Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void DoMainLogic()
                WXService wxs = new WXService();
                JObject init_result = wxs.WxInit();  //初始化

                List <object> contact_all = new List <object>();
                if (init_result != null)
                    _me = new WXUser();
                    _me.UserName = init_result["User"]["UserName"].ToString();
                    _me.City = "";
                    _me.HeadImgUrl = init_result["User"]["HeadImgUrl"].ToString();
                    _me.NickName = init_result["User"]["NickName"].ToString();
                    _me.Province = "";
                    _me.PYQuanPin = init_result["User"]["PYQuanPin"].ToString();
                    _me.RemarkName = init_result["User"]["RemarkName"].ToString();
                    _me.RemarkPYQuanPin = init_result["User"]["RemarkPYQuanPin"].ToString();
                    _me.Sex = init_result["User"]["Sex"].ToString();
                    _me.Signature = init_result["User"]["Signature"].ToString();

                    foreach (JObject contact in init_result["ContactList"])  //部分好友名单
                        WXUser user = new WXUser();
                        user.UserName = contact["UserName"].ToString();
                        user.City = contact["City"].ToString();
                        user.HeadImgUrl = contact["HeadImgUrl"].ToString();
                        user.NickName = contact["NickName"].ToString();
                        user.Province = contact["Province"].ToString();
                        user.PYQuanPin = contact["PYQuanPin"].ToString();
                        user.RemarkName = contact["RemarkName"].ToString();
                        user.RemarkPYQuanPin = contact["RemarkPYQuanPin"].ToString();
                        user.Sex = contact["Sex"].ToString();
                        user.Signature = contact["Signature"].ToString();


                JObject contact_result = wxs.GetContact(); //通讯录
                if (contact_result != null)
                    foreach (JObject contact in contact_result["MemberList"])  //完整好友名单
                        WXUser user = new WXUser();
                        user.UserName = contact["UserName"].ToString();
                        user.City = contact["City"].ToString();
                        user.HeadImgUrl = contact["HeadImgUrl"].ToString();
                        user.NickName = contact["NickName"].ToString();
                        user.Province = contact["Province"].ToString();
                        user.PYQuanPin = contact["PYQuanPin"].ToString();
                        user.RemarkName = contact["RemarkName"].ToString();
                        user.RemarkPYQuanPin = contact["RemarkPYQuanPin"].ToString();
                        user.Sex = contact["Sex"].ToString();
                        user.Signature = contact["Signature"].ToString();

                IOrderedEnumerable <object> list_all = contact_all.OrderBy(e => (e as WXUser).ShowPinYin);

                WXUser wx; string start_char;
                foreach (object o in list_all)
                    wx = o as WXUser;
                    start_char = wx.ShowPinYin == "" ? "" : wx.ShowPinYin.Substring(0, 1);
                    if (!_contact_all.Contains(start_char.ToUpper()))

                this.BeginInvoke((Action)(delegate()  //等待结束
                    _lblWait.Visible = false;

                    wChatList1.Items.AddRange(_contact_latest.ToArray());  //近期联系人
                    wFriendsList1.Items.AddRange(_contact_all.ToArray());  //通讯录
                    wpersonalinfo.FriendUser = _me;

                string sync_flag = "";
                JObject sync_result;
                while (true)
                    sync_flag = wxs.WxSyncCheck();  //同步检查
                    if (sync_flag == null)
                    //这里应该判断 sync_flag中selector的值
                    else //有消息
                        sync_result = wxs.WxSync();  //进行同步
                        if (sync_result != null)
                            if (sync_result["AddMsgCount"] != null && sync_result["AddMsgCount"].ToString() != "0")
                                foreach (JObject m in sync_result["AddMsgList"])
                                    string from = m["FromUserName"].ToString();
                                    string to = m["ToUserName"].ToString();
                                    string content = m["Content"].ToString();
                                    string type = m["MsgType"].ToString();

                                    WXMsg msg = new WXMsg();
                                    msg.From = from;
                                    msg.Msg = type == "1" ? content : "请在其他设备上查看消息1111";  //只接受文本消息
                                    msg.Readed = false;
                                    msg.Time = DateTime.Now;
                                    msg.To = to;
                                    msg.Type = int.Parse(type);

                                    if (msg.Type == 51)  //屏蔽一些系统数据
                                    if ((msg.To == "@@ab5c137f16c29a0140eacfa2034c287da5f33961fee17e3a2ac54c0eb7a30d14") || (msg.From == "@@ab5c137f16c29a0140eacfa2034c287da5f33961fee17e3a2ac54c0eb7a30d14"))

                                    this.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate()
                                        WXUser user; bool exist_latest_contact = false;
                                        foreach (Object u in wChatList1.Items)
                                            user = u as WXUser;
                                            if (user != null)
                                                if (user.UserName == msg.From && msg.To == _me.UserName)  //接收别人消息

                                                    //label1.Text = msg.;
                                                    wChatList1.Items.Insert(0, user);
                                                    exist_latest_contact = true;
                                                else if (user.UserName == msg.To && msg.From == _me.UserName)  //同步自己在其他设备上发送的消息
                                                    wChatList1.Items.Insert(0, user);
                                                    exist_latest_contact = true;
                                                    user.SendMsg(msg, true);
                                        if (!exist_latest_contact)
                                            foreach (object o in wFriendsList1.Items)
                                                WXUser friend = o as WXUser;
                                                if (friend != null && friend.UserName == msg.From && msg.To == _me.UserName)
                                                    wChatList1.Items.Insert(0, friend);
                                                if (friend != null && friend.UserName == msg.To && msg.From == _me.UserName)
                                                    wChatList1.Items.Insert(0, friend);
                                                    friend.SendMsg(msg, true);
            })).BeginInvoke(null, null);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void DoMainLogic()
                Dictionary <string, string> ss = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                //if (!ss.ContainsKey("1"))
                //    ss.Add("1", "1");
                string sid = LoginCore.GetPassTicket(Uin).WxSid;
                WXService wxs = new WXService();
                wxs.Uin = Uin;
                wxs.Sid = sid;
                wxs.robotID = robotID;
                JObject init_result = wxs.WxInit();  //初始化
                List <object> contact_all = new List <object>();
                if (init_result != null)
                    _me = new WXUser();
                    _me.uin = wxs.Uin;
                    _me.UserName = init_result["User"]["UserName"].ToString();
                    _me.City = "";
                    _me.HeadImgUrl = init_result["User"]["HeadImgUrl"].ToString();
                    _me.NickName = init_result["User"]["NickName"].ToString();
                    _me.Province = "";
                    _me.PYQuanPin = init_result["User"]["PYQuanPin"].ToString();
                    _me.RemarkName = init_result["User"]["RemarkName"].ToString();
                    _me.RemarkPYQuanPin = init_result["User"]["RemarkPYQuanPin"].ToString();
                    _me.Sex = init_result["User"]["Sex"].ToString();
                    _me.Signature = init_result["User"]["Signature"].ToString();
                    foreach (JObject contact in init_result["ContactList"])  //部分好友名单
                        WXUser user = new WXUser();
                        user.uin = wxs.Uin;
                        user.UserName = contact["UserName"].ToString();
                        user.City = contact["City"].ToString();
                        user.HeadImgUrl = contact["HeadImgUrl"].ToString();
                        user.NickName = contact["NickName"].ToString();
                        user.Province = contact["Province"].ToString();
                        user.PYQuanPin = contact["PYQuanPin"].ToString();
                        user.RemarkName = contact["RemarkName"].ToString();
                        user.RemarkPYQuanPin = contact["RemarkPYQuanPin"].ToString();
                        user.Sex = contact["Sex"].ToString();
                        user.Signature = contact["Signature"].ToString();
                JObject contact_result = wxs.GetContact(); //通讯录
                if (contact_result != null)
                    foreach (JObject contact in contact_result["MemberList"])  //完整好友名单
                        WXUser user = new WXUser();
                        user.uin = wxs.Uin;
                        user.UserName = contact["UserName"].ToString();
                        user.City = contact["City"].ToString();
                        user.HeadImgUrl = contact["HeadImgUrl"].ToString();
                        user.NickName = contact["NickName"].ToString();
                        user.Province = contact["Province"].ToString();
                        user.PYQuanPin = contact["PYQuanPin"].ToString();
                        user.RemarkName = contact["RemarkName"].ToString();
                        user.RemarkPYQuanPin = contact["RemarkPYQuanPin"].ToString();
                        user.Sex = contact["Sex"].ToString();
                        user.Signature = contact["Signature"].ToString();
                        //    //写入所有好友信息
                        //    var b = WxOperateLogDal.AddchartLog(wxs.Uin, contact["UserName"].ToString(), contact["City"].ToString(), contact["HeadImgUrl"].ToString(), contact["NickName"].ToString(), contact["Province"].ToString(), contact["PYQuanPin"].ToString(), contact["RemarkName"].ToString(), contact["RemarkPYQuanPin"].ToString(), contact["Sex"].ToString(), contact["Signature"].ToString());
                        //}).BeginInvoke(null, null);
                IOrderedEnumerable <object> list_all = contact_all.OrderBy(e => (e as WXUser).ShowPinYin);

                WXUser wx; string start_char;
                foreach (object o in list_all)
                    wx = o as WXUser;
                    start_char = wx.ShowPinYin == "" ? "" : wx.ShowPinYin.Substring(0, 1);
                    if (!_contact_all.Contains(start_char.ToUpper()))

                this.BeginInvoke((Action)(delegate()   //等待结束
                    _lblWait.Visible = false;
                    wChatList1.Items.AddRange(_contact_latest.ToArray());  //近期联系人
                    wFriendsList1.Items.AddRange(_contact_all.ToArray());  //通讯录
                    wpersonalinfo.FriendUser = _me;
                string sync_flag = "";
                JObject sync_result;
                while (true)
                    sync_flag = wxs.WxSyncCheck();  //同步检查
                    if (sync_flag == null)
                    //这里应该判断 sync_flag中selector的值
                    else //有消息
                        sync_result = wxs.WxSync();  //进行同步
                        if (sync_result != null)
                            if (sync_result["AddMsgCount"] != null && sync_result["AddMsgCount"].ToString() != "0")
                                foreach (JObject m in sync_result["AddMsgList"])
                                    string from = m["FromUserName"].ToString();
                                    string to = m["ToUserName"].ToString();
                                    string content = m["Content"].ToString();
                                    string MsgId = m["MsgId"].ToString();
                                    string type = m["MsgType"].ToString();//语音视频标识
                                    WXMsg msg = new WXMsg();
                                    msg.From = from;
                                    wxs.Uin = Uin;
                                    wxs.Sid = sid;
                                    msg.Sid = wxs.Sid;
                                    msg.Uin = wxs.Uin;
                                    msg.Msg = type == "1" ? content : "收到一个系统数据"; //只接受文本消息
                                    if (msg.Type == 1)                            //屏蔽一些系统数据
                                        msg.Msg = content;
                                    msg.Readed = false;
                                    msg.Time = DateTime.Now;
                                    msg.To = to;
                                    msg.Type = int.Parse(type);
                                    //if (msg.Type == 51)  //屏蔽一些系统数据
                                    //    msg.Msg = "收到一个系统数据";
                                    if (msg.Type == 10000)//进群退群消息
                                        string s = sync_result.ToString();
                                    if (msg.Type == 3)//图片
                                        msg.Msg = content + "收到一个图片";
                                        string sFilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\IMG";
                                        string sFileName = MsgId + ".jpg";
                                        sFileName = sFilePath + "\\" + sFileName; //文件的绝对路径
                                        HttpService.HttpDownloadFile(Constant._getmsgimg_url + MsgId, msg.Uin, sFileName);

                                    if (msg.Type == 34)//语音
                                        msg.Msg = "收到语音点击查看";
                                        //Button newButton = new Button();//创建一个名为newButton的新按钮
                                        //newButton.Width = 150;
                                        //newButton.Text = "NewButton";
                                        //newButton.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(192)))), ((int)(((byte)(255)))), ((int)(((byte)(192)))));
                                        //newButton.Click += new EventHandler(textBox1_Click);
                                        string sFilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\MP3";
                                        string sFileName = MsgId + ".wav";
                                        sFileName = sFilePath + "\\" + sFileName; //文件的绝对路径
                                        HttpService.HttpDownloadFile(Constant._getmsgmp3_url + MsgId, msg.Uin, sFileName);
                                    if (msg.Type == 43)//小视频
                                        msg.Msg = "收到小视频" + "点击查看";
                                        string sFilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\MP4";
                                        string sFileName = MsgId + ".MP4";
                                        sFileName = sFilePath + "\\" + sFileName;
                                        HttpService.HttpDownloadFile(Constant._getmsgvideo_url + MsgId, msg.Uin, sFileName);
                                    if (msg.Type == 62)//视频
                                        msg.Msg = content + "收到一个视频";
                                    if (msg.Type == 10002)//消息撤回
                                        msg.Msg = content + "对方撤回了消息";
                                    if (msg.Type == 42)//好友名片
                                        msg.Msg = content + "收到一个好友名片";
                                    if (msg.Type == 47)//动态表情
                                        msg.Msg = content + "收到一个动态表情";
                                    if (msg.Type == 48)//位置消息
                                        msg.Msg = content + "收到一个位置消息";
                                    if (msg.Type == 49)//分享链接
                                        msg.Msg = content + "收到一个分享链接";
                                    BeginInvoke((Action) delegate()
                                        WXUser user; bool exist_latest_contact = false;
                                        foreach (object u in wChatList1.Items)
                                            user = u as WXUser;

                                            if (user != null)
                                                if (user.UserName == msg.From && msg.To == _me.UserName)  //接收别人消息
                                                    wChatList1.Items.Insert(0, user);
                                                    exist_latest_contact = true;
                                                else if (user.UserName == msg.To && msg.From == _me.UserName)  //同步自己在其他设备上发送的消息
                                                    wChatList1.Items.Insert(0, user);
                                                    exist_latest_contact = true;
                                                    user.SendMsg(msg, true);
                                        if (!exist_latest_contact)
                                            foreach (object o in wFriendsList1.Items)
                                                WXUser friend = o as WXUser;
                                                if (friend != null && friend.UserName == msg.From && msg.To == _me.UserName)
                                                    wChatList1.Items.Insert(0, friend);
                                                if (friend != null && friend.UserName == msg.To && msg.From == _me.UserName)
                                                    wChatList1.Items.Insert(0, friend);
                                                    friend.SendMsg(msg, true);
                                        Wx_AlertForm.ShowWay showWay = Wx_AlertForm.ShowWay.UpDown;
                                        string aftitle = _me.NickName + "收到来自" + _me.ShowName + "一条消息";
                                        string afContent = msg.Msg;
                                        int afShowInTime, afShowTime, afShowOutTime;
                                        int afWidth, afHeigth;
                                        int.TryParse("100", out afShowInTime);
                                        int.TryParse("8000", out afShowTime);
                                        int.TryParse("800", out afShowOutTime);
                                        int.TryParse("250", out afWidth);
                                        int.TryParse("120", out afHeigth);
                                        af = new Wx_AlertForm();
                                        af.Show(afContent, aftitle, showWay, afWidth, afHeigth, afShowInTime, afShowTime, afShowOutTime);
                    //#region 开始任务
                    ////var robotID = table.Rows[0]["RobotId"].ToString();
                    //WxTaskCore wt = new WxTaskCore(sid, Uin, robotID);
                    //wt.user = _me;
                    ////wt.OnRevice += new WxTaskCore.Revice(wt_OnRevice);
                    //wt.OnModifyContact += new WxTaskCore.ModifyContact(wt_OnModifyContact);
                    //wt.OnNotifySend += new WxTaskCore.NotifySend(wt_OnNotifySend);
                    ////ThreadStart start = new ThreadStart(wt.ReviceMsg);
                    ////new Thread(start).Start();
                    //new Thread(new ThreadStart(wt.AutoSendMsg)).Start();
            })).BeginInvoke(null, null);