Example #1
        public Texture(string name, BinaryTextureImage compressedData)
            Name           = name;
            CompressedData = compressedData;

            m_glTextureIndex = GL.GenTexture();
            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, m_glTextureIndex);
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, (int)GXToOpenGL.GetWrapMode(compressedData.WrapS));
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, (int)GXToOpenGL.GetWrapMode(compressedData.WrapT));
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)GXToOpenGL.GetMinFilter(compressedData.MinFilter));
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)GXToOpenGL.GetMagFilter(compressedData.MagFilter));

            // Border Color
            WLinearColor borderColor = compressedData.BorderColor;

            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureBorderColor, new[] { borderColor.R, borderColor.G, borderColor.B, borderColor.A });

            // ToDo: Min/Mag LOD & Biases

            // Upload Image Data
            GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, compressedData.Width, compressedData.Height, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, compressedData.GetData());

            // Generate Mip Maps
            if (compressedData.MipMapCount > 0)
Example #2
        // headerStart seems to be chunkStart + 0x20 and I don't know why.
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a BinaryTextureImage from a stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="headerStart"></param>
        /// <param name="imageIndex">Optional additional offset used by J3D models. Multiplied by 0x20.</param>
        public void Load(EndianBinaryReader stream, long headerStart, int imageIndex = 0)
            Format          = (TextureFormats)stream.ReadByte();
            AlphaSetting    = stream.ReadByte();
            Width           = stream.ReadUInt16();
            Height          = stream.ReadUInt16();
            WrapS           = (WrapModes)stream.ReadByte();
            WrapT           = (WrapModes)stream.ReadByte();
            PalettesEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(stream.ReadByte());
            PaletteFormat   = (PaletteFormats)stream.ReadByte();
            PaletteCount    = stream.ReadUInt16();
            int paletteDataOffset = stream.ReadInt32();

            BorderColor = new WLinearColor(stream.ReadByte() / 255f, stream.ReadByte() / 255f, stream.ReadByte() / 255f, stream.ReadByte() / 255f);
            MinFilter   = (FilterMode)stream.ReadByte();
            MagFilter   = (FilterMode)stream.ReadByte();
            unknown2    = stream.ReadInt16();
            MipMapCount = stream.ReadByte();
            unknown3    = stream.ReadByte();
            LodBias     = stream.ReadInt16();

            int imageDataOffset = stream.ReadInt32();

            // Load the Palette data
            stream.BaseStream.Position = headerStart + paletteDataOffset + (0x20 * imageIndex);
            m_imagePalette             = new Palette();
            m_imagePalette.Load(stream, PaletteCount);

            // Now load and decode image data into an ARGB array.
            stream.BaseStream.Position = headerStart + imageDataOffset + (0x20 * imageIndex);
            m_rgbaImageData            = DecodeData(stream, Width, Height, Format, m_imagePalette, PaletteFormat);
Example #3
        public void DrawBones(IDebugLineDrawer lineDrawer)
            Matrix4[] boneTransforms = new Matrix4[JNT1Tag.BindJoints.Count];
            Vector3   lastPos        = Vector3.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < JNT1Tag.BindJoints.Count; i++)
                SkeletonJoint curJoint, origJoint;
                curJoint = origJoint = JNT1Tag.BindJoints[i];

                Matrix4 cumulativeTransform = Matrix4.Identity;
                while (true)
                    Matrix4 jointMatrix = Matrix4.CreateScale(curJoint.Scale) * Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(curJoint.Rotation) * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(curJoint.Translation);
                    cumulativeTransform *= jointMatrix;
                    if (curJoint.Parent == null)

                    curJoint = curJoint.Parent;

                boneTransforms[i] = cumulativeTransform;
                Vector3    curPos = cumulativeTransform.ExtractTranslation();
                Quaternion curRot = cumulativeTransform.ExtractRotation();

                WLinearColor jointColor = origJoint.Unknown1 == 0 ? WLinearColor.Yellow : WLinearColor.Blue;
                lineDrawer.DrawLine(lastPos, curPos, jointColor, 0f, 0f);
                lastPos = curPos;
        public CollisionTriangle(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, CollisionGroupNode parent)
            Vertices    = new Vector3[] { v1, v2, v3 };
            VertexColor = WLinearColor.FromHexString("0xB0E0C0FF");

            Properties  = new CollisionProperty();
            ParentGroup = parent;

        public void SetTevkColorOverride(int index, WLinearColor overrideColor)
            if (index < 0 || index >= 4)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", "index must be between 0 and 3");

            m_kColors[index]        = overrideColor;
            m_kColorsEnabled[index] = true;
Example #6
        public void DrawBoundsForJoints(bool boundingBox, bool boundingSphere, IDebugLineDrawer lineDrawer)
            IList <SkeletonJoint> boneList = (m_currentBoneAnimation != null) ? JNT1Tag.AnimatedJoints : JNT1Tag.BindJoints;

            Matrix4[] boneTransforms = new Matrix4[boneList.Count];
            ApplyBonePositionsToAnimationTransforms(boneList, boneTransforms);

            for (int i = 0; i < boneTransforms.Length; i++)
                SkeletonJoint curJoint, origJoint;
                curJoint = origJoint = JNT1Tag.BindJoints[i];

                //Matrix4 cumulativeTransform = Matrix4.Identity;
                //while (true)
                //    Matrix4 jointMatrix = Matrix4.CreateScale(curJoint.Scale) * Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(curJoint.Rotation) * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(curJoint.Translation);
                //    cumulativeTransform *= jointMatrix;
                //    if (curJoint.Parent == null)
                //        break;

                //    curJoint = curJoint.Parent;

                //boneTransforms[i] = cumulativeTransform;
                Vector3    curPos = boneTransforms[i].ExtractTranslation();
                Quaternion curRot = boneTransforms[i].ExtractRotation();

                WLinearColor jointColor = origJoint.Unknown1 == 0 ? WLinearColor.Yellow : WLinearColor.Blue;
                if (boundingSphere)
                    // Many bones have no radius, simply skip them to avoid adding them to the line renderer.
                    if (origJoint.BoundingSphereDiameter == 0f)

                    lineDrawer.DrawSphere(curPos, origJoint.BoundingSphereDiameter / 2, 12, jointColor, 0f, 0f);
                if (boundingBox)
                    Vector3 extents = (origJoint.BoundingBox.Max - origJoint.BoundingBox.Min) / 2;

                    // Many bones have no extents, simply skip them to avoid adding them to the line renderer.
                    if (extents.LengthSquared == 0f)

                    lineDrawer.DrawBox(curPos, extents, curRot, jointColor, 0f, 0f);
        private void DrawFixedGrid()
            int numCellsToDraw = 64;

            int rangeInCells      = numCellsToDraw / 2;
            int majorLineInterval = numCellsToDraw / 8;

            int numLines  = numCellsToDraw + 1;
            int axesIndex = numCellsToDraw / 2;

            float perspectiveGridSize = 400000;

            for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < numLines; lineIndex++)
                bool isMajorLine = ((lineIndex - rangeInCells) % majorLineInterval) == 0;

                Vector3 a = new Vector3(), b = new Vector3();
                a.X = (perspectiveGridSize / 4f) * (-1f + 2f * lineIndex / numCellsToDraw);
                b.X = a.X;

                a.Y = b.Y = 0;

                a.Z = (perspectiveGridSize / 4f);
                b.Z = -(perspectiveGridSize / 4f);

                WLinearColor lineColor;
                float        lineThickness = 0;

                if (lineIndex == axesIndex)
                    lineColor     = new WLinearColor(70 / 255f, 70 / 255f, 70 / 255f);
                    lineThickness = 0f;
                else if (isMajorLine)
                    lineColor = new WLinearColor(40 / 255f, 40 / 255f, 40 / 255f);
                    lineColor = new WLinearColor(20 / 255f, 20 / 255f, 20 / 255f);

                m_lineBatcher.DrawLine(a, b, lineColor, lineThickness, 0f);

                a.Z = a.X;
                b.Z = b.X;
                a.X = (perspectiveGridSize / 4f);
                b.X = -(perspectiveGridSize / 4f);
                m_lineBatcher.DrawLine(a, b, lineColor, lineThickness, 0f);
Example #8
        public void DrawBones(IDebugLineDrawer lineDrawer)
            IList <SkeletonJoint> boneList = (m_currentBoneAnimation != null) ? JNT1Tag.AnimatedJoints : JNT1Tag.BindJoints;

            Matrix4[] boneTransforms = new Matrix4[boneList.Count];
            Vector3   lastPos        = Vector3.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < boneList.Count; i++)
                SkeletonJoint curJoint, origJoint;
                curJoint = origJoint = boneList[i];

                Matrix4       cumulativeTransform = Matrix4.Identity;
                SkeletonJoint prevJoint           = null;
                while (true)
                    Vector3 scale = curJoint.Scale;
                    if (prevJoint != null && prevJoint.DoNotInheritParentScale)
                        scale = Vector3.One;
                    Matrix4 jointMatrix = Matrix4.CreateScale(scale) * Matrix4.CreateFromQuaternion(curJoint.Rotation) * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(curJoint.Translation);
                    cumulativeTransform *= jointMatrix;
                    if (curJoint.Parent == null)

                    prevJoint = curJoint;
                    curJoint  = curJoint.Parent;

                boneTransforms[i] = cumulativeTransform;
                Vector3 curPos = cumulativeTransform.ExtractTranslation();

                WLinearColor jointColor = origJoint.Unknown1 == 0 ? WLinearColor.Yellow : WLinearColor.Blue;
                if (origJoint.DoNotInheritParentScale)
                    jointColor = WLinearColor.Red;

                if (origJoint.Parent != null)
                    int     parentIndex = boneList.IndexOf(origJoint.Parent);
                    Vector3 parentPos   = boneTransforms[parentIndex].ExtractTranslation();
                    lineDrawer.DrawLine(parentPos, curPos, jointColor, 0f, 0f);
                lineDrawer.DrawSphere(curPos, 1f, 5, jointColor, 0f, 0f);
                lastPos = curPos;
        public CollisionTriangle(EndianBinaryReader reader, List <Vector3> positions,
                                 List <CollisionGroupNode> nodes, CollisionProperty[] properties)
            Vertices = new Vector3[3];

            Vertices[0] = positions[reader.ReadInt16()];
            Vertices[1] = positions[reader.ReadInt16()];
            Vertices[2] = positions[reader.ReadInt16()];

            VertexColor = WLinearColor.FromHexString("0xB0E0C0FF");

            Properties  = properties[reader.ReadInt16()].Clone();
            ParentGroup = nodes[reader.ReadInt16()];

Example #10
        public Material(EndianBinaryReader reader)
            Textures       = new List <Texture>();
            textureIndexes = new List <short>();

            Unknown1     = reader.ReadByte();
            Unknown2     = reader.ReadByte();
            Unknown3     = reader.ReadByte();
            AmbientColor = WLinearColor.FromHexString(string.Format("{0:X}{1:X}{2:X}{3:X}", reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte()));
            Unknown4     = reader.ReadByte();

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

            // I don't know what the rest of the data does
 public void Select()
     VertexColor = WLinearColor.FromHexString("0xFF0000FF");
     IsSelected  = true;
Example #12
 public void SetTevkColorOverride(int index, WLinearColor overrideColor)
     m_tevColorOverrides.SetTevkColorOverride(index, overrideColor);
Example #13
        public void FilterSceneForRenderer(WSceneView view, WWorld world)
            if (m_bOverrideSceneCamera)

            foreach (WScene scene in world.Map.SceneList)
                foreach (var renderable in scene.GetChildrenOfType <IRenderable>())

            Staff camera = (Staff)SelectedEvent.Actors.ToList().Find(x => x.StaffType == StaffType.Camera);

            if (camera != null)
                Cut c = camera.FirstCut;

                while (c != null)
                    OpenTK.Vector3 eye_pos    = new OpenTK.Vector3();
                    OpenTK.Vector3 target_pos = new OpenTK.Vector3();

                    Substance eye = c.Properties.Find(x => x.Name.ToLower() == "eye");
                    if (eye != null)
                        Substance <ObservableCollection <BindingVector3> > eye_vec = eye as Substance <ObservableCollection <BindingVector3> >;
                        eye_pos = eye_vec.Data[0].BackingVector;

                        WLinearColor draw_color = WLinearColor.White;
                        if (EditorSelection.SelectedObjects.Contains(eye_vec.Data[0]))
                            draw_color = WLinearColor.FromHexString("0xFF4F00FF");

                        world.DebugDrawBillboard("eye.png", eye_pos, new OpenTK.Vector3(100, 100, 100), draw_color, 0.025f);

                    Substance target = c.Properties.Find(x => x.Name.ToLower() == "center");
                    if (target != null)
                        Substance <ObservableCollection <BindingVector3> > target_vec = target as Substance <ObservableCollection <BindingVector3> >;
                        target_pos = target_vec.Data[0].BackingVector;

                        WLinearColor draw_color = WLinearColor.White;
                        if (EditorSelection.SelectedObjects.Contains(target_vec.Data[0]))
                            draw_color = WLinearColor.FromHexString("0xFF4F00FF");

                        world.DebugDrawBillboard("target.png", target_pos, new OpenTK.Vector3(100, 100, 100), draw_color, 0.025f);

                    if (eye != null && target != null)
                        world.DebugDrawLine(eye_pos, target_pos, WLinearColor.Black, 100000.0f, 0.025f);

                    c = c.NextCut;
Example #14
        public static void Export(J3D.J3D file, string toFilePath)
            Obj outputObj = new Obj();
            List <Obj.Object> objObjects = new List <Obj.Object>();

            foreach (var shape in file.SHP1Tag.Shapes)
                // We can read the Position/UV/Normal data off of the shapes here, but we don't know which
                // material they belong to yet unless we iterate through the J3D's scene graph.
                Obj.Object objShape = new Obj.Object();

                for (int i = 0; i < shape.VertexData.Color0.Count; i++)
                    WLinearColor col = shape.VertexData.Color0[i];
                    objShape.Colors.Add(new Vector4(col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A));


            // Create a material for each material in the J3D file.
            Obj.MaterialLibrary objMaterialLibrary = new Obj.MaterialLibrary(file.Name);

            foreach (var mat in file.MAT3Tag.MaterialList)
                Obj.ObjMaterial objMaterial = new Obj.ObjMaterial(mat.Name);

                // Because of the complexity of TEV Materials and their multi-inputs, we don't assign
                // anything to the Ambient/Diffuse/Specular colors of the material. Instead we leave them
                // at their defaults and just assign a Diffuse texture since it is also the only one we can
                // reliably determine from a TEV material. We also are forced to use the first TextureIndex,
                // even though there can be up to 8.

                int textureIndex = mat.TextureIndexes[0];
                if (textureIndex < 0)

                Texture texture       = file.TEX1Tag.Textures[textureIndex];
                var     textureBitmap = texture.CompressedData.CreateBitmap();

                objMaterial.AmbientTexture = objMaterial.DiffuseTexture = textureBitmap;

                // Add it to our Obj Material Library

            // Now we have to do a custom iteration through the SceneGraph of the J3D file to assign Materials to Objects.
            Obj.ObjMaterial dummyMat = null;
            AssignMaterialsToMeshBatchesRecursive(file, objMaterialLibrary, objObjects, file.INF1Tag.HierarchyRoot, ref dummyMat);

            // Write the created OBJ file out to disk.

            // Free the bitmaps we allocated as part of creating the materials.
            foreach (var mat in objMaterialLibrary.Materials)
Example #15
 private Vector4 LinearColorToVec4(WLinearColor color)
     return(new Vector4(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A).Normalized());
Example #16
 private void ApplyLightOverrides(WLinearColor tev_override, WLinearColor tev_k_override)
     m_Model.SetTevColorOverride(0, tev_override);
     m_Model.SetTevkColorOverride(0, tev_k_override);
Example #17
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            WLinearColor color = (WLinearColor)value;

            return(Color.FromArgb((byte)(color.A * 255f), (byte)(color.R * 255f), (byte)(color.G * 255f), (byte)(color.B * 255f)));
 public void Deselect()
     VertexColor = WLinearColor.FromHexString("0xB0E0C0FF");
     IsSelected  = false;