Example #1
        public virtual void Init(bool isDefaultWeapon)
            // Ignore the object taged as "LocalPlayer" so we won't shot ourself by accident.
            // Also ignore the object taged as "Respawn" because those respawn points has it's own collider for
            // detecting if any obstacle in the area.
            m_BulletLayerMask = ~(1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player") | 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ignore Raycast"));
            // Is this the default weapon?
            m_DefaultWeapon = isDefaultWeapon;
            // Used to prevent gun switching while reloading and shooting.
            m_CanSwitchWeapon = false;
            // Return TRUE if the weapon is out of ammo or energy.
            m_OutOfAmmo = false;
            // Return TRUE if the weapon currenly is reloading ammo or energy.
            m_IsReloading = false;
            // Record the last fired time used for calculate fire rate.
            m_LastFiredTimeStamp = 0.0f;
            // The weapon will remian hiding until player pull it out.
            m_Phase = WeaponHoldingPhase.Hiding;
            // Fill the cilp.
            m_BulletsLeftInClip = m_WeaponData.MagazineSize;
            // The magazines currently holding.
            m_MagazineLeft = m_WeaponData.MagazineCount;
            // Grab all the ammo as you can.
            m_RestBulletsCount = m_WeaponData.MagazineSize * m_MagazineLeft;
            // The gun is unsed, so the chamber is clean.
            m_OneRoundRemainInChamber = false;

            // Only the character which is control by the local client needs update the UI.
            if (photonView.isMine)
                // The corss hair.
                m_CorssHair = UIframework.UIManager.Instance.GetUI <PlayerHUDUI>(UIframework.UIManager.SceneUIs.PlayerHUDUI).GetCorssHair;

                m_WeaponInfo = UIframework.UIManager.Instance.GetUI <PlayerHUDUI>(UIframework.UIManager.SceneUIs.PlayerHUDUI).GetWeaponInfo;

                if (isDefaultWeapon)
                    // Update the weapon UI


            #region Muzzle flash light and sprite.
            // Turn off the muzzle flash light at beginning.
            m_MuzzleFlash.MuzzleFlashLight.enabled = false;
            // Initialize light setting.
            m_MuzzleFlash.MuzzleFlashLight.intensity = m_MuzzleFlash.MuzzleFlashLightIntensity;
            m_MuzzleFlash.MuzzleFlashLight.range     = m_MuzzleFlash.MuzzleFlashLigthRange;


            // Hide the weapon at the beginning of the game.
 void OnEnable()
     Instance = this;
Example #3
 private void Awake()
     Instance = this;