HttpRequestMessage>(), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ) .ReturnsAsync(response) .Verifiable(); var httpClient = new HttpClient(handlerMock.Object) { BaseAddress = new Uri("") }; var weatherApiClient = new WeatherApiClient(httpClient); var result = await weatherApiClient.GetForecastDto(It.IsAny <string>()); Assert.IsType <WeatherDto>(result); }
public async void CallsTheMetaWeatherApiUrlWithQueryParam() { // Arrange var searchResult = "[{\"title\":\"Leeds\",\"location_type\":\"City\",\"woeid\":26042,\"latt_long\":\"53.794491,-1.546580\"}]"; var mockHandler = GetMockMessageHandler(HttpStatusCode.OK, new StringContent(searchResult)); var mockFactory = GetMockHttpClientFactory(mockHandler.Object); var mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <WeatherApiClient> >(); var apiClient = new WeatherApiClient(mockFactory.Object, mockLogger.Object); // Act var result = await apiClient.LocationSearch("Leeds"); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Single(result); var firstResult = result[0]; Assert.Equal(26042, firstResult.WoeId); // also check the 'http' call was like we expected it var expectedUri = new Uri($"{_defaultBaseUrl}/api/location/search?query=Leeds"); mockHandler.Protected().Verify( "SendAsync", Times.Exactly(1), // we expected a single external request ItExpr.Is <HttpRequestMessage>(req => req.Method == HttpMethod.Get && // we expected a GET request req.RequestUri == expectedUri // to this uri ), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ); }
public async Task GetCurrentWeatherConditionInShouldReturnWeather() { // ARRANGE _configurationMock.Setup(p => p.GetSection("WeatherApiBaseUrl").Value).Returns(weatherApiUrl); var httpClient = new Mock<HttpClient>(); var mockHttpMessageHandler = new Mock<HttpMessageHandler>(); mockHttpMessageHandler.Protected() .Setup<Task<HttpResponseMessage>>("SendAsync", ItExpr.IsAny<HttpRequestMessage>(), ItExpr.IsAny<CancellationToken>()) .ReturnsAsync(new HttpResponseMessage { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, Content = new StringContent(GetresponseContent()), }); var client = new HttpClient(mockHttpMessageHandler.Object); _httpClientFactoryMock.Setup(_ => _.CreateClient(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(client); var weatherApiClient = new WeatherApiClient(_loggerMock.Object, _httpClientFactoryMock.Object, _configurationMock.Object); // ACT var result = await weatherApiClient.GetCurrentWeatherConditionIn("London"); // ASSERT Assert.AreEqual(name, result.Location.Name); Assert.AreEqual(region, result.Location.Region); Assert.AreEqual(country, result.Location.Country); }
public LazyCacheController( IAppCache cache, WeatherApiClient weatherApiClient, ILogger <MemoryCacheController> logger) { _cache = cache; _weatherApiClient = weatherApiClient; _logger = logger; }
public MemoryCacheController( IMemoryCache memoryCache, WeatherApiClient weatherApiClient, ILogger <MemoryCacheController> logger) { _cache = memoryCache; _weatherApiClient = weatherApiClient; _logger = logger; }
public async void ReturnsNullIfApiCallFails() { var mockHandler = GetMockMessageHandler(HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, null); var mockFactory = GetMockHttpClientFactory(mockHandler.Object); var mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <WeatherApiClient> >(); var apiClient = new WeatherApiClient(mockFactory.Object, mockLogger.Object); // Act var result = await apiClient.GetLocation(1234); // Assert Assert.Null(result); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <WeatherForecastResource> > Get() { var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var client = new WeatherApiClient("https://localhost:5003", httpClient); var forecast = await client.WeatherForecastAsync(); return(forecast.Select(x => new WeatherForecastResource { Date = x.Date.LocalDateTime, TemperatureC = x.TemperatureC, Summary = x.Summary }) .ToArray()); }
public async void ReturnsARedWarningWhenWindSpeedIsOverSeventy() { string locationData = File.ReadAllText("../../../Fixtures/red-warning.json"); var mockHandler = GetMockMessageHandler(HttpStatusCode.OK, new StringContent(locationData)); var mockFactory = GetMockHttpClientFactory(mockHandler.Object); var mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <WeatherApiClient> >(); var apiClient = new WeatherApiClient(mockFactory.Object, mockLogger.Object); // Act var result = await apiClient.GetLocation(1234); // Assert Assert.Equal("red", result.ConsolidatedWeather[0].Warning); }
/// <summary> /// Intializes the client and sets the request header user-agent to the consumingApplicationName /// </summary> /// <param name="consumingApplicationName">The name of the application that is consuming the SDK</param> /// <param name="metriksApiBaseAddress">The base address of the API</param> internal Client(string consumingApplicationName, string metriksApiBaseAddress, IApiClient client = null) { if (client == null) { apiClient = InitializeClient(consumingApplicationName, metriksApiBaseAddress); } else { apiClient = client; } Weather = new WeatherApiClient(apiClient); Weight = new WeightApiClient(apiClient); }
public void UpdateWeather(string city) { string url = String.Format("{0}&cnt={1}&units=metric&mode=json&APPID={2}", city, CNT, WeatherApiClient.GetAPIKey()); Task <RootObject> t = Task.Run(() => WeatherApiClient.GetWeatherForecast(url)); t.Wait(); RootObject r = t.Result; if (r != null) { WeatherList = new ObservableCollection <DayElem>(r.list); SelectedDay = WeatherList[0]; Root = r; } }
public async void ReturnsSixDaysWeather() { string locationData = File.ReadAllText("../../../Fixtures/london.json"); var mockHandler = GetMockMessageHandler(HttpStatusCode.OK, new StringContent(locationData)); var mockFactory = GetMockHttpClientFactory(mockHandler.Object); var mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <WeatherApiClient> >(); var apiClient = new WeatherApiClient(mockFactory.Object, mockLogger.Object); // Act var result = await apiClient.GetLocation(31253); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal(6, result.ConsolidatedWeather.Count); }
public GameSimulator( string gameId, string weatherApiUri, GameMapModel map) { _gameId = gameId; Logger = new Logger(gameId); _random = new Random(); _tanks = new List <Tank>(); _map = new GameMap(map); _weatherApiClient = new WeatherApiClient(weatherApiUri); }
public async Task GetWeatherForecastAsync_ReturnsNull_WhenAnExceptionOccurs() { var config = new ExternalServicesConfig { Url = "", MinsToCache = 0 }; var mockOptions = new Mock <IOptionsMonitor <ExternalServicesConfig> >(); mockOptions.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(config); var client = new HttpClient(new ExceptionHandler()); var sut = new WeatherApiClient(client, mockOptions.Object, NullLogger <WeatherApiClient> .Instance); var result = await sut.GetWeatherForecastAsync(); Assert.Null(result); }
public async Task GetWeatherForecastAsync_ReturnsWeatherApiResult_WhenHttpRequestSucceeds() { var config = new ExternalServicesConfig { Url = "", MinsToCache = 0 }; var mockOptions = new Mock <IOptionsMonitor <ExternalServicesConfig> >(); mockOptions.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(config); var client = new HttpClient(new SuccessHandler()); var sut = new WeatherApiClient(client, mockOptions.Object, NullLogger <WeatherApiClient> .Instance); var result = await sut.GetWeatherForecastAsync(); Assert.IsType <WeatherApiResult>(result); Assert.Equal("London", result.City); }
private void InitializeItemsViewModel() { Title = "Your Locations List"; LocationInfos = new ObservableCollection <LocationInfo>(); LoadItemsCommand = new Command(async() => await ExecuteLoadItemsCommand()); DeleteItemsCommand = new Command(async location => await ExecuteDeleteLocationCommand(location)); MessagingCenter.Subscribe <SearchPage, LocationInfo>(this, "AddItem", async(obj, item) => { if (LocationInfos.Any(element => element.Key.Equals(item.Key))) { return; } var weather = await WeatherApiClient.GetCurrentWeather(item.Key); item.WeatherInfo = weather; LocationInfos.Add(item); await LocationService.AddItemAsync(item); }); }
public async Task SearchForLocation(string searchValue) { await ExecuteCommand(async() => { LocationInfos.Clear(); var items = await WeatherApiClient.SearchLocation(searchValue); var locationInfos = items.ToList(); if (items.ToList().Count == 0) { return; } foreach (var locationInfo in locationInfos) { LocationInfos.Add(locationInfo); } }); }
public async void ReturnsAnEmptyListAndNoApiCallIfNoQueryIsPassed() { // Arrange var mockHandler = GetMockMessageHandler(HttpStatusCode.OK, null); var mockFactory = GetMockHttpClientFactory(mockHandler.Object); var mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <WeatherApiClient> >(); var apiClient = new WeatherApiClient(mockFactory.Object, mockLogger.Object); // Act var result = await apiClient.LocationSearch(null); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Empty(result); mockHandler.Protected().Verify( "SendAsync", Times.Exactly(0), // we don't expect the api to be called ItExpr.IsAny <HttpRequestMessage>(), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ); }
async Task ExecuteLoadItemsCommand() { await ExecuteCommand(async() => { var items = await LocationService.GetItemsAsync(); foreach (var locationInfo in items) { var weather = await WeatherApiClient.GetCurrentWeather(locationInfo.Key); if (weather != null) { locationInfo.WeatherInfo = weather; } } if (items != null) { LocationInfos.Clear(); foreach (var item in items) { LocationInfos.Add(item); } } } ); }
public async void ReturnsNullIfZeroIsPassed() { var mockHandler = GetMockMessageHandler(HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, null); var mockFactory = GetMockHttpClientFactory(mockHandler.Object); var mockLogger = new Mock <ILogger <WeatherApiClient> >(); var apiClient = new WeatherApiClient(mockFactory.Object, mockLogger.Object); // Act var result = await apiClient.GetLocation(0); // Assert Assert.Null(result); var expectedUri = new Uri($"{_defaultBaseUrl}/api/location/"); mockHandler.Protected().Verify( "SendAsync", Times.Exactly(0), // we expected a single external request ItExpr.Is <HttpRequestMessage>(req => req.Method == HttpMethod.Get && // we expected a GET request req.RequestUri == expectedUri // to this uri ), ItExpr.IsAny <CancellationToken>() ); }
public ResponseCacheController(WeatherApiClient weatherApiClient, ILogger <ResponseCacheController> logger) { _weatherApiClient = weatherApiClient; _logger = logger; }
public WeatherService(WeatherApiClient client) { _weatherClient = client; }
public WeatherForecastService(IConfiguration configuration, ICacheService cache) { _configuration = configuration; _cache = cache; apiClient = new Client.WeatherApiClient(configuration, cache); }
public void Start() { weatherClient = GameObject.Find("WeatherApiClient").GetComponent <WeatherApiClient>(); }