Example #1
        internal void addWebMappingServiceToMap(Uri WMS_URI)
                // create a new WMS layer for the ArcMap session
                IWMSGroupLayer     wmsMapLayer = new WMSMapLayer() as IWMSGroupLayer;
                IWMSConnectionName connName    = new WMSConnectionName();

                // set the property of the WMS layer to the Google Maps Engine
                // WMS GetCapabilities URL
                IPropertySet propSet = new PropertySet();
                propSet.SetProperty("URL", WMS_URI.ToString());

                connName.ConnectionProperties = propSet;

                // create a new data layer for the WMS layer to use
                IDataLayer dataLayer = wmsMapLayer as IDataLayer;

                // create a new ArcMap layer and add the WMS.  Set the name.
                IWMSServiceDescription serviceDesc = wmsMapLayer.WMSServiceDescription;
                ILayer layer = wmsMapLayer as ILayer;
                layer.Name = serviceDesc.WMSTitle;

                // add the WMS layer to the ArcMap session
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // an error occured and was not able to add the WMS layer to the map
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unable to add a WMS layer to the map.");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加 WMS 网络图层
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">地图对象</param>
        /// <param name="address">网址</param>
        /// <param name="layerName">图层名称</param>
        /// <param name="layerPosition">图层添加位置</param>
        public void addWMSLayer(IMap map, string address, string layerName, int layerPosition)
            IPropertySet propSet = new PropertySet();

            propSet.SetProperty("url", address);

            IWMSConnectionName wmsConName = new WMSConnectionName();

            wmsConName.ConnectionProperties = propSet;

            IWMSGroupLayer wmsMapLayer = new WMSMapLayer() as IWMSGroupLayer;
            IDataLayer     dataLayer   = wmsMapLayer as IDataLayer;

            dataLayer.Connect(wmsConName as IName);

            IWMSServiceDescription wmsServiceDescription = wmsMapLayer.WMSServiceDescription;
            ILayer theLayer = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < wmsServiceDescription.LayerDescriptionCount; i++)
                IWMSLayerDescription wmsLayerDesc = wmsServiceDescription.get_LayerDescription(i);
                if (wmsLayerDesc.LayerDescriptionCount == 0)
                    IWMSLayer wmsLayer = wmsMapLayer.CreateWMSLayer(wmsLayerDesc);
                    theLayer = wmsLayer as ILayer;
                    IWMSGroupLayer wmsGroupLayer = wmsMapLayer.CreateWMSGroupLayers(wmsLayerDesc);
                    for (int j = 0; j < wmsGroupLayer.Count; j++)
                        ILayer layer = wmsGroupLayer.get_Layer(i);
                        layer.Visible = true;
                        wmsMapLayer.InsertLayer(layer, 0);
                    theLayer = wmsMapLayer as ILayer;
            theLayer.Name    = wmsServiceDescription.WMSTitle;
            theLayer.Visible = true;
            map.MoveLayer(theLayer, layerPosition);
Example #3
        public static void AddWMSTopMap(string title, string wmsURL, IGroupLayer parentGrpLayer)
            // WMS GetCapabilities URL
            IPropertySet propSet = new PropertySet();

            propSet.SetProperty("URL", wmsURL);

            IWMSGroupLayer     wmsMapLayer = new WMSMapLayer() as IWMSGroupLayer;
            IWMSConnectionName connName    = new WMSConnectionName();

            // set the property of the WMS layer to the Google Maps Engine
            connName.ConnectionProperties = propSet;

            // create a new data layer for the WMS layer to use
            IDataLayer dataLayer = wmsMapLayer as IDataLayer;


            // create a new ArcMap layer and add the WMS.  Set the name.
            IWMSServiceDescription serviceDesc = wmsMapLayer.WMSServiceDescription;
            ILayer layer = wmsMapLayer as ILayer;

            layer.Name    = title;
            layer.Visible = true;
            //layer.Name = serviceDesc.WMSTitle;

            // add the WMS layer to the ArcMap session
            ((IMapLayers)ArcMap.Document.FocusMap).InsertLayerInGroup(parentGrpLayer, layer, true, 0);
            //((IMapLayers)ArcMap.Document.FocusMap).InsertLayer(layer, true, 0);

            if (wmsMapLayer is ICompositeLayer)
                ChangeGroupLayerVisibility((ICompositeLayer)wmsMapLayer, true);

        internal void addWebMappingServiceToMap(Uri WMS_URI)
                // create a new WMS layer for the ArcMap session
                IWMSGroupLayer wmsMapLayer = new WMSMapLayer() as IWMSGroupLayer;
                IWMSConnectionName connName = new WMSConnectionName();

                // set the property of the WMS layer to the Google Maps Engine
                // WMS GetCapabilities URL
                IPropertySet propSet = new PropertySet();
                propSet.SetProperty("URL", WMS_URI.ToString());

                connName.ConnectionProperties = propSet;

                // create a new data layer for the WMS layer to use
                IDataLayer dataLayer = wmsMapLayer as IDataLayer;

                // create a new ArcMap layer and add the WMS.  Set the name.
                IWMSServiceDescription serviceDesc = wmsMapLayer.WMSServiceDescription;
                ILayer layer = wmsMapLayer as ILayer;
                layer.Name = serviceDesc.WMSTitle;

                // add the WMS layer to the ArcMap session
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // an error occured and was not able to add the WMS layer to the map
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unable to add a WMS layer to the map.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Add WMS map service layer to map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msi">Map service information</param>
        private void AddLayerWMS(esri.gpt.csw.MapServiceInfo msi, Boolean fromServerUrl)
            if (msi == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); }

                string url = AppendQuestionOrAmpersandToUrlString(msi.Server);
                // append serviceParam to server url
                // todo: does msi.ServiceParam have a leading "?" or "&"?
                if (msi.ServiceParam.Length > 0 || !fromServerUrl)
                    url = url + msi.ServiceParam;
                    url = AppendQuestionOrAmpersandToUrlString(url);
                IPropertySet propertySet = new PropertySetClass();
                propertySet.SetProperty("URL", url);

                IMxDocument mxDoc = (IMxDocument)m_application.Document;
                IMap map = (IMap)mxDoc.FocusMap;
                IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)map;
                IWMSGroupLayer wmsGroupLayer = (IWMSGroupLayer)new WMSMapLayerClass();
                IWMSConnectionName wmsConnectionName = new WMSConnectionName();
                wmsConnectionName.ConnectionProperties = propertySet;

                // connect to wms service
                IDataLayer dataLayer;
                bool connected = false;
                    dataLayer = (IDataLayer)wmsGroupLayer;
                    IName connName = (IName)wmsConnectionName;
                    connected = dataLayer.Connect(connName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowErrorMessageBox (StringResources.ConnectToMapServiceFailed + "\r\n" + ex.Message);
                    connected = false;
                if (!connected) return;

                // get service description out of the layer. the service description contains
                // inforamtion about the wms categories and layers supported by the service
                IWMSServiceDescription wmsServiceDesc = wmsGroupLayer.WMSServiceDescription;
                IWMSLayerDescription wmsLayerDesc;
                ILayer newLayer;
                ILayer layer;
                IWMSLayer newWmsLayer;
                IWMSGroupLayer newWmsGroupLayer;
             /*   for (int i = 0; i < wmsServiceDesc.LayerDescriptionCount; i++)
                    newLayer = null;

                    wmsLayerDesc = wmsServiceDesc.get_LayerDescription(i);
                    if (wmsLayerDesc.LayerDescriptionCount == 0)
                        // wms layer
                        newWmsLayer = wmsGroupLayer.CreateWMSLayer(wmsLayerDesc);
                        newLayer = (ILayer)newWmsLayer;
                        if (newLayer == null) { throw new Exception(StringResources.CreateWmsLayerFailed); };
                        // wms group layer
                        newWmsGroupLayer = wmsGroupLayer.CreateWMSGroupLayers(wmsLayerDesc);
                        newLayer = (ILayer)newWmsGroupLayer;
                        if (newLayer == null) { throw new Exception(StringResources.CreateWmsGroupLayerFailed); }

                    // add newly created layer
                 //   if(wmsGroupLayer.get_Layer(i).Name != newLayer.Name)
                        wmsGroupLayer.InsertLayer(newLayer, 0);

                // configure the layer before adding it to the map
                layer = (ILayer)wmsGroupLayer;
                layer.Name = wmsServiceDesc.WMSTitle;
                ExpandLayer(layer, true);
                SetLayerVisibility(layer, true);

                // add to focus map

            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowErrorMessageBox (StringResources.AddWmsLayerFailed + "\r\n" + ex.Message);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add WMS map service layer to map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msi">Map service information</param>
        private void AddLayerWMS(pdok4arcgis.MapServiceInfo msi, Boolean fromServerUrl, string sld)
            if (msi == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); }

                string url = AppendQuestionOrAmpersandToUrlString(msi.Server);
                // append serviceParam to server url
                // todo: does msi.ServiceParam have a leading "?" or "&"?
                if (msi.ServiceParam.Length > 0 && !fromServerUrl)
                    url = url + msi.ServiceParam;
                    url = AppendQuestionOrAmpersandToUrlString(url);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sld))
                    url = String.Format("{0}SLD={1}&", url, sld);
                IPropertySet propertySet = new PropertySetClass();
                propertySet.SetProperty("URL", url);

                IMxDocument mxDoc = (IMxDocument)m_application.Document;
                IMap map = (IMap)mxDoc.FocusMap;
                IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)map;
                IWMSGroupLayer wmsGroupLayer = (IWMSGroupLayer)new WMSMapLayerClass();
                IWMSConnectionName wmsConnectionName = new WMSConnectionName();
                wmsConnectionName.ConnectionProperties = propertySet;

                // connect to wms service
                IDataLayer dataLayer;
                bool connected = false;
                    dataLayer = (IDataLayer)wmsGroupLayer;
                    IName connName = (IName)wmsConnectionName;
                    connected = dataLayer.Connect(connName);
                catch (Exception ex) 
                    ShowErrorMessageBox(StringResources.ConnectToMapServiceFailed + "\r\n" + "url:" + url +"\r\n" + ex.Message);
                    connected = false;
                if (!connected) return;

                ILayer layer = (ILayer)wmsGroupLayer;
                if (wmsGroupLayer.Count == 0)
                { // Old code that was present for 9.3 but causes issues for 10.1, as the layers have already been added at this point. The documentation for IWMSMapLayer still states that this is necessary to get the layers (but the behaviour changed , probably in ArcGIS 10.0)
                    // get service description out of the layer. the service description contains 
                    // inforamtion about the wms categories and layers supported by the service
                    IWMSServiceDescription wmsServiceDesc = wmsGroupLayer.WMSServiceDescription;
                    IWMSLayerDescription wmsLayerDesc;
                    ILayer newLayer;
                    IWMSLayer newWmsLayer;
                    IWMSGroupLayer newWmsGroupLayer;
                    for (int i = 0; i < wmsServiceDesc.LayerDescriptionCount; i++)
                        newLayer = null;

                        wmsLayerDesc = wmsServiceDesc.get_LayerDescription(i);
                        if (wmsLayerDesc.LayerDescriptionCount == 0)
                            // wms layer
                            newWmsLayer = wmsGroupLayer.CreateWMSLayer(wmsLayerDesc);
                            newLayer = (ILayer)newWmsLayer;
                            if (newLayer == null) { throw new Exception(StringResources.CreateWmsLayerFailed); };
                            // wms group layer
                            newWmsGroupLayer = wmsGroupLayer.CreateWMSGroupLayers(wmsLayerDesc);
                            newLayer = (ILayer)newWmsGroupLayer;
                            if (newLayer == null) { throw new Exception(StringResources.CreateWmsGroupLayerFailed); }

                        // add newly created layer
                        wmsGroupLayer.InsertLayer(newLayer, 0);

                    // configure the layer before adding it to the map
                    layer.Name = wmsServiceDesc.WMSTitle;
                ExpandLayer(layer, true);
                SetLayerVisibility(layer, true);

                // add to focus map

            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowErrorMessageBox (StringResources.AddWmsLayerFailed + "\r\n" + ex.Message);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds WMS document to map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipMxDoc"></param>
        /// <param name="strServer"></param>
        /// <param name="strLayerName"></param>
        /// <param name="strSecretName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool addLayerWMS(IMxDocument ipMxDoc, string strServer, string strLayerName, string strSecretName)
            IPropertySet ipPropSet = new PropertySet();
            string strFinalChar;

            // check the final char
            strFinalChar = strServer.Substring(strServer.Length - 1);
            if (strFinalChar == "?" && strFinalChar != "&")
                if (strServer.Contains("?"))
                    ipPropSet.SetProperty("URL", (strServer + '&'));
                    ipPropSet.SetProperty("URL", (strServer + '?'));
                ipPropSet.SetProperty("URL", strServer + '?');

            IMap map = (IMap)ipMxDoc.FocusMap;
            IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)map;
            IWMSGroupLayer wmsGroupLayer = (IWMSGroupLayer)new WMSMapLayerClass();
            IWMSConnectionName wmsConnectionName = new WMSConnectionName();
            wmsConnectionName.ConnectionProperties = ipPropSet;

            IDataLayer dataLayer;
            bool connected = false;
                dataLayer = (IDataLayer)wmsGroupLayer;
                IName connName = (IName)wmsConnectionName;
                connected = dataLayer.Connect(connName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                connected = false;
            if (!connected) return false;

            // get service description out of the layer. the service description contains
            // information about the wms categories and layers supported by the service
            IWMSServiceDescription wmsServiceDesc = wmsGroupLayer.WMSServiceDescription;
            IWMSLayerDescription wmsLayerDesc = null;
            ILayer newLayer;
            ILayer layer;
            IWMSLayer newWmsLayer;
            IWMSGroupLayer newWmsGroupLayer;
            for (int i = 0; i < wmsServiceDesc.LayerDescriptionCount; i++)
                newLayer = null;

                wmsLayerDesc = wmsServiceDesc.get_LayerDescription(i);
                if (wmsLayerDesc.LayerDescriptionCount == 0)
                    // wms layer
                    newWmsLayer = wmsGroupLayer.CreateWMSLayer(wmsLayerDesc);
                    newLayer = (ILayer)newWmsLayer;
                    if (newLayer == null) { }
                    // wms group layer
                    newWmsGroupLayer = wmsGroupLayer.CreateWMSGroupLayers(wmsLayerDesc);
                    newLayer = (ILayer)newWmsGroupLayer;
                    if (newLayer == null) { }

                // add newly created layer
                // wmsGroupLayer.InsertLayer(newLayer, 0);

            // configure the layer before adding it to the map
            layer = (ILayer)wmsGroupLayer;
            layer.Name = wmsServiceDesc.WMSTitle;

            // add to focus map

            // add to the service list
            string strItem = EncodeServiceList(strServer, wmsServiceDesc.WMSTitle, strSecretName);
            //  m_pLogger.Msg "adding to service list : " & strItem

            // set flag
            return true;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds WMS document to map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipMxDoc"></param>
        /// <param name="strServer"></param>
        /// <param name="strLayerName"></param>
        /// <param name="strSecretName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool addLayerWMS(IMxDocument ipMxDoc, string strServer, string strLayerName, string strSecretName)
            IPropertySet ipPropSet = new PropertySet();
            string       strFinalChar;

            // check the final char
            strFinalChar = strServer.Substring(strServer.Length - 1);
            if (strFinalChar == "?" && strFinalChar != "&")
                if (strServer.Contains("?"))
                    ipPropSet.SetProperty("URL", (strServer + '&'));
                    ipPropSet.SetProperty("URL", (strServer + '?'));
                ipPropSet.SetProperty("URL", strServer + '?');

            IMap               map               = (IMap)ipMxDoc.FocusMap;
            IActiveView        activeView        = (IActiveView)map;
            IWMSGroupLayer     wmsGroupLayer     = (IWMSGroupLayer) new WMSMapLayerClass();
            IWMSConnectionName wmsConnectionName = new WMSConnectionName();

            wmsConnectionName.ConnectionProperties = ipPropSet;

            IDataLayer dataLayer;
            bool       connected = false;

                dataLayer = (IDataLayer)wmsGroupLayer;
                IName connName = (IName)wmsConnectionName;
                connected = dataLayer.Connect(connName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                connected = false;
            if (!connected)

            // get service description out of the layer. the service description contains
            // information about the wms categories and layers supported by the service
            IWMSServiceDescription wmsServiceDesc = wmsGroupLayer.WMSServiceDescription;
            IWMSLayerDescription   wmsLayerDesc   = null;
            ILayer         newLayer;
            ILayer         layer;
            IWMSLayer      newWmsLayer;
            IWMSGroupLayer newWmsGroupLayer;

            for (int i = 0; i < wmsServiceDesc.LayerDescriptionCount; i++)
                newLayer = null;

                wmsLayerDesc = wmsServiceDesc.get_LayerDescription(i);
                if (wmsLayerDesc.LayerDescriptionCount == 0)
                    // wms layer
                    newWmsLayer = wmsGroupLayer.CreateWMSLayer(wmsLayerDesc);
                    newLayer    = (ILayer)newWmsLayer;
                    if (newLayer == null)
                    // wms group layer
                    newWmsGroupLayer = wmsGroupLayer.CreateWMSGroupLayers(wmsLayerDesc);
                    newLayer         = (ILayer)newWmsGroupLayer;
                    if (newLayer == null)

                // add newly created layer
                // wmsGroupLayer.InsertLayer(newLayer, 0);

            // configure the layer before adding it to the map
            layer      = (ILayer)wmsGroupLayer;
            layer.Name = wmsServiceDesc.WMSTitle;

            // add to focus map

            // add to the service list
            string strItem = EncodeServiceList(strServer, wmsServiceDesc.WMSTitle, strSecretName);

            //  m_pLogger.Msg "adding to service list : " & strItem

            // set flag