Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Determine the distance from the mouse position to the screen space rectangle specified by the 4 points.
    /// </summary>

    static public float DistanceToRectangle(Vector2[] screenPoints, Vector2 mousePos)
        bool oddNodes = false;
        int  j        = 4;

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            Vector3 v0 = screenPoints[WeaponXIMath.RepeatIndex(i, 4)];
            Vector3 v1 = screenPoints[WeaponXIMath.RepeatIndex(j, 4)];

            if ((v0.y > mousePos.y) != (v1.y > mousePos.y))
                if (mousePos.x < (v1.x - v0.x) * (mousePos.y - v0.y) / (v1.y - v0.y) + v0.x)
                    oddNodes = !oddNodes;
            j = i;

        if (!oddNodes)
            float dist, closestDist = -1f;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Vector3 v0 = screenPoints[i];
                Vector3 v1 = screenPoints[WeaponXIMath.RepeatIndex(i + 1, 4)];

                dist = DistancePointToLineSegment(mousePos, v0, v1);

                if (dist < closestDist || closestDist < 0f)
                    closestDist = dist;
Example #2
    void DrawRotation()
            bool reset = GUILayout.Button("R", GUILayout.Width(20f));

            Vector3 visible = (serializedObject.targetObject as Transform).localEulerAngles;

            visible.x = WeaponXIMath.WrapAngle(visible.x);
            visible.y = WeaponXIMath.WrapAngle(visible.y);
            visible.z = WeaponXIMath.WrapAngle(visible.z);

            Axes changed = CheckDifference(mRot);
            Axes altered = Axes.None;

            GUILayoutOption opt = GUILayout.MinWidth(30f);

            if (FloatField("X", ref visible.x, (changed & Axes.X) != 0, false, opt))
                altered |= Axes.X;
            if (FloatField("Y", ref visible.y, (changed & Axes.Y) != 0, false, opt))
                altered |= Axes.Y;
            if (FloatField("Z", ref visible.z, (changed & Axes.Z) != 0, false, opt))
                altered |= Axes.Z;

            if (reset)
                mRot.quaternionValue = Quaternion.identity;
            else if (altered != Axes.None)
                Undo.RecordObjects(serializedObject.targetObjects, "Change Rotation");

                foreach (Object obj in serializedObject.targetObjects)
                    Transform t = obj as Transform;
                    Vector3   v = t.localEulerAngles;

                    if ((altered & Axes.X) != 0)
                        v.x = visible.x;
                    if ((altered & Axes.Y) != 0)
                        v.y = visible.y;
                    if ((altered & Axes.Z) != 0)
                        v.z = visible.z;

                    t.localEulerAngles = v;