Example #1
        public static IEnumerable <DTOCommand> TakeNeighbour(this IEnumerable <DTOCommand> commands)
            using (var dc = new WMSContext())
                var           commandsList = commands.ToList();
                List <string> sourceList   = commandsList
                                             .Select(prop => prop.Source.Substring(0, 10) + ":1")

                var Places =
                    (from place in dc.Places
                     where sourceList.Any(prop => prop == place.PlaceID)
                     select place).ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < commandsList.Count(); i++)
                    yield return new DTOCommand
                               Order_ID   = commandsList[i].Order_ID,
                               Source     = commandsList[i].Source.Substring(0, 10) + ":1",
                               TU_ID      = Places[i].TU_ID,
                               Target     = null,
                               LastChange = DateTime.Now
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// DTOOrder is connected only to one  DTOCommand
        /// Order can be connected to many DTOCommands
        /// Order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <DTOOrder> OrderToDTOOrders(this IEnumerable <Order> orders)
            using (var dc = new WMSContext())
                string destination           = "";
                int    counter               = 0;
                IEnumerable <string> targets = null;
                foreach (Order o in orders)
                    if (o.Destination != destination)
                        targets =
                            .Where(prop => prop.ID.StartsWith(o.Destination) && prop.DimensionClass != -1)
                            .Select(prop => prop.ID)
                        destination = o.Destination;
                        if (dc.Parameters.Find($"Counter[{o.Destination}]") == null)
                            dc.Parameters.Add(new Parameter {
                                Name = $"Counter[{o.Destination}]", Value = Convert.ToString(0)
                        counter = Convert.ToInt16(dc.Parameters.Find($"Counter[{o.Destination}]").Value);
                    _counterLast     = counter;
                    _destinationLast = destination;

                    double defQty     = dc.SKU_IDs.Find(o.SKU_ID).DefaultQty;
                    int    fullTUs    = (int)(o.SKU_Qty / defQty);
                    double partialQty = o.SKU_Qty - fullTUs * defQty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fullTUs; i++)
                        DTOOrder dtoOrder = new DTOOrder(o);
                        dtoOrder.Destination = targets.ElementAt(counter % targets.Count());
                        // alternatively
                        // dtoOrder.Destination = targets.ElementAt((counter / 12) % targets.Count());
                        dtoOrder.SKU_Qty = defQty;
                        yield return(dtoOrder);
                    if (partialQty > 0)
                        DTOOrder dtoOrder = new DTOOrder(o);
                        dtoOrder.Destination = targets.ElementAt(counter % targets.Count());
                        dtoOrder.SKU_Qty     = partialQty;
                        yield return(dtoOrder);
                    o.Status = Order.OrderStatus.Active;
                    dc.Parameters.Find($"Counter[{o.Destination}]").Value = Convert.ToString(counter);
Example #3
        public override string BuildXml()
            XElement el0 = null;

            XDocument XDocument = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "yes"),
                                                el0 = new XElement("Belgeler"));
            XNamespace ns = XDocument.Root.Name.Namespace;

            // belgeler
            el0.Add(new XElement("Baslik"));
            el0.Add(new XElement("Detaylar"));

            // baslik
            el0.Element(ns + "Baslik").Add(new XElement("BelgeKodu", XmlConvert.ToString(DocumentID)));
            el0.Element(ns + "Baslik").Add(new XElement("Tesis", "Aksaray"));

            using (var dc = new WMSContext())
                foreach (var cmd in Commands)
                    if (cmd.Order_ID.HasValue)
                        Order  order = dc.Orders.Find(cmd.Order_ID.Value);
                        SKU_ID skuid = dc.SKU_IDs.Find(order.SKU_ID);
                        TU     tu    = dc.TUs.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.TU_ID == cmd.TU_ID);
                        // Detay
                        el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").Add(new XElement("Detay"));
                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("BelgeKodu", XmlConvert.ToString(order.ERP_ID.HasValue ? order.SubOrderERPID: 0)));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("RefBelgeDetayNo"));
                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("UrunKod", tu.SKU_ID));
                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("Miktar", XmlConvert.ToString(tu.Qty)));
                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("Birim", skuid.Unit));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("NetAgirLik"));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("AgirlikBirimi"));
                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("KaynakBatchNo", tu.Batch));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("HedefBatchNo"), tu.Batch);
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("SeriNo"));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("KaynakLokasyon"));
                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("HedefLokasyon", order.Destination));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("KaynakStatus"));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("HedefStatu"));
                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("PaletNo", $"{cmd.TU_ID:d9}"));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("Po"));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("PoLine"));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("SKT"));
//                        (el0.Element(ns + "Detaylar").LastNode as XElement).Add(new XElement("URT"));
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find identical TU (skuid,batch,qty) with nearest prod date on level 2 with free level 1
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmd"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string FindBrotherOnDepth2(this DTOCommand cmd)
            List <string> reck = new List <string> {
                "W:11", "W:12", "W:21", "W:22"

            using (var dc = new WMSContext())
                TU     tu      = dc.TUs.FirstOrDefault(prop => prop.TU_ID == cmd.TU_ID);
                string brother = dc.Places
                                 .Where(prop => reck.Any(p => prop.PlaceID.StartsWith(p)) && prop.PlaceID.EndsWith("2"))
                                 .Where(prop => prop.FK_PlaceID.Status == 0)
                                 .Where(prop => !dc.Places.Any(p => p.PlaceID == prop.PlaceID.Substring(0, 10) + ":1"))
                                 .Where(prop => !dc.Commands.Any(p => (p.Source == prop.PlaceID && p.Status < Command.CommandStatus.Canceled) ||
                                                                 (p.Target == prop.PlaceID.Substring(0, 10) + ":1" && p.Status < Command.CommandStatus.Canceled)))
                                 .Select(prop => new
                    Place = prop.PlaceID,
                    TU    = prop.FK_TU_ID.FK_TU.FirstOrDefault()
                                 .Where(prop => prop.TU.Batch == tu.Batch && prop.TU.SKU_ID == tu.SKU_ID && prop.TU.Qty == tu.Qty)
                    .Where(prop => reck.Any(p => prop.Target.StartsWith(p)) && prop.Target.EndsWith("2") && prop.Status < Command.CommandStatus.Canceled)
                    .Where(prop => !dc.Commands.Any(p => p.Target == prop.Target.Substring(0, 10) + ":1" && p.Status < Command.CommandStatus.Canceled))
                    .Where(prop => !dc.Places.Any(p => p.PlaceID == prop.Target.Substring(0, 10) + ":1"))
                    .Where(prop => dc.PlaceIds.Any(p => p.ID == prop.Target.Substring(0, 10) + ":1" && p.Status == 0))
                    .Select(prop => new
                    Place = prop.Target,
                    TU    = prop.FK_TU_ID.FK_TU.FirstOrDefault()
                    .Where(prop => prop.TU.Batch == tu.Batch && prop.TU.SKU_ID == tu.SKU_ID && prop.TU.Qty == tu.Qty)
                                 .Where(prop => prop.Place.EndsWith("2"))
                                 .OrderBy(prop => DbFunctions.DiffHours(prop.TU.ExpDate, tu.ExpDate))
                                 // add order by production date
                                 .Select(prop => prop.Place)