Example #1
    public void ApplyKnockback()
        // For editor debugging, select whether or not player should have knockback applied to them from weapon fire.
        if (!applyWeaponKnockback)

        // If currently selected item is null, dont do anything
        if (pHand.CurrentlySelected == null)

        // Knockback currently is only applied from using weapon cards. (subject to change)
        if (pHand.CurrentlySelected.CardType != ItemType.weapon)

        // Type cast so I can extract the Knockback data from the weapon
        WeaponCardSO weapon = pHand.CurrentlySelected as WeaponCardSO;

        // Direction the knockback should be applied (should be opposite of direction projectile was fired)
        Vector3 dir = -(_projSpawnLocation.transform.position - transform.position);

        // I don't think I need to check if null anymore but its here just in case.
        // Also, knockback is just an impulse force applied to player's rigidbody2d
        if (weapon != null)
            _rb.AddForce(weapon.KnockBackMagnitude * dir.normalized * Time.fixedDeltaTime, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
Example #2
    /* --------------------------------------- */
    /* ---------------- Public --------------- */
    /* --------------------------------------- */

    /// <summary> Only used for shooting weapon cards. </summary>
    public void FireProjectile()
        // Cant shoot if player not holding a gun
        if (pHand.CurrentlySelected == null)

        // If currently selected card is not of type "weapon" don't do anything
        if (pHand.CurrentlySelected.CardType != ItemType.weapon)

        // Type conversion to WeaponCardSO since not all cards can shoot...
        WeaponCardSO weaponCardRefr = pHand.CurrentlySelected as WeaponCardSO;

         * Might modify how projectile timing works. This currently allows for "full auto" weapon types
         * without instantiating like hundreds of projectiles in a fraction of a second since this function
         * could theoretically be called every single frame
        if ((Time.time - timeSinceLastAttack) >= weaponCardRefr.ROF)
            // Cache time last fired weapon
            timeSinceLastAttack = Time.time;

            // Spawn the projectile to fire
            ProjectileHandler refr = LeanPool.Spawn <ProjectileHandler>(_projComponentRefr, _projSpawnLocation.position, _projSpawnLocation.rotation, _projParentObject.transform);

            // Set the ProjectileData for the spawned projectile
            refr._projData = weaponCardRefr.ProjectileData;

            if (UpdateProjectileData != null)

            // Activate necessary events
            if (KnockbackEvent != null)
            if (CameraShakeEvent != null)