Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Building a perimeter wall around a large floor or dungeon map is time consuming, especially
        /// when wall pieces have to constantly be rotated into place due to World Wizard's
        /// slightly elaborate tile system.
        /// Build Perimeter Walls assists the player by searching for the perimeter of all contiguous
        /// tiles. Once the perimeter has been found, the walls are erected and added to the
        /// current Scene Graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceTag">the resource to place around the perimeter</param>
        /// <param name="wwObject">the floor tile to start the search from</param>
        public static void BuildPerimeterWalls(string resourceTag, WWObject wwObject)
            IntVector3 curIndex = wwObject.GetCoordinate().Index;
            Dictionary <IntVector3, WWWalls> coordToWalls = SelectPerimeter(curIndex);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <IntVector3, WWWalls> coordToWall in coordToWalls)
                // Note: WWWalls is a bitmask, an there may be multiple perimeter walls
                // for a given coordinate index. Hence why these are if statements and not if elses.
                // if the perimeter wall is on the north side...
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(WWWalls.North & coordToWall.Value))
                    TryToPlaceWall(coordToWall.Key, WWWalls.North, resourceTag);
                // if the perimeter wall is on the east side...
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(WWWalls.East & coordToWall.Value))
                    TryToPlaceWall(coordToWall.Key, WWWalls.East, resourceTag);
                // if the perimeter wall is on the south side...
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(WWWalls.South & coordToWall.Value))
                    TryToPlaceWall(coordToWall.Key, WWWalls.South, resourceTag);
                // if the perimeter wall is on the west side...
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(WWWalls.West & coordToWall.Value))
                    TryToPlaceWall(coordToWall.Key, WWWalls.West, resourceTag);
 /// <summary>
 /// Consumes a WWObject and determines whether this object can fit at its current coordinate,
 /// taking into consideration rotation, or if it collides with other WWObjects being maintained
 /// by this data structure. This is private method and it safe to assume that the WWObject being tested
 /// for collision has not yet been added to this data structure. Note: it would be easy to do a Guid
 /// comparison before checking collision if the use case ever arises in the future.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wwObject">The object to test for collision.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the WWObject can fit without colliding given its current coordinate.</returns>
 private bool Collides(WWObject wwObject)
     if (coordinates.ContainsKey(wwObject.GetCoordinate().Index)) // any objects at coordinate?
         List <WWObject> objectsAtCoord = GetObjects(wwObject.GetCoordinate());
         WWWalls         totalWalls     = 0;                                     // this is a bit mask which will keep the running total of wall collisions
         foreach (WWObject obj in objectsAtCoord)                                // only need to do collision checking at the coordinate index
             if (obj.ResourceMetadata.wwObjectMetadata.type.Equals(WWType.Tile)) // ignore non Tile types
                 // get the walls of the WWObject after applying its rotation transformation
                 WWWalls walls = WWWallsHelper.GetRotatedWWWalls(obj.ResourceMetadata, obj.GetRotation());
                 totalWalls = totalWalls | walls; // OR the walls with the running sum stored in totalWalls
         // now get the walls for the object that is being collision checked for
         WWWalls newWalls    = WWWallsHelper.GetRotatedWWWalls(wwObject.ResourceMetadata, wwObject.GetRotation());
         bool    doesCollide = Convert.ToBoolean(newWalls & totalWalls); // 0 or False if no collision
     return(false); // if there are no objects at the index, obviously there are no collisions
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to Add a WWObject to the data structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wwObject">The object to Add.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the object can be Added to the data structure.</returns>
        public bool Add(WWObject wwObject)
            Coordinate coord = wwObject.GetCoordinate();
            Guid       guid  = wwObject.GetId();

            if (Collides(wwObject) && wwObject.ResourceMetadata.wwObjectMetadata.type.Equals(WWType.Tile))
                Debug.Log("Tile collides with existing tiles. Preventing placement of new tile.");
            if (coordinates.ContainsKey(coord.Index))
                coordinates[coord.Index].Add(guid); // append the existing list of Guids for this index
            else // create new entry in the map
                var guidList = new List <Guid>();
                coordinates.Add(coord.Index, guidList);
            objects.Add(wwObject.GetId(), wwObject);
            return(true); // sucessfully added the object to the data structure