Example #1
        public void CanCompareWGSPointNonequal()
            var point1 = new WGSPoint(10, 10);
            var point2 = new WGSPoint(11, 10);

            Assert.True(point1 != point2);
Example #2
        private static double ComputeSquaredDistance(WGSPoint firstPoint, WGSPoint lastPoint)
            double d1 = firstPoint.Lon - lastPoint.Lon;
            double d2 = firstPoint.Lat - lastPoint.Lat;

            return(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);
Example #3
 private void CheckForCoordinate(WGSPoint coordinate)
     if (coordinate == null)
         throw new ServiceException(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new ContractExecutionResult(ContractExecutionStatesEnum.InternalProcessingError,
                                                                                           "No WGS84 coordinates provided"));
Example #4
        public void MapWGSPointToFencePoint()
            var point      = new WGSPoint(123.4, 567.8);
            var fencePoint = AutoMapperUtility.Automapper.Map <FencePoint>(point);

            Assert.Equal(point.Lon, fencePoint.X);
            Assert.Equal(point.Lat, fencePoint.Y);
            Assert.Equal(0, fencePoint.Z);
Example #5
        public void MapWGSPointToXYZ()
            var llPoint = new WGSPoint(1.234, 5.678);
            var xyz     = AutoMapperUtility.Automapper.Map <XYZ>(llPoint);

            Assert.Equal(llPoint.Lat, xyz.Y);
            Assert.Equal(llPoint.Lon, xyz.X);
            Assert.Equal(0, xyz.Z);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the cross product AB x AC
        /// </summary>
        private static double ComputeCrossProduct(WGSPoint firstPoint, WGSPoint lastPoint, WGSPoint currentPoint)
            double abx   = lastPoint.Lon - firstPoint.Lon;
            double aby   = lastPoint.Lat - firstPoint.Lat;
            double acx   = currentPoint.Lon - firstPoint.Lon;
            double acy   = currentPoint.Lat - firstPoint.Lat;
            double cross = abx * acy - aby * acx;

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the dot product AB . AC
        /// </summary>
        private static double ComputeDotProduct(WGSPoint firstPoint, WGSPoint lastPoint, WGSPoint currentPoint)
            double abx = lastPoint.Lon - firstPoint.Lon;
            double aby = lastPoint.Lat - firstPoint.Lat;
            double bcx = currentPoint.Lon - lastPoint.Lon;
            double bcy = currentPoint.Lat - lastPoint.Lat;
            double dot = abx * bcx + aby * bcy;

Example #8
 public CellPassesTRexRequest(
     Guid projectUid,
     WGSPoint llPoint,
     FilterResult filter,
     OverridingTargets overrides,
     LiftSettings liftSettings)
     : this(projectUid, filter, overrides, liftSettings)
     LLPoint       = llPoint;
     CoordsAreGrid = false;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Uses the Douglas Peucker alogrithm to reduce a polyline to a specifc number of points.
        /// </summary>
        public static List <double[]> DouglasPeuckerByCount(double[,] coordinates, int maxVertexLimit)
            var pointCount    = coordinates.GetLength(0);
            var wgsPointArray = new WGSPoint[pointCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
                wgsPointArray[i] = new WGSPoint(coordinates[i, 1], coordinates[i, 0]);

            return(DouglasPeuckerByCount(wgsPointArray, maxVertexLimit));
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Create instance of CellPassRequest
 /// </summary>
 public static CellPassesRequest CreateCellPassRequest(long projectId, CellAddress cellAddress, Point probePositionGrid,
                                                       WGSPoint probePositionLL, LiftBuildSettings liftBuildSettings, int gridDataType, long filterId, FilterResult filter)
     return(new CellPassesRequest
         ProjectId = projectId,
         cellAddress = cellAddress,
         probePositionGrid = probePositionGrid,
         probePositionLL = probePositionLL,
         liftBuildSettings = liftBuildSettings,
         gridDataType = gridDataType,
         filterId = filterId,
         filter = filter
Example #11
        public void CPR_CanCreateCellPassesRequestTest()
            var liftThicknessTarget = new LiftThicknessTarget {
                AboveToleranceLiftThickness = (float)0.001,
                BelowToleranceLiftThickness = (float)0.002,
                TargetLiftThickness         = (float)0.05

            var validator = new DataAnnotationsValidator();

            CellPassesRequest cpRequest = CellPassesRequest.CreateCellPassRequest(544, null, null, null, null, 0, 0,

            Assert.IsTrue(validator.TryValidate(cpRequest, out ICollection <ValidationResult> results));

            // invalid projectid
            cpRequest = CellPassesRequest.CreateCellPassRequest(-1, null, null, null, null, 0, 0, null);
            Assert.IsFalse(validator.TryValidate(cpRequest, out results));

            // full data
            CellAddress       cellAddress = CellAddress.CreateCellAddress(1, 2);
            Point             point       = Point.CreatePoint(1.0, 2.0);
            WGSPoint          wgsPoint    = new WGSPoint(1.0, 2.0);
            LiftBuildSettings settings    = new LiftBuildSettings(
                new CCVRangePercentage(30.0, 70.0), false, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2f, LiftDetectionType.Automatic,
                LiftThicknessType.Compacted, new MDPRangePercentage(35.0, 75.0),
                false, 0.0f, 0, 0, null, null, null, liftThicknessTarget, null);

            var filterResult = FilterResult.CreateFilterObsolete(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1, "", new List <long>(), true, false, null,
                                                                 new List <WGSPoint>(),
                                                                 new List <Point>(),
                                                                 new DesignDescriptor(1, FileDescriptor.EmptyFileDescriptor, 0),
                                                                 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                 null, new DesignDescriptor(1, FileDescriptor.EmptyFileDescriptor, 0),
                                                                 0, 0, 0,
                                                                 new List <MachineDetails>(),
                                                                 new List <long>(),
                                                                 false, GPSAccuracyType.Medium, false, null, null, null,
                                                                 new DesignDescriptor(1, FileDescriptor.EmptyFileDescriptor, 0));

            cpRequest = CellPassesRequest.CreateCellPassRequest(544, cellAddress, point, wgsPoint, settings, 0, 0, filterResult);
            Assert.IsTrue(validator.TryValidate(cpRequest, out results));
Example #12
 public CellDatumRequest(
     long projectId,
     DisplayMode displayMode,
     WGSPoint llPoint,
     Point gridPoint,
     FilterResult filter,
     LiftBuildSettings liftBuildSettings,
     DesignDescriptor design)
     ProjectId         = projectId;
     ProjectUid        = projectUid;
     DisplayMode       = displayMode;
     LLPoint           = llPoint;
     GridPoint         = gridPoint;
     Filter            = filter;
     FilterId          = filter?.Id ?? -1;
     LiftBuildSettings = liftBuildSettings;
     Design            = design;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns polygons from wkt. Only returns unique ones (i.e 1st and last are not the same)
        /// </summary>
        private static List <WGSPoint> GetPointsFromWkt(string wkt)
            List <WGSPoint> ret = new List <WGSPoint>();

                wkt = wkt.ToUpper();
                string prefix = "POLYGON";

                if (wkt.StartsWith(prefix) && (prefix.Length < wkt.Length))
                    //extract x from POLYGON (x) or POLYGON(lon1 lat1, lon2 lat2)
                    string relevant = wkt.Substring(prefix.Length, wkt.Length - prefix.Length).Trim(' ').Trim('(', ')');
                    //relevant will be lon1 lat1,lon2 lat2 ...
                    var pairs = relevant.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToList();
                    var first = pairs.First();
                    var last  = pairs.Last();
                    if (!first.Equals(last))
                        return(new List <WGSPoint>());

                    foreach (var pair in pairs.Take(pairs.Count - 1))
                        string[] vals = pair.Split(' ');
                        if (vals.Length == 2)
                            string longitude = vals[0].Substring(vals[0].StartsWith("(") ? 1 : 0);                     //remove prefix ( if present
                            string latitude  = vals[1].Substring(0, vals[1].Length - (vals[1].EndsWith(")") ? 1 : 0)); // remove suffix ) if present
                            var    pt        = new WGSPoint(Convert.ToDouble(latitude), Convert.ToDouble(longitude));
            catch (Exception)
Example #14
 public static void ConvertProfileEndPositions(ProfileGridPoints gridPoints, ProfileLLPoints lLPoints,
                                               out WGSPoint startPt, out WGSPoint endPt, out bool positionsAreGrid)
     if (gridPoints != null)
         positionsAreGrid = true;
         startPt          = new WGSPoint(gridPoints.y1, gridPoints.x1);
         endPt            = new WGSPoint(gridPoints.y2, gridPoints.x2);
     if (lLPoints != null)
         positionsAreGrid = false;
         startPt          = new WGSPoint(lLPoints.lat1, lLPoints.lon1);
         endPt            = new WGSPoint(lLPoints.lat2, lLPoints.lon2);
         throw ThrowNoProfileLineDefinedException();
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Overload constructor with parameters.
 /// </summary>
 public CellDatumTRexRequest(
     Guid projectUid,
     DisplayMode displayMode,
     WGSPoint llPoint,
     Point gridPoint,
     FilterResult filter,
     OverridingTargets overrides,
     LiftSettings liftSettings)
     ProjectUid   = projectUid;
     DisplayMode  = displayMode;
     LLPoint      = llPoint;
     GridPoint    = gridPoint;
     Filter       = filter;
     DesignUid    = designUid;
     Offset       = offset;
     Overrides    = overrides;
     LiftSettings = liftSettings;
Example #16
        private TCoordPointList GetGridCoordinates(long projectId, WGSPoint latLon)
            var latLongs = new TWGS84FenceContainer {
                FencePoints = new [] { RaptorConverters.ConvertWGSPoint(latLon) }

            var code = raptorClient.GetGridCoordinates
                out var pointList

            if (code != TCoordReturnCode.nercNoError || pointList.Points.Coords == null || pointList.Points.Coords.Length == 0)
                throw CreateServiceException <CompactionCellDatumExecutor>((int)code);

Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the distance from AB to C.
        /// If isSegment is true, AB is a segment, not a line.
        /// </summary>
        private static double LineToPointDistance2D(WGSPoint firstPoint, WGSPoint lastPoint, WGSPoint currentPoint, bool isSegment)
            double dist = ComputeCrossProduct(firstPoint, lastPoint, currentPoint) / ComputeDistance(firstPoint, lastPoint);

            if (isSegment)
                double dot1 = ComputeDotProduct(firstPoint, lastPoint, currentPoint);

                if (dot1 > 0)
                    return(ComputeDistance(lastPoint, currentPoint));

                double dot2 = ComputeDotProduct(lastPoint, firstPoint, currentPoint);

                if (dot2 > 0)
                    return(ComputeDistance(firstPoint, currentPoint));

Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Compute the distance from A to B
 /// </summary>
 private static double ComputeDistance(WGSPoint firstPoint, WGSPoint lastPoint) => Math.Sqrt(ComputeSquaredDistance(firstPoint, lastPoint));