public void ShouldInitializeRepositoriesWhenLoaded()
            var context =
                new OneLaunchContextMock().WithUserSettings(new UserSettings()
                Repositories =
                    new Dictionary <string, List <Repository> >()
                        "REPO1", new List <Repository>()
                            new Repository()
                                Path = "Path1", Name = "Name1"
                            new Repository()
                                Path = "Path2", Name = "Name2"
                        "REPO2", new List <Repository>()
                            new Repository()
                                Path = "Path3", Name = "Name3"

            var vm = new SettingsViewViewModel()
                Context = context

            Assert.That(vm.Repositories, Has.Count.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(vm.SettingsChanged, Is.False);


            WaitUtils.WaitFor(() => vm.Repositories.Count == 3, 10);

            // The repository dico should have been flatten
            Assert.That(vm.Repositories, Has.Count.EqualTo(3));
            AssertRepositoryViewModel(vm.Repositories[0], "REPO1", "Name1", "Path1");
            AssertRepositoryViewModel(vm.Repositories[1], "REPO1", "Name2", "Path2");
            AssertRepositoryViewModel(vm.Repositories[2], "REPO2", "Name3", "Path3");

            Assert.That(vm.SettingsChanged, Is.False);
        public void ShouldInitializeLaunchersWhenLoaded()
            var context =
                new OneLaunchContextMock().WithUserSettings(new UserSettings()
                ExcludedLauncherFilePaths = new List <string>()
                    "OldPath"     // This one does not exist any more (it's not part of the discovered launchers)

            var loader = new Mock <IConfigurationLoader>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            loader.Setup(mock => mock.DiscoverFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory))
                new DiscoveredLauncher()
                    FilePath = "Path1"
                },                                                   // Is in the exclusion list, so will be excluded
                new DiscoveredLauncher()
                    FilePath = "Path2"
                }                                                   // Is not in the list, so will be active

            var vm = new SettingsViewViewModel()
                Context = context,
                Loader  = loader.Object

            Assert.That(vm.Repositories, Has.Count.EqualTo(0));
            Assert.That(vm.SettingsChanged, Is.False);


            WaitUtils.WaitFor(() => vm.Launchers.Count == 2, 10);

            // This file was excluded, according to the settings
            Assert.That(vm.Launchers[0].Path, Is.EqualTo("Path1"));
            Assert.That(vm.Launchers[0].Active, Is.False);

            // It was not in the user settings, so we'll suppose it's active
            Assert.That(vm.Launchers[1].Path, Is.EqualTo("Path2"));
            Assert.That(vm.Launchers[1].Active, Is.True);

Example #3
        public void ShouldInitializeLaunchersWhenLoaded(bool defaultSettings)
            var settings = new Mock <ISettingsView>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // When the settings are the default ones, it means it's the first time the app is launched
            // We'll open the settings view, before the load is completed, to let the user defines his repositories location
            if (defaultSettings)
                .Setup(mock => mock.ShowDialog())

            var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();

            containerBuilder.RegisterInstance(settings.Object).As <ISettingsView>();

            using (ContainerOverrider.Override(containerBuilder.Build()))
                var launchersNodes = new[] { new LaunchersNode()
                                                 Header = "Header1"
                                             } };

                var loader = new Mock <IConfigurationLoader>(MockBehavior.Strict);
                .Setup(mock => mock.LoadConfiguration(Environment.CurrentDirectory))

                var context = new OneLaunchContextMock().WithUserSettings(new UserSettings()
                    IsDefaultSettings = defaultSettings

                var vm = new OneLauncherViewModel()
                    ConfigurationLoader = loader.Object,
                    Context             = context

                var builder  = new Mock <IRadialMenuItemBuilder>(MockBehavior.Strict);
                var menuItem = new RadialMenuItem();
                .Setup(mock => mock.BuildMenuItems(It.IsIn <IEnumerable <LaunchersNode> >(launchersNodes), It.IsIn(vm)))
                .Returns(new[] { menuItem })

                vm.RadialMenuItemBuilder = builder.Object;

                // As long as the load is not completed, the VM should maintain the view closed
                Assert.That(vm.IsOpened, Is.False);

                var initialLaunchers = vm.Launchers;
                Assert.That(initialLaunchers, Has.Count.EqualTo(0));


                WaitUtils.WaitFor(() => vm.IsOpened, 10, 1);

                Assert.That(vm.Launchers, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));
                Assert.That(vm.Launchers[0], Is.SameAs(menuItem));

                // Now it should be opened
                Assert.That(vm.IsOpened, Is.True);
