public ActionResult FaultManagement()
            WCFProductClient pClient = new WCFProductClient();
            List<AdminFaultModel> aFList = new List<AdminFaultModel>();

            List<Fault> fList = new WCFFaultClient().GetAllFaults().ToList();

            foreach (Fault f in fList)

                AdminFaultModel aF = new AdminFaultModel();

                aF.ID = f.ID;
                aF.Username = f.Username;
                aF.ProductID = f.ProductID;

                aF.SelectedStatusName = new WCFFaultClient().GetStatusByID(f.Status).Status1;

               // aF.StatusList = new SelectList(new WCFFaultClient().GetStatus(), "ID", "Status1"); //change to status
                aF.ProductName = pClient.GetProductByID(f.ProductID).Name;
                aF.FaultDetails = f.Details;

            return View("_FaultManagement",aFList);
        public PartialViewResult Filters(AdminFilterModel model)
            List<AdminLogModel> logList = new List<AdminLogModel>();

            foreach (Log l in new WCFFaultClient().GetLog())
                AdminLogModel logM = new AdminLogModel();
                logM.FaultID = l.FaultID;
                logM.Date = l.Date;
                logM.FaultDetails = l.Details;
                logM.Status = new WCFFaultClient().GetStatusByID(l.Status).Status1;

                Fault f = new WCFFaultClient().GetFault(l.FaultID);
                if (model.Username!= null)
                    if (f.Username == model.Username)
                else if (model.FaultID != null)
                    if (logM.FaultID==model.FaultID)
                else if (model.DateFrom != null && model.DateTo != null)
                    if (logM.Date >= model.DateFrom && logM.Date <= model.DateTo)


            return PartialView("_LogManagementFiltered", logList);
        public PartialViewResult ShowProductFaults(Guid orderID, Guid prID)
            string faultFilterStartDate = null;
            string faultFilterEndDate = null;

            if (Session["filterFaultsStartdate"] != null && Session["filterFaultsEnddate"] != null && Session["filterFaultsStartdate"].ToString() != "" && Session["filterFaultsEnddate"].ToString() != "")
                faultFilterStartDate = (string)Session["filterFaultsStartdate"];
                faultFilterEndDate = (string)Session["filterFaultsEnddate"];

               Fault f = new WCFFaultClient().GetProductFaultByOrderID(orderID, prID);
               if (f != null)
               List<Log> fLog = new WCFFaultClient().GetLogByFaultID(f.ID).ToList();
               List<ClientShowOrderFaultModel> faultLogList = new List<ClientShowOrderFaultModel>();
               if (fLog != null)
                   foreach (Log l in fLog)
                       ClientShowOrderFaultModel cl = new ClientShowOrderFaultModel();
                       cl.FaultID = l.FaultID;
                       cl.FaultDetails = l.Details;
                       cl.FaultStatus = new WCFFaultClient().GetStatusByID(l.Status).Status1;
                       cl.Date = l.Date;

                       if (faultFilterStartDate != null && faultFilterEndDate != null)
                           if (l.Date <= Convert.ToDateTime(faultFilterEndDate) && l.Date >= Convert.ToDateTime(faultFilterStartDate))

                   Session["orderIDForPrint"] = orderID;
                   Session["productIDForPrint"] = prID;

                   if (faultLogList.Count > 0)
                       return PartialView("_ShowProductFaults", faultLogList);
                       @ViewBag.CartErrorMsg = "No Fault Changes between these Dates";
                       return PartialView("_CartError");
               return PartialView("_DefaultFaultPage");
        public PartialViewResult ShowOrderDetails(Guid id)
            WCFProductClient pClient = new WCFProductClient();
            WCFCart_OrderClient oClient = new WCFCart_OrderClient();

            @ViewBag.orderID = id;

            Order cOrder = oClient.GetOrder(id);

            List<OrderProductModel> orderProductsList = new List<OrderProductModel>();

            List<Order_Product> orderProducts = oClient.GetOrderProducts(id).ToList();

            foreach (Order_Product op in orderProducts)
                Product aP = pClient.GetProductByID(op.ProductID);
                OrderProductModel opM = new OrderProductModel();

                opM.ProductID = aP.ID;
                opM.ProductName = aP.Name;
                opM.Features = aP.Features;
                opM.QtyPurchased = op.Quantity;
                opM.DatePurchased = cOrder.DateOrdered;
                opM.ExpiryDate = cOrder.DateOrdered.AddYears(2);

                Fault f = new WCFFaultClient().GetProductFaultByOrderID(id, aP.ID);
                if (f != null)
                    opM.Status = new WCFFaultClient().GetStatusByID(f.Status).Status1;

                    opM.Status = "No Faults Reported";

                Rating r = new WCFProductClient().GetRating(aP.ID, @User.Identity.Name);

                if (r != null)
                    opM.Rating = r.Rating1;
                    opM.Rating = 0;


            return PartialView("_ShowOrderDetails", orderProductsList);
        public FileResult PrintProductFaults()
            Guid orderID =(Guid)Session["orderIDForPrint"];

            Guid prID = (Guid)Session["productIDForPrint"];

            Order order = new WCFCart_OrderClient().GetOrder(orderID);
            Order_Product op = new WCFCart_OrderClient().GetOrderProduct(orderID,prID);

            Fault fault = new WCFFaultClient().GetProductFaultByOrderID(orderID, prID);
            Product p = new WCFProductClient().GetProductByID(prID);
            List<Log> logs = new WCFFaultClient().GetLogByFaultID(fault.ID).ToList(); ;

            decimal totalAmount = p.Price * op.Quantity;

               // Create a Document object
            var document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 25, 25);

            // Create a new PdfWriter object, specifying the output stream
            var output = new FileStream("C:\\Users\\Kappuna\\Documents\\GitHub\\DSAAssignment1Sit1\\MVCAssignment - Copy\\MVCAssignment\\Content\\TempReports\\" + fault.Barcode + "Report.pdf", FileMode.Create);
            var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, output);

            // Open the Document for writing

            var titleFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 18, Font.BOLD);
            var subTitleFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 14, Font.BOLD);
            var boldTableFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 12, Font.BOLD);
            var endingMessageFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 10, Font.ITALIC);
            var bodyFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 12, Font.NORMAL);

            document.Add(new Paragraph("Electros LTD", titleFont));

            document.Add(new Paragraph("Item:", subTitleFont));
            var orderInfoTable = new PdfPTable(5);
            orderInfoTable.HorizontalAlignment = 0;
            orderInfoTable.SpacingBefore = 10;
            orderInfoTable.SpacingAfter = 10;
            orderInfoTable.DefaultCell.Border = 0;
            orderInfoTable.SetWidths(new int[] { 3, 4,4,4,4});

            orderInfoTable.AddCell("Item No.");
            orderInfoTable.AddCell("Amount Purchased");
            orderInfoTable.AddCell("Date Purchased");
            orderInfoTable.AddCell("Warranty Expiry Date");

            string id = p.ID.ToString();
            id = id.Substring(0, 8);
            orderInfoTable.AddCell(string.Format("{0}", id));
            orderInfoTable.AddCell(string.Format("{0}", p.Name));
            orderInfoTable.AddCell(string.Format("{0}", totalAmount));
            orderInfoTable.AddCell(string.Format("{0}", order.DateOrdered));
            orderInfoTable.AddCell(string.Format("{0}", order.DateOrdered.AddYears(2)));


            document.Add(new Paragraph("Fault:",subTitleFont));

            var faultInfoTable = new PdfPTable(3);
            faultInfoTable.HorizontalAlignment = 0;
            faultInfoTable.SpacingBefore = 10;
            faultInfoTable.SpacingAfter = 10;
            faultInfoTable.DefaultCell.Border = 4;
            faultInfoTable.SetWidths(new int[] { 4, 4, 4 });

            //Fault Table

            faultInfoTable.AddCell("Fault Details");
            faultInfoTable.AddCell("Date Changed");

            foreach (Log l in logs)
                faultInfoTable.AddCell(string.Format("{0}", new WCFFault().GetStatusByID(l.Status).Status1));
                faultInfoTable.AddCell(string.Format("{0}", l.Date));


            // Close the Document - this saves the document contents to the output stream

            string atch = Server.MapPath("\\Content\\TempReports\\" + fault.Barcode + "Report.pdf");
            User user = new WCFUserClient().GetUser(@User.Identity.Name);
            new WCFBAFuncClient().SendEmailWithAttachment(user.Email, "Product Receipt", "Reciept for the faults of Product " + p.Name + "\nThanks For Using Electros Ltd", atch);

            return File("/Content/TempReports/"+fault.Barcode+"Report.pdf", "application/pdf");
        public JsonResult UpdateFault(string faultID, string selectedStatusID)
                Fault sF = new WCFFaultClient().GetFault(new Guid(faultID));

                sF.Status = new Guid(selectedStatusID);

                new WCFFaultClient().UpdateFault(sF);

                Log l = new Log();
                l.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                l.FaultID = sF.ID;
                l.Details = sF.Details;
                l.Date = DateTime.Now;
                l.Status = sF.Status;

                new WCFFaultClient().AddFaultToLog(l);

                User user = new WCFUserClient().GetUser(sF.Username);
                Status s = new WCFFaultClient().GetStatusByID(l.Status);
                new WCFBAFuncClient().SendEmail(user.Email, "Product Status Change", "Your Product " + sF.ProductID + " Status Has been changed to " + s.Detail);

                //MSG works commented for testing
              //  SensMsg(user.Mobile, s.Detail, sF.ProductID);

                return Json("Success");
            catch (Exception)
                return Json("Fail");
        public PartialViewResult ShowUpdateFault(AdminShowFaultModel model)
                Fault sF = new WCFFaultClient().GetFault(model.FaultID);
                sF.Details = model.FaultDetails;
                sF.Status = new Guid(model.faultEntities.Status.ToString());

                new WCFFaultClient().UpdateFault(sF);

                Log l = new Log();
                l.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
                l.FaultID = sF.ID;
                l.Details = sF.Details;
                l.Date = DateTime.Now;
                l.Status = sF.Status;

                new WCFFaultClient().AddFaultToLog(l);

                User user = new WCFUserClient().GetUser(sF.Username);
                Status s = new WCFFaultClient().GetStatusByID(l.Status);

                string imgPath = Server.MapPath("\\Content\\Images\\" + sF.Barcode + ".jpg");

            //  new WCFBAFuncClient().SendEmail(user.Email, "Product Status Change", "Your Product " + sF.Product.Name + " Status Has been changed to " + s.Status1);
                new WCFBAFuncClient().SendEmailWithAttachment(user.Email, "Product Status Change", "Your Product " + sF.Product.Name + " Status Has been changed to " + s.Status1, imgPath);

                string errS = SensMsg(user.Mobile, s.Status1, sF.Product.Name);

               if (errS == "success")
                   @ViewBag.faultUpdateStatus = "Fault Was Updated Successfully and user was alerted";
                   return PartialView("_faultUpdated");
                   @ViewBag.faultUpdateStatus = "Fault Was Updated Successfully and user was alerted but SMS was not sent";
                   return PartialView("_faultUpdated");
            catch (Exception)
                @ViewBag.faultUpdateStatus="Fault Was Not Updated";
                return PartialView("_faultUpdated");
        public PartialViewResult ShowUpdateFault(Guid faultID)
            AdminShowFaultModel af = new AdminShowFaultModel();

            af.faultEntities = new Fault();
            Fault f = new WCFFaultClient().GetFault(faultID);

            af.FaultID = f.ID;
            af.ProductName = new ProductServ.WCFProductClient().GetProductByID(f.ProductID).Name;
            af.StatusList = new SelectList(new WCFFaultClient().GetStatus(), "ID", "Status1");
            af.PreviousFault = new WCFFaultClient().GetStatusByID(f.Status).Status1;

            @ViewBag.fID = faultID;
            return PartialView("_ShowUpdateFault", af);