Example #1
        public override void OnData(Slice slice)
            var symbol = Securities[_symbol].Symbol;

            if (slice.HasData && slice.TryGetValue(symbol, out var ticks))
                foreach (var tick in ticks)
                    _vwapCalculator.Tick(tick.Price, tick.Quantity);
Example #2
        public void OnTick_ShouldCalculateAverage(decimal[] values, long[] weights, double[] expected)
            Assert.AreEqual(values.Length, weights.Length,
                            $"Length of {nameof(values)} does not match that of {nameof(weights)}");
            Assert.AreEqual(values.Length, expected.Length,
                            $"Length of {nameof(values)} does not match that of {nameof(expected)}");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, values.Length, $"Length of {nameof(values)} must not be 0");

            for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                sut.Tick(values[i], weights[i]);
                var actual = sut.Average;
                Assert.IsTrue(Utilities.ApproximatelyEquals(expected[i], actual),
                              $"Average is incorrect at step i={i}. Expected={expected[i]}, Actual={actual}");