public static async Task <RemoteHostClient> CreateAsync(HostWorkspaceServices services, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.ServiceHubRemoteHostClient_CreateAsync, KeyValueLogMessage.NoProperty, cancellationToken)) { Logger.Log(FunctionId.RemoteHost_Bitness, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(LogType.Trace, m => m["64bit"] = RemoteHostOptions.IsServiceHubProcess64Bit(services))); // let each client to have unique id so that we can distinguish different clients when service is restarted var clientId = $"VS ({Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}) ({Guid.NewGuid()})"; var hostGroup = new HostGroup(clientId); var hubClient = new HubClient("ManagedLanguage.IDE.RemoteHostClient"); // use the hub client logger for unexpected exceptions from devenv as well, so we have complete information in the log: WatsonReporter.InitializeLogger(hubClient.Logger); var remoteHostStream = await RequestServiceAsync(services, hubClient, WellKnownServiceHubService.RemoteHost, hostGroup, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); var client = new ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(services, hubClient, hostGroup, remoteHostStream); var uiCultureLCID = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID; var cultureLCID = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; bool success = false; try { // initialize the remote service await client._endPoint.InvokeAsync <string>( nameof(IRemoteHostService.InitializeGlobalState), new object[] { clientId, uiCultureLCID, cultureLCID, TelemetryService.DefaultSession.SerializeSettings() }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { client.Dispose(); } } client.Started(); return(client); } }
private bool CanHandle(string errorId) { // make sure we have error id, otherwise, we simple don't support // this error if (errorId == null) { // record NFW to see who violates contract. WatsonReporter.ReportNonFatal(new Exception("errorId is null")); return(false); } // we accept all compiler diagnostics if (errorId.StartsWith(_errorCodePrefix)) { return(true); } return(DiagnosticProvider.IsSupportedDiagnosticId(_projectId, errorId)); }
public static async Task <RemoteHostClient?> CreateAsync(Workspace workspace, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.ServiceHubRemoteHostClient_CreateAsync, cancellationToken)) { // let each client to have unique id so that we can distinguish different clients when service is restarted var clientId = CreateClientId(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString()); var hostGroup = new HostGroup(clientId); var hubClient = new HubClient("ManagedLanguage.IDE.RemoteHostClient"); // use the hub client logger for unexpected exceptions from devenv as well, so we have complete information in the log: WatsonReporter.InitializeLogger(hubClient.Logger); var remoteHostStream = await RequestServiceAsync(workspace, hubClient, WellKnownServiceHubServices.RemoteHostService, hostGroup, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); var client = new ServiceHubRemoteHostClient(workspace, hubClient, hostGroup, remoteHostStream); var uiCultureLCID = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.LCID; var cultureLCID = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; bool success = false; try { // initialize the remote service _ = await client._endPoint.InvokeAsync <string>( nameof(IRemoteHostService.Connect), new object[] { clientId, uiCultureLCID, cultureLCID, TelemetryService.DefaultSession.SerializeSettings() }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { client.Dispose(); } } client.Started(); return(client); } }
private static void SetGlobalContext(string serializedSession) { // set global telemetry session var session = GetTelemetrySession(serializedSession); if (session == null) { return; } // set roslyn loggers WatsonReporter.SetTelemetrySession(session); RoslynLogger.SetLogger(AggregateLogger.Create(new VSTelemetryLogger(session), RoslynLogger.GetLogger())); // set both handler as NFW FatalError.Handler = WatsonReporter.Report; FatalError.NonFatalHandler = WatsonReporter.Report; }
private void ReportExtraInfoAsNFW(Exception ex) { WatsonReporter.Report("RemoteHost Failed", ex, u => { try { // we will record dumps for all service hub processes foreach (var p in Process.GetProcessesByName("ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32")) { // include all remote host processes u.AddProcessDump(p.Id); } // include all service hub logs as well var logPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "servicehub", "logs"); if (Directory.Exists(logPath)) { // attach all log files that are modified less than 1 day before. var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var oneDay = TimeSpan.FromDays(1); foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(logPath, "*.log")) { var lastWrite = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(file); if (now - lastWrite > oneDay) { continue; } u.AddFile(file); } } } catch { // ignore issue } // 0 means send watson return(0); }); }
protected override async Task InitializeAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <ServiceProgressData> progress) { await base.InitializeAsync(cancellationToken, progress).ConfigureAwait(true); await JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken); _componentModel = (IComponentModel) await GetServiceAsync(typeof(SComponentModel)).ConfigureAwait(true); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); Assumes.Present(_componentModel); // Fetch the session synchronously on the UI thread; if this doesn't happen before we try using this on // the background thread then we will experience hangs like we see in this bug: // or // var telemetrySession = TelemetryService.DefaultSession; WatsonReporter.InitializeFatalErrorHandlers(telemetrySession); // Ensure the options persisters are loaded since we have to fetch options from the shell _componentModel.GetExtensions <IOptionPersister>(); _workspace = _componentModel.GetService <VisualStudioWorkspace>(); _workspace.Services.GetService <IExperimentationService>(); RoslynTelemetrySetup.Initialize(this, telemetrySession); InitializeColors(); // load some services that have to be loaded in UI thread LoadComponentsInUIContextOnceSolutionFullyLoadedAsync(cancellationToken).Forget(); _solutionEventMonitor = new SolutionEventMonitor(_workspace); TrackBulkFileOperations(); }
private void OnStatusChanged(object sender, bool started) { if (started) { return; } Contract.ThrowIfNull(_shutdownCancellationTokenSource); if (_shutdownCancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { lock (_gate) { // RemoteHost has been disabled _remoteClientTask = null; } } else { lock (_gate) { // save last remoteHostClient s_lastRemoteClientTask = _remoteClientTask; // save NoOpRemoteHostClient to remoteClient so that all RemoteHost call becomes // No Op. this basically have same effect as disabling all RemoteHost features _remoteClientTask = Task.FromResult <RemoteHostClient?>(new RemoteHostClient.NoOpClient(_workspace)); } // s_lastRemoteClientTask info should be saved in the dump // report NFW when connection is closed unless it is proper shutdown WatsonReporter.Report(new Exception("Connection to remote host closed"), WatsonSeverity.Critical); RemoteHostCrashInfoBar.ShowInfoBar(_workspace); } }
static ServiceBase() { WatsonReporter.InitializeFatalErrorHandlers(); }
static VisualStudioWorkspace() { WatsonReporter.InitializeFatalErrorHandlers(); }
public void UnregisterUnexpectedExceptionLogger(TraceSource logger) => WatsonReporter.UnregisterLogger(logger);
public static void ReportNonFatalWatsonWithServiceHubLogs(Exception ex, string message) { WatsonReporter.Report(message, ex, AddServiceHubLogFiles, WatsonSeverity.Critical); }