public async Task DownloadCPSalesDateRange(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int docSetId)
            StatusModel.Timer("Downloading CP Sales Data...");
            using (var ctx = new WaterNutDBEntities()
                CommandTimeout = 0
                await ctx.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(@"

                                    DELETE From EntryData
                                    Where EntryDataId in (SELECT distinct INVNO
                                    FROM     CounterPointSales
                                    WHERE  (DATE >= @StartDate and DATE <= @EndDate))
                                    INSERT INTO EntryData
                                                      (EntryDataId, EntryDataDate)
                                    SELECT distinct INVNO, DATE
                                    FROM     CounterPointSales
                                    WHERE  (DATE >= @StartDate and DATE <= @EndDate)

                                    INSERT INTO AsycudaDocumentSetEntryData
                                                      (EntryDataId, AsycudaDocumentSetId)
                                    SELECT distinct INVNO, @AsycudaDocumentSetId
                                    FROM     CounterPointSales
                                    WHERE  (DATE >= @StartDate and DATE <= @EndDate)

                                    DELETE From EntryData_Sales
                                    Where EntryDataId in (SELECT distinct INVNO
                                    FROM     CounterPointSales
                                    WHERE  (DATE >= @StartDate and DATE <= @EndDate))

                                    INSERT INTO EntryData_Sales
                                                      (EntryDataId, INVNumber, TaxAmount,CustomerName)
                                    SELECT distinct INVNO, INVNO AS Expr1,TAX_AMT, [CUSTOMER NAME]
                                    FROM     CounterPointSales
                                    WHERE  (DATE >= @StartDate and DATE <= @EndDate)

                                    INSERT INTO InventoryItems
                                                      (ItemNumber, Description)
                                    SELECT CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO, MAX(CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_DESCR) AS ITEM_DESCR
                                    FROM     CounterPointSalesDetails LEFT OUTER JOIN
                                                      InventoryItems AS InventoryItems_1 ON CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO = InventoryItems_1.ItemNumber
                                    WHERE  (CounterPointSalesDetails.DATE >= @StartDate) AND (CounterPointSalesDetails.DATE <= @EndDate) AND (InventoryItems_1.ItemNumber IS NULL)
                                    GROUP BY CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO
                                    HAVING (LEFT(CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO, 1) <> '*')   

                                    INSERT INTO EntryDataDetails
                                                      (EntryDataId, LineNumber, ItemNumber, Quantity, Units, ItemDescription, Cost, UnitWeight, QtyAllocated)
                                    SELECT INVNO, SEQ_NO, ITEM_NO, QUANTITY, QTY_UNIT, ITEM_DESCR, COST, isnull(UNIT_WEIGHT,0),0
                                    FROM     CounterPointSalesDetails
                                    WHERE   (DATE >= @StartDate and DATE <= @EndDate) AND Left(CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO,1) <>'*'",

                                                   new SqlParameter("@AsycudaDocumentSetId", docSetId),
                                                   new SqlParameter("@StartDate", startDate),
                                                   new SqlParameter("@EndDate", endDate)).ConfigureAwait(false);

        public async Task DownloadCPSales(CounterPointSales c, int docSetId)
            //WaterNutDBEntities db = BaseDataModel.db;//new WaterNutDBEntities(Properties.Settings.Default.WaterNutDBEntitiesConnection);
            if (docSetId != 0)
                StatusModel.Timer("Downloading CP Sales...");
                using (var ctx = new WaterNutDBEntities()
                    CommandTimeout = 0
                    await ctx.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(@"
                                    Delete from EntryData
                                    Where EntryDataId = @INVNumber

                                    Delete from EntryData_Sales
                                    Where EntryDataId = @INVNumber

                                    INSERT INTO EntryData
                                                      (EntryDataId, EntryDataDate)
                                    SELECT INVNO, DATE
                                    FROM     CounterPointSales
                                    WHERE  (INVNO = @INVNumber)

                                    INSERT INTO AsycudaDocumentSetEntryData
                                                      (EntryDataId, AsycudaDocumentSetId)
                                    SELECT INVNO, @AsycudaDocumentSetId
                                    FROM     CounterPointSales
                                    WHERE  (INVNO = @INVNumber)

                                    INSERT INTO EntryData_Sales
                                                      (EntryDataId, INVNumber, TaxAmount,CustomerName)
                                    SELECT distinct INVNO, INVNO AS Expr1,TAX_AMT, [CUSTOMER NAME]
                                    FROM     CounterPointSales
                                    WHERE  (INVNO = @INVNumber)

                                    INSERT INTO InventoryItems
                                                      (ItemNumber, Description)
                                    SELECT CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO, CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_DESCR
                                    FROM     CounterPointSalesDetails LEFT OUTER JOIN
                                                      InventoryItems AS InventoryItems_1 ON CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO = InventoryItems_1.ItemNumber
                                    WHERE  (CounterPointSalesDetails.INVNO = @INVNumber) AND (InventoryItems_1.ItemNumber IS NULL) AND Left(CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO,1) <>'*'

                                    INSERT INTO EntryDataDetails
                                                      (EntryDataId, LineNumber, ItemNumber, Quantity, Units, ItemDescription, Cost, UnitWeight, QtyAllocated)
                                    SELECT INVNO, SEQ_NO, ITEM_NO, QUANTITY, QTY_UNIT, ITEM_DESCR, COST, isnull(UNIT_WEIGHT,0), 0
                                    FROM     CounterPointSalesDetails
                                    WHERE  (INVNO = @INVNumber) AND Left(CounterPointSalesDetails.ITEM_NO,1) <>'*'",

                                                       new SqlParameter("@AsycudaDocumentSetId", docSetId),
                                                       new SqlParameter("@INVNumber", c.InvoiceNo)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                StatusModel.Timer("Refreshing Sales Data");

Example #3
        public async Task DownloadCPO(CounterPointPOs c, int asycudaDocumentSetId)
            if (c == null)
            if (asycudaDocumentSetId != 0)
                StatusModel.Timer("Downloading CP Data...");
                using (var ctx = new WaterNutDBEntities()
                    CommandTimeout = 0
                    await ctx.ExecuteStoreCommandAsync(@"

                                    Delete from EntryData
                                    Where EntryDataId = @PONumber

                                    Delete from EntryData_PurchaseOrders
                                    Where EntryDataId = @PONumber

                                    INSERT INTO EntryData
                                                      (EntryDataId, EntryDataDate)
                                    SELECT PO_NO, DATE
                                    FROM     CounterPointPOs
                                    WHERE  (PO_NO = @PONumber)

                                    INSERT INTO AsycudaDocumentSetEntryData
                                                      (EntryDataId, AsycudaDocumentSetId)
                                    SELECT PO_NO, @AsycudaDocumentSetId
                                    FROM     CounterPointPOs
                                    WHERE  (PO_NO = @PONumber)

                                    INSERT INTO EntryData_PurchaseOrders
                                                      (EntryDataId, PONumber)
                                    SELECT distinct PO_NO, PO_NO AS Expr1
                                    FROM     CounterPointPOs
                                    WHERE  (PO_NO = @PONumber)

                                    INSERT INTO InventoryItems
                                                      (ItemNumber, Description)
                                    SELECT Distinct CounterPointPODetails.ITEM_NO, CounterPointPODetails.ITEM_DESCR
                                    FROM     CounterPointPODetails LEFT OUTER JOIN
                                                      InventoryItems AS InventoryItems_1 ON CounterPointPODetails.ITEM_NO = InventoryItems_1.ItemNumber
                                    WHERE  (CounterPointPODetails.PO_NO = @PONumber) AND (InventoryItems_1.ItemNumber IS NULL) AND Left(CounterPointPODetails.ITEM_NO,1) <>'*'

                                    INSERT INTO EntryDataDetails
                                                      (EntryDataId, LineNumber, ItemNumber, Quantity, Units, ItemDescription, Cost, UnitWeight, QtyAllocated)
                                    SELECT PO_NO, SEQ_NO, ITEM_NO, ORD_QTY, ORD_UNIT, ITEM_DESCR, ORD_COST, UNIT_WEIGHT, 0
                                    FROM     CounterPointPODetails
                                    WHERE  (PO_NO = @PONumber) AND Left(CounterPointPODetails.ITEM_NO,1) <>'*'",

                                                       new SqlParameter("@AsycudaDocumentSetId", asycudaDocumentSetId), new SqlParameter("@PONumber", c.PurchaseOrderNo)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                StatusModel.Timer("Refreshing CP Data...");

                throw new ApplicationException("Please Select a Asycuda Document Set before downloading PO");