public void OnStart(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (Dump.PlayerLock.Contains(ev.Player.UserId)) { ev.Allow = false; } }
public void OnWarheadStart(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (!IsAutoWarheadStart) { Expansions.Broadcast(Configs.BroadcastTime, Configs.WarheadStart); } }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (plugin.Active) { ev.OpenDoorsAfter = false; } }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (cm.GetBoolValue("rank_enabled", true)) { DBConnection db = new DBConnection(main); switch (ev.Activator.TeamRole.Team) { case Smod2.API.Team.CLASSD: db.AddPoint(ev.Activator.SteamId, main.GetConfigInt("rank_point_nuke_start_classd")); break; case Smod2.API.Team.CHAOS_INSURGENCY: db.AddPoint(ev.Activator.SteamId, main.GetConfigInt("rank_point_nuke_start_ci")); break; case Smod2.API.Team.NINETAILFOX: db.AddPoint(ev.Activator.SteamId, main.GetConfigInt("rank_point_nuke_start_ntf")); break; case Smod2.API.Team.SCIENTIST: db.AddPoint(ev.Activator.SteamId, main.GetConfigInt("rank_point_nuke_start_scient")); break; case Smod2.API.Team.SCP: db.AddPoint(ev.Activator.SteamId, main.GetConfigInt("rank_point_nuke_start_scp")); break; } } }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { /// <summary> /// This is the event handler for when the warhead starts counting down, isResumed is false if its the initial count down. Note: activator can be null /// </summary> Dictionary <string, string> variables = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "isresumed", ev.IsResumed.ToString() }, { "timeleft", ev.TimeLeft.ToString() }, { "ipaddress", ev.Activator.IpAddress }, { "name", ev.Activator.Name }, { "playerid", ev.Activator.PlayerId.ToString() }, { "steamid", ev.Activator.SteamId }, { "class", ev.Activator.TeamRole.Role.ToString() }, { "team", ev.Activator.TeamRole.Team.ToString() } }; if (ev.IsResumed) { plugin.SendMessageToBot(plugin.GetConfigString("discord_channel_onstartcountdown"), "environment.onstartcountdown.countdownresumed", variables); } else { plugin.SendMessageToBot(plugin.GetConfigString("discord_channel_onstartcountdown"), "environment.onstartcountdown", variables); } }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { /// <summary> /// This is the event handler for when the warhead starts counting down, isResumed is false if its the initial count down. Note: activator can be null /// </summary> plugin.SendMessageAsync(plugin.GetConfigString("discord_channel_onstartcountdown"), plugin.MultiLanguage(44)); }
void IEventHandlerWarheadStartCountdown.OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { send(ev, new IdMapping() .appendId(Lib.EVENT_ACTIVATOR_ID, ev.Activator) .appendId(Lib.EVENT_ACTIVATOR_SCPDATA_ID, ev.Activator.Scp079Data) .appendId(Lib.EVENT_ACTIVATOR_TEAMROLE_ID, ev.Activator.TeamRole) ); }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (ConfigManager.Manager.Config.GetBoolValue("admintoolbox_custom_nuke_cards", false)) { int[] allowedCards = ConfigManager.Manager.Config.GetIntListValue("admintoolbox_nuke_card_list", new int[] { 6, 9, 11 }, false); ev.Cancel = !allowedCards.Contains((int)ev.Activator.GetCurrentItem().ItemType); } }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (GamemodeManager.GamemodeManager.GetCurrentMode().Equals(plugin)) { if (NE_Config.NE_NukeShouldMessage) { plugin.Server.Map.Broadcast(20, NE_Config.NE_NukeMessage, true); } } }
public void OnStart(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (!Sitrep.Events.Contains("warheadstartevent")) { return; } if (!Sitrep.CustomChannelIds.TryGetValue("warheadstartevent", out ulong channel)) { channel = Sitrep.EventsId; } Send($":biohazard: [{ev.Player.Role.AsString()}] {ev.Player.Nick.DiscordSanitize()} ({ev.Player.ParsedUserId}) spustil detonaci Alpha Warhead.", channel); }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (ev.Activator == null) { string[] message = File.ReadAllLines(CustomAnnouncements.WarheadAutoStartFilePath); if (message.Length > 0) { plugin.pluginManager.Server.Map.AnnounceCustomMessage(CustomAnnouncements.ReplaceVariables(CustomAnnouncements.SpacePeriods(CustomAnnouncements.StringArrayToString(message, 0)))); plugin.Info("Running auto warhead announcement..."); } } }
public static void InvokeWarheadStart(GameObject player, ref bool allow) { if (WarheadStartEvent == null) { return; } WarheadStartEvent ev = new WarheadStartEvent { Player = player == null ? null : player.GetPlayer(), Allow = allow }; WarheadStartEvent.Invoke(ev); allow = ev.Allow; }
/// <summary> /// Checks config to see if 343 should interact with the nuke or not. This is really buggy is set to false. /// </summary> public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (ev.Activator != null) { if (Is343(ev.Activator)) { if (_343Config.Nuke_Interact) { ev.Cancel = false; } else { ev.Cancel = true; } } } }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { /// <summary> /// This is the event handler for when the warhead starts counting down, isResumed is false if its the initial count down. Note: activator can be null /// </summary> if (ev.Activator == null) { Dictionary <string, string> vars = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "isresumed", ev.IsResumed.ToString() }, { "timeleft", ev.TimeLeft.ToString() }, { "opendoorsafter", ev.OpenDoorsAfter.ToString() } }; plugin.SendMessage(Config.GetArray("channels.onstartcountdown.noplayer"), "environment.onstartcountdown.noplayer", vars); return; } Dictionary <string, string> variables = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "isresumed", ev.IsResumed.ToString() }, { "timeleft", ev.TimeLeft.ToString() }, { "opendoorsafter", ev.OpenDoorsAfter.ToString() }, { "ipaddress", ev.Activator.IpAddress }, { "name", ev.Activator.Name }, { "playerid", ev.Activator.PlayerId.ToString() }, { "steamid", ev.Activator.SteamId }, { "class", ev.Activator.TeamRole.Role.ToString() }, { "team", ev.Activator.TeamRole.Team.ToString() } }; if (ev.IsResumed) { plugin.SendMessage(Config.GetArray("channels.onstartcountdown.resumed"), "environment.onstartcountdown.resumed", variables); } else { plugin.SendMessage(Config.GetArray("channels.onstartcountdown.initiated"), "environment.onstartcountdown.initiated", variables); } }
/// <summary> /// This is the event handler for when the warhead starts counting down, isResumed is false if its the initial count down. Note: activator can be null /// </summary> public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { if (ev.Activator == null) { Dictionary <string, string> vars = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "isresumed", ev.IsResumed.ToString() }, { "timeleft", ev.TimeLeft.ToString() }, { "opendoorsafter", ev.OpenDoorsAfter.ToString() } }; this.plugin.SendMessage(Config.GetArray("channels.onstartcountdown.noplayer"), "environment.onstartcountdown.noplayer", vars); return; } Dictionary <string, string> variables = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "isresumed", ev.IsResumed.ToString() }, { "timeleft", ev.TimeLeft.ToString() }, { "opendoorsafter", ev.OpenDoorsAfter.ToString() }, { "ipaddress", ev.Activator.IpAddress }, { "name", ev.Activator.Name }, { "playerid", ev.Activator.PlayerId.ToString() }, { "steamid", ev.Activator.GetParsedUserID() }, { "class", ev.Activator.TeamRole.Role.ToString() }, { "team", ev.Activator.TeamRole.Team.ToString() } }; if (ev.IsResumed) { this.plugin.SendMessage(Config.GetArray("channels.onstartcountdown.resumed"), "environment.onstartcountdown.resumed", variables); } else { this.plugin.SendMessage(Config.GetArray("channels.onstartcountdown.initiated"), "environment.onstartcountdown.initiated", variables); } }
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { plugin.luaHookCall.Function.Call("OnStartCountdown", ev.Activator, ev.Cancel, ev.IsResumed, ev.OpenDoorsAfter, ev.TimeLeft); }
//Now the warhead starts automatically after 10 minutes, and LCZ after 6. -Nico public void OnStartCountDown(WarheadStartEvent WEV) { WEV.TimeLeft = 600f; }
public void OnWarheadStart(WarheadStartEvent ev) => ? $"**Alpha warhead detonation sequence engaged! The underground section of the facility will be detonated in T-minus {ev.TimeToDetonation} seconds!**" : $"**Alpha warhead detonation sequence resumed! {ev.TimeToDetonation} seconds to detonation!**");
public void OnStartCountdown(WarheadStartEvent ev) { InitTimer(2); }