public static string ReportPackager(int cropYear, int contractNumber, string deliveryDates, string fileName, string logoUrl, string pdfTempfolder)
            const string  METHOD_NAME = "ReportPackager: ";
            DirectoryInfo pdfDir      = null;

            FileInfo[] pdfFiles = null;
            string     filePath = "";

            try {
                pdfDir = new DirectoryInfo(pdfTempfolder);

                // Build the output file name by getting a list of all PDF files
                // that begin with this session ID: use this as a name incrementer.
                pdfFiles  = pdfDir.GetFiles(fileName + "*.pdf");
                fileName += "_" + Convert.ToString(pdfFiles.Length + 1) + ".pdf";

                filePath = pdfDir.FullName + @"\" + fileName;

                try {
                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["BeetConn"].ToString())) {
                        using (SqlDataReader drHdr = WSCReportsExec.GrowerDetailReportByDelivery(conn, contractNumber, cropYear, deliveryDates)) {
                            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) {
                                ReportBuilder(drHdr, cropYear, contractNumber, deliveryDates, fs);
                catch (System.Exception ex) {
                    string errMsg = "cropYear: " + cropYear.ToString();

                    WSCIEMP.Common.CException wscEx = new WSCIEMP.Common.CException(MOD_NAME + "." + METHOD_NAME + ": " + errMsg, ex);
                    throw (wscEx);

            catch (System.Exception ex) {
                string errMsg = "cropYear: " + cropYear.ToString();

                WSCIEMP.Common.CException wscEx = new WSCIEMP.Common.CException(MOD_NAME + "." + METHOD_NAME + ": " + errMsg, ex);
                throw (wscEx);